WPF: How to capture selected text in a textbox embedded in ListView - wpf

I am trying to get a selected text in a TextBox embedded in a listView. This seems so easy, but I couldn't really find a elegant solution.
When I click on "Create Rule" menu item, I want to get the TextBox in which the menu item resides.
I appreciate any help! I spent way too long of my time on this...
I want to get the text in the code behind like this...
private void CreateRuleMenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
TextBox txtBox = // ???
string selectedText = txtBox.selectedText;

Thank you very much for your propmt help! It is a template control as shown below.
<GridViewColumn Header="Content">
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=record_content}" Width="800">
<MenuItem Name="CreateRuleMenuItem"
Header="Create Rule"
<MenuItem Name="DeleteRuleMenuItme"
Header="Delete Rule"

Is this a templated control? If not, you should be able to add a name tag, x:Name="txtTextbox" and then just address it directly, txtTextBox.SelectedText.
Since this is a templated control you don't have direct access via name.
So in your code-behind you could use a method like the following which will find the first Parent of the element specified of a particular type (TextBox). Place the following method into a helper class, or within your existing code:
/// <summary>
/// Finds a parent of a given item on the visual tree.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the queried item.</typeparam>
/// <param name="child">A direct or indirect child of the
/// queried item.</param>
/// <returns>The first parent item that matches the submitted
/// type parameter. If not matching item can be found, a null
/// reference is being returned.</returns>
public static T TryFindParent<T>(this DependencyObject child)
where T : DependencyObject
//get parent item
DependencyObject parentObject = GetParentObject(child);
//we've reached the end of the tree
if (parentObject == null) return null;
//check if the parent matches the type we're looking for
T parent = parentObject as T;
if (parent != null)
return parent;
//use recursion to proceed with next level
return TryFindParent<T>(parentObject);
Then you just do this code in your code event handler:
MenuItem menuItem = sender as MenuItem;
TextBox textBox = menuItem.TryFindParent<TextBox>();
string selectedText = textBox.SelectedText;
This method is helpful in many of my projects, so I create a UIHelper class that I put these types of things into...
Good Luck,

I would clearly recommand you using MVVM and databinding in this case.
I see you have a class XXX with a "record_content" property which is bound to the Text Property of the TextBox. (I think that you omitted the Mode=TwoWay Binding option to ensure that changes in the TextBox change the record_content property value)
You could add a recordContentSelectedText property, bound to the SelectedText property of your TextBox:
<TextBox [...] SelectedText="{Binding recordContentSelectedText,Mode=TwoWay}"/>
the datacontext of your TextBox is an instance of XXX which record_content contains the TextBox content.... And the ContextMenu and its items have the same DataContext!
If the property value is correctly updated by your databinding, it will be very easy:
var data = this.DataContext as XXX;
var selectedText = this.recordContentSelectedText;
It will work only if your DataContext is bound only to one TextBox in the list. Otherwise, TextBox selected text synchronization will occur as a side effect (I don't know if you understand what I mean, but it could be an issue or not, depending on the behavior you expect from your app)


How can I set the currently focussed item in a System.Windows.Controls.ListView?

I have a ListView in a user control:
<ListView ...
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=MyItemsSource}"
SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectedItem}"
SelectionMode="{Binding Path=SelectionMode}"
I have code in the viewmodel to programmatically set the SelectedItem of the ListView. This is achieved by setting the SelectedItem property in the viewmodel.
I have found that when my code sets the SelectedItem property to a particular list item, the item that has keyboard focus is not changed along with it. If I change the SelectedItem property and then press the up arrow key, the newly-selected item is the one that is above the item that was selected before (because that item still has the focus), not the item above the newly-selected item.
The chosen answer in this question suggests to use code like the following:
ListViewItem item = myListView.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(index) as ListViewItem;
However, that solution does not compile for me. I get the following error:
CS0039: Cannot convert type 'System.Windows.DependencyObject' to 'System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem' via a reference conversion, boxing conversion, unboxing conversion, wrapping conversion, or null type conversion.
