WPF. How to show only part of big canvas? - wpf

Lets say I have a canvas defined to be 1000x1000 big. Is it possible to only show a 100x100 part of it in a Viewbox(or a rectangel)?
Any help is apreciated.....

If you work with Brushes, you might want to take a look at Viewbox and Viewport in WPF
Edit: I just realised that Viewbox and Viewport are used for Brushes
This is not really appropiate in your situation. I looked it up, and I think you will like the Clip property on UIElement.
Since Canvas is also a UIElement, you can use the Clip property to simulate a viewport on your Canvas..
Click here for some simple Geometry types
I think you would suffice with a RectangleGeometry
<RectangleGeometry Rect="50,50,25,25" />
Edit #2:
Hehe ok.. if you want your total Canvas displayed, only smaller, perheps you should take a look and LayoutTransform. Then use a ScaleTranform to resize your Canvas ;).
<ScaleTransform CenterX="0" CenterY="0" ScaleX="0.5" ScaleY="0.5" />
Tweak the parameters until you receive the desired effect ;)


XAML Border vs Rectangle

I want to get a window like this
How should i get this and i am confused between Border and Rectangle in XAML.
Border is a container control aos its use is pretty simple to get, what is the use of ractangle as it can't contain any control in it.
Kindly help
Neither Border nor Rectangle will achieve this, you probably need a Path or something similar.
I would like to answer your last question
What is the use of ractangle as it can't contain any control in it.
Yes it can't contain any controls, but you can always draw it in the background
The user will propably don't see any difference. Why having two different Controls for that? Not sure, but my guess is that a Border is a shortcut to have a rectangle around a control, there might be more behind it, but thats how i see it. Also a Rectangle is a Shape, and it makes sense to have a Rectangle besides an Ellipse, Line etc.
You can draw a plygon as follow:
Points="100 50, 100 150,250 150, 250 75, 225 50"
<SolidColorBrush Color="White"/>
Here you can find some other interesting example
This path is like your shape, if you use Expression Blend you can draw it into the editor.
<Path Data="M20.5,0.5 L153.81876,0.5 194.5,41.181242 194.5,103.5 C194.5,114.54569 185.5457,123.5 174.5,123.5 L20.5,123.5 C9.4543047,123.5 0.5,114.54569 0.5,103.5 L0.5,20.500004 C0.5,9.4543067 9.4543047,0.50000197 20.5,0.5 z" Fill="#FFF4F4F5" Stretch="Fill" Stroke="Black" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="124" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="195"/>

How to do Silverlight overlay element

I am starting to learn SL...
I am trying to make a MediaElement of size X, and on the bottom of the movie frame some subtitles that will run.
I was unable to understand if I need absolute position or something else.
Please advice
If you need to us it as a subtitle you just need to put your TextBlock under the MediaElement on your Grid and need to give VerticalAllignment property as bottom on XAML. And it will be over it. Like this;
<TextBlock VerticalAllignment="Bottom"/>
You may refer Grid Layout as relative positioning if you're new to silverlight. And can give a margin to your textblock or anything you want just take a look at the intellisense (if using VS) and you'll understand, if you're using expression blend it'll be a lot easier with UI.
If you want to use absolute positioning you'll need to use Canvas instead of Grid Layout, its the same and you can change anything to canvas with nearly no problem. In canvas, you need to use left and right properties instead of allignments. Like this;
<TextBlock Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="400"/>
Another option is stackpanel its not really suitable for LayoutRoot, but its pretty nice for controls. So if you want your subtitles to stay under your movie you should use StackPanel like this;
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
So to sum up;
-If you want your subtitles to be on top of your movie use grid like the first example,
-If you have a fixed size and you want to place your subtitles anywhere you want use Canvas,
-And if you want to put your subtitles under your movie use StackPanel.
-My personal choice would be grid. =)
For more information you may check this article it seems like a nice one!
Happy coding!!
The TextBlock will overlay (within a Grid layout) the MediaElement simply because it is declared after the MediaElement. VerticalAlignment="Bottom" will place it at the bottom of the Grid. You might want to set the Grid's width and height (instead of the MediaElement) that of the size of the video. The MediaElement will auto size to stretch the full size of the grid.
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Width="480" Height="320">
<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" VerticalAlignment="Bottom"/>

How to change x,y origin of canvas to bottom left and flip the y coordinates?

