Increasing WPF ObservableCollection performance - wpf

At present I have two WPF listboxes imitating the following functionality
I am using 2 ObservableCollections to allow users to select whatever items they require (flexibility is the key here). The main issue is that I have thousands of items that are grouped in both listboxes. All in all the design works really well (with a few dozen items), but my stumbling block is when a user copies all the available items from the left to the right as the screen freezes (time to run on a different thread?).
Looking at ObservableCollection it lacks an AddRange method and there are various implementations available on the internet. I also know the CollectionChanged event is needlessly being fired as each item is copied over draining performance horribly.
It may well be that I have to allow users to choose from groups of over 10 000 items in the future, which sounds like a bad idea, but is non-negotiable as the grouping on the listbox (CollectionViewSource) works really well, but has the side effect of switching off the Virtualising of both the listboxes
What can I do to improve the performance when loading a listbox with thousands of items when databound to an ObservableCollection? Are there any AddRange type implementations that you would recommend? Is the only choice I have here to run this on a background thread which seems expensive because I am not loading data from a database?

I have removed the CollectionViewSource and the grouping and the items are copied over in 1/2 a second, but with the grouping on it can take up to a minute because virtualisation does not work with the grouping.
I will need to decide whether to use the CollectionViewSource

I couldn't resist answering this. I don't think you won't need this answer anymore, but maybe somebody else can use it.
Don't think too hard (do not approach this multithreaded (this will make things error-prone and unnecessary complicated. Only use threading for hard calculations/IO), all those different actiontypes will make it very difficult to buffer. The most annoying part is, that if you remove or add 10000 items your application (listboxes) will be very busy with handling the events raised by the ObservableCollection. The event already supports multiple items. So.....
You could buffer the items until it changes the action. So Add actions will be buffered and wil be raised as batch if the 'user' changes action or flushes it.
Haven't test it, but you could do something like this:
// Written by JvanLangen
public class BufferedObservableCollection<T> : ObservableCollection<T>
// the last action used
public NotifyCollectionChangedAction? _lastAction = null;
// the items to be buffered
public List<T> _itemBuffer = new List<T>();
// constructor registeres on the CollectionChanged
public BufferedObservableCollection()
base.CollectionChanged += new NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler(ObservableCollectionUpdate_CollectionChanged);
// When the collection changes, buffer the actions until the 'user' changes action or flushes it.
// This will batch add and remove actions.
private void ObservableCollectionUpdate_CollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
// if we have a lastaction, check if it is changed and should be flush else only change the lastaction
if (_lastAction.HasValue)
if (_lastAction != e.Action)
_lastAction = e.Action;
_lastAction = e.Action;
// Raise the new event.
protected void RaiseCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (this.CollectionChanged != null)
CollectionChanged(sender, e);
// Don't forget to flush the list when your ready with your action or else the last actions will not be 'raised'
public void Flush()
if (_lastAction.HasValue && (_itemBuffer.Count > 0))
RaiseCollectionChanged(this, new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(_lastAction.Value, _itemBuffer));
_lastAction = null;
// new event
public override event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler CollectionChanged;
Have fun!, J3R03N

You could probably inherit from ObservableCollection<T> (or directly implement INotifyCollectionChanged) to add BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods. Changes made between calls to BeginUpdate and EndUpdate would be queued, then combined into one (or several if there are separate ranges) NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs object that would be passed to the handlers of the CollectionChanged event when EndUpdate is called.

You can find a Thread safe observable collection here. Make your Observable collection thread safe and bind it to listbox.