I have already worked around an issue described in this question that relates to the wrong list item being used as the start point for the multi selection when the user shift-clicks, after programmatically setting the selected item. This is worked around by changing the SelectionMode before and after setting the selected item:
private MyItemType _selectedItem;
public MyItemType SelectedItem
return _selectedItem;
set // Use SetSelectedItemInternal() internally!
SetProperty(ref _selectedItem, value);
/// <summary>
/// Use this when programatically setting the SelectedItem. This method incorporates a workaround for a bug (?) in WPF
/// that causes confusing behaviour when shift-selecting items in the list after the SelectedItem is programatically changed.
/// See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11950021/wpf-listview-shift-selecting-multiple-items-wrong-start-item
/// </summary>
private void SetSelectedItemInternal(MyItemType newSelectedItem, bool scrollToNewItem = true)
SelectionMode = SelectionMode.Single;
SelectedItem = newSelectedItem;
SelectionMode = SelectionMode.Extended;
if (scrollToNewItem)
CS0039: Cannot convert type 'System.Windows.DependencyObject' to 'System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem'
You have a wrong using statement (referencing the windows forms namespace) in your code. Also, just cast to DependencyObject, as that apparently is what you list contains. You should then be able to focus that, though UI virtualization will thwart that if the new selected item is off-screen.

Selecting Current MenuItem in wpf

How can I select the currentItem in a menuitem collection. Like one would do with a listbox. I tried wrapping the collection in a collectionViewSource, However that brought be no such luck.
Thanks in advance.
The MenuBase, which ContextMenu and Menu derive from, inherits ItemsControl, which does not include the concept of SelectedItem. That's something that ListBox adds.
You do, however, have the ItemsControl.ItemTemplate. Which is awesome.
One option would be to make your ItemTemplate a ToggleButton. This gives you a couple of things. Inherently, ToggleButtons can look like they're selected using their IsChecked property. Second, they have a Command property which you can bind to a command in your ViewModel.
So, if you have something along the lines of:
<Menu ItemsSource="{Binding ThingsToBindTo}">
<conv:BindingProxy x:Key="proxy" Data="{Binding}" />
<ToggleButton Content="{Binding NameOrLabel}" CommandParameter="{Binding}" Command="{Binding Path=DataContext.SelectThingCommand, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=Menu}}" >
<Binding Mode="OneWay" Path="DataContext.SelectedThing" RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=Menu}">
<conv:ComparisonConverter CompareTo="{Binding Source={StaticResource proxy}, Path=Data}" />
So this is a little complicated.
As per normal, you're binding to a list of items. ThingsToBindTo should be whatever your list is. Then you start defining your template. NameOrLabel is whatever property you want to appear on your toggle button. The command parameter is binding to the data item that the template is wrapping around by using nothing more than "{Binding}". The command is actually on the DataContext of your Menu, which is why RelativeSource is used here.
What this is saying is you're going to pass a command the thing that was just clicked. Effectively, you're selecting the button you click. Then, your command just needs to set a SelectedThing property in your ViewModel equal to whatever Thing is passed to it. Hopefully you have implemented a class that implements ICommand to create your delegate commands. If you don't, there are a lot of articles out there on how to do it. If you don't know how, put a comment on this post and I'll add the source code to do it.
Then we have the "IsChecked" bad boy. We're actually doing a binding long-hand there. This is the more complicated piece, but it allows a DataTemplated item to actually bind to itself within a converter.
First, you need the proxy object, which is explained here:
Very simple to implement. Once it is done, the BindingProxy resource within your grid will work, and can act as an anchor back to the item bound to by the DataTemplate. The linked article explains why.
