Setup and Deployment of a WPF application - wpf

I'm currently developing a small WPF application using a file database (SQLCe).
Since I'm near release of the product and I've had no experience with setup and deployment I would like to hear your thoughts around this subject.
The application is small and the updates that I will make is minor database changes (such as alter tables, columns etc.) and dll updates.
I've tried to play around with ClickOnce deployment but I don't understand how updates to a database should be handled.
On the other hand a standard Setup and Deployment project feels rather complex for just a couple of database updates and dll replacements?
Which one of these two "tools" would you recommend for my given scenario?
Are there any best practises or other tools that can ease the setup and deployment work?

Try NSIS It's a good tool and allows for custom update programs to be written quite easily. This would be able to handle all of the .dll replacements and is very suited for this type of deployment.
In terms of the database updates; if you’re going to be writing scripts to update the data base tables, you will need to consider how you’re going to connect to the local instance of the data base to run the scripts against the DB. The more automated the solution, you may want to consider an application to look up the location of the DB and execute the scripts at the run time of the NSIS script being run.
Small overhead, with a lot of flexibility.


Automating jobs for service layer regression testing (Powershell/MSBuild)

In a .net development environment, I'm looking to implement some regression testing scripts to do some end-to-end (/blackbox) testing on a fully setup server based application, which will end up being fairly complex.
My initial thought was to roll my own powershell scripts/XML configuration of the steps. But I wanted to do some analysis to see if there is anything out there I could reuse, and perhaps what anyone else did which might prove to be a best practice (which I haven't found, as of yet).
I realised I could potentially just use an MSBuild project, along with the MSBuildExtensions and community tasks, but I've found these scripts to be harder to modify/maintain in the long run.
An example of some of the job steps I'd be coding for one of the applications:
Copy files to certain directories and trigger a service to load
Wait for the service to load files (checking sql tables for job completion)
Truncating tables (etc, on sql databases)
Comparing sql table output with expected results
Parsing log files
and so on
Some pretty simple powershell would be able to cater for most of these. I'd be interested on opinions: what do you use if you have some regression style end-to-end testing? Rolling your own in order to have a fairly simple, and specific implementation, or use a third part tool (like MSBuild, or something else)?
Choosing the right tool for the job is often driven by personal preference but it really should be driven by effectiveness vs. maintainability.
MSBuild excels in task reuse and dependency chain resolution.
PowerShell shines in compressing complex processes into a set of few elegant commands.
In your scenario I'd probably use PowerShell for the integration-oriented DSLs of job queuing, database, IO. I'd keep MSBuild for producing the build artifacts.
No need for third party tool unless it's the top dog in its field and the price is right (=open source or already purchased by your company).

Cassandra Schema Management with CQL scripts

To Cassandra Experts: I am tasked with a work of coming up with recommendations on Cassandra CQL script management and deployment. How teams manage (should manage) large number of CQL scripts (schema definition scripts (DDL), data manipulation scripts (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) from the inception of Cassandra development and through subsequent changes to the application schema model. If I may, I would like to point out that the development team size is not that small (10+ developers per application functionality area).
One way (probably the wrong way) is to do what a typical relational database shop would do: app developers or development dbas design and create ddl, dml et., scripts, store and maintain them in version control system (e.g. SVN), and deploy the scripts in an environment (dev, qc, etc. ) using some automation (may be as simple as shell or perl script). I think where this breaks down in NoSQL solution such as Cassandra is the actors involved in these three steps.
1 - design and create CQL scripts - should this be done by DevOps (cassandra admins) or application developers?
(2) store and maintain them in SVN - should this be done similar to (1) above and (3) deployment of scripts - should someone from application development do this (or) DevOps do this?
I would also like to get answers from application schema control and auditing viewpoint. For example, for #1 and #2 above, if application developers design, create and store the CQL scripts in SVN, how can one be able to control what gets into the CQL schema and prevent costly errors. If there is dedicated, single team owning the data model rather than all cassandra developers (akin to DBA/Administrators), it is easier to achieve that control.
I am hoping someone those who have done this before could shed some insight into the choices and best practices for CQL code development, deployment and maintenance in a large environment.
Thanks as always.
I think the main issue you'll be confronted with is that you'll need to write code to perform some migrations, which is a significant difference to applying delta patches in a typical SQL scenario. Basic changes to the schema (as defined using CQL) can easily be applied using the cqlsh tool in a DevOps/DBA style. These types of changes would include adding columns and removing columns. But if you need to do something more fundamental, then you're going to have to write CQL client code to migrate the old data. This is especially true the more denormalization and non-declarative indexing your app requires.
FWIW and YMMV I was able to automate one aspect of CQL schema management which was to find a way to keep the schema and the application code in sync. To achieve this I wrote a CQL schema compiler that generates boilerplate application source code so that data binding is always in sync with the current schema in Cassandra. But that is just one aspect of the overall problem.

