N:1 file descriptors? - file

Is it possible to have N file descriptors be seen to a program as 1 file descriptor such that data received on any of the N file descriptors (ie from N sockets) will be forwarded back to the calling API on the single file descriptor, hiding the fact that it may actually be coming from a different file descriptor? Is it also possible to have writes similarly be abstracted (but going back to the correct Nth file descriptor)?

Since you tag and use the word socket, I presume that your data is coming over a network path and you actually want to read multiple sources over the same socket.
If you are working with TCP/IP sockets, you already have that scheme with UDP sockets listening on a local port to which multiple sources can send data.
You cannot have such a TCP socket, however the select API is available on all standard implementations to let you open multiple TCP listening sockets, one per source, and then do a select on the whole lot. You will not be able to 'hide' the source here.
If abstraction is what you are after, a better idea would be to write a small application that will manage this multiple communication end-points and talk with your primary application over IPC. You can implement a short-header to address end-points to this small application. Your primary application will then see everything over one communication point.
It will also solve your problem of abstracting the writes nicely.


Message Passing between Processes without using dedicated functions

I'm writing a C program in which I need to pass messages between child processes and the main process. But the thing is, I need to do it without using the functions like msgget() and msgsnd()
How can I implement? What kind of techniques can I use?
There are multiple ways to communicate with children processes, it depends on your application.
Very much depends on the level of abstraction of your application.
-- If the level of abstraction is low:
If you need very fast communication, you could use shared memory (e.g. shm_open()). But that would be complicated to synchronize correctly.
The most used method, and the method I'd use if I were in your shoes is: pipes.
It's simple, fast, and since pipes file descriptors are supported by epoll() and those kind of asynchronous I/O APIs, you can take advantage from this fact.
Another plus is that, if your application grows, and you need to communicate with remote processes (processes that are not in your local machine), adapting pipes to sockets is very easy, basically it's still the same reading/writing from/to a file descriptor.
Also, Unix-domain sockets (which in other platforms are called "named pipes") let you to have a server process that creates a listening socket with a very well known name (e.g. an entry in the filesystem, such as /tmp/my_socket) and all clients in the local machine can connect to that.
Pipes, networking sockets, or unix-domain sockets are very interchangeable solutions, because - as said before - all involve reading/writing data from/to a file descriptor, so you can reuse the code.
The disadvantage with a file descriptor is that you're writing data to a stream of bytes, so you need to implement the "message streaming protocol" of your messages by yourself, to "unstream" your messages (marshalling/unmarshalling), but that's not so complicated in the most of the cases, and that also depends on the kind of messages you're sending.
I'd pass on other solutions such as memory mapped files and so on.
-- If the level of abstraction is higher:
You could use a 3rd party message passing system, such as RabbitMQ, ZMQ, and so on.

In C on Linux, how would I go about using 2 programs, the latter sending text data to the first displayed using stdout?

I am writing a simple instant messenger program in C on Linux.
Right now I have a program that binds a socket to a port on the local machine, and listens for text data being sent by another program that connected to my local machine IP and port.
Well, I can have this client send text data to my program, and have it displayed using stdout on my local machine; however, I cannot program a way to send data back to the client machine, because my program is busy listening and displaying the text sent by the client machine.
How would I go about either creating a new process (that listens and displays the text sent to it by the client machine, then takes that text and sends it to the other program's stdout, while the other program takes care of stdin being sent to the client machine) or create 2 programs that do the separate jobs (sending, receiving, and displaying), and sends the appropriate data to one another?
Sorry if that is weirdly worded, and I will clarify if need be. I looked into exec, execve, fork, etc. but am confused as to whether this is the appropriate path to look in to, or if there is a simpler way that I am missing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you.
EDIT: In retrospect, I figured that this would be much easier accomplished with 2 separate programs. One, the IM server, and the others, the IM clients.
The IM Clients would connect to the IM server program, and send whatever text they wanted to the IM server. Then, the IM server would just record the data sent to it in a buffer/file with the names/ip's of the clients appended to the text sent to it by each client, and send that text (in format of name:text) to each client that is connected.
This would remove the need for complicated inter-process/program communication for stdin and stdout, and instead, use a simple client/server way of communicating, with the client programs displaying text sent to it from server via stdout, and using stdin to send whatever text to the server.
With this said, I am still interested in someone answering my original question: for science. Thank you all for reading, and hopefully someone will benefit from my mental brainstorming, or whatever answers come from the community.
however, i cannot program a way to send data back to the client machine, because my program is busy listening and displaying the text sent by the client machine.
The same socket that was returned from a listening-socket by accept() can be used for both sending and receiving data. So your socket is never "busy" just because you're reading from it ... you can write back on the same socket.
If you need to both read and write concurrently, then share the socket returned from accept() across two different threads. Since two different buffers are being used by the networking stack for sending and receiving on the socket, a dedicated thread for reading and another dedicated thread for writing to the socket will be thread-safe without the use of mutexes.
I would go with fork() - create a child process and now you have two different processes that can do two different things on two different sockets- one can receive and the other can send. I have no personal experience with coding a client/server like this yet, but that would be my first stab at solving your issue...
As #bdonlan mentioned in a comment, you definitely need a multiplexing call like select or preferably poll (or related syscalls like pselect, ppoll ...). These multiplexing calls are the primitive to wait on several channels at once (with pselect and ppoll able to atomically wait for both I/O events and signals). Read also the select tutorial man page. Of course, you can wait for several file descriptors, and you can wait for both reading & writing abilities (even on the same socket, if needed), in the same select or poll syscall.
All event-based loops and frameworks are using these multiplexing calls (like poll or select). You could also use libevent, or even (particularly when coding a graphical user interface application) some GUI toolkit like Gtk or Qt, which are all based around a central event loop.
I don't think that having a multi-process or multi-threaded application is useful in your case. You just need some event loop.
You might also ask to get a SIGIO signal when data arrives on your socket using fcntl with F_SETOWN, but this is not very useful for you. Then you often want to have your socket non-blocking.