Datagrid in WPF and sql datatable vs other methods

Here is what i tried to do.. I want to provide an in place editing of products within a datagrid. Firstly i wrapped into a ObservableCollection a List<Product> and implemented INotifyPropertyChanged interface for each POCO. Undoing changes and tracking what has changed in order to commit seems hard and i had lots of problems.. Also i feel that creating so many event handlers for every single poco when a property changed is not good strange...
So i am asking does DataTable solve these problems ? Even it solves what about validation ?It doesnt know anything about the POCO.... Are any other better solutions for this ??
The property change handlers aren't that bad. Here's an example:
// Hook up a CollectionChanged event
ProductCollection.CollectionChanged += ProductCollection_Changed;
// In the Collection Changed event, hook up a PropertyChanged event
void ProductCollection_Changed(object sender, CollectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.NewItems != null)
foreach(Product item in e.NewItems)
item.PropertyChanged += Product.PropertyChanged;
if (e.OldItems != null)
foreach(Product item in e.OldItems)
item.PropertyChanged -= Product.PropertyChanged;
// In the Product property changed event, do something.
// Usually I only use this for raising the CollectionChanged event when
// a property of an object inside a collection changes.
void Product_Changed(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
Personally, I would prefer to have each Product track it's own changes, instead of tracking them in the ViewModel. When a product first gets created, keep a copy of the original data, and provide something like a UndoChanges() method that simply reloads the original data.
To track changes on individual properties, I would do that in the set method of each Product property. This is because the PropertyChanged event can be raised manually, and doesn't necessarily mean that the property has changed.
private int _someValue;
public int SomeValue
get { return _someValue; }
if (value != _someValue)
// Track what's changed here.
// How you do it is based on what you want to track
if (!ChangedProperties.Keys.Contains("SomeValue"))
new KeyValuePair<string, object>("SomeValue", _someValue));
_someValue = value;
DataTable do solve a few things...
When you are not sure how many columns you are going to have.
When there are frequent edits, the edits take place onto the data table and if the data table has constraints then they will error out for invalid entries. So some level of validation and data integrity is maintained.
Being queryable, the data tables produce faster results with sorting and filtering with their DefaultView i.e. DataView.
Having said that ...
Frequent updates are better achieved by observable collection with each item having implemented INotifypropertyChanged.
Validations using Bindings are easily achievable.
Datagrid does provide some more features for object model of collections than data tables.
So ultimately its your choice. However I dont mind observable collections and INotifyPropertyChanged notifications as they seem to get the best out of WPF DataGrid... styling and performance wise.

WPF MVVM application - ICollectionView/Threading/General Questions

I have a few questions regarding to building WPF MVVM applications.
1) I'm using ICollectionView objects for databound controls such as ListView and ComboBox. I found this was the simplest way of gaining access to/tracking the selected item of these controls. What is the best way to replace the contents of ICollectionView? Currently I'm doing it like so:
private ICollectionView _files;
public ICollectionView Files {
get { return _files; }
void _service_GetFilesCompleted(IList<SomeFile> files) {
this.IsProcessing = false;
_files = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(files);
_files.CurrentChanged += new EventHandler(FileSelectionChanged);
I didn't know whether it was necessary to reattach the handler every time I refresh the list of files?
2) Now that I've got my head round it, I am starting to like the MVVM pattern. However, one concept I'm not completely sure about is how to send notifications back down to the view. Currently I am doing this by binding to properties on my ViewModel. For example, in the above code I have an "IsProcessing" property that I use to determine whether to display a ProgressBar. Is this the recommended approach?
3) Following on from 2) - there doesn't seem to be a standard way to handle exceptions in an MVVM application. One thought I had was to have one method on my ViewModel base class that handled exceptions. I could then inject an IMessagingService that was responsible for relaying any error messages. A concrete implementation of this could use MessageBox.
4) I have a few tasks that I want to perform asynchronously. Rather than adding this logic directly in my service I created a decorator service that runs the underlying service methods on a new thread. It exposes a number of events that my ViewModel can then subscribe to. I have listed the code below. I understand that BackgroundWorker is a safer option but did not know whether it was suitable for running multiple asynchronous tasks at once?:
public void BeginGetFiles()
ThreadStart thread = () => {
var result = _serviceClient.GetUserFiles(username, password);
new Thread(thread).Start();
Finally, I realize that there are a number of MVVM frameworks projects that handle some of these requirements. However, I want to understand how to achieve the above using built-in functionality.
If you have ListViews and ComboBoxes, you should really be considering an ObservableCollection<> to bind to these controls. Adding and removing items from the collection will automatically notify the control the property has changed.
If you're doing background processing, you can look at the BackgroundWorker or DispatcherTimer to handle updates to the UI. These both have the capability of acting on the UI thread, and can be thread safe.
To get the selected item from a combo box, expose an INotifyCollectionChanged object such as ObservableCollection and bind it to the itemsource, then create another property for the current item and binding ComboBox.SelectedItem (or ComboBox.SelectedValue if required) to it. You will need to manage the selection when updating the collection.
On the face of it, ICollectionView seems like the obvious choice but the WPF implementation really forces your hand on some threading code that you really shouldn't be troubled with.
I used ICollectionView and CollectionViewSource recently (for filtering) and have become frustrated with how many dispatcher issues have crept in. Today I am probably going to revert to the method i describe above.

