Unit testing silverlight where does this live? - silverlight

Im tring to start unit testing with silverlight and some of the samples online use the following statements
where do these live?

Ok found my answer. If your test inherits from WorkItemTest (or PresentationTest, or SilverlightTest), you’ll be able to call from your tests:
Instructs the framework that your test method is finished, and to move onto the next result. This can be added to event callbacks, delegates, etc. You should not do any more work or your test after calling this.
Enqueues an action to call TestComplete. This is the most-used way of calling TestComplete when a set of work is done, and would typically be the last Enqueue* method call.
Enqueues an Action (delegate, simple lambda, etc.). The work item effectively calls the Action, then moves on. Alternatively, this enqueue method also takes an array of Actions, allowing you to chain many Action calls together in order.
Takes a Func conditional statement / predicate. Each time the work item is evaluated, the function is called. When it returns True, the work item is complete and execution will continue. After each invoke of the predicate, the test framework will unwind the stack, allowing other work to happen, before coming back to try the condition again.
This method will enqueue a work item that takes either a TimeSpan object or an integer representing the number of milliseconds at minimum to delay before continuing. This is not an exact timer, but rather, a way to ensure that at least a minimum amount of time continues. It is more like a DoEvents call than it is like a Sleep call, since it will not block the UI thread.


Libev: how to schedule a callback to be called as soon as possible

I'm learning libev and I've stumbled upon this question. Assume that I want to process something as soon as possible but not now (i.e. not in the current executing function). For example I want to divide some big synchronous job into multiple pieces that will be queued so that other callbacks can fire in between. In other words I want to schedule a callback with timeout 0.
So the first idea is to use ev_timer with timeout 0. The first question is: is that efficient? Is libev capable of transforming 0 timeout timer into an efficient "call as soon as possible" job? I assume it is not.
I've been digging through libev's docs and I found other options as well:
it can artificially delay invoking the callback by using a prepare or idle watcher
So the idle watcher is probably not going to be good here because
Idle watchers trigger events when no other events of the same or higher priority are pending
Which probably is not what I want. Prepare watchers might work here. But why not check watcher? Is there any crutial difference in the context I'm talking about?
The other option these docs suggest is:
or more sneakily, by reusing an existing (stopped) watcher and pushing it into the pending queue:
ev_set_cb (watcher, callback);
ev_feed_event (EV_A_ watcher, 0);
But that would require to always have a stopped watcher. Also since I don't know a priori how many calls I want to schedule at the same time then I would have to have multiple watchers and additionally keep track of them via some kind of list and increase it when needed.
So am I on the right track? Are these all possibilities or am I missing something simple?
You may want to check out the ev_prepare watcher. That one is scheduled for execution as the last handler in the given event loop iteration. It can be used for 'Execute this task ASAP' implementations. You can create dedicated watcher for each task you want to execute, or you can implement a queue with a one prepare watcher that is started once queue contains at least one task.
Alternatively, you can implement similar mechanism using ev_idle watcher, but this time, it will be executed only if the application doesn't process any 'higher priority' watcher handlers.

clutter timeline not emitting signals in time

the timeline functionality in moblin clutter is used to do a callback every given milliseconds.although it is emitting signals lot faster(every 1ms or so). Why does this happen?
ClutterTimeline * clutter_timeline_new(guint msecs);
you should not be using a Timeline to get a notification (and execute code) that N amount of milliseconds have elapsed. ClutterTimeline is a object that is tied to the redraw cycle of the UI. timelines are advanced every time Clutter redraws a frame, to let the application code know that it has to update its state.
if you just need to have your code called after an interval, use g_timeout_add() instead; this function is tied only to the main loop, and not to the redraw cycle. there are other considerations to be taken care of when using a timeout, so you should read the documentation:
strictly speaking, if you're using Moblin, you're probably using a very old version of Clutter, so there may be bugs as well; not that I know of bugs where the ClutterTimeline::new-frame signal is called every millisecond, mind you.

SubscribeOnDispatcher in Silverlight/WPF

In what cases I really have a necessity to use an IObservable<>.SubscribeOnDispatcher method in Silverlight/WPF applications? I.e. I'm asking for particular cases, when this call is a must.
Thanks in advance
Its a must when these conditions are true:
Your Observable is based on something that generates callbacks/events that are not already guaranteed to be be on the main UI thread (eg. HttpWebRequest)
The code that responds to the arrival these items needs to manipulate UI elements
Other code in the chain must not execute until the previous manipulations of UI elements are complete.
If 1 isn't true then things arrive from it on the UI thread already. If 2 isn't true then there being on the UI thread isn't important. If 3 isn't true then code at stage 2 could BeginInvoke some of its UI work on the Dispatcher itself.

Threading issue with Dispatcher.Invoke and Dispatcher.BeginInvoke

Acording to my understanding Dispatcher.Invoke and Dispatcher.BeginInvoke executes on UI thread, The only difference is That Invoke is synchronous and BeginInvoke is asynchronous.My problem is when i use this code
DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(delegate
context = NavigationManager.CurrentPage.DataContext;
Value of context is returned. However with the below code
DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(delegate
context = NavigationManager.CurrentPage.DataContext;
Context is null and i get an InvalidOperation Exception saying "
The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it.I am calling this from a WCF service which is executing with UseSynchronizationContext = false .Can anybody explain this behaviour?
Both BeginInvoke and Invoke will end up calling an internal method called BeginInvokeImpl to do the work. The difference is that Invoke then waits for the operation to complete before returning.
And there's one other difference: if you are already on the UI thread and you're using DispatcherPriority.Send Invoke will actually invoke the method directly without going via BeginInvokeImpl, meaning that the operation is processed without going via the message queue. (If you're not using Send then any other messages already queued up with higher property than your operation will get processed first.)
But since you're presumably not on the UI thread here - you're on some WCF callback - that special case won't apply. So Invoke ends up calling into the same underlying implementation as BeginInvoke.
From the information you've provided, I'd have to guess that there's a missing detail somewhere here. The code you've shown should work fine, unless perhaps you have multiple UI threads in your application, and the page that happens to be in CurrentPage belongs to different threads from time to time.
If you do have multiple UI threads, then the approach you're using - pushing everything through the current Application object's dispatcher - isn't going to work, because you'll have multiple dispatchers. You'd need to get the right dispatcher for whichever UI element you're planning to touch.
Incidentally, one way you might accidentally end up with multiple UI threads is if you construct a UI object (e.g. a Page) on some worker thread or callback. Is it possible that you've done that somewhere?

manage Asynchronous sequence in silverlight?

In my project I want remove some rows first then afterwards insert new rows.
But some times what happens is it inserts the new rows first then afterwards removes the starting rows.
To solve this problem I need to manage the operations in a proper sequence.
Please help me out.
This is a common pattern/problem with Silverlight as pretty much "everything" is asynchronous (for good reasons).
Depending on how your Adds and Removes are triggered, you could queue up tasks (e.g. a list of delegates) and have each task execute the next one off the list when they complete.
The alternative is going to sound a little complex, but the solution we came up with is to create a SequentialAsynchronousTaskManager class that operates in a similar way to the SilverlightTest class which uses EnqueueConditional() methods to add wait conditions and EnqueueCallback()s to execute code.
It basically holds a list of delegates (which can be simple Lambda expressions) and either executes it regularly until it returns true (EnqueueConditional) or just executes some code (EnqueueCallback).
