Powershell - Searching and Comparing Arrays with Quest CMDlets - arrays

Trying to determine if there are any user folders on the network that don’t have an associated user account. All results return "Missing" when the majority should return "Found". Any ideas?
$Dir = "\\ServerName\Share\"
$FolderList = Get-ChildItem($Dir) | where {$_.psIsContainer -eq $true}
$UserList = get-qaduser -sizelimit 0 | select LogonName
foreach ($Folder in $FolderList)
if ($UserList -contains $Folder.name)
"Found: " + $Folder.name
"Missing: " + $Folder.name

How about trying a slightly different approach that uses a hashtable (which offers exceptionally fast lookups of keys):
$users = #{}
Get-QADUser -sizelimit 0 | Foreach {$users["$($_.LogonName)"] = $true}
$dir = "\\ServerName\Share\"
Get-ChildItem $dir | Where {$_.PSIsContainer -and !$users["$($_.Name)"]}
If the folder name doesn't exactly match the LogonName, then as EBGreen notes, you will need to adjust the key ($users["$($.LogonName)"]) or the folder name when you use it to index the hashtable (!$users["$($.Name)"]).

-contains will match if the item in the collection is identical to what you are testing so be sure that the $Folder.Name is exactly the same as LogonName. Usually it wouldn't be. Most companies would have the folder name be foo$ for a user named foo.


