Django models generic modelling - database

Say, there is a Page that has many blocks associated with it. And each block needs custom rendering, saving and data.
Simplest it is, from the code point of view, to define different classes (hence, models) for each of these models. Simplified as follows:
class Page(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=64)
class Block(models.Model):
page = models.ForeignKey(Page)
class Meta():
abstract = True
class BlockType1(Block):
other_data = models.CharField(max_length=32)
def render(self):
"""Some "stuff" here """
class BlockType2(Block):
other_data2 = models.CharField(max_length=32)
def render(self):
"""Some "other stuff" here """
But then,
Even with this code, I can't do a query like page.block_set.all() to obtain all the different blocks, irrespective of the block type.
The reason for the above is that, each model defines a different table; Working around to accomplish it using a linking model and generic foreign keys, can solve the problem, but it still leaves multiple database tables queries per page.
What would be the right way to model it? Can the generic foreign keys (or something else) be used in some way, to store the data preferably in the same database table, yet achieve inheritance paradigms.
My point was, How can I still get the OOP paradigms to work. Using a same method with so many ifs is not what I wanted to do.
The best solution, seems to me, is to create separate standard python class (Preferably in a different, that defines a save which saves the data and its "type" by instantiating the same model. Then create a template tag and a filter that calls the render, save, and other methods based on the model's type.

Don't model the page in the database. Pages are a presentation thing.
First -- and foremost -- get the data right.
"And each block needs custom rendering, saving and data." Break this down: you have unique data. Ignore the "block" and "rendering" from a model perspective. Just define the data without regard to presentation.
Seriously. Just define the data in the model without any consideration of presentation or rending or anything else. Get the data model right.
If you confuse the model and the presentation, you'll never get anything to work well. And if you do get it to work, you'll never be able to extend or reuse it.
Second -- only after the data model is right -- you can turn to presentation.
Your "blocks" may be done simply with HTML <div> tags and a style sheet. Try that first.
After all, the model works and is very simple. This is just HTML and CSS, separate from the model.
Your "blocks" may require custom template tags to create more complex, conditional HTML. Try that second.
Your "blocks" may -- in an extreme case -- be so complex that you have to write a specialized view function to transform several objects into HTML. This is very, very rare. You should not do this until you are sure that you can't do this with template tags.
"query different external data sources"
"separate simple classes (not Models) that have a save method, that write to the same database table."
You have three completely different, unrelated, separate things.
Model. The persistent model. With the save() method. These do very, very little.
They have attributes and a few methods. No "query different external data sources". No "rendering in HTML".
External Data Sources. These are ordinary Python classes that acquire data.
These objects (1) get external data and (2) create Model objects. And nothing else. No "persistence". No "rendering in HTML".
Presentation. These are ordinary Django templates that present the Model objects. No external query. No persistence.

I just finished a prototype of system that has this problem in spades: a base Product class and about 200 detail classes that vary wildly. There are many situations where we are doing general queries against Product, but then want to to deal with the subclass-specific details during rendering. E.g. get all Products from Vendor X, but display with slightly different templates for each group from a specific subclass.
I added hidden fields for a GenericForeignKey to the base class and it auto-fills the content_type & object_id of the child class at save() time. When we have a generic Product object we can say obj = prod.detail and then work directly with the subclass object. Took about 20 lines of code and it works great.
The one gotcha we ran into during testing was that dumpdata followed by loaddata kept throwing Integrity Errors. Turns out this is a well-known problem and a fix is expected in the 1.2 release. We work around it by using mysql commands to dump/reload the test dataset.


How do i model multiple photos (for a Hotel) with

I am new to Currently i am trying to use it as our internal data model for imports as it offers a good "common ground" for all source systems.
The Hotel schema ( offers a "photo" (singular) property, it inherits from Place. It used to have a "photos" (plural) property in the past.
When using for markup, this would not matter, as i can just mark up multiple elements as "photo".
However, when using it as a data class, how should i model it?
Should i just make it an array of Photograph?
If yes, does actually assume on ANY property that it may be multiple (amenityFeature, availableLanguage, etc. suspiciously look like that)?
Does that mean, i have to actually model every property as an array?
After some additional research i have to assume is not meant as a full data model. It is mostly about providing a common vocabulary and a hierarchy of information. Its primary use case seems to be markup, so types definitions are very vague since they have to work on content that is actually meant to be presented to a user. So i will have to specify my own schema and let my decisions and my naming be guided by