I have a bunch of data points that I would like to two-way bind to points on a canvas.
The points assume larger y values are reflected in an upwards direction like most math graphs.
How do I change the x,y origin of the canvas to the bottom left corner and reverse it's interpretation of the y coordinate?
(I would like to stay in XAML)
<ScaleTransform ScaleX="1" ScaleY="-1" CenterX=".5" CenterY=".5" />
I tried the ScaleTransform method extensively: It does not work. It only shifts one of the 2 coordinates, never both. This, however, works as advertised:
<Canvas Name="myCanvas" Width="0" Height="0" RenderTransform="1 0 0 -1 0 0"
HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" >
If you use databinding you can use a TypeConvertor, but for that you have to go outside the XAML and you need to know the size of the canvas beforehand.
I'd probably create a custom panel instead of using Canvas and give it the attached properties that make sense for your needs. Here is an example of implementing a custom panel:
Something like Canvas is very simple since you don't have to do much in the measure and arrange overrides.
You may also be able to inherit from Canvas and override ArrangeOverride, I haven't tried that but it may work.

Round window playing movie using WPF

Is it possible with WPF to create a window that has the shape of a circle and uses a playing movie as the background?
To make a non-rectangular window, you need to first do three things.
Set Window.WindowStyle to WindowStyle.None
Set Window.AllowsTransparency to True
Set Window.Background to Transparent (or {x:Null})
Now, your window is completely transparent. You can use the other tips in this thread to paint a piece of media onto the window's geometry.
You should just need to throw something like this in your xaml:
<Ellipse Height="80" Width="80">
<VisualBrush TileMode="None">
<MediaElement Source="myMovie.wmv" />
Actually making the window round would be more difficult. Have a look at this if you want the window to be round, it should help figure that part out.
Don't use AllowsTransparency, it has very poor performance and a lot of compatibility problems, go to this link for alternatives:
EDIT: there is an example there how to use SetWindowRgn to get rounded corners for a rectangular windows, if you pass an ellipse region instead of a rounded-rect region you will get an elliptic window, it's easy to create a region for any shape you can imagine.
you can have a canvas as your parent container (set to transparent) then add a circle with a media brush as it's background. that should do it. :)

What's the best way to display a video with rounded corners in Silverlight?

The MediaElement doesn't support rounded corners (radiusx, radiusy). Should I use a VideoBrush on a Rectangle with rounded corners?
Yeah - In a way you're both asking and answering the question yourself... But that is one of the two options I can think of. The reasons that might be a problem is that you lose some of the features/control you get from the MediaElement control. Another option is to do this:
Add your MediaElement to your page.
Draw a Rectangle on top of it and set wanted corner radius
Right click the rectangle in Blend and choose "Create Clipping Path"
Apply the clipping path to your MediaElement
That way you're still using a MediaElement control, but you can "clip" away what ever you want to get the desired rounded effect.
This example shows a clipped MediaElement. I know it's not easy to picture the vector path, but if you open it open in Blend you will see a rounded MediaElement.
Height="132" Width="176" Source="Egypt2007.wmv"
Clip="M0.5,24.5 C0.5,11.245166 11.245166,0.5 24.5,0.5 L151.5,0.5
C164.75484,0.5 175.5,11.245166 175.5,24.5 L175.5,107.5 C175.5,
120.75484 164.75484,131.5 151.5,131.5 L24.5,131.5 C11.245166,
131.5 0.5,120.75484 0.5,107.5 z"/>
Using a rounded rectangle and a VideoBrush doesn't lose you any features/control over using a displayed MediaElement - since the element has to be in the Xaml anyway, you can control it using the usual Play/Pause/Stop methods, except that the playback happens in your rectangle. Using a clip region is a little unwieldy because it's harder to resize the region. A Rectangle is better because you have flexibility of layout.
<MediaElement x:Name="myElement" Source="clip.wmv" Visibility="Collapsed"/>
<Rectangle RadiusX="10" RadiusY="10" Width="640" Height="480">
<VideoBrush Source="myElement" Stretch="Uniform"/>
The clip path with give you "hard" edges - you could also use an OpacityMask as well (though I imagine this requires much more processing power).
Try this
<Border CornerRadius="8" BorderBrush="Black" Background="Black" BorderThickness="3">
<MediaElement HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" Stretch="Fill" x:Name="Player" Source="/Assets/Videos/x.mp3" />