Array not creating correctly in PowerShell

I have a script where I get all of the folders in d:\folder\*\*\ where the name is -like "*\Log". I then split the folder paths apart to run through wmi to get the corresponding services. After that I'm wanting to split apart the PathName property from $Services so I get everything before the \xxxxx.exe and add \log to the end of the result. Eventually I'll then use those paths to do some compression and archiving of files via a gci.
For whatever reason when I run the script below I the previous loops $LocalLogVar without "log" appended and the current loops LocalLogVar with log appended. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong that's blatantly obvious to somebody out there. If somebody could point me in the right direction on this it'd be much appreciated! I also apologize for the word vomit here, I've been looking at this script all day and my brain's pretty much used up.
A couple of notes:
The number of words in the paths vary which is why I can't manually do $LocalLogVar = "$Var1\$Var2\$Var3\Log"
If I don't have the [array] in front of $LogFolders the object type becomes a string and I get the previous loop's $LocalLogVar without "log" appended combined with the current loop's $LocalLogVar
I tried doing [collections.arraylist]$LogFolders=#() with no success
c:\folder is a shortcut to d:\folder, which is why there's c:\folder\xxx and d:\folder\xxx in the list below
SplitCount is -1 because I don't want the .exe from the path, I just want the folder structure
The naming convention for the string before .exe varies so I can't use an enumerated counter.
Example of first bullet:
word7-word8 #This is the previous loop's $LocalLogVar w/o "log" appended
C:\folder\word5\word6\word9-word8\log #This is the current loop's $LocalLogVar w/ "log" appended.
Example of the second bullet:
What I should be getting:
$Folders = Get-ChildItem D:\folder\*\*\ -Directory -Recurse -Verbose `
| Where-Object { $_.fullname -like "*\Log" }
$2 = #()
$LogFolders = #()
foreach ($folder in $folders) {
$ServName = $folder.fullname.split('\')[2]
$ServType = $folder.fullname.split('\')[3]
$ServNameCheck = "*$($ServName.replace('-',' '))*"
$ServTypeCheck = "*$($ServType.replace('-',' '))*"
$PathName = Get-WmiObject -ClassName Win32_Service `
| Where-Object { $_.caption -like "$ServNameCheck" -and $_.caption -like "$ServTypeCheck" } `
| Select-Object Name, Caption, #{n = 'PathName'; e = { ($_.PathName).trim('"') } }
$2 += $PathName
$Services = $2 | Sort-Object pathname | Get-Unique -AsString
foreach ($ServPath in $services.pathname) {
$LocalLogVar = #()
if (Get-Variable `
| Where-Object { $_.name -match "^Split([0-9]|10)$" }) {
Get-Variable `
| Where-Object { $_.name -match "^Split([0-9]|10)$" } | Remove-Variable -Force
[int]$SplitCount = $ServPath.split('\').count
[int]$SplitCountCheck = $SplitCount - 1
$x = 0
do {
New-Variable -Name "Split$x" -Value "$($ServPath.split('\')[$x])"
$RegEx = "Split$x"
$LogFolderName = Get-Variable | Where-Object { $_.name -match $RegEx } | Select-Object value
[string]$LogFolders = $LogFolderName.value.ToString()
$LocalLogVar += $LogFolders + '\'
} until ($x -eq $SplitCountCheck)
$LocalLogVar = $LocalLogVar
$LocalLogVar = $LocalLogVar + "log"
[array]$LogFolders += $LocalLogVar
Wow, so that's a script. Kind of hard to follow, since some of it seems needlessly complex. I'm not sure if it will accomplish what you're looking for, but that's because you were super vague with your folder descriptions. Do the folders always start like this:
D:\folder<Service Short Name><Service Long Name>...\logs
If not you could be in trouble. The last four items on your example list of what you expect to see don't look like they are like that. I think the way your folders are laid out are like this:
D:\folder...<Service Short Name><Service Long Name>\logs
The difference being where the extra folders are located. If they're before the service like I think they are your script will miss things.
Now, on to getting your list that you want. What I see from looking at your script is that you get a folder list for all folders under D:\folder\*\*\ named 'log'. Then you split out the 3rd and 4th folders to get a service's short name, and long name respectively. Then one by one you pull a list of all services from WMI, and filter for just the service that matches the name and caption (short name, and long name) referred to by the folders. After that you make sure you only have one listing of any given service.
Regarding this first part of the script, you can make it faster by letting the file system provider filter things for you. Instead of pulling a folder list of everything and then filtering for paths that end in '\log', you should use the -filter parameter of the Get-ChildItem cmdlet like this:
$Folders = Get-ChildItem C:\temp\*\*\ -Directory -Recurse -Verbose -Filter 'log'
Then you should query WMI one time, save the result, then pick and choose from there based on your folders. Something like:
[array]$2 = foreach ($folder in $folders) {
$ServName,$ServType = $folder.fullname.split('\')[2,3] -replace '-',' '
$PathName = $AllServices |
Where-Object { $_.caption -like "*$ServName*" -and $_.caption -like "*$ServType*" } |
Select-Object Name, Caption, #{n = 'PathName'; e = { $_.PathName -replace '^(\w\S+) .*','$1' -replace '^([''"])([^\1]+)\1.*','$2' } }
$Services = $2 | Sort-Object pathname | Get-Unique -AsString
I did a little regex magic to clean up the pathname instead of just .trim('"') since this gets rid of parameters in the service execution, and cleans paths that are enclosed in single quotes not just double quotes. If what you have works for you feel free to keep it, but this is a little more capable. It may be worth noting that Get-Unique is case sensitive, so 'C:\folder\word3\word9-word8' and 'C:\folder\word3\word9-Word8' are different. You might want to do a .ToUpper() on your paths before you look for unique ones.
Once you have your array of services you loop through them, splitting the file path, reassembling it, and finally adding 'log' to the end of it. That was your way to remove the executable from the path. There's a cmdlet that was designed to do just that: split-path. Use that with Join-Path and that whole last loop gets much simpler:
[array]$LogFolders = foreach ($ServPath in $services.pathname) {
Join-Path (Split-Path $ServPath) 'log'
Lastly, try not to use +=, since PowerShell has to rebuild the whole array each time you do that. You'll notice I moved the $Variable = bit outside the loop in places that you do that.