Using of graphql service within desktop application that "follows" MVVM and DDD

We have a WPF desktop application that uses MVVM pattern and DDD (well, let's say that at least my model classes that store data named by entities taken from the real world). APP uses several microservices through REST API. And it worked perfectly. Until we thought that it's time to use some facade for back-end part to unite all those microservices and get only data that we need for particular screen.
BUT. The question is, how to make them live together.
On the one hand, we have dynamically returned data from graphql. It
means that, for example, if we have list of people on the one screen,
we will request id, name, surname and role of the person. On the
different screen for dropdown of people we will request the same data
but without role.
On the other hand we have class Person that has static set of fields Name, Surname, Role and Id, which person has in "real life"
If we use the same Person class with graphql, converting data from JSON to model Person, both screens will work fine, but behind the scene one screen that doesn't need Role wouldn't request it from graphQL. And we will have a situation when model class Person will have field Role but it will be just empty (which is i believe is kind of smells. At least I don't feel like it would be easy to maintain such a code. Developer needs to add some information to the screen, opens model, sees that Role is there, bind the field to the screen and goes to drink cofee. And then oops, there is the fields but there was no data assigned ).
Two variants I have on my mind are:
either to not use models and DDD and map data directly to ViewModel
(which personally feels like ruining everything we had before).
or we map that dynamic data to our existing models and different field for different screens (for the same class Person e.g.) will be
empty (because not requested).
Maybe somebody has already used such a combination. How do you use it and what pros and cons are?
It's a fairly common situation where you have a data layer returns many columns but only some are used in a given view.
There is no absolute "best" solution independent of how much impact the full set of columns will have on performance. Which might in turn be linked to things like caching.
You could write services that return subsets of data and then you only use the necessary bandwidth. Sort of a CQRS pattern but with maybe more models than just read + write.
Often this is unnecessary and the complications introduced do not compensate for the increased cost of maintenance.
What is often done is just to map from model to viewmodel (and back). The viewmodel that needs just 4 columns just has 4 properties and any more returned by the model are not copied. The viewmodel that needs 5 has 5 properties and they are copied from the model.

Does extensive use of ndb models affect performance?

I'm new to GAE and I'm still trying to figure things out. We're developing an Android app which uses Cloud Datastore to store images, videos, text, audios, etc. So we have now over 15 types of content objects.
I've been modelling each type of object as a distinct ndb Model class, but I'm wondering if this kind of design could affect performance.
Specifically, wouldn't it be better to write a simple class (e.g ContentObject) which simply had a content_type, and a few generic fields as string, number and blob?
I guess I'd go for the latter if I had to worry about creating/maintaining tables (or simply knowing that there are regular db tables behind).
I really like the first option, but I had to ask, just in case.
There are no performance differences to worry about between the 2 approaches.
With dedicated models you'll have to write a bit more code - each model needs to be handled separately. But it's simpler code, especially if eventually you will have some properties which only exist for some entities or are handled differently, which would require conditional logic with a generic model.
Building queries is also simpler with dedicated models if there are property differences, using a single model may require filling in unused properties (maybe by using default values) if they are used for sorting/filtering query results (entities with missing properties aren't indexed by the respective properties so they won't show up in the results).
On the other hand you'll need separate queries for each model, you can't obtain results for different kinds in the same query. And you'll need to maintain separate composite indexes for each kind (with a total limit of 200 such indexes per application).
If you're worrying about code duplication, which could also be a reason for which you'd consider a shared model, it's also possible to combine the common properties in a single ndb model class, with a single/common implementation for handling those common properties, and inherit that class in dedicated subclasses handling the differences. Something like this:
class Content(ndb.Model):
type = ndb.StringProperty() # not really needed, cls._get_kind() can be used instead
blob = ndb.StringProperty()
# other generic/common content properties and related methods
class Video(Content):
has_cc = ndb.BooleanProperty()
# other video-specific content properties and related methods
But this is just an implementation approach, from the datastore perspective you're still using dedicated models - in the above example a video entity will have a Video kind, not a Content kind.
There are no tables with the datastore, the only thing shared between entities of the same kind is their ndb model (which is specific just for the more performant ndb client library, other client libraries don't have one) and the search indexes definitions.

backbone can a collection contain model objects of different classes?