Data Dude/VS Team System Database - Use with multi project databases

My current project uses Visual Studio Team System for Database Professionals GDR2 (aka DataDude). We are the only application using the database that we model using DataDude.
My company would like to consider using DataDude across the board on all our projects. However, I am not sure how well this will work with projects that share a database (which is the bulk of our applications).
For example: ApplicationA, ApplicationB and ApplicationC all share Database1 on Server1. (They don't share source code, just the database.) All three applications are under current development (using Scrum if it matters).
The problem comes when ApplicationB needs to release to our test environment. The auto deployment/scripting features of DataDude would catch the current dev changes of ApplicationA and ApplicationC. (Right now making the Database changes for each application is a manual process).
So, how can I insulate each Application from the other while they share the same database?
Note: I am not as concerned about conflicting changes for this question (ie if ApplicationA makes a DB change that breaks ApplicationC). We can find those in testing. I just need to make sure I don't move any Database Changes that are not part of my currently releasing Application to my Test/Production environments.
Are there any best practices or features that can help me out with this?
We are in a similar situation. We have many applications hitting the same database, and our database is under DBPro source control. We handle this by having various applications work in their own branch of the database source code. Each application will merge down from the main branch on a regular basis so its branch is aware of changes made by others. Then, when one of the applications needs to deploy to testing, a merge up to the main branch is done and then a deployment to the testing server is done.

How should you build your database from source control?