Powershell variable doesn't contain all the objects

I got the following variable $listofusers which returns the below objects in two columns:
SourceUser DestinationUser
---------- ---------------
username1#legacy.company.corp username1#modern.company.corp
username2#legacy.company.corp username2#modern.company.corp
username3#legacy.company.corp username3#modern.company.corp
username4#legacy.company.corp username4#modern.company.corp
I now need to process this list of users in a foreach loop. I have tried so far the following but without luck yet:
$Results = ForEach ($User in $listofusers) {
Write-Host "Processing SourceUser $($User.SourceUser)"
Write-Host "Processing DestinationUser $($User.DestinationUser)"
#Assign the content to variables
$SourceUsers = $User.SourceUser
$DestinationUsers = $User.DestinationUser
It only returns me the last line of the objects:
RETURN ONLY: username4#legacy.company.corp
RETURN ONLY: username4#modern.company.corp
How can I add all the objects in the variable $listofusers for further processing?
I am trying to achieve the following that's why I have broken the association in listofusers
$SourceUser = #()
$DestinationUser = #()
$Results = ForEach ($User in $listofusers)
Write-Host "Processing SourceUser $($User.SourceUser)"
Write-Host "Processing DestinationUser $($User.DestinationUser)"
#Assign the content to variables
$SourceUser += $User.SourceUser
$DestinationUser += $User.DestinationUser
#Cannot get that variables working yet
$sourceusername, $sourcedomain = $SourceUser -split ("#")
$DestinationUsername, $destinationDomain = $DestinationUser -split ("#")
$SourceAccount = Get-ADUser $sourceusername -server $sourcedomain -Properties objectSid
$TargetAccount = Get-ADUser $DestinationUsername -Server $destinationDomain
Is there any better way to achieve that and get those variables to that point?
The purpose of the script would be to achieve the following cmdlets for processing ad objects:
#get the objectSid of the source account
$objectSid = $SourceAccount.objectSid
#copy source account objectSid to target account msExchMasterAccountSid
$TargetAccount | Set-ADUser -Replace #{"msExchMasterAccountSid"=$objectSid}
#enable targetaccount
$TargetAccount | Enable-ADAccount
#disable the source account
$SourceAccount | Disable-ADAccount
#move the migrated user into prod OU
$TargetAccount | Move-ADObject -TargetPath "ou=test,dc=contoso,dc=com"
here is a demo of the concept i was trying to get across. [grin] it keeps the association of the objects in your CSV in the original object for as long as possible. the code has NOT been tested since i have no AD access.
what it does ...
fakes reading in a CSV file
when you are ready to use real data, replace the entire "region" with a call to Import-CSV.
iterates thru the list
builds a splat of the parameters for the AD calls
see Get-Help about_Splatting for more info on that wonderfully useful idea.
calls Get-AdUser with each to the Source/Target user data sets
stores the above
uses the stored account info to ...
== replace the .objectSid of the Target account
== enable the Target account
== disable the Source account
== Move the Target account to the desired OU
the hard coded OU could be set with a variable to make this a tad more flexible. however, this seems to be a one-off operation - so there is likely no benefit.
if you want to add logging, do so in the same loop.
there is no error handling, either. that likely should be added with a try/catch around each AD call & logging of both success and failure.
the code ...
#region >>> fake reading in a CSV file
# in real life, use Import-CSV
$UserList = #'
SourceUser, DestUser
ABravo#Old.com, ABravo#NewDomain.com
BCharlie#Old.com, BCharlie#NewDomain.com
CDelta#Old.com, CDelta#NewDomain.com
DEcho#Old.com, DEcho#NewDomain.com
EFoxtrot#Old.com, EFoxtrot#NewDomain.com
'# | ConvertFrom-Csv
#endregion >>> fake reading in a CSV file
ForEach ($UL_Item in $UserList)
Write-Host 'Processing ...'
Write-Host (' SourceUser {0}' -f $UL_Item.SourceUser)
Write-Host (' DestinationUser {0}' -f $UL_Item.DestUser)
Write-Host '__ Source Account __'
$GADU_Params_1 = [ordered]#{
Identity = $UL_Item.SourceUser.Split('#')[0]
Server = $UL_Item.SourceUser.Split('#')[1]
Properties = 'objectSid'
$SourceAccount = Get-ADUser #GADU_Params_1
Write-Host '__ Target Account __'
$GADU_Params_2 = [ordered]#{
Identity = $UL_Item.DestUser.Split('#')[0]
Server = $UL_Item.DestUser.Split('#')[1]
$TargetAccount = Get-ADUser #GADU_Params_2
Write-Host 'Making changes ...'
# all these piped objects are slower than making _direct_ calls
# however, i don't have any way to test the code, so i can't use what likely is faster
# something like >>>
# Set-AdUser -Identity $TargetAccount -Replace #{
# 'msExchMasterAccountSid' = $objectSid
# }
# note that i also replaced the unneeded _double_ quotes with the safer _single_ quotes
$TargetAccount |
Set-AdUser -Replace #{
'msExchMasterAccountSid' = $SourceAccount.objectSid
$TargetAccount |
$SourceAccount |
$TargetAccount |
Move-AdObject -TargetPath 'ou=test,dc=contoso,dc=com'
Write-Host '=' * 30
Write-Host ''
no output shown since i can't actually run this AD stuff. [grin]
$SourceUsers and $DestinationUsers contain only the last ones becasue youa re replacing the value on each foreach iteration.
if you want it to separate the properties try this:
$SourceUsers = $User | select SourceUser -ExpandProperty SourceUser
$DestinationUsers = $User | select DestinationUser -ExpandProperty DestinationUser
That will create a collection of only those strings. you wont be able to access those values by property anymore, meaning that is a simple String[] after the -ExpandProperty.
$SourceUsers = #()
$DestinationUsers = #()
$Results = ForEach ($User in $listofusers) {
Write-Host "Processing SourceUser $($User.SourceUser)"
Write-Host "Processing DestinationUser $($User.DestinationUser)"
#Assign the content to variables
$SourceUsers += $User.SourceUser
$DestinationUsers += $User.DestinationUser
$SourceUsers = #() and $DestinationUsers = #() creates two empty
arrays which we will use in the loop
+= is an assignment operator which enables us to assign more than
one value to a variable. According to the documentation: Increases
the value of a variable by the specified value, or appends the
specified value to the existing value.

