How can I make a ListBoxItem stretch Vertically - wpf

I would like to make a ListBox function like a Grid. Each time a new item is added it should look like a a new GridRow was added (with a height of star). So if there are two items they will each take up half of the available space. At some point the Grid row will be smaller than the items MinHeight at which point the Grid will expand and a containing ScrollViewer can kick in.
You will see this behavior with a grid inside a ScrollViewer. However, I need to get this working with a ListBox so I can just set the ItemsSource, create a DataTemplate and move on.
The problem with the default ListBox ItemsPanel is that it will not let my first item expand to fill all the available space.
Here's the code to get it working:
<ListBox VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch" Width="Auto" Height="Auto">
<UniformGrid Columns="1"></UniformGrid>

This SO post has some pretty good information that seems relevant to your post
WPF - Why Listbox items do not fill uniformgrid


How do I bind a 1D array to a 2D display (datagrid or gird) in WPF?

I'm trying to set up databinding of a usercontrol. I have an item source List, its length is 64, I want to display it in 8x8 grids instead of 1x64 list because there is not enough room to display in UI. How to do that in WPF?
If they should all be the same size, then I would recommend using a UniformGrid. Here's an example of how you would use a UniformGrid in an ItemsControl:
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="...">
<UniformGrid Rows="8" Columns="8" IsItemsHost="True"/>
You should be able to substitute ItemsControl for any of its descendants, such as ListBox.
If UniformGrid isn't exactly what you're looking for, my second suggestion would be WrapPanel. That should get you roughly the layout you want, but it wouldn't be a fixed 8x8 grid.
If neither of those panels work for you, I think the only remaining option would be to build your own.

WPF: Horizontally aligned collection with items of uniform width

I have a variable number of items bound from view model that need to be displayed horizontally and be selectable.
Each item is represented by a text, these texts vary in length. When I use a list view with a StackPanel with horizontal orientation as its ItemTemplate, the items are only as wide as the text inside.
Is there a way to make them all the same size, meaning the size of the widest one? Ideally without some complex codebehind, using item templates and such?
Note: I can't set some arbitrary minimum width, because I don't know what length the texts can ultimately have (different languages etc)
you can use ListBox which has selection support with UniformGrid as ItemsPanel. UniformGrid will allocate equal space for each element
<UniformGrid Rows="1"/>
<Label Content="{Binding}"/>

Marginal Layout panel like Windows 7 Explorer ListView

In Windows Explorer in Windows 7, items in ListView has flexible margin. So all of icons fit in region of ListView.
How can i make a panel which implemented like this? WrapPanel is most approaching that, it's not flawless - a WrapPanel doesn't fit items to it's boundaries through adjusting margin.
Try using WrapPanel as your ListView's item panel and disable the horizontal scrollbar:
<ListView ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled">
<WrapPanel Orientation="Horizontal" />
ItemTemplate specifies how each item should be rendered. It has no effect on how items are laid out. ItemsPanel, by contrast, does specify the layout.
Also, you may want all items to be displayed the same size. You can find out how to do that from this article:

Unable to get vertical scroll bars in an WPF TextBlock

I'm presenting text in a wpf TextBlock control (.Net 3.5). The content of the textblock varies depending on what the user selects in a list box. The text wraps, so I don't need an horizontal scroll bar. However, there is often more text than the amount the window can display, so I need a vertical scroll bar.
As I started searching I quickly found that the answer is to wrap the TextBlock in a ScrollViewer. However, It Does Not Work (TM) and I'm hoping someone can help me work out why.
This is the structure of the UI code:
<Window x:Class=..>
<ListBox HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"
VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="200"
SelectionChanged="listbox_changed" SelectionMode="Single">
<Button Click="Select_clicked">Select</Button>
<ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
<TextBlock Name="textblock" TextWrapping="Wrap"/>
When the user selects an item in the list box, some text associated with this item is presented in the TextBlock. I would have thought that the code as it stands should have been all that's required, but it never provides me with a scroll bar.
Searching and experimenting have given me two clues: the root of the problem might be related to me updating the content of the TextBlock dynamically, and that the TextBlock does not resize itself based on the new content. I found a posting that seemed relevant that said that by setting the Height of the TextBlock to its ActualHeight (after having changed its content), it would work. But it didn't (I can see no effect of this).
Second, if I set the height (during design time) of the ScrollViewer, then I do get a vertical scroll bar. For instance, if I set it to 300 in the xaml above, the result is almost good in that the window as first opened contains a TextBlock with a vertical scroll bar when (and only when) I need it. But if I make the window larger (resizing it with the mouse during runtime), the ScrollViewer does not exploit the new window size and instead keeps its height as per the xaml which of course won't do.
Hopefully, I've just overlooked something obvious..
Because your ScrollViewer is in a StackPanel it will be given as much vertical space as it needs to display it's content.
You would need to use a parent panel that restricts the vertical space, like DockPanel or Grid.
<ListBox DockPanel.Dock="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"
VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="200"
SelectionChanged="listbox_changed" SelectionMode="Single">
<Button DockPanel.Dock="Top" Click="Select_clicked">Select</Button>
<ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
<TextBlock Name="textblock" TextWrapping="Wrap"/>

center align contents of a listbox in silverlight

I have a list box which is of a certain fixed width. The number of items in the listbox varies. Is there a way to center the contents of the list box? The "Content Presenter" of the ListBoxItem ,centers each item inside its Template instead of centering it with respect to the entire listbox width.
Sorry about not replying earlier. The issue was with the width of the ItemsPanelTemplate which I was using in my Listbox. Earlier Width was set to 925. Changing this Width to MaxWidth worked. The code:
<ItemsPanelTemplate x:Key="ItemsPanelKey">
<Contact:AnimatedWrapPanel HorizontalAlignment="Center" MaxWidth="925">
<interpolate:BackInterpolation Amplitude=".5" Suppression=".2" EdgeBehavior="5"/>
Not sure, but sounds like what you want is a custom item template that centers each item. If I'm right, the only tricky thing is that the template has to be the same fixed width as the listbox. So if your listbox contains some object Foo and Foo.Text is a simple text property to be displayed, you could do it like so in Xaml:
<ListBox x:Name="TheListBox" Width="300">
<Grid Width="300">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Text}" HorizontalAlignment="Center" />
and the code behind contains something like:
List<Foo> ListOfFoo = new List<Foo>();
ListOfFoo.Add(new Foo(){Text="Something"});
ListOfFoo.Add(new Foo(){Text="Something Else"});
ListOfFoo.Add(new Foo(){Text="Something Completely Different"});
TheListBox.ItemsSource = ListOfFoo;
If it's more complex or you can't make it work, post some code and we'll go from there.