There has been some discussion on the SO community wiki about whether database objects should be version controlled. However, I haven't seen much discussion about the best-practices for creating a build-automation process for database objects.
This has been a contentious point of discussion for my team - particularly since developers and DBAs often have different goals, approaches, and concerns when evaluating the benefits and risks of an automation approach to database deployment.
I would like to hear some ideas from the SO community about what practices have been effective in the real world.
I realize that it is somewhat subjective which practices are really best, but I think a good dialog about what work could be helpful to many folks.
Here are some of my teaser questions about areas of concern in this topic. These are not meant to be a definitive list - rather a starting point for people to help understand what I'm looking for.
Should both test and production environments be built from source control?
Should both be built using automation - or should production by built by copying objects from a stable, finalized test environment?
How do you deal with potential differences between test and production environments in deployment scripts?
How do you test that the deployment scripts will work as effectively against production as they do in test?
What types of objects should be version controlled?
Just code (procedures, packages, triggers, java, etc)?
Table Definitions?
Table Change Scripts? (eg. ALTER scripts)
Which types of objects shouldn't be version controlled?
User Accounts?
How should database objects be organized in your SCM repository?
How do you deal with one-time things like conversion scripts or ALTER scripts?
How do you deal with retiring objects from the database?
Who should be responsible for promoting objects from development to test level?
How do you coordinate changes from multiple developers?
How do you deal with branching for database objects used by multiple systems?
What exceptions, if any, can be reasonable made to this process?
Security issues?
Data with de-identification concerns?
Scripts that can't be fully automated?
How can you make the process resilient and enforceable?
To developer error?
To unexpected environmental issues?
For disaster recovery?
How do you convince decision makers that the benefits of DB-SCM truly justify the cost?
Anecdotal evidence?
Industry research?
Industry best-practice recommendations?
Appeals to recognized authorities?
Cost/Benefit analysis?
Who should "own" database objects in this model?
Data Analysts?
More than one?
Here are some some answers to your questions:
Should both test and production environments be built from source control? YES
Should both be built using automation - or should production by built by copying objects from a stable, finalized test environment?
Automation for both. Do NOT copy data between the environments
How do you deal with potential differences between test and production environments in deployment scripts?
Use templates, so that actually you would produce different set of scripts for each environment (ex. references to external systems, linked databases, etc)
How do you test that the deployment scripts will work as effectively against production as they do in test?
You test them on pre-production environment: test deployment on exact copy of production environment (database and potentially other systems)
What types of objects should be version controlled?
Just code (procedures, packages, triggers, java, etc)?
Table Definitions?
Table Change Scripts? (eg. ALTER scripts)
Everything, and:
Do not forget static data (lookup lists etc), so you do not need to copy ANY data between environments
Keep only current version of the database scripts (version controlled, of course), and
Store ALTER scripts: 1 BIG script (or directory of scripts named liked 001_AlterXXX.sql, so that running them in natural sort order will upgrade from version A to B)
Which types of objects shouldn't be version controlled?
User Accounts?
see 2. If your users/roles (or technical user names) are different between environments, you can still script them using templates (see 1.)
How should database objects be organized in your SCM repository?
How do you deal with one-time things like conversion scripts or ALTER scripts?
see 2.
How do you deal with retiring objects from the database?
deleted from DB, removed from source control trunk/tip
Who should be responsible for promoting objects from development to test level?
dev/test/release schedule
How do you coordinate changes from multiple developers?
try NOT to create a separate database for each developer. you use source-control, right? in this case developers change the database and check-in the scripts. to be completely safe, re-create the database from the scripts during nightly build
How do you deal with branching for database objects used by multiple systems?
tough one: try to avoid at all costs.
What exceptions, if any, can be reasonable made to this process?
Security issues?
do not store passwords for test/prod. you may allow it for dev, especially if you have automated daily/nightly DB rebuilds
Data with de-identification concerns?
Scripts that can't be fully automated?
document and store with the release info/ALTER script
How can you make the process resilient and enforceable?
To developer error?
tested with daily build from scratch, and compare the results to the incremental upgrade (from version A to B using ALTER). compare both resulting schema and static data
To unexpected environmental issues?
use version control and backups
compare the PROD database schema to what you think it is, especially before deployment. SuperDuperCool DBA may have fixed a bug that was never in your ticket system :)
For disaster recovery?
How do you convince decision makers that the benefits of DB-SCM truly justify the cost?
Anecdotal evidence?
Industry research?
Industry best-practice recommendations?
Appeals to recognized authorities?
Cost/Benefit analysis?
if developers and DBAs agree, you do not need to convince anyone, I think (Unless you need money to buy a software like a dbGhost for MSSQL)
Who should "own" database objects in this model?
Data Analysts?
More than one?
Usually DBAs approve the model (before check-in or after as part of code review). They definitely own performance related objects. But in general the team own it [and employer, of course :)]
I treat the SQL as source-code when possible
If I can write it in standard's compliant SQL then it generally goes in a file in my source control. The file will define as much as possible such as SPs, Table CREATE statements.
I also include dummy data for testing in source control:
And then I abstract out all my SQL queries so that I can build the entire project for MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL or anything else.
Build and test automation uses these build-scripts as they are as important as the app source and tests everything from integrity through triggers, procedures and logging.
We use continuous integration via TeamCity. At each checkin to source control, the database and all the test data is re-built from scratch, then the code, then the unit tests are run against the code. If you're using a code-generation tool like CodeSmith, it can also be placed into your build process to generate your data access layer fresh with each build, making sure that all your layers "match up" and do not produce errors due to mismatched SP parameters or missing columns.
Each build has its own collection of SQL scripts that are stored in the $project\SQL\ directory in source control, assigned a numerical prefix and executed in order. That way, we're practicing our deployment procedure at every build.
Depending on the lookup table, most of our lookup values are also stored in scripts and run to make sure the configuration data is what we expect for, say, "reason_codes" or "country_codes". This way we can make a lookup data change in dev, test it out and then "promote" it through QA and production, instead of using a tool to modify lookup values in production, which can be dangerous for uptime.
We also create a set of "rollback" scripts that undo our database changes, in case a build to production goes screwy. You can test the rollback scripts by running them, then re-running the unit tests for the build one version below yours, after its deployment scripts run.
