Change Default Winform Icon Across Entire App - winforms

Can I change the default icon used on a Winform?
Most of my forms have their icon property set to a custom icon. For the few forms that slip through the cracks, I don't want the generic "hey look, he made this in visual studio" icon.
One solution is to tediously check every one of my forms to make sure they either have a custom icon set or have ShowIcon set to False.
Another solution is to have every one of my forms inherit from a base class that sets a custom icon in the constructor.
Aside from those solutions, what other options do I have?
I was hoping there would be a way to replace the source of the stock icon with my own. Is it in a resource file somewhere? Or is it embedded in a .NET dll that I can't (or really, really shouldn't) modify?
Is there a way to accomplish this without editing or writing a single line of code? I don't care how impractical, complicated, waste-of-time the solution is... I just want to know if it's possible. I need to satisfy my curiosity.

The default icon is embedded in the winforms dll - looking at reflector (DefaultIcon) it is:
defaultIcon = new Icon(typeof(Form), "wfc.ico");
There is no magic in there that checks another common location, so you can't do it without changing code.
You could always embrace the forces of darkness with field-based reflection? Note: this is hacky and brittle. On your own head! But it works:
static void Main() {
// pure evil
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static)
.SetValue(null, SystemIcons.Shield);
// all forms now default to a shield
using (Form form = new Form()) {
To do it properly; two common options;
a base Form class which has the icon set
a factory Form method - perhaps something like:
public static T CreateForm<T>() where T : Form, new() {
T frm = new T();
frm.Icon = ...
// any other common code
return frm;
Then instead of:
using(var frm = new MySpecificForm()) {
// common init code
Something like:
using(var frm = Utils.CreateForm<MySpecificForm>()) {
Of course - that isn't much prettier! Another option might be a C# 3.0 extension method, perhaps as a fluent API:
public static T CommonInit<T>(this T form) where T : Form {
if(form != null) {
form.Icon = ...
return form;
using(var frm = new MySpecificForm().CommonInit()) {
// ready to use
This is then just a .CommonInit() away from your existing code.

The base class option is the one that we use.
If you are looking for an alternative (not necessarily good ones), you could:
1. Use IOC to instantiate all of your forms and modify the IOC container to set the application icon.
2. Use AOP to insert code into all of the forms that sets the application icon.
Personally, I'd just use the base class...

My useful answer:
Would be a nice feature for microsoft to implement though, since most apps use the same icon across the entire application.

If you want to update all the icons by another one, you can build a small app that edits all the *.Designer.vb files (in and adding the folowing line to InitializeComponent:
Me.Icon = New System.Drawing.Icon("C:\PathTo\icon.ico")
Hope it helps.

If all your forms are in just one project then you can take the dll of the project and use reflection to get every type in the dll. If the type derives from Form you can set the type's Icon property to whatever you want. I am not sure what the performance overhead will be if the project is very big.


Form subclasses in codename one

I'm building an app in Codename one. I'm trying to both create a Form in the codename one resource GUI and specify its type used in code. Background is to be able to specify dynamically which data is used in the form.
Is this recommended and is there a recommended way to accomplish that?
Currently I'm digging into the codenameone code and it looks like one way would be to pass a custom-made resource to the StateMachine/UIBuilder. The UIBuilder asks the resource for the component type and use this to return a custom type,
and register the custom form types with lines like
Any suggestions to this?
Right now the only way to do this in the old GUI builder is to replace all the forms with your new Form subclass which could be fine for many cases. E.g. override this in the state machine:
protected Component createComponentInstance(String componentType, Class cls) {
if(cls == From.class) {
return new MyForm();
return super.createComponentInstance(componentType, cls);
Notice that we are in the process of moving to a new more traditional GUI builder, right now its in technology preview state (translation: buggy as hell and lots of missing features) but this should be trivial in the future. See:

Trouble with ImageDownloadService

Earlier I was using the static createImageToStorage() method and it was working fine, but I wasn't able to get the scaling the way I wanted so I decided to create an instance of the class and use the non-static methods. Here's my code:
Label myLabel = findMyLabel();
ImageDownloadService imgService = new ImageDownloadService(URL_PREFIX+"images/"+picPath, myLabel);
The picture doesn't load, and when I debugged the InputStream provided by ReadResponse() had no data. What am I doing wrong?
It should be set to the bgImage of the style because of the setDownloadToStyles. I would recommend you use URLImage which is better designed with regard to scaling behavior.

