Hide Store Procedures - sql-server

Is there any way that we can Hide Store Procedures in SQL Server from users?

For SQL Server 2005 and above, don't give them permissions. Then, "Metadata visibility" means it's not visible and not runnable. It makes no sense to want to hide them but give them permissions.
Note: db_owners and syadmins will always see them.
Otherwise your only option is to encrypt the stored procedure as mentioned (which is easily defeated using free tools).

You can encrypt the text of the stored procedure, if that is what you mean.
FROM my_table
The encryption is not unbreakable, but at least it is a first line of defence.


How do I execute a SQL Server stored procedure from Informatica Developer (10.1, not Power Center)

I am trying to execute (call) a SQL Server stored procedure from Infa Developer, I created a mapping (new mapping from SQL Query). I am trying to pass it runtime variables from the previous mapping task in order to log these to a SQL Server table (the stored procedure does an INSERT). It generated the following T-SQL query:
?RETURN_VALUE? = call usp_TempTestInsertINFARunTimeParams (?Workflow_Name?, ?Instance_Id?, ?StartTime?, ?EndTime?, ?SourceRows?, ?TargetRows?)
However, it does not validate, the validation log states 'the mapping must have a source' and '... must have a target'. I have a feeling I'm doing this completely wrong. And: this is not Power Center (no sessions, as far as I can tell).
Any help is appreciated! Thanks
Now with the comments I can confirm and answer your question:
Yes, Soure and Target transformations in Informatica are mandatory elements of the mapping. It will not be a valid mapping without them. Let me try to explain a bit more.
The whole concept of ETL tool is to Extract data from the Source, do all the needed Transformations outside the database and Load the data to required Target. It is possible - and quite often necessary - to invoke Stored Procedures before or after the data load. Sometimes even use the exisitng Stored Procedures as part of the dataload. However, from ETL perspective, this is the additional feature. ETL tool - here Informatica being a perfect example - is not meant to be a tool for invoking SPs. This reminds me a question any T-SQL developer asks with his first PL-SQL query: what in the world is this DUAL? Why do I need 'from dual' if I just want to do some calculation like SELECT 123*456? That is the theory.
Now in real world it happens quite often that you NEED to invoke a stored procedure. And that it is the ONLY thing you need to do. Then you do use the DUAL ;) Which in PowerCenter world means you use DUAL as the Source (or actually any table you know that exists in the source system), you put 1=2 in the Source Filter property (or put the Filter Transforation in the mapping with FALSE as the condition), link just one port with the target. Next, you put the Stored Procedure call as Pre- or Post-SQL property on your source or target - depending on where you actually want to run it.
Odd? Well - the odd part is where you want to use the ETL tool as a trigger, not the ETL tool ;)

SQL - How to check if altering a table will break any stored procedures

Is there a nice way before I alter a table (e.g. remove a column), to see if that this will break any stored procedures?
I am trying to do this in MS SQL Server
Use the query here to search all stored procedures for the table and column name. You will probably still want to look at the code for each one you find to verify that it will or won't break.
you can use the following query to search for the table name in any stored procedures:
FROM sys.procedures
WHERE Object_definition(object_id) LIKE '%Your_Table_Name%'
I suggest you:
Make sure you have a separate environment (DEV)
Use the sample code from here to create a proc that confirms all objects in the database can be recompiled
How to Check all stored procedure is ok in sql server?
Use it - I can guarantee you will already have failing objects before you remove your column
Remove your column and use it again to see if more things broke
The more mature approach to this is to put your database into a database project and build that. But you can't do this until your database is valid.

Is one way of stating tables in a query more 'optimal' than another?

Edit: I'm aware that SELECT * is bad practice, but it's used here just to focus the example SQL on the table statement rather than the rest of the query. Mentally exchange it for some column names if you prefer.
Given a database server MyServer (which we are presently connected to in SSMS), with several databases MyDb1, MyDb2, MyDb3 etc and default schema dbo, are any of the following equivilant queries (they will all return exactly the same result set) more "optimal" than the others?
SELECT * FROM MyServer.MyDb1.dbo.MyTable
I was told that this method (explicitly providing the full database name including server name) treats MyServer as a linked server and causes the query to run slower. Is this true?
SELECT * FROM MyDb1.dbo.MyTable
The server name isn't required as we're already connected to it, but would this run 'faster' than the above?
SELECT * FROM dbo.MyTable
State the database we're using initially. I can't imagine that this is any better than the previous for a single query, but would it be more optimal for subsequent queries on the same database (ie, if we had more SELECT statements in the same format below this)?
As above, but omitting the default schema. I don't think this makes any difference. Does it?
SQL Server will always look for the objects you sepcify within the current "Context" if you do not specify a fully qualified name.
Is one faster than the other, sure, the same as a file name on your hard drive of "This is a really long name for a file but at long as it is under 254 it is ok.txt" will take up more hard-drive (toc) space than "x.txt". Will you ever notice it, no!
As far as the "USE" keyword, this just sets the context for you, so you dont have to fully qualify object names. The "USE" keyword is NOT sql, you cannot use in in another application (like a vb/c# app) or within a stored procedure but it is like the "GO" keyword in that it tells SSMS to do something, change the context.