Then, you need a converter that compares two objects to each other.
public class ComparisonConverter : DependencyObject, IValueConverter
public object CompareTo
get { return (object)GetValue(CompareToProperty); }
set { SetValue(CompareToProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty CompareToProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("CompareTo", typeof(object), typeof(ComparisonConverter), new UIPropertyMetadata(null));
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
if (CompareTo != null)
return CompareTo.Equals(value);
return false;
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
throw new NotImplementedException();
So now that binding will take the selected item from the DataContext of the menu, and compare it to whatever the ToggleButton is bound to. If the two objects match, the button appears clicked/selected. If they don't match, the button doesn't look selected.
So I do happen to have that BindingProxy and my converter in the same namespace. You don't necessarily have to do that. I just usually have a namespace for "Xaml Trick" classes that I have to program.
This is a lot to digest, and I'm happy to clarify anything.
One other thing...if you don't like the "ToggleButton" look, you can always style them to look completely different. The thing that having a ToggleButton buys you is the "IsChecked" property and the Command property. You can make the ContentTemplate look like anything you want, which gives you a lot of freedom in styling your menu.
If the ListBox has its ItemsSource set to a generic list of a complex entity, using ListBox.SelectedValue will get you the currently selected data.
For example:
public partial class NameListView : Window
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
public NameListView()
List<string> names = new List<string>();
names.Add("John Doe");
names.Add("Jane Doe");
lbNameList.ItemsSource = names;
/// <summary>
/// Selection changed event handler for ListBox lbNameList
/// </summary>
void lbNameList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.AddedItems.Count > 0)
string currentValue = lbNameList.SelectedValue.ToString();
MessageBox.Show("Currently selected value: " + currentValue);
If you have a property in your contextfile ( like Codebehind file or ViewModel ) that represents the currentSelectedItem then you can write the following in your xaml :
<ListView x:Name="MyList"
SelectedItem="{Binding Path=MyCurrentSelectedItem}" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True">
Codebehind / ViewModel
public MyType MyCurrentSelectedItem { get; set; }

How to pass the selectedItem of a listbox to the View Model

This is a running question that I have updated to hopefully be a little more clear.
In short what I am trying to accomplish is pass a property from a listbox selected item to the viewmodel so that this property can be used within a new query. In the code below the Listbox inherits databinding from the parent object. The listbox contains data templates (user controls) used to render out detailed results.
The issue I am having is that within the user control I have an expander which when clicked calls a command from the ViewModel. From what I can see the Listbox object is loosing it's data context so in order for the command to be called when the expander is expanded I have to explicitly set the datacontext of the expander. Doing this seems to instantiate a new view model which resets my bound property (SelectedItemsID) to null.
Is there a way to pass the selected item from the view to the viewmodel and prevent the value from being reset to null when a button calls a command from within the templated listbox item?
I realize that both Prism and MVVMLite have workarounds for this but I am not familiar with either framework so I don't know the level of complexity in cutting either of these into my project.
Can this be accomplished outside of Prism or MVVMLite?
original post follows:
Within my project I have a listbox usercontrol which contains a custom data template.
<ListBox x:Name="ResultListBox"
ItemsSource="{Binding SearchResults[0].Results,
<dts:TypeTemplateSelector Content="{Binding}" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch">
<!-- CFS Template -->
<qr:srchCFS />
<!-- Person Template -->
<qr:srchPerson />
<!-- removed for brevity -->
SelectionChanged calls the following method from the code behind
private void ResultListBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (((ListBox)sender).SelectedItem != null)
_ViewModel.SelectedItemID = (((ListBox)sender).SelectedItem as QueryResult).ID.ToString();
this.NotifyPropertyChanged(_ViewModel.SelectedItemID);//binds to VM
Within the ViewModel I have the following property
public string SelectedItemID
return this._SelectedItemID;
if (this._SelectedItemID == value)
this._SelectedItemID = value;
the listbox template contains a custom layout with an expander control. The expander control is used to display more details related to the selected item. These details (collection) are created by making a new call to my proxy. To do this with an expander control I used the Expressions InvokeCommandAction
<toolkit:Expander Height="auto"
Header="View Details"
DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource SearchViewModelDataSource}}"
Style="{StaticResource DetailExpander}">
<i:EventTrigger EventName="Expanded">
<i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding GetCfsResultCommand}" />
Within the ViewModel the delegate command GetCFSResultCommandExecute which is called is fairly straight forward
private void GetCfsResultCommandExecute(object parameter)
long IdResult;
if (long.TryParse(SelectedItemID, out IdResult))
this.CallForServiceResults = this._DataModel.GetCFSResults(IdResult);}
The issue I am experiencing is when selecting a listbox Item the selectionchanged event fires and the property SelectedItemID is updated with the correct id from the selected item. When I click on the expander the Command is fired but the property SelectedItemID is set to null. I have traced this with Silverlight-Spy and the events are consistent with what you would expect when the expander is clicked the listbox item loses focus, the expander (toggle) gets focus and there is a LeftMouseDownEvent but I cannot see anything happening that explains why the property is being set to null. I added the same code used in the selection changed event to a LostFocus event on the listboxt item and still received the same result.