WPF DataGrid calls BeginEdit on an IEditableObject two times?

I've got a DataGrid bound to a collection of IEditableObject's.
Now when I click two times in a cell, it will be opened for editing.
Funny thing is: BeginEdit will be called two times. Sometimes for the same EditableObject, but sometimes for two different objects (especially when I use PgDn until I hit the end of the DataGrid) the correct one will be called first, then some other item from the collection, which never had been in focus before.
EndEdit is called twice, too, but always for the selected Item, not for the wrong one.
Is this a known problem? Any workarounds to get only (the right) one notification.
If you look at the stack trace in the debugger when BeginEdit is called, you'll see that the first time, it's the collection view calling it, and the second time, it's a BindingGroup.
The problem appears to be that there are two things that both think they are in charge of the IEditableObject state. When WPF provides a default collection view, it will look for IEditableObject on the objects in the collection, and will call BeginEdit and either EndEdit or CancelEdit in response to calls to the corresponding IEditableCollectionView methods. But also, the BindingGroup will call the IEditableObject methods in response to calls to BeginEdit and CommitEdit or CancelEdit.
The DataGrid uses both features: when you start and complete edits in a row, it notifies the IEditableCollectionView and the BindingGroup and both of those things think that it's their responsibility in turn to go on and notify the IEditableObject implementation on the underlying source object.
So it looks rather like a bug in the DataGrid - it causes two different objects to call BeginEdit (and related methods). And it's because it makes use of editable collection views and binding groups - from the look of it, those weren't designed to be used at the same time on the same objects, in the way that the DataGrid uses them.
The reason you don't see this problem with the grid in the Toolkit is that it appears to be a slightly older version - comparing the code in that with what Reflector shows for .NET 4.0, you'll see that the .NET 4.0 DataGrid has some extra code (a new method, EnsureItemBindingGroup, and some related code in MeasureOverride and OnRowValidationRulesChanged) that ensures that a binding group always exists, whether you ask for it or not. So if the WPF Toolkit is updated, it'll probably grow a similar feature unless this gets fixed. (And I would guess that if you use the current edition - February 2010 as I write this - of the WPF Toolkit, and you use the ItemBindingGroup property to ask explicitly for a binding group, you'd see exactly the same problem.)
This doesn't explain how you'd get calls to BeginEdit on random objects as you've described. I can't repro that. But it does explain double calls on the selected object. The best thing to do appears to be to code your source objects so that they will tolerate the double calls.
I'm not sure what you'd use to interrupt the BeginEdit event before it happens, but for EndEdit a simple isDirty marker will do. In your Entity class that implements IEditableObject, add the following:
private bool _isDirty = false;
#region IEditableObject Members
public void BeginEdit()
// Bug Fix: Windows Controls call EndEdit twice; Once
// from IEditableCollectionView, and once from BindingGroup.
// This makes sure it only happens once after a BeginEdit.
_isDirty = true;
public void CancelEdit() { }
public void EndEdit()
if (ItemEndEdit != null && _isDirty)
_isDirty = false;
I have same problem using .NET Framework 4 DataGrid.
Add Reference to last version of WPFToolkit
and change <DataGrid> with <dg:DataGrid>
+1 #IanGriffiths for diagonsing the Problem. As for a solution (or workaround rather), you can count the number of "pending" Edits. That means something like:
void BeginEdit()
void CancelEdit()
if(--_numEdits < 0)
throw new Exception("WTF?");
void EndEdit()
if(_numEdits == 0)

Are "volatile" data bindings in Windows Forms possible?