+1 for Liquibase:
LiquiBase is an open source (LGPL), database-independent library for tracking, managing and applying database changes. It is built on a simple premise: All database changes (structure and data) are stored in an XML-based descriptive manner and checked into source control.
The good point, that DML changes are stored semantically, not just diff, so that you could track the purpose of the changes.
It could be combined with GIT version control for better interaction. I'm going to configure our dev-prod enviroment to try it out.
Also you could use Maven, Ant build systems for building production code from scripts.
Tha minus is that LiquiBase doesnt integrate into widespread SQL IDE's and you should do basic operations yourself.
In adddition to this you could use DBUnit for DB testing - this tool allows data generation scripts to be used for testing your production env with cleanup aftewards.
Store DML in files so that you could
version them.
Automate schema build process from
source control.
For testing purposes developer could
use local DB builded from
source control via build system +
load testing Data with scripts, or
DBUnit scripts (from Source
LiquiBase allows you to provide "run
sequence" of scripts to respect
There should be DBA team that checks master
brunch with ALL changes
before production use. I mean they
check trunk/branch from other DBA's
before committing into MASTER trunk.
So that master is always consistent
and production ready.
We faced all mentioned problems with code changes, merging, rewriting in our billing production database. This topic is great for discovering all that stuff.
By asking "teaser questions" you seem to be more interested in a discussion than someone's opinion of final answers. The active (>2500 members) mailing list agileDatabases has addressed many of these questions and is, in my experience, a sophisticated and civil forum for this kind of discussion.
I basically agree with every answer given by van. Fore more insight, my baseline for database management is K. Scott Allen series (a must read, IMHO. And Jeff's opinion too it seems).
Database objects can always be rebuilt from scratch by launching a single SQL file (that can itself call other SQL files) : Create.sql. This can include static data insertion (lists...).
The SQL scripts are parameterized so that no environment-dependent and/or sensitive information is stored in plain files.
I use a custom batch file to launch Create.sql : Create.cmd. Its goal is mainly to check for pre-requisites (tools, environment variables...) and send parameters to the SQL script. It can also bulk-load static data from CSV files for performance issues.
Typically, system user credentials would be passed as a parameter to the Create.cmd file.
IMHO, dynamic data loading should require another step, depending on your environment. Developers will want to load their database with test, junk or no data at all, while at the other end production managers will want to load production data. I would consider storing test data in source control as well (to ease unit testing, for instance).
Once the first version of the database has been put into production, you will need not only build scripts (mainly for developers), but also upgrade scripts (based on the same principles) :
There must be a way to retrieve the version from the database (I use a stored procedure, but a table would do as well).
Before releasing a new version, I create an Upgrade.sql file (that can call other ones) that allows upgrading version N-1 to version N (N being the version being released). I store this script under a folder named N-1.
I have a batch file that does the upgrade : Upgrade.cmd. It can retrieve the current version (CV) of the database via a simple SELECT statement, launch the Upgrade.sql script stored under the CV folder, and loop until no folder is found. This way, you can automatically upgrade from, say, N-3 to N.
Problems with this are :
It is difficult to automatically compare database schemas, depending on database vendors. This can lead to incomplete upgrade scripts.
Every change to the production environment (usually by DBAs for performance tuning) should find its way to the source control as well. To make sure of this, it is usually possible to log every modification to the database via a trigger. This log is reset after every upgrade.
More ideally, though, DBA initiated changes should be part of the release/upgrade process when possible.
As to what kind of database objects do you want to have under source control ? Well, I would say as much as possible, but not more ;-) If you want to create users with passwords, get them a default password (login/login, practical for unit testing purposes), and make the password change a manual operation. This happens a lot with Oracle where schemas are also users...
We have our Silverlight project with MSSQL database in Git version control. The easiest way is to make sure you've got a slimmed down database (content wise), and do a complete dump from f.e. Visual Studio. Then you can do 'sqlcmd' from your build script to recreate the database on each dev machine.
For deployment this is not possible since the databases are too large: that's the main reason for having them in a database in the first place.
I strongly believe that a DB should be part of source control and to a large degree part of the build process. If it is in source control then I have the same coding safe guards when writing a stored procedure in SQL as I do when writing a class in C#. I do this by including a DB scripts directory under my source tree. This script directory doesn't necessarily have one file for one object in the database. That would be a pain in the butt! I develop in my db just a I would in my code project. Then when I am ready to check in I do a diff between the last version of my database and the current one I am working on. I use SQL Compare for this and it generates a script of all the changes. This script is then saved to my db_update directory with a specific naming convention 1234_TasksCompletedInThisIteration where the number is the next number in the set of scripts already there, and the name describes what is being done in this check in. I do this this way because as part of my build process I start with a fresh database that is then built up programatically using the scripts in this directory. I wrote a custom NAnt task that iterates through each script executing its contents on the bare db. Obviously if I need some data to go into the db then I have data insert scripts too. This has many benefits too it. One, all of my stuff is versioned. Two, each build is a fresh build which means that there won't be any sneaky stuff eking its way into my development process (such as dirty data that causes oddities in the system). Three, when a new guy is added to the dev team, they simply need to get latest and their local dev is built for them on the fly. Four, I can run test cases (I didn't call it a "unit test"!) on my database as the state of the database is reset with each build (meaning I can test my repositories without worrying about adding test data to the db).
This is not for everyone.
This is not for every project. I usually work on green field projects which allows me this convenience!
Rather than get into white tower arguments, here's a solution that has worked very well for me on real world problems.
Building a database from scratch can be summarised as managing sql scripts.
DBdeploy is a tool that will check the current state of a database - e.g. what scripts have been previously run against it, what scripts are available to be run and therefore what scripts are needed to be run.
It will then collate all the needed scripts together and run them. It then records which scripts have been run.
It's not the prettiest tool or the most complex - but with careful management it can work very well. It's open source and easily extensible. Once the running of the scripts is handled nicely adding some extra components such as a shell script that checks out the latest scripts and runs dbdeploy against a particular instance is easily achieved.
See a good introduction here:
You might find that Liquibase handles a lot of what you're looking for.
Every developer should have their own local database, and use source code control to publish to the team. My solution is here :
Have fun,
- Nathan