Opening Multiple TCP Connections From A Client To A Server Using Random Source Port In C

I am writing a C program where for every new request to be processed by server, I need to open a new TCP connection? That is every request from client needs to be handled by a separate TCP connection to a server listening on a particular port.
Can someone help me in code pointers?
How to maintain array of this socket identifiers (multiple sockets that needs to be opened)
How will I be able to read (Need to scroll through all open sockets and see if something interesting is to be read upon that socket)
Any code snippet will be highly useful?
You can use the select() function (assuming you are working with <sys/socket.h>), "gives you the power to monitor several sockets at the same time. It'll tell you which ones are ready for reading, which are ready for writing, and which sockets have raised exceptions" from http://beej.us/guide/bgnet/ (here you can download a pretty good book on network programming basics).
For a server example using select check http://beej.us/guide/bgnet/examples/selectserver.c
Hope it helps
If you need to save state with the socket, put it in a struct together with the data you need, and link the structures together as a list. For checking which sockets are ready see Maluchi's answer.

Best way to pass data between two servers in C?

I wrote a program that creates a TCP and UDP socket in C and starts both servers up. The goal of the application is to monitor requests over the TCP socket as to what UDP packets to send it (i.e. monitor for something like "0x01 0x02" and if I see it, then have the UDP server parse the payload, and forward it over to the TCP server for processing). The problem is, the UDP server will be busy keeping another device up, literally sending thousands of packets back and forth with this device. So what is the best way to continuously monitor requests from the TCP server, but send it certain payloads from the UDP server when requested since the UDP server will be busy?
I looked into pthreads with semaphores and/or mutex (not sure all the socket operations are thread safe, though, and if this is the right way to approach it) as well as fork / pipe. Forking the UDP server off as a child process seems easy enough, but I don't see exactly how I would be passing the kind of data I need among both servers (need request data from TCP and payload data from the UDP).
Firstly, would it make sense to put these two servers into one program? If so, you won't have to communicate between processes, and the whole logic becomes substantially easier. You will have to think about doing asynchronous input and output, and the select() function is designed for just this. There will be many explanations around on how to do this, and a quick look finds this page.
However, if you must have two separate processes, then you will need to choose a mechanism for inter-process communication, of which there are several, and your choice will be affected by your operating system. A pipe, if available, might be suitable, as might a Unix named pipe. Or you could look into third-party message passing frameworks, or just use shared memory and/or semaphores (but be very careful!).
What you should look at is libevent, anything else you are reinventing the wheel writing this low level code yourself. Here is a Tutorial, Google, Krugle
Also you should use some predefined protocol between the servers. There are lots to choose from. Ranging from the extremely simple XDR to Protocol Buffers.
You could use pipes on Unix. See http://tldp.org/LDP/lpg/node11.html
Well, you certainly picked an interesting introduction to C!
You might try shared memory. What OS?

Need to have non-blocking named pipes capable of two way communication in c on Linux

I want to create one server and one client(two separate programs) where in server creates
two named pipes(i guess thats the minimum required for bidirectional flow of traffic) and then
the client is started,and Client and server should be able to send and recieve data both ways
all the time(full duplex types).I think that would require me to have non-blocking named pipes.Would like some help as i have been able to create half duplex type of communication
but struggling to make a contineous seamless transfer of data between client and server happen.
Possible options:
Local domain sockets: AF_LOCAL family with SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_SEQPACKET type. The socket can be "in-memory", meaning you connect to it using a unique string, or it can be a socket file in the filesystem. It works just like any network socket, full-duplex.
Two pipes: one for reading, one for writing (vice versa for the other process). Might be a bit more complicated keeping track of two pipes, as opposed to the local domain socket.
Helpful link Check out the part on Pipes and the one on Unix Sockets.
Have you considered using select() to handle the reading named pipe?
