MultiScaleImage Zoom Particular Areas - silverlight

I am trying to create a Deep Zoom based multiscale image that essentially has 2 views. Initially it will display a large map of the world. When the user click the USA the image should then zoom into the USA. Clicking an external button should zoom the image back out. Thats it. I don't want panning or additional zooming.
What I don't understand is how to define a "hit area" around the USA that zooms it in. Can anyone provided links to resources that explain how to do this... I never seem to find exactly what I am after?
Thanks in advance.

I can't remember the code exactly.
But if you generate a project with the source code in Deepzoom composer and then take a look at the source code.
Right down the bottom of the the Deepzoom code is a function for zooming into a LogicalPoint.
Convert the top left point of the image you are zooming into a logical point. Set this as your ViewportOrigin as this will put it in the top left. This post here explains the ViewportOrigin quite well. Just remember that everything is related to the Width.
You will also need to set the the ViewportWidth.
When the ViewportWidth = 1 the whole image is displayed so it will be a fraction of the total width of the image. (USA width / WorldMap Width)
Hope this makes sense.


How to add a progress bar showing the level of a person

I've looked everywhere for a tutorial for this but had no luck.
What I'm trying to do is that lets say if a person has 10/100 XP I want it to show like a image progress bar.
You can make a bar for every one XP. You show them based on what they have. There aren't implemented features for progress bars.
Ill answer my 3 year old question as this post still receives views.
I'd advise using node-canvas as it's the best way to generate a buffered image to send.
Create a canvas (follow the tutorial via the
Set the width to something of your choice (ex. 500px)
Set the height to something of your choice (ex. 20px)
Calculate the percentage of the XP (ex. 10/100 would be .1 or 10%)
Fill the canvas with a height of the canvas, along with a width of the percentage (in decimal) multiplied by the width of your canvas.
Color the canvas that you filled to your choice (Should be prior to filling)
Enjoy your image generated progress bar!

PrintScreen contents are larger than what I see

I would happily provide a screenshot of this, however the problem is the captured image, is much larger than my actual desktop.
I am completely frustrated with this as I have tried using BitBlt with the desktop hdc AND the new "Graphics" commands.
My actual desktop resolution is 1920x1080 - 1080p .
BitBlt and "Graphics" both return that my resolution is 1536x864 # 96 DPI.
A form (WinForm), Maximized, borderless, and irrelevant of scaling mode the form is set to, also shows 1536x864 # 96 DPI.
Now the image that is captured, is like it is being done from 1920x1080, but clipping the region 1536x864 as the screenshot.
If I do PrintScreen directly using Prtscn button, I get the entire image, but still it is about 1.5-2x larger than what I actually see.
What I am looking for -- is a resolution for how I can take a picture of what is on my screen in the scale/dpi/whatever is going on here that it visually looks like. I have written a screen capture program, and using a few different examples for the RubberBand form (overlay form to select a region of the screen by drawing a box), and as you can imagine, this scaling crap is causing those box captures to be offset, and the contents are zoomed.
This is very annoying -- even to explain, however I am positive that most of you are familiar with the terms I use, and also know what to expect from taking a screenshot, so my explanation above should be pretty clear as to what my problem is.
Imagine, taking a picture of a window that is 300x300, and getting the top left 150x150 of that zoomed to 300x300 completely skipping the remainder of the window. Resulting image is still 300x300, but it's not what you selected.
Now imagine, you grab a picture of your screen by the only dimensions you can get programmatically, and then put the image into a picturebox. Even though both your screen and the picturebox claim to be the same dimensions and dpi, the image in the picturebox requires scrolling even if the picturebox is maximized to fullscreen on a borderless with no borders / etc. -- again, the picture is zoomed, but how is it still reporting that it's the same size as the form XD (comparing Graphics or BitBlt dimensions with the actual form. also tried comparing picturebox contents, and still same effect)
This, is EXACTLY what the effect is that is happening. When I try to capture a region or segment of the screen. I am not sure why windows api/crl is lying about this seemingly trivial stuff, however there must be a way to accurately obtain screenshots/capture regions without this faux zoom effect -- across all resolutions.
Thank you Hans Passant for pointing me in the right direction.
To add "true" dpi scaling support to a winforms application, you can make it so by adding the following block to your manifest :
Project > Add New Item > Visual C# Items > Application Manifest File
One the file has been added, open it up and look for a line like
Whatever the "asmv" number is, (in the example above it is 1), use that to format the code:
<asmv1:windowsSettings xmlns="">
Paste the above code (changing the asmv1 to whatever version the manifest is), just above the final closing line for the ""
Also, make sure your forms are set to AutoScale to dpi (and all sub-elements).

