WPF Focus Navigation Wrapping - wpf

Is there a way to force Focus Navigation (as controlled by the Tab key or MoveFocus method) to wrap inside a given container? I have included code which demonstrates this problem below. What is the easiest way to make Tab move focus from TextBox "Charlie" to TextBox "Able" (and visa-versa for Shift+Tab on TextBox "Able") rather than moving it to MenuItem "Alpha"?
<Window x:Class="NavWrapExample.Window1"
Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
<DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
<Menu DockPanel.Dock="Top">
<MenuItem Header="Alpha" />
<MenuItem Header="Bravo" />
<MenuItem Header="Charlie" />
<TextBox Text="Able" />
<TextBox Text="Baker" />
<TextBox Text="Charlie" />

Use the KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigation attached property, like so:
<StackPanel KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigation="Cycle">
<TextBox Text="Able" />
<TextBox Text="Baker" />
<TextBox Text="Charlie" />
Found the answer on Mark Smith's blog.

It sounds like what you want is the same behavior as toolbars: you can tab into them, but once an element within the toolbar gets keyboard focus, focus loops inside. If so, use FocusManager as follows:
<StackPanel FocusManager.IsFocusScope="True">
<!-- Controls go here... -->


WPF - issues with StackPanel

I am new to WPF and i can not figure some things out. I just started an new project and i wanted to make a StackPanel because i saw that on a tutorial. But now i've implemented the StackPanel and i get 2 errors.
The object 'Window' already has a child and cannot add 'StackPanel'. 'Window' can accept only one child. Line 9 Position 116.
The property 'Content' is set more than once.
Can someone explain to me what i am doeing wrong.
This is my code:
<Window x:Class="CheckDatabase.MainWindow"
Title="CheckDatabase" Height="350" Width="525">
<Grid Margin="10,80,10,10" >
<TextBox TextWrapping="Wrap"/>
<StackPanel Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Name="ButtonPanel" VerticalAlignment="Top">
<Button Margin="0,10,0,10">Button 1</Button>
<Button Margin="0,10,0,10">Button 2</Button>
Thanks in advance
A Window can only contain one child. However, your Window contains both a Grid and a StackPanel.
To fix this you need to put the StackPanel inside the grid (if that is the intention) or wrap both the Grid and the StackPanel inside another panel that positions the two elements in the way you want.
Some Controls like Window can only have a single child. You will have to remove the Grid or either nest another Grid arround your Grid and Stackpanel.
<Grid x:Name="outerGrid">
<Grid x:Name="innerGrid"></Grid>
<StackPanel x:Name="innerStackPanel></StackPanel>
Window is a ContentControl and hence can have only one Content. You can do the following to have the expected layout
<Window x:Class="CheckDatabase.MainWindow"
Title="CheckDatabase" Height="350" Width="525">
<Grid Margin="10,80,10,10" >
<TextBox TextWrapping="Wrap"/>
<StackPanel Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Name="ButtonPanel" VerticalAlignment="Top">
<Button Margin="0,10,0,10">Button 1</Button>
<Button Margin="0,10,0,10">Button 2</Button>

mvvm navigation treeview

i'm trying to implement a navigation menu using a treeview.
on the left panel there is a treeview and on the right panel the matched view.
since it's MVVM i'm having a difficult to switch between the correct views.
clicking on Menu1 - should display View1.xaml view
clicking on Menu2 - should display View2.xaml view
my code looks like that:
<Window x:Class="Menu.View.MainView"
Title="MainView" Height="300" Width="300">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type Views:Page1}">
<Views:Page1 />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type Views:Page2}">
<Views:Page2 />
<Grid DockPanel.Dock="Left">
<TreeViewItem Header="Menu 1" />
<TreeViewItem Header="Menu 2" />
<TreeViewItem Header="Menu 3" />
<Grid DockPanel.Dock="Right">
<Views:Page1 />
<Views:Page2 />
Page1.xaml (the view that should be visible when clicking "Menu 1")
<Label FontSize="24" FontWeight="Bold">1</Label>
Page2.xaml (the view that should be visible when clicking "Menu 2")
<Label FontSize="24" FontWeight="Bold">2</Label>
for every page i have its own ViewModel and i have the main one called MainViewModel.
how should i implement such thing in a MVVM mode ?
I think here is the mistake. You should have put your ViewModels in the DataType. so when you fill the DataContext the DataTemplate do his job. something like :
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ViewModels:Page1ViewModel}">
<Views:Page1 />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ViewModels:Page2ViewModel}">
<Views:Page2 />
instead of :
<Views:Page1 />
<Views:Page2 />
add a ContentControl and do a binding to it's content like this :
<ContentControl Content="{Binding MyViewModel}"></ContentControl>
myView is property in your MainViewViewModel (which has to implement INotifyPropertyChanged) can be like this :
object _MyView;
public object MyViewModel
return _MyView;
_MyView = value;
now, in each TreeViewItem add a Command that do update it's Content for ex :
in your MainViewViewModel add CallView1Command property and implement it (see how dealing with commands)
so in Command's excute method you can update MyViewModel according to the View you want to show.
I recommend using Unity to instanciate ViewModels.
Not very well explained, but, Hope it helps anyway