Adding objects to an array in a hashtable

I want to create a Hashtable which groups files with the same name in arrays so I can later on work with those to list some properties of those files, like the folders where they're stored.
$ht = #{}
gci -recurse -file | % {
$ht[$_.Name] += $_
$ht[$_.Name] += $_
All I'm getting is:
Index operation failed; the array index evaluated to null.
At line:8 char:13
+ $ht[$_.Name] += $_
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I'm not sure why this isn't working, I'd appreciate any help.
Don't reinvent the wheel. You want to group files with the same name, use the Group-Object cmdlet:
$groupedFiles = Get-ChildItem -recurse -file | Group-Object Name
Now you can easy retrieve all file names that are present at least twice using the Where-Object cmdlet:
$groupedFiles | Where-Object Count -gt 1
You are getting this error because if your code hits the catch block, the current pipeline variable ($_) represents the last error and not the current item. You can fix that by either storing the current item an a variable, or you use the -PipelineVariable advanced cmdlet parameter:
$ht = #{}
gci -recurse -file -PipelineVariable item | % {
$ht[$item.Name] += $item
$ht[$item.Name] += $item

Powershell match properties and then selectively combine objects to create a third

I have a solution for this but I believe it is not the best method as it takes forever so I am looking for a faster/better/smarter way.
I have multiple pscustomObject objects pulled from .csv files. Each object has at least one common property. One is relatively small (around 200-300 items/lines in the object) but the other is sizable (around 60,000-100,000 items). The contents of one may or may not match the contents of the other.
I need to find where the two objects match on a specific property and then combine the properties of each object into one object with all or most properties.
An example snippet of the code (not exact but for this it should work - see the image for the sample data):
Write-Verbose "Pulling basic Fruit data together"
$Purchase = import-csv "C:\Purchase.csv"
$Selling = import-csv "C:\Selling.csv"
Write-Verbose "Combining Fruit names and removing duplicates"
$Fruits = $Purchase.Fruit
$Fruits += $Selling.Fruit
$Fruits = $Fruits | Sort-Object -Unique
$compareData = #()
Foreach ($Fruit in $Fruits) {
$IndResults = #()
$IndResults = [pscustomobject]#{
#Adding Purchase and Selling data
Farmer = $Purchase.Where({$PSItem.Fruit -eq $Fruit}).Farmer
Region = $Purchase.Where({$PSItem.Fruit -eq $Fruit}).Region
Water = $Purchase.Where({$PSItem.Fruit -eq $Fruit}).Water
Market = $Selling.Where({$PSItem.Fruit -eq $Fruit}).Market
Cost = $Selling.Where({$PSItem.Fruit -eq $Fruit}).Cost
Tax = $Selling.Where({$PSItem.Fruit -eq $Fruit}).Tax
Write-Verbose "Loading Individual results into response"
$CompareData += $IndResults
Write-Output $CompareData
I believe the issue is in lines like these:
Farmer = $Purchase.Where({$PSItem.Fruit -eq $Fruit}).Farmer
If I understand this it is looking through the $Purchase object each time it goes through this line. I am looking for a way to speed that whole process up instead of having it look through the entire object for each match attempt.
Using this Join-Object:
$Purchase | Join $Selling -On Fruit | Format-Table
Result (using Simon Catlin's data):
Fruit Farmer Region Water Market Cost Tax
----- ------ ------ ----- ------ ---- ---
Apple Adam Alabama 1 MarketA 10 0.1
Cherry Charlie Cincinnati 2 MarketC 20 0.2
Damson Daniel Derby 3 MarketD 30 0.3
Elderberry Emma Eastbourne 4 MarketE 40 0.4
Fig Freda Florida 5 MarketF 50 0.5
using Join-Object