I'd appreciate any help with understanding why the public property SelectedItemID is being set to null when the expander button which is part of the listbox control is being set to null. And of course I would REALLY appreciate any help in learning how prevent the property from being set to null and retaining the bound ID.
I have attempted to remove the datacontext reference from the Expander as this was suggested to be the issue. From what I have since this is a data template item it "steps" out of the visual tree and looses reference to the datacontext of the control which is inherited from the parent object. If I attempt to set the datacontext in code for the control all bindings to properties are lost.
My next attempt was to set the datacontext for the expander control within the constructor as
private SearchViewModel _ViewModel;
public srchCFS()
this.cfsExpander.DataContext = this._ViewModel;
This approach does not seem to work as InvokeCommandAction is never fired. This command only seems to trigger if data context is set on the expander.
thanks in advance
With this line you create a new SearchViewModelDataSource using its default constructor.
DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource SearchViewModelDataSource}}"
I guess this is why you find null because this is the default value for reference type.
You can resolve the issue by setting DataContext to the same instance used to the main controll (you can do it by code after all components are initialized).
Hope this help!
I don't think that binding may be lost after setting datacontext from code. I do it every time I need to share something between two or more model.
In relation to the code you've written :
private SearchViewModel _ViewModel;
public srchCFS()
this.cfsExpander.DataContext = this._ViewModel;
Instead of using this.cfsExpander you can try to use the FindName method. Maybe this will return you the correct instance.
object item = this.FindName("expander_name");
if ((item!=null)&&(item is Expander))
Expander exp = item as Expander;
exp.DataContext = this._ViewModel;
Try if its work for you.
Of course, this._ViewModel has to expose a property of type ICommand named GetCfsResultCommand but I think this has been already done.
While this was a hacky approach I found an intermediate solution to get the listbox item value to the view model. I ended up using the selection changed event and passing the value directly to a public property wihtin my view model. Not the best approach but it resolved the issue short term
private void ResultListBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (((ListBox)sender).SelectedItem != null)
_ViewModel.SelectedItemID = (((ListBox)sender).SelectedItem as QueryResult).ID.ToString();
MySelectedValue = (((ListBox)sender).SelectedItem as QueryResult).ID.ToString();
For this to fire I did have to also setup a property changed handler within the view to push the change to the VM. You can disregard the MySelectedValue line as it is secondary code I have in place for testing.
For those intereted the generic property changed handler
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void NotifyPropertyChanged(string info)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(info));

Access DataGridCell's children from another DataGridCell?

I have a DataGridCell that contains a ComboBox.
I want, that when I fire 'SelectionChanged' event of it, a CollectionViewSource of a different column (eventually - at runtime, cell) CellEditingTemplate's Resources should be populated with data according to the selected value for this row.
Maybe DataTrigger, ActionTrigger, EventTrigger, maybe by code, XAML I don't care, I just need a solution.
Thanks a lot!