Focus and TabIndex on UserControls

I have a strange behaviour:
I have a MainWindow containing textboxes and (simple) usercontrols (textbox and button), but I stripped this to only a textbox for debug purposes.
When I use textboxes and usercontrols WITHOUT setting a TabIndex property the cursor steps through the controls in right order (in the order the controls are added to the window)
When I use textboxes and usercontrols WITH setting a TabIndex property the cursor steps through the controls in invalid order (first all usercontrols, then all textboxes), this is also true when the TabIndex is set to value corresponding to the order in which the control was added
Here is my usercontrol
<UserControl x:Class="SmallControl"
<TextBox x:Name="txTEXT" Text="{Binding Text}" />
The following Mainwindow xaml leads to order 000000,111111,222222,333333 ,thats ok
<GroupBox Header="Small,Textbox,Small,TextBox without TabIndex">
<UniformGrid Columns="4">
<local:SmallControl Text="000000" />
<TextBox Text="111111" />
<local:SmallControl Text="222222" />
<TextBox Text="333333" />
The following Mainwindow xaml leads to order 000000,222222,111111,333333, thats NOT ok
<GroupBox Header="Small,Textbox,Small,TextBox with TabIndex">
<UniformGrid Columns="4">
<local:SmallControl TabIndex="0" Text="000000" />
<TextBox TabIndex="1" Text="111111" />
<local:SmallControl TabIndex="2" Text="222222" />
<TextBox TabIndex="3" Text="333333" />
Is there a way to use TabIndex without beeing forced to add controls in the "right" order in XAML?
By default, WPF reads all the controls, both inside and outside UserControls, at the same tab level (unless specified otherwise). Since the controls inside the UserControl do not have a TabIndex specified, they get tabbed to last after the first tab cycle.
To change this behavior I usually set IsTabStop="False" on my UserControl definition, then I bind the inner controls TabIndex to the UserControl's TabIndex
UserControl XAML
<TextBox x:Name="txTEXT" Text="{Binding Text}"
TabIndex="{Binding Path=TabIndex, RelativeSource={RelativeSource
AncestorType={x:Type local:SearchView}}}"/>
Usage XAML
<GroupBox Header="Small,Textbox,Small,TextBox with TabIndex">
<UniformGrid Columns="4">
<local:SmallControl TabIndex="0" Text="000000" IsTabStop="False" />
<TextBox TabIndex="1" Text="111111" />
<local:SmallControl TabIndex="2" Text="222222" IsTabStop="False" />
<TextBox TabIndex="3" Text="333333" />
You might also be able to get it tabbing correctly by setting the KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigation attached property on your UserControl to Local. I seem to recall having issues with this, but I honestly can't remember the details, so it might work.
<UserControl x:Class="SmallControl" ...
KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigation="Local" />

WPF Menu: Wrap items

I'm working on a WPF control that gets placed inside a TabControl in another window, and I have a menu that stretches across the top of my custom control with the letters of the alphabet as such (for indexing purposes):
<UserControl x:Class="thispageclass"
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
<Menu Name="mnu">
<MenuItem Header="A" />
<MenuItem Header="B" />
<MenuItem Header="C" />
<MenuItem Header="Y" />
<MenuItem Header="Z" />
[other elements]
If all the letters are present, the menu gets wider than the window so you can't see the last few items without making the window wider. It seems like it should be trivial to make the menu wrap around if the window is too small but I can't seem to figure out how.
Just override the ItemsPanel of your Menu to a WrapPanel
I created my own minimal sample which worked, leading me to figuring out it was my custom styles that were messing up my menu.

Binding to a data template control property

Is it possible to bind something to a property of a control in a data template entirely in XAML? The following code is a simplified version of the problem I'm running into. I'd like the text of the TextBlock (displayName) to be updated as the user types in the TextBox located in the DataTemplate.
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication4.Window1"
Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type WpfApplication4:Foo}">
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Name}" />
<WpfApplication4:Foo x:Key="testObject" Name="This is a test" />
<TextBlock x:Name="displayName" Margin="5" />
<ContentControl x:Name="contentControl" Margin="5" Content="{StaticResource testObject}" />
No, at least, not from XAML. You could write code to traverse the visual tree and find the element you want to bind to, but that would be nasty.
But in your particular example, would it not make sense to just bind the TextBlock to the same data object (Foo instance)?