displaying multiple ascx in dotnetnuke

I am a newbie programming modules for dotnetnuke.
At this moment I use only the view.ascx for displaying my logic.
I need to display different views based on the login user and the attach user role. I can do it by setting some of the controls visible and non visible but I think it is not the right way and make the code unnecessary complex.
I came across an earlier question in stackoverflow (DNN: Using multiple web user controls in one module and showing different controls in different pages)
But have still some questions:
I have to add a new webformuser control in vs2013 when I want to design a new view in a seperate ascx?
I think the solution mentioned in the link using a placeholder will solve my question. But which steps do I need to transform my current solution with "view.ascx" to a solution with a placeholder?
I need to create first a new webusercontrol and named it "MasterControl.ascx" and put the placeholder control in it?
I need to create additionally for each view a new webusercontrol? What about the view.ascx? I dont need it anymore? What is the controlpath? Is it the path where the user control reside?
Is this the following layout:
MasterControl.ascx calling
How to register "MasterControl.ascx"? I dont see "add control" in my current module when edited? I used DNN 7.2.x with the Cristoc addin.
I have to replace child1 wirh userview1 etc? When I supply the condition the corresponding userview.ascx will be displayed?
I a am a complete newbie so I need a step by step "cookbook recipe" how to convert my current module with, only using, a one "view.ascx" approach with a more flexible multiple ascx solution.
Thanks in advance,
a copy of the code mentioned in the above link.
string childControl;
switch (condition)
case "condition1":
childControl = ControlPath + Child1.ascx";
case "condition2":
childControl = ControlPath + Child2.ascx";
...more conditions...
PortalModuleBase objModule = (PortalModuleBase)this.LoadControl(childControl);
if ((objModule != null))
objModule.ModuleConfiguration = this.ModuleConfiguration;
If you only have a few things to hide or show then you could make use of <asp:Panels>. You could the set the visibility depending on a calculated property or some other logic; for instance, I have used the IsSuperUser property.
ASCX file:
<asp:Panel id="pnlSomeDeclarativeCode" runat=server>
<h1>Hide or show me</h1>
In your codebehind file:
private Initialise()
pnlSomeDeclarativeCode.Visabilty = UserInfo.IsSuperUser;

How do I work with images in a portable class library targeting Windows Store Apps and WP7,WP8,WPF?