Let's assume I'm implementing a Winforms UI where all commands adhere to the following pattern:
interface ICommand
bool CanExecute { get; }
void Execute();
Buttons or menu items that trigger such a command should have the following set-up:
property Enabled is bound to the command's CanExecute
event Click is linked to the command's Execute (through an intermediate event handler due to the differing method signatures)
The trouble with CanExecute is, implementing INotifyPropertyChanged for it won't work here, as this property cannot be directly modified, but depends on other factors in the program which needn't be related to the command. And one shouldn't have to trigger the command's PropertyChanged event in completely unrelated parts of the program.
How do you let the data binding manager know when CanExecute has changed?
Here's a (purly fictional) example of my problem:
bool CanExecute
return User.LoggedInForAtLeastNMinutes(5);
// how would you trigger data-binding updates for CanExecute?
Ideally, I'd like to have the UI constantly checking CanExecute (as if it were a volatile field), but AFAIK this is not how Winforms data binding works. Does anyone have a solution for this problem?
Note: I am aware of WPF, btw. The background of my question is that I'm going to gradually improve an existing Winforms application in the general direction of WPF. But actually using WPF and thus getting rid of the problem I've asked about is not feasible right now.
I would implement INotifyPropertyChanged regardless (or add a CanExecuteChanged event, which has the same effect). I would try hard for objects to know when to raise the property changed event at the right time, rather than polling.
For instance, in your fictional example, you could have a UserLoggedIn event. In response to that, you could set a 5-minute timer; when that timer elapses, you raise the property changed event.
If you go for the polling approach then you face two dangers:
Polling too often, where your application consumes CPU checking for events that can't possibly happen yet (for instance, polling every 10 seconds to see if 5 minutes are up)
Not polling often enough, where controls bound to CanExecute properties lag the rest of the UI (for instance, a delay between making a text selection and the CopyTextCommand.CanExecute property updating)
A hybrid approach is that taken by Microsoft Foundation Classes in C++, which was to make this check any time the application's message loop was idle. This is a reasonable approach when you know that only user interface interaction that can affect your CanExecute property.
Use a Timer to constantly poll the CanExecute property. Raise the PropertyChanged event when the property changes.
I' do the polling on the Application.Idle event, as long as your can execute logic is simple, there shouldn't be any problem.
here is an extract of my current 'CommandManager' implementation;
public CommandManager()
Commands = new List<ICommand>();
Binders = new List<ICommandBinder>
new ControlBinder(),
new MenuItemCommandBinder()
Application.Idle += UpdateCommandState;
private void UpdateCommandState(object sender, EventArgs e)
Commands.Do(c => c.Enabled);
(Do() is just an extension method that does a foreach, like linq Select() but taking Action instead of Func)
I've blogged about this some time ago, feel free to check:
hope it helps

Event handler that will be called when an item is added in a listbox

Is there an event handler that will be called when an item is added in a listbox in WPF?
The problem is that the INotifyCollectionChanged interface which contains the event handler is explicitly implemented, which means you have to first cast the ItemCollection before the event handler can be used:
public MyWindow()
((INotifyCollectionChanged)mListBox.Items).CollectionChanged +=
private void mListBox_CollectionChanged(object sender,
NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add)
// scroll the new item into view
Josh's advice about the observable collection should also be considered.
Take a different approach. Create an ObservableCollection (which does have such an event) and set the ItemsSource of the ListBox to this collection. In other words, in WPF you should think about the problem differently. The control isn't necessarily what is being modified ... the collection behind it is.
Based on your comment to Mitch's answer which indicates your binding source is actually an XML document, I suggest looking into hooking up to the XObject.Changed event of the XML document/element/etc. This will give you change information about the XML structure itself - not the ItemCollection which is an implementation detail you shouldn't need to consider. For example, ItemCollection (or any INotifyCollectionChanged) doesn't guarantee an individual event for every change. As you noted, sometimes you'll just get a generic reset notification.