Join-Object -Left $purchase -Right $selling -LeftJoinProperty fruit -RightJoinProperty fruit -Type OnlyIfInBoth | ft
I had this very problem when trying to consolidate employee data from our HR system against employee data in our AD forest. With many thousands of rows, the process was taking an age.
I eventually walked away from custom objects and reverted to old school hash tables.
The hash tables entries themselves then held a sub-hash table with the data. In your instance, the outer hash would be keyed on $fruit, with the sub-hash containing the various attributes, e.g.: farmer, region, Etc.
Hash tables are lightning quick in comparison. It's a shame that PowerShell is slow in this regard.
Shout if you need more info.
26/01 Example code... assuming I'm correctly understanding the requirement:
[String] $Local:strPurchaseFile = 'c:\temp\purchase.csv';
[String] $Local:strSellingFile = 'c:\temp\selling.csv';
[HashTable] $Local:objFruitHash = #{};
[System.Array] $Local:objSelectStringHit = $null;
[String] $Local:strFruit = '';
if ( (Test-Path -LiteralPath $strPurchaseFile -PathType Leaf) -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath $strSellingFile -PathType Leaf) ) {
# Populate data from purchase file.
foreach ( $objSelectStringHit in (Select-String -LiteralPath $strPurchaseFile -Pattern '^([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)$' | Select-Object -Skip 1) ) {
$objFruitHash[ $objSelectStringHit.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value ] = #{ 'Farmer' = $objSelectStringHit.Matches[0].Groups[2].Value;
'Region' = $objSelectStringHit.Matches[0].Groups[3].Value;
'Water' = $objSelectStringHit.Matches[0].Groups[4].Value;
} #foreach-purchase-row
# Populate data from selling file.
foreach ( $objSelectStringHit in (Select-String -LiteralPath $strSellingFile -Pattern '^([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)$' | Select-Object -Skip 1) ) {
$objFruitHash[ $objSelectStringHit.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value ] += #{ 'Market' = $objSelectStringHit.Matches[0].Groups[2].Value;
'Cost' = [Convert]::ToDecimal( $objSelectStringHit.Matches[0].Groups[3].Value );
'Tax' = [Convert]::ToDecimal( $objSelectStringHit.Matches[0].Groups[4].Value );
} #foreach-selling-row
# Output data. At this point, you could now build a PSCustomObject.
foreach ( $strFruit in ($objFruitHash.Keys | Sort-Object) ) {
Write-Host -Object ( '{0,-15}{1,-15}{2,-15}{3,-10}{4,-10}{5,10:C}{6,10:P}' -f
} #foreach
} else {
Write-Error -Message 'File error.';
} #else-if
I needed to do this myself for something similar. I wanted to take two system array objects and compare them pulling out the matches without having to manipulate the input data each time. Here's the method I used, which although I appreciate this is inefficient, it was instantaneous for the 200 or so records I had to work with.
I tried to translate what I was doing (users and their old and new home directories) into farmers, fruit and markets etc so I hope it makes sense!
$Purchase = import-csv "C:\Purchase.csv"
$Selling = import-csv "C:\Selling.csv"
$compareData = #()
foreach ($iPurch in $Purchase) {
foreach ($iSell in $Selling) {
if ($iPurch.fruit -match $iSell.fruit) {
write-host "Match found between $($iPurch.Fruit) and $($iSell.Fruit)"
$hash = #{
Fruit = $iPurch.Fruit
Farmer = $iPurch.Farmer
Region = $iPurch.Region
Water = $iPurch.Water
Market = $iSell.Market
Cost = $iSell.Cost
Tax = $iSell.Tax
$Build = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
$Total = $Total + 1
$compareData += $Build
Write-Host "Processed $Total records"

How to remove item from an array in PowerShell?