Related: Accessing control between
DataGridCells, dynamic cascading
If I understand your question right, you will fill the contents of a combobox in a cell based on the selection of a combobox in another cell that is in the same row of the DataGrid.
If yes:
First Solution (IMO the preferable)
Make a ViewModel that represents the rows data (a simple wrapper around your data object). Bind the ItemsSource-property of the destination ComboBox to a IEnumerable-property that you provide from your viewmodel.
Bind the SelectedItem from the source-ComboBox to another property of your ViewModel. Every time this source-property changes in your ViewModel, you change the contents of the list that is provided by the ViewModel.
Use for the desintation (list) property a ObservableCollection<T>. The source property is up to you.
Here is an approximately example. I call the class VM (for ViewModel) but this changes nothing on your current solution. MVVM can also be used partial.
public class DataObjectVM : DependencyObject {
public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectedCategoryProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("SelectedCategory", typeof(CategoryClass), typeof(DataObjectVM), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.BindsTwoWayByDefault,delegate (DependencyObject d,DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e){
ObservableCollection<ItemClass> _items=new ObservableCollection<ItemClass>();
void SelectedCategoryChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) {
// Change here the contents of the _items collection.
// The destination ComboBox will update as you desire
// Do not change the _items reference. Only clear, add, remove or
// rearange the collection-items
// Bind the destination ComboxBox.ItemsSource to this property
public IEnumerable<ItemClass> DestinationItems {
get {
return _items;
// Bind to this property with the source ComboBox.SelectedItem
public CategoryClass SelectedCategory {
get { return (CategoryClass)GetValue(SelectedCategoryProperty); }
set { SetValue(SelectedCategoryProperty, value); }
Add a constructor to this class that takes your data object and make some wrapper properties to the rest the properties you need to provide in the DataGrid. If they are alot, you can also make one property that provides your data object and the bind directly to it. Not nice, but it will do the job.
You also can (must) pre-initialize the SelectedCategory with data from your business object. Do this also in the constructor.
As a ItemsSource for the DataGrid you give an IEnumerable of the DataObjectVM-class that wrapps all items you want to show.
Alternative way with VisualTreeHelper
If you want to do it manual, register in the code behind a handler for the ComboBox.SelectionChangedEvent and change then the ItemsSource of the destination ComboBox manual. The business-object you will get with the EventArgs. The destination ComboBox you must search in the visual tree (Use the VisualTreeHelper). The events can be wired also if you use the DataGridTemplateColumn class and add a DataTemplate with the corresponding ComboBoxes.
But I think this is realy not very simple to do and can be error prone. The above solution is much easier.
Here is the code you propably are looking for:
private void CboSource_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) {
ComboBox cbo = (ComboBox)sender;
FrameworkElement currentFe = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(cbo) as FrameworkElement;
while (null != currentFe && !(currentFe is DataGridRow)) {
currentFe = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(currentFe) as FrameworkElement;
if (null != currentFe) {
List<ComboBox> list = new List<ComboBox>();
// Requirement 1: Find ComboBox
foreach (ComboBox cboFound in list) {
if (cboFound.Name == "PART_CboDestination") {
// This is the desired ComboBox
// Your BO is available through cbo.Found.DataContext property
// If don't like to check the name, you can also depend on the
// sequence of the cbo's because I search them in a deep search
// operation. The sequence will be fix.
List<DataGridCell> cells = new List<DataGridCell>();
// Requirement 2: Find Sibling Cell
foreach (DataGridCell cell in cells) {
// Here you have the desired cell of the other post
// Take the sibling you are interested in
// The sequence is as you expect it
DataGridTemplateColumn col=cell.Column as DataGridTemplateColumn;
DataTemplate template = col.CellTemplate;
// Through template.Resources you can access the CollectionViewSources
// if they are placed in the CellTemplate.