How to add Stored Procedures to Version Control

Our team just experienced for the first time the hassle of not having version control for our DB. How can we add stored procedures at the very least to version control? The current system we're developing relies on SPs mainly.
Background: I develop a system that has almost 2000 stored procedures.
The critical thing I have found is to treat the database as an application. You would never open an EXE with a hex editor directly and edit it. The same with a database; just because you can edit the stored procedures from the database does not mean you should.
Treat the copy of the stored procedure in source control as the current version. It is your source code. Check it out, edit it, test it, install it, and check it back in. The next time it has to be changed, follow the same procedure. Just as an application requires a build and deploy process, so should the stored procedures.
The code below is a good stored procedure template for this process. It handles both cases of an update (ALTER) or new install (CREATE).
FROM sysobjects
WHERE name = 'MyProc' AND type = 'P' AND uid = '1')
However following sample is better in situations where you control access to the stored procedures. The DROP-CREATE method loses GRANT information.
FROM sysobjects
WHERE name = 'MyProc' AND type = 'P' AND uid = '1')
In addition, creating a process to build the database completely from source control can help in keeping things controlled.
Create a new database from source control.
Use a tool like Red Gate SQL Compare to compare the two databases and identify differences.
Reconcile the differences.
A cheaper solution is to simply use the "Script As" functionality of SQL Management Studio and do a text compare. However, this method is real sensitive to the exact method SSMS uses to format the extracted SQL.
I’d definitely recommend some third party tool that integrates into SSMS. Apart from SQL Source Control mentioned above you can also try SQL Version from Apex.
Important thing is to make this really easy for developers if you want them to use it and the best way is to use tool that integrates into SSMS.
2nd solution from #Darryl didn't work as suggested by #Moe. I modified #Darryl's template and I got it working, and thought it would be nice to share it with everybody.
WHERE name = '<Stored Proc Name>' AND type = 'P' AND uid = '1')
EXEC sp_executesql N'CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.<Stored Proc Name>
select ''Not Implemented''
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.<Stored Proc Name>
--Stored Procedure Code
This is really nice because I don't lose my stored procedure permissions.
I think it's good to have each stored procedure scripted to a separate .sql file and then just commit those files into source control. Any time a sproc is changed, update the creation script - this gives you full version history on a sproc by sproc basis.
There are SQL Server source control tools that hook into SSMS, but I think they are just scripting the db objects and committing those scripts. Red Gate looks to be due to releasing such a tool this year for example.
We just add the CREATE statement to source control in a .sql file, e.g.:
-- p_my_sp.sql
-- Procedure
Make sure that you only put one SP per file, and that the filename exactly matches the procedure name (it makes things so much easier to find the procedure in source control)
You then just need to be disciplined about not applying a stored procedure to your database that hasn't come from source control.
An alternative would be to save the SP as an ALTER statement instead - this has the advantage of making it easier to update an existing database, but means you need to do some tweaking to create a new empty database.
I've been working on this tool http://timabell.github.com/sqlHawk/ for exactly that purpose.
The way to ensure no-one forgets to check in their updated .sql files is by making your build server force the staging and live environments to match source control ;-) (which this tool will assist you with).

Prevent SQL injection on free response text fields in classic ASP

I've got some free-response text fields and I'm not sure how to scrub them to prevent SQL injection. Any ideas?
Create a parameterized query instead of concatenating the user's input into the query.
Here is how to do this in classic asp:
It's also important to note that the only way you can be 100% safe from sql injection is to parameterize any sql statement that uses user input, even once it's in the database. Example: Say you take user input via a parameterized query or stored procedure. You will be safe on the insert, however you need to make sure that anything down the road that uses that input also uses a parameter. Directly concatenating user input is a bad idea anywhere, including inside the db.
Call a stored procedure.
EDIT: Just to clarify. Building dynamic sql in a sp can of course be just as dangerous as doing it in the app, but binding user inputs into a query will protect you against sql injection, as described here (oracle-specific discussion, but the principle applies elsewhere):
It is not dynamic sql that is the
issue (all sql is dynamic in Oracle
actually -- even static sql in
pro*c/plsql!). It is "the
construction" of this sql that is the
problem. If a user gives you inputs -
they should be BOUND into the query --
not concatenated. The second you
concatenate user input into your SQL
-- it is as if you gave them the ability to pass you code and you
execute that code. Plain and simple.