I am working on a first PCL that targets : WSA (Windows Store Application), WPF,WP7,WP8. We can say that it is a rolerdex kind of application, you have contacts , they have contact details and images. (it's not, but I can't give details about the application, so I am using a very simple example instead). Here are some of my questions :)
Should I have the images in the PCL?
If yes:
How do reference the image for usage in WSA?
How do I best solve scaling with the scale qualifiers etc. when used across different projects?
I am not using a database and the images are not downloaded from an external service- I would like to keep the images (not many really) locally, in the app or in the PCL.
I just want to display images. That's it. It's a static rolerdex, you can't add new people. I just want to display 5 number of people and their image (in the PCL). How do I reference the images if it's a Windows Store Application?
I have a binding and the DataContext is set to a ViewModel in the PCL. The ViewModel aggregates the data to be displayed from the models. The property I've bound against is MyImage. Ignoring the other platforms, how would the Uri look like? Everything else works fine.
I really just want help with these three questions, although I really appreciate all the answers!!!
For a lot of cases, images are platform-specific. They need to cater for size and DPI of the device itself, and would need to fit in with the look and feel of the application. For these situations, I would have the View itself decide what images to show to the user, probably based on some sort of state/mode provided by the ViewModel.
However, these are cases where the images need to come from the ViewModel, for example, in the case of the sender thumbnails that get displayed in mail applications. In these cases, I have the ViewModel return some sort of a platform-agnostic concept of an image (such as byte[]), and then have the platform-specific projects convert that into something that their UI stack understands (in XAML, this would be a ImageSource).
The code would look something like this:
Portable project:
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
namespace Portable
public class ViewModel
private byte[] _image = LoadFromResource("Image.png");
public byte[] Image
get { return _image; }
private static byte[] LoadFromResource(string name)
using (Stream stream = typeof(ViewModel).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Portable." + name))
MemoryStream buffer = new MemoryStream();
return buffer.ToArray();
Note: You will need to remove or add GetTypeInfo() depending on the platforms you are targeting.
Here we're reading from an embedded resource (Properties -> Build Action -> Embedded Resource), but you could imagine this coming from the network, or somewhere else.
Windows Store app project:
In the Windows Store app, you would have a value converter to convert from byte[] -> ImageSource:
using System;
using System.IO;
using Windows.Storage.Streams;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Data;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Imaging;
namespace App
public class ByteToImageSourceValueConverter : IValueConverter
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, string language)
InMemoryRandomAccessStream s = new InMemoryRandomAccessStream();
byte[] bytes = (byte[])value;
Stream stream = s.AsStreamForWrite();
stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
BitmapImage source = new BitmapImage();
return source;
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, string language)
throw new NotImplementedException();
In the code behind of the View, set the DataContext:
DataContext = new ViewModel();
Then in the View itself binding to the ViewModel.Image property, and set the converter:
<local:ByteToImageSourceValueConverter x:Name="ImageConverter"/>
<Grid >
<Image HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="242" Margin="77,10,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="278" Source="{Binding Image, Converter={StaticResource ImageConverter}}"/>
Images are indeed quite problematic when you need to scale them across different platforms with different pixel densities and different screen sizes.
Coupled with this, there are often problems with image manipulation libraries not being portable - especially when they use hardware acceleration on each platform.
Assuming that your rolodex app is somehow going to allow users to capture images, and then to upload them to some shared database/service for later viewing, here's how I might approach the problem. It's not the only solution - there's no "one right way" here!
** Capturing and uploading images **
For capturing the picture (either from a folder or from a camera) I would have to use a native hook for each platform - so NOT PCL for this part
If I then needed to do some on-device processing of the image (e.g. resizing or adding a thumbnail) then again this would probably be done differently on each platform - so NOT PCL.
Once you have the photo (e.g. as a JPEG encoded in a MemoryStream) and want to upload it to a server, then I would probably do this using the asynchronous handlers HttpWebRequest (these are the old methods, nothing to do with async/await) in common PCL code
What's running on the server.... well, that's almost certainly not PCL code - and I might use methods there to resize the image into device ready sizes - e.g. different size thumbnails
** Showing images **
When I need to display someone's image from the database, then I would probably get the server to return a list of available thumbnail URLs - this is server code so would be not PCL
The app code that actually asks for the list of contacts or the contact detail - that would probably be PCL code - and would probably use HttpWebRequest again.
The View code that takes the contact and renders it on the screen? That would probably be XAML - and I would just use the native Image control on each platform to consume and render an appropriate thumbnail for the situation.
** If you were storing the images locally **
If you were storing the images locally instead of using a central server, then you'll probably need to use non-PCL code for this too. Each platform has the same basic type of methods: LoadFile, SaveFile, etc - and each will provide mechanisms to create, enumerate, read and write folders and files, but each platform does this via a different API to the file system (e.g. System.IO in WPF, IsolatedStorage in WP7 Silverlight, etc).
Once you've got your files into a common(ish) structure, then the PCL control code will be able to treat each file as just a pair of strings - the folder it's in and the file name...
... and in your UI layer (e.g. XAML) you will probably be able to reference those image files directly - probably can be done using a specific ValueConverter to generate the correct filename or filestream on each platform - e.g. in wp7 you could use the converter from Windows Phone 7 Silverlight binding image from the IsolatedStorage
So, my summary is:
I'd use PCL code wherever I could
but in reality that PCL code is only going to be in the control and networking - not in the image collection, image processing or image rendering
Some other things that might help:
currently I find it's quite hard to mix .Net4.5 async/await code with "normal" code - so even sharing the networking code might be quite hard to do - you might actually save time if you write separate code for everything :(
to help share the code, I would definitely try to use some form of IoC or DI to try to inject specific implementation of platform specific code where it's needed (this is what I do a lot in MvvmCross - and it's what #dsplaisted talks about in service location in
I tend to agree that image handling should probably be platform specific. Just as a general rule anything view related should not be included in a PCL. The above answers have some great technical detail that I will not bother repeating, but wanted to post a link to a slide deck I put together to discuss principals of using PCL.
Hopefully this gives some general guidance on the overall design strategies and reinforces the information in the previous answers.
Most people have already said and the answer is also "Not possible". UI elements in PCL goes against the philosophy of PCL, which should be usable as is across platforms that you are targetting.
Here's what MSDN has to say on PCL - "the Portable Class Library project doesn't contain any UI components because of behavioral differences between the UIs of different devices" (from
hope this helps
My first instinct is to say no you shouldn't have images in your PCL given what you have described.
But if I were going to do it images can be stored via resources in the different libraries and you can store a different image for each platform in there and then do an Environment inspection to determine what image to pull out. But this approach really only should be attempted if you need scale.
By scale I mean you are open sourcing this library where 1000's of programs are going to use it. If this is for your own internal use for 3 or 4 apps, I would say don't bother save your self the headache. Just pass the image into the shared library or set it via a config and be done with it.
Or just don't manage images via the PCL. Because image manipulation changes and is different on every platform, especially the ones you mentioned. And you are bound to run into some weird bug where it just doesn't work the same as it does on the other platforms.
I would probably put the actual image files in each app. I don't think you get much value out of trying to embed them in the PCL.
In your portable ViewModels, you can reference the image via a Uri. Unfortunately that Uri needs to be different on each platform. For Windows Store apps it needs to be something like ms-appx:////Assets/image.png where for Windows Phone I think it will just be /Assets/image.png.
So you'll need some code to figure out the correct Uri format. That could be a platform-specific service with a portable interface that the ViewModels would call. You might also be able to create a binding converter that would do whatever conversion you needed.
There are certainly other ways of doing this-- this is just what I'd picked based on the information in your question.
you can put the image on the view model as type "object" and use an interface (which is injected) to create the bitmap.
public interface IBitMapCreator
object Create(string path);
public class MyViewModel
private bool _triedToSetThumb;
private readonly IBitMapCreator _bc;
public MyViewModel(IBitMapCreator bc, string path)
_bc = bc;
public object Thumb { get; private set; }
private void SetThumb(string path)
if (!_triedToSetThumb)
string ext = Path.GetExtension(path).ToUpper();
if (
ext == ".JPG" ||
ext == ".JPEG" ||
ext == ".PNG" ||
ext == ".GIF" ||
ext == ".BMP" ||
Thumb = _bc.Create(path);
OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Thumb"));
_triedToSetThumb = true;
in the WPF version, you could do this
class BitMapCreator : IBitMapCreator
public object Create(string path)
return BitmapFrame.Create(new Uri(path));
By using this method you can data bind right to the image and do not need a converter.