Using a common database for collaborative development

Some of the people in my project seem to think that using a common development database with everyone connecting to it is the best thing. I think that it isn't and each developer having his own database (with periodic updated data dumps) is the best. Am I right or wrong? Have you encountered any problems in any of these approaches?
Disk space and CPU should be cheap enough that every developer can run their own instance of the database, with an automated build under version control. This is needed to allow developers to be bold in hacking on the database, in isolation from any other developer's concurrent hacking.
The caveat being, of course, that any changes they make to their private instance are useless to anyone else unless it can be automatically applied during the build process. So there needs to be a firm policy that application code can't depend on any database state unless that state is represented by version-controlled, unit-tested changes to the DDL.
For an excellent guide on the theory and practice of treating the database definition as another part of the project code, and coordinating changes and refactorings, see Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database Design by Scott W. Ambler and Pramod Sadalage.
I like having my own copy of the database for development, because it gives you the flexibility to rapidly change things without worrying how it will impact others.
However, if all the developers are hacking away on their own copy of the database, it becomes more and more difficult to merge everyone's work together in the end.
I think you can get the best of both worlds by letting developers work on a local copy during day-to-day development, but each developer should probably merge their work into a common copy on a pretty regular basis. Writing a lot of unit tests helps too.
We share a single database amongst all our developer (20-odd) but we've got it structured so that everyone has their own tables.
You don't need a separate database per developer if you structure the application right. It should be configurable which database or table-prefix it uses anyway so you can easily move it between instances (unit test, system test, acceptance test, production, disaster recovery and so on).
The advantage to using a single database is that the cost of maintenance is amortized. You don't have your DBAs trying to handle a lot of databases (or, if you're a small-DB shop, you don't have every developer trying to maintain their own database when they're better utilized in developing).
Having a single point of Failure is not a good thing isn't it?
I prefer a single, shared database. But it's very dependent on the situation and the applications being developed.
What works for me may not work for you. Go with your gut.
If you are working with Hibernate or any hibernate-based platform you can configure your database to be created when you start your server (create-drop option). This is very useful when you are adding new attributes to your classes. If this is the case each developer must have his own copy of the DB.
If you are not changing the DB structure at all then you can use a single shared DB.
In this second case is not a must. I prefer to have my own DB where I can do whatever I want. On the other hand remember that some queries can take a lot of time and this will affect your whole team if you are sharing a DB.