// Change this code if you will have an edit cell template or another
// another construction
void FindChildFrameworkElementsOfType<T>(DependencyObject parent,IList<T> list) where T: FrameworkElement{
DependencyObject child;
for(int i=0;i< VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(parent);i++){
child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(parent, i);
if (child is T) {
And this is the markup I used:
<DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Source" >
<ComboBox Name="PART_CboSource" SelectionChanged="CboSource_SelectionChanged" ItemsSource="!!YOUR ITEMS SOURCE!!" SelectedItem="{Binding Category}">
<DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Destination">
<ComboBox Name="PART_CboDestination"/>
Accessing the CollectionViewSource
To access the CollectionViewSource, put it into the resources section of the corresponding DataTemplate, not of the panel, then you will have direct access to them. IMO is this location anyway more appropriate than the resources-container of the grid.
If you dont't want to do this, check the state of the following post:
How to get logical tree of a DataTemplate

WPF Databind Before Saving

In my WPF application, I have a number of databound TextBoxes. The UpdateSourceTrigger for these bindings is LostFocus. The object is saved using the File menu. The problem I have is that it is possible to enter a new value into a TextBox, select Save from the File menu, and never persist the new value (the one visible in the TextBox) because accessing the menu does not remove focus from the TextBox. How can I fix this? Is there some way to force all the controls in a page to databind?
#palehorse: Good point. Unfortunately, I need to use LostFocus as my UpdateSourceTrigger in order to support the type of validation I want.
#dmo: I had thought of that. It seems, however, like a really inelegant solution for a relatively simple problem. Also, it requires that there be some control on the page which is is always visible to receive the focus. My application is tabbed, however, so no such control readily presents itself.
#Nidonocu: The fact that using the menu did not move focus from the TextBox confused me as well. That is, however, the behavior I am seeing. The following simple example demonstrates my problem:
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication2.Window1"
Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
<ObjectDataProvider x:Key="MyItemProvider" />
<DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
<Menu DockPanel.Dock="Top">
<MenuItem Header="File">
<MenuItem Header="Save" Click="MenuItem_Click" />
<StackPanel DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyItemProvider}}">
<Label Content="Enter some text and then File > Save:" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding ValueA}" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding ValueB}" />
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Data;
namespace WpfApplication2
public partial class Window1 : Window
public MyItem Item
get { return (FindResource("MyItemProvider") as ObjectDataProvider).ObjectInstance as MyItem; }
set { (FindResource("MyItemProvider") as ObjectDataProvider).ObjectInstance = value; }
public Window1()
Item = new MyItem();
private void MenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("At the time of saving, the values in the TextBoxes are:\n'{0}'\nand\n'{1}'", Item.ValueA, Item.ValueB));
public class MyItem
public string ValueA { get; set; }
public string ValueB { get; set; }
I found that removing the menu items that are scope depended from the FocusScope of the menu causes the textbox to lose focus correctly. I wouldn't think this applies to ALL items in Menu, but certainly for a save or validate action.
<Menu FocusManager.IsFocusScope="False" >
Assuming that there is more than one control in the tab sequence, the following solution appears to be complete and general (just cut-and-paste)...
Control currentControl = System.Windows.Input.Keyboard.FocusedElement as Control;
if (currentControl != null)
// Force focus away from the current control to update its binding source.
currentControl.MoveFocus(new TraversalRequest(FocusNavigationDirection.Next));
This is a UGLY hack but should also work
TextBox focusedTextBox = Keyboard.FocusedElement as TextBox;
if (focusedTextBox != null)
This code checks if a TextBox has focus... If 1 is found... update the binding source!
Suppose you have a TextBox in a window, and a ToolBar with a Save button in it. Assume the TextBox’s Text property is bound to a property on a business object, and the binding’s UpdateSourceTrigger property is set to the default value of LostFocus, meaning that the bound value is pushed back to the business object property when the TextBox loses input focus. Also, assume that the ToolBar’s Save button has its Command property set to ApplicationCommands.Save command.
In that situation, if you edit the TextBox and click the Save button with the mouse, there is a problem. When clicking on a Button in a ToolBar, the TextBox does not lose focus. Since the TextBox’s LostFocus event does not fire, the Text property binding does not update the source property of the business object.