Is there any way to make a MapPolyline have better performance on WP7

I'm currently using the Silverlight Map control for WP7, and am trying to visualize driving directions on the map. In order to highlight the route needed, I am using a MapLayer with a MapPolyline. The problem is that even with CacheMode set to BitmapCache, the MapPolyline area gets redrawn whenever the user pans or zooms the map. I've used other controls such as Ellipses or Pushpins, and with BitmapCache on, none of them redraw and give the same performance hit as MapPolyline.
Here's a quick example
<maps:Map ZoomLevel="3">
<maps:MapPolyline Name="line" Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="9">
<geo:GeoCoordinate Latitude="33" Longitude="33"/>
<geo:GeoCoordinate Latitude="36" Longitude="33"/>
<geo:GeoCoordinate Latitude="33" Longitude="36"/>
If you set App.Current.Host.Settings.EnableRedrawRegions = true; you can see the redrawing that occurs. The performance is particularly bad when you have a larger polyline and zoom in closer.
Is there anything that can be done to help? The native Bing Maps has pretty smooth route drawing, so I would think that there should be a way to solve this?
Can you explain a bit more what the problem is?
I've got an app - RunSat - in which I draw polylines with several hundred points (e.g. I just looked at a 3 hour long bike ride) and this draws fine - including during zoom operations.
I don't understand the problem - even using the sample code above. To help - are you testing on a phone or on the emulator?
As for CacheMode and BitmapCache, I'm really not sure about using these settings for the map - I don't use them in RunSat if that helps - I just leave the phone alone to work out its own GPU drawing.

How to draw shapes on top of Silverlight multiscaleimage?

There is a multiscale image with deepzoom image as a source. Now I need to allow users to draw poligons and lines on top of the multiscalimage in such a way that the shapes will follow drag and zoom to scale accordingly.
I tried to add a canvas in addition to the multiscaleimage but can't figure out how to make them stick to each other on zoom or drags.
If you have done any user shape drawing on top of deepzoom image, please share your methods.
Have you checked the Silverlight 4 Puzzle demo?
You may be able to get some "inspiration" by inspecting this app.
Follow the link to download the source:
I've done this before. Not sure if this is the preferred/optimal way, but you can add layers to your root deepzoom layer. (sorry, i forget the proper terminology).
In my case i had 4 sub layers, some of which were used to render lines and shapes, others were used to render entire maps that were loaded from a URI.

How can I stretch bitmap in WPF without smoothing pixels

I'm working on SEM image processing application, written in WPF. I have an image display control, derived from Canvas, which displays image & overlays using DrawingVisuals (one for each "layer"). It also implements Zoom & Pan using scale & translate transform, applied on DrawingVisuals.
When I zoom in the image to see individual pixels, they are displayed smooth, evidently using bilinear filtering to stretch the bitmap (no surprise, as WPF is rendered through Direct3D). However, for my use case, I would rather see individual pixels as sharp boxes, as usual in any image editor like Photoshop. That's why user of my app zooms the image -> to be able to operate on pixel level.
Is there such option in WPF (other than manually stretching the bitmap before displaying it)? I was not able to find anything.
thanks in advance,
Zbynek Vrastil
Czech Republic
Finally found an answer, with some help from Experts Exchange. Class RenderOptions defines attached property BitmapScalingMode, which can be set to NearestNeighbor. So,
RenderOptions.SetBitmapScalingMode(imageDisplay, BitmapScalingMode.NearestNeighbor);
does the trick.
Zbynek Vrastil
Hate to put a dampener on things, but if NearestNeighbor works like GDI+, then this will give you a limited success. As you increase magnification in areas of high contrast you might not get the desired results. In GDI+ you find blacks becoming blue, and whites becoming red - again I stress in areas of high contrast! If this isn't the case in WPF, think yourself lucky!
Perhaps a WCF developer could confirm that?
I've found that there are more options to consider, but I can only speak for the GDI+ Graphics class, which might be useful to someone.
Graphics graph = e.Graphics;
graph.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
graph.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.AssumeLinear;
graph.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.None;
This works for me. I think the SmoothingMode is the trick. Hope this helps someone else out there.