I'm using Powershell 1.0 to remove an item from an Array. Here's my script:
param (
[string]$backupDir = $(throw "Please supply the directory to housekeep"),
[int]$maxAge = 30,
$days = $maxAge * -1
# do not delete directories with these values in the path
$exclusionList = Get-Content HousekeepBackupsExclusions.txt
if ($NoRecurse)
$filesToDelete = Get-ChildItem $backupDir | where-object {$_.PsIsContainer -ne $true -and $_.LastWriteTime -lt $(Get-Date).AddDays($days)}
$filesToDelete = Get-ChildItem $backupDir -Recurse | where-object {$_.PsIsContainer -ne $true -and $_.LastWriteTime -lt $(Get-Date).AddDays($days)}
foreach ($file in $filesToDelete)
# remove the file from the deleted list if it's an exclusion
foreach ($exclusion in $exclusionList)
"Testing to see if $exclusion is in " + $file.FullName
if ($file.FullName.Contains($exclusion)) {$filesToDelete.Remove($file); "FOUND ONE!"}
I realize that Get-ChildItem in powershell returns a System.Array type. I therefore get this error when trying to use the Remove method:
Method invocation failed because [System.Object[]] doesn't contain a method named 'Remove'.
What I'd like to do is convert $filesToDelete to an ArrayList and then remove items using ArrayList.Remove. Is this a good idea or should I directly manipulate $filesToDelete as a System.Array in some way?
The best way to do this is to use Where-Object to perform the filtering and use the returned array.
You can also use #splat to pass multiple parameters to a command (new in V2). If you cannot upgrade (and you should if at all possible, then just collect the output from Get-ChildItems (only repeating that one CmdLet) and do all the filtering in common code).
The working part of your script becomes:
$moreArgs = #{}
if (-not $NoRecurse) {
$moreArgs["Recurse"] = $true
$filesToDelete = Get-ChildItem $BackupDir #moreArgs |
where-object {-not $_.PsIsContainer -and
$_.LastWriteTime -lt $(Get-Date).AddDays($days) -and
-not $_.FullName.Contains($exclusion)}
In PSH arrays are immutable, you cannot modify them, but it very easy to create a new one (operators like += on arrays actually create a new array and return that).
I agree with Richard, that Where-Object should be used here. However, it's harder to read.
What I would propose:
# get $filesToDelete and #exclusionList. In V2 use splatting as proposed by Richard.
$res = $filesToDelete | % {
$file = $_
$isExcluded = ($exclusionList | % { $file.FullName.Contains($_) } )
if (!$isExcluded) {
#the files are in $res
Also note that generally it is not possible to iterate over a collection and change it. You would get an exception.
$a = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach($item in $a) { $a.Add($item*$item) }
An error occurred while enumerating through a collection:
At line:1 char:8
+ foreach <<<< ($item in $a) { $a.Add($item*$item) }
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Collecti...numeratorSimple:ArrayListEnumeratorSimple) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : BadEnumeration
This is ancient. But, I wrote these a while ago to add and remove from powershell lists using recursion. It leverages the ability of powershell to do multiple assignment . That is, you can do $a,$b,$c=#('a','b','c') to assign a b and c to their variables. Doing $a,$b=#('a','b','c') assigns 'a' to $a and #('b','c') to $b.
First is by item value. It'll remove the first occurrence.
function Remove-ItemFromList ($Item,[array]$List(throw"the item $item was not in the list"),[array]$chckd_list=#())
if ($list.length -lt 1 ) { throw "the item $item was not in the list" }
if ($check_item -eq $item )
return $chckd_list
return (Remove-ItemFromList -item $item -chckd_list $chckd_list -list $temp_list )
This one removes by index. You can probably mess it up good by passing a value to count in the initial call.
function Remove-IndexFromList ([int]$Index,[array]$List,[array]$chckd_list=#(),[int]$count=0)
if (($list.length+$count-1) -lt $index )
{ throw "the index is out of range" }
if ($count -eq $index)
return $chckd_list
return (Remove-IndexFromList -count ($count + 1) -index $index -chckd_list $chckd_list -list $temp_list )
This is a very old question, but the problem is still valid, but none of the answers fit my scenario, so I will suggest another solution.
I my case, I read in an xml configuration file and I want to remove an element from an array.
[xml]$content = get-content $file
$element = $content.PathToArray | Where-Object {$_.name -eq "ElementToRemove" }
This is very simple and gets the job done.