I am just beginning to use backbone.js for a new crash project. My app has a dynamic (data-driven) user menu. Each menu option is a set of graphs/small tables, of mixed types. For example, a Sales Overview menu option can have a page with 2 pie chart objects, 2 line charts, a bar chart, and so on. I don't know up front what the menu options are going to be, nor what each menu option will entail.
I am considering defining a bunch of generic model "classes" by extending Backbone.Model - PieModel, BarModel, DispersionModel, etc. And corresponding View classes that can render an object of a type - PieView, LineView, and so on. Then I can assemble a page by putting these together as defined by the dynamic configuration. Each model instance's data url can be easily generated on the fly, via the dynamic configuration..
My first concern was if Backbone supports a Collection of mixed Model types. This is instigated by presence of a "model" property for a Collection - does it assume homogeneity? But it also says a collection can hold an ordered set of models.... model attribute can be polymorphic... a method to get "models" held in the collection. Should I be reading this as "model objects"?
A "page" to me really is a collection of such objects. I would like to create a Collection on the fly and populate it with instances of different model types. And then render this through a View. Or, create a View with an array of various model objects and render the View, bypassing the Collection all together.
I will appreciate your inputs on the design I have outlined, and good reference on backbone, and clarity on how to deploy a Collection in mixed model cases? Perhaps there is a different, smarter way to handle such scenarios...
Collections only really use their model attribute when passing plain objects into its adder functions (e.g. add, push). If you take a look at the source, each adder function passes the input through _prepareModel, which checks if the input is an instance of a Backbone.Model. If it's not, it tries to instantiate a new model using the collection's model, otherwise it just returns the input untouched.
So as long as you're always adding real Model objects to your collections you should be fine using different types.
However, if you're planning to use aggregate functions that act on model attributes (e.g. pluck) you may run into errors when the function tries to get at an attribute that doesn't exist in one type of model (though most of the time I think it would just silently fail, which might be what you want).
I am not sure if I have 100% properly understood your scenario, however, I am not convinced you are thinking about this in the right way...
In my opinion, your models should contain the data, and views should represent them. As such, in a sales context you might have a SalesData model which could be displayed in PieView, BarView or TableView. Try to completely separate display logic from data - the type of chart falls under display logic in my opinion.
With the above approach, each page would then contain a set of different views, which you could potentially contain in a master view if you felt the need. Each view would have its own model (or collection depending on how you structure the data), which you can then update/manipulate using the normal Backbone methods.
As far as I know it is not possible for a collection to have different types of models contained within it, but even if it was, I would probably not recommend it as it would complicate the code a lot.
In terms of learning resources, here are a couple:
Learn Backbone JS compeltely -- - this one is very thorough but will take some time to get through.
Backbone patterns - much quicker to get you in the right frame of mind.

django templates in model logic

I wish to generate automated messages that are associated with a finite (>20, < 100) number of types:
class Message(models.Model):
('MEETING', 'Meeting Reminder'),
('STATUS', 'Status Change Reminder'),
message = models.CharField(max_length=100)
msg_type = models.CharField(max_length=10, choices=MSG_CHOICES)
The actual message of each will depend on the type and arguments I must feed it at some point. For example, a 'MEETING' message will basically be:
"Hi, you have a meeting at %s with %s." % (time, person_to_meet)
while a 'STATUS' message will be something like
"Hi, this is a reminder that you changed your %s status to %s." % (status_type, new_status)
Now, the complexity here is that we have to render the message differently for the different types. Here's my attempt at brainstorming some different approaches:
revamp the model to have a base message model and a derived one for each, with its own type of constructor, saving the "string templates" inside the constructors for each model. This fits the pattern of separating models with different logic (and I'd usually do this for a model of different "types"), but feels clunky because besides the logic of creating the messages, these guys are basically the same. The only difference in logic comes from creating the messages themselves, and it seems like a waste to split just because of it.
keep the model as is, create class methods in the code to make a factory for each type, saving the "string templates" inside the class (or even inside the database). This is the easiest, but it feels dirty.
this is the creative/crazy one (hence the title): keep the model as is, and save the string templates as actual template files. In the constructors, use the Django template library to render those files and return the strings. This seems good because it separates out hard-coded data from code-logic, but it feels wonky since I'm using templates at two different levels of the code (one for making models and one for the views). It "feels" wrong but I can't really pinpoint why.
So the main questions:
What is the best-practice for this situation? Is it one of these or is it some other approach?
is there a "model" example of this practice somewhere? I feel lots of systems generate automated alerts/messages, so if one has particularly good code I'd like to look at it.
IMHO, you shouldn't be storing the message in the db at all. You are storing the msg_type. That should really be enough. Your logic to display the information to the user (via the template) should handle this. This would allow you to localize the message if you needed to at some point in the future based on the Accept-Language header. In my experience, it's a bad idea to store user messages in the db. And, at least to my way of thinking, it's not really true business logic. It seems to belong in the UI layer. Ok. Just my opinion on it. This question is pretty old. I would be curious to read what you ultimately ended up doing here.