Creating new Instance of the window by string Type

I have a WindowForm application and that contains multiple forms, each with a specific name. Well, I wanted to develop a class that manages the creation of these windows, where, through the parameter type of screen (her name), the system create one for me...
I'm thinking in the property "AcessibleName" in the MenuItem, put the name of the class that I want. Then to click on each item, the system performs the following verification
private void mnMenu_ItemClicked(object sender, ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(((MenuStrip)sender).AccessibleName))
string[] _Parametros = ((MenuStrip)sender).AccessibleName.Split(uConstantes.CtSeparadorMenu);
uMenu.CreateWindow(((MenuStrip)sender).AccessibleName, _Parametros);
catch (uException __Excp)
throw __Excp;
uMenu.CreateWindow and within the class, I would receive the parameters and instantiate a new object, and display it. Does anyone have any idea? Reflection solves this problem? (Unfortunately I do not know much about reflection)
I would look at the Activator.CreateInstance method to do specifically what you're asking for.
However, I'm inclined to ask if it's even necessary (based on the information you've provided.) Let's say that you have a menu that contains 3 items. When the user clicks on MenuItem1, they're presented with Form1. Likewise, MenuItem2->Form2 and MenuItem3->Form3. Why wouldn't you just launch the forms directly? What benefit is this providing you?
Actually, I was doing something wrong. I need to put the name of the Window, including its full path (namespace). Then, the command will work, and the type will be identified.
Thank you all.