Obviously you should not validate and save an object if the most recently edited value in the UI has not yet been pushed into the object. This is the exact problem Karl had worked around, by writing code in his window that manually looked for a TextBox with focus and updated the source of the data binding. His solution worked fine, but it got me thinking about a generic solution that would also be useful outside of this particular scenario. Enter CommandGroup…
Taken from Josh Smith’s CodeProject article about CommandGroup
Simple solution is update the Xaml code as shown below
<StackPanel DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyItemProvider}}">
<Label Content="Enter some text and then File > Save:" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding ValueA, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding ValueB, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
I've run into this issue and the best solution I've found was to change the focusable value of the button (or any other component such as MenuItem) to true:
<Button Focusable="True" Command="{Binding CustomSaveCommand}"/>
The reason it works, is because it forces the button to get focused before it invokes the command and therefore makes the TextBox or any other UIElement for that matter to loose their focus and raise lost focus event which invokes the binding to be changed.
In case you are using bounded command (as I was pointing to in my example), John Smith's great solution won't fit very well since you can't bind StaticExtension into bounded property (nor DP).
Have you tried setting the UpdateSourceTrigger to PropertyChanged? Alternatively, you could call the UpdateSOurce() method, but that seems like a bit overkill and defeats the purpose of TwoWay databinding.
Could you set the focus somewhere else just before saving?
You can do this by calling focus() on a UI element.
You could focus on whatever element invokes the "save". If your trigger is LostFocus then you have to move the focus somewhere. Save has the advantage that it isn't modified and would make sense to the user.
Since I noticed this issue is still a pain in the ass to solve on a very generic way, I tried various solutions.
Eventually one that worked out for me:
Whenever the need is there that UI changes must be validated and updated to its sources (Check for changes upon closeing a window, performing Save operations, ...), I call a validation function which does various things:
- make sure a focused element (like textbox, combobox, ...) loses its focus which will trigger default updatesource behavior
- validate any controls within the tree of the DependencyObject which is given to the validation function
- set focus back to the original focused element
The function itself returns true if everything is in order (validation is succesful) -> your original action (closeing with optional asking confirmation, saveing, ...) can continue. Otherwise the function will return false and your action cannot continue because there are validation errors on one or more elements (with the help of a generic ErrorTemplate on the elements).
The code (validation functionality is based on the article Detecting WPF Validation Errors):
public static class Validator
private static Dictionary<String, List<DependencyProperty>> gdicCachedDependencyProperties = new Dictionary<String, List<DependencyProperty>>();
public static Boolean IsValid(DependencyObject Parent)
// Move focus and reset it to update bindings which or otherwise not processed until losefocus
IInputElement lfocusedElement = Keyboard.FocusedElement;
if (lfocusedElement != null && lfocusedElement is UIElement)
// Move to previous AND to next InputElement (if your next InputElement is a menu, focus will not be lost -> therefor move in both directions)
(lfocusedElement as UIElement).MoveFocus(new TraversalRequest(FocusNavigationDirection.Previous));
(lfocusedElement as UIElement).MoveFocus(new TraversalRequest(FocusNavigationDirection.Next));
if (Parent as UIElement == null || (Parent as UIElement).Visibility != Visibility.Visible)
return true;
// Validate all the bindings on the parent
Boolean lblnIsValid = true;
foreach (DependencyProperty aDependencyProperty in GetAllDependencyProperties(Parent))
if (BindingOperations.IsDataBound(Parent, aDependencyProperty))
// Get the binding expression base. This way all kinds of bindings (MultiBinding, PropertyBinding, ...) can be updated
BindingExpressionBase lbindingExpressionBase = BindingOperations.GetBindingExpressionBase(Parent, aDependencyProperty);
if (lbindingExpressionBase != null)
if (lbindingExpressionBase.HasError)
lblnIsValid = false;
if (Parent is Visual || Parent is Visual3D)
// Fetch the visual children (in case of templated content, the LogicalTreeHelper will return no childs)
Int32 lintVisualChildCount = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(Parent);
for (Int32 lintVisualChildIndex = 0; lintVisualChildIndex < lintVisualChildCount; lintVisualChildIndex++)
if (!IsValid(VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(Parent, lintVisualChildIndex)))
lblnIsValid = false;
if (lfocusedElement != null)
return lblnIsValid;
public static List<DependencyProperty> GetAllDependencyProperties(DependencyObject DependencyObject)
Type ltype = DependencyObject.GetType();
if (gdicCachedDependencyProperties.ContainsKey(ltype.FullName))
return gdicCachedDependencyProperties[ltype.FullName];
List<DependencyProperty> llstDependencyProperties = new List<DependencyProperty>();
List<FieldInfo> llstFieldInfos = ltype.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static).Where(Field => Field.FieldType == typeof(DependencyProperty)).ToList();
foreach (FieldInfo aFieldInfo in llstFieldInfos)
llstDependencyProperties.Add(aFieldInfo.GetValue(null) as DependencyProperty);
gdicCachedDependencyProperties.Add(ltype.FullName, llstDependencyProperties);
return llstDependencyProperties;
The easiest way is to set the focus somewhere.
You can set the focus back immediately, but setting the focus anywhere will trigger the LostFocus-Event on any type of control and make it update its stuff:
IInputElement x = System.Windows.Input.Keyboard.FocusedElement;
Another way would be to get the focused element, get the binding element from the focused element, and trigger the update manually. An example for TextBox and ComboBox (you would need to add any control type you need to support):
TextBox t = Keyboard.FocusedElement as TextBox;
if ((t != null) && (t.GetBindingExpression(TextBox.TextProperty) != null))
ComboBox c = Keyboard.FocusedElement as ComboBox;
if ((c != null) && (c.GetBindingExpression(ComboBox.TextProperty) != null))
What do you think about this? I believe I've figured out a way to make it a bit more generic using reflection. I really didn't like the idea of maintaining a list like some of the other examples.
var currentControl = System.Windows.Input.Keyboard.FocusedElement;
if (currentControl != null)
Type type = currentControl.GetType();
if (type.GetMethod("MoveFocus") != null && type.GetMethod("Focus") != null)
type.GetMethod("MoveFocus").Invoke(currentControl, new object[] { new TraversalRequest(FocusNavigationDirection.Next) });
type.GetMethod("Focus").Invoke(currentControl, null);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Unable to handle unknown type: " + type.Name, ex);
See any problems with that?
Using BindingGroup will help to understand and mitigate this kind of problem.
Sometimes we consider to apply MVVM model against WPF data bindings.
For example, we consider about mail's subject property:
<TextBox x:Name="SubjectTextBox" Text="{Binding Subject}" />
TextBox SubjectTextBox is on side of View.
The bound property like ViewModel.Subject will belong to ViewModel.
The problem is that changes remain to View in this case.
When we close the WPF window, WPF TextBox won't loose focus on window close.
It means data binding won't perform writing back, and then changes are lost silently.
Introducing of BindingGroup helps to control whether we should apply changes: from View to ViewModel.
BindingGroup.CommitEdit(); will ensure apply changes of direction View → ViewModel
BindingGroup.CancelEdit(); will ensure to discard changes on View.
If you don't call neither, changes are lost silently!
In the following sample, we attach RibbonWindow_Closing event handler so that we can deal with this case of problem.
<R:RibbonWindow Closing="RibbonWindow_Closing" ...>
<BindingGroup />
private void RibbonWindow_Closing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) {
e.Cancel = !NeedSave();
bool NeedSave() {
if (!BindingGroup.CommitEdit()) {
// There may be validation error.
return false; // changes this to true to allow closing.
// Insert your business code to check modifications.
// return true; if Saved/DontSave/NotChanged
// return false; if Cancel
It should work.
