Can the stack size be changed dynamically - How? - c

Can the stack size be changed dynamically in C?
If yes, How?

It depends on OS you are using.
On Unix/Linux you can use POSIX syscall setrlimit() for RLIMIT_STACK resource.
See man setrlimit for details.

By dynamically do you mean changing the stack size while the code is in execution? AFAIK, that cannot be done. But, you can set the stack size before you run your application. You can do this by using the "ulimit -s" command in linux which will set the stack size for all process executed under that shell.
Incase of windows, the same can be done in VC6 for that project by setting the stack size in Project Properties->link options->output->stack allocations->reserve. I am not aware for VC8, but such options might be available.

In a single-threaded program under Linux, the stack will grow automatically until it crashes into something else in the memory space. This is usually the heap and on 32-bit systems this means that you can typically have several GB of stack.
In a multi-threaded program, this isn't generally possible as another thread's stack will be in the way.
You can control the stack size when creating a new thread, but this is generally a bad idea as it is architecture-dependent how much stack is required by a task.
It's pretty low level stuff and mostly controlled by your C library / threading library. Mess around at your peril :)

In general, it's something that can't be done robustly because address space needs to be reserved for the stack. If objects were already allocated on the heap with addresses within the new desired stack-range, you'd be in big trouble. On systems with less memory than address space it could be possible, but I doubt you'll see many systems that allow it. C does not require nor support any such mechanisms for it.

No, this is outside the scope of C.

Why do you need to do this? It depends on the OS and isn't something that C itself gets directly involved in (although specific linkers and runtime environments have varying ways of managing the configuration of such things).
What OS have you got, and what are you trying to achieve?


How come the stack cannot be increased during runtime in most operating system?

Is it to avoid fragmentation? Or some other reason? A set lifetime for a memory allocation is a pretty useful construct, compared to malloc() which has a manual lifetime.
The space used for stack is increased and decreased frequently during program execution, as functions are called and return. The maximum space allowed for the stack is commonly a fixed limit.
In older computers, memory was a very limited resource, and it may still be in small devices. In these cases, the hardware capability may impose a necessary limit on the maximum stack size.
In modern systems with plenty of memory, a great deal may be available for stack, but the maximum allowed is generally set to some lower value. That provides a means of catching “runaway” programs. Generally, controlling how much stack space a program uses is a neglected part of software engineering. Limits have been set based on practical experience, but we could do better.1
Theoretically, a program could be given a small initial limit and could, if it finds itself working on a “large” problem, tell the operating system it intends to use more. That would still catch most “runaway” programs while allowing well crafted programs to use more space. However, by and large we design programs to use stack for program control (managing function calls and returns, along with a modest amount of space for local data) and other memory for the data being operated on. So stack space is largely a function of program design (which is fixed) rather than problem size. That model has been working well, so we keep using it.
1 For example, compilers could report, for each routine that does not use objects with run-time variable size, the maximum space used by the routine in any path through it. Linkers or other tools could report, for any call tree [hence without loops] the maximum stack space used. Additional tools could help analyze stack use in call graphs with potential recursion.
How come the stack cannot be increased during runtime in most operating system?
This is wrong for Linux. On recent Linux systems, each thread has its own call stack (see pthreads(7)), and an application could (with clever tricks) increase some call stacks using mmap(2) and mremap(2) after querying the call stacks thru /proc/ (see proc(5) and use /proc/self/maps) like e.g. pmap(1) does.
Of course, such code is architecture specific, since in some cases the call stack grows towards increasing addresses and in other cases towards decreasing addresses.
Read also Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces and the OSDEV wiki, and study the source code of GNU libc.
BTW, Appel's book Compiling with Continuations, his old paper Garbage Collection can be faster than Stack Allocation and this paper on Compiling with Continuations and LLVM could interest you, and both are very related to your question: sometimes, there is almost "no call stack" and it makes no sense to "increase it".

What is the main origin of heap and stack memory division?

I read a lot of explanation of heap and stack memory, and all of them obscure anyway in terms of origin. First of all I understand how this memories works with software, but I don't understand the main source of this division. I assume that they are the same unspecialized physical memory, but...
For example say we have PC without any OS, and we want create some bootable program with assembly language for x86. I assume we can do this (Personally I don't know assembly, but some people write OS anyway). So the main question is Can we already operate with heap and stack, or we must create some memory managment machinery for this? If yes, so how it can be possible in terms of bare metal programming?
Adding something to the other answer, fairly correct but perhaps not very complete.
Heap and stack are two (software) ways to "manage" memory. The physical memory, normally, is a flat array of cells where a program can read and write. It is up to the running program to use those cells as it wants. But there is more to say.
1^ thing. Heap is totally software, while stack is also (or mainly) a hardware thing. Most processors have hardware (or CPU instruction) to support the stack, while most (or all?) don't care about the heap. Even more: there are small embedded processors (or microcontrollers) which have a separated stack area - totally different from other ram areas where the program could create a "heap".
2^ thing. Whean speaking about "programs", one can/should think that the operating system (the OS) is a program, specialized in managing resources (memory included), and extendable with "applications" (which are programs). In such scenario, stack and heap are managed in cooperation from both OS and the applications.
So, to reply to your main question, the 90% correct answer is: in bare metal you have already a stack - perhaps you have to issue some short instruction to set it up, but it is straightforward. But you don't have a heap, you must implement it in your program. First you set aside some memory to be used as a stack; and then you can set aside some more memory to be used as a heap, not forgetting that you must preserve some memory for normal/static data. The part of the program that manages the heap should know what to do, using but not erratically overwriting the stack and the static data, to perform its functions.

Usage example of the nonexistent sstk() system call?

Keeping with the festivities of Stackoverflow's new logo design, I was curious what the point of sstk() was supposed to be in BSD and other UNIX-Like operating systems?
According to the Linux kernel system call interface manpages, sstk(2) was supposed to:
...[change] the size of the stack area. The stack area is also automatically extended as needed. On the VAX the text and data areas are adjacent in the P0 region, while the stack section is in the P1 region, and grows downward.
However, also according to the manual:
This call is not supported in 4.3BSD or 4.4BSD or glibc or Linux or any other known Unix-like system. Some systems have a routine of this name that returns ENOSYS.
Which can be noticed by viewing glibc's sstk.c source
My question is, why would one want to manually change the size of the stack? sbrk() and friends make sense, but is there any use in manually re-sizing the stack size in your program manually?
As I first expressed in comments, the fact that the call is not supported any-known-where suggests that in fact there isn't much point to it, at least not any more.
The docs on attribute the function's heritage to BSD (though it's apparently not supported in modern BSD any more than it is anywhere else), and BSD traces its lineage to bona fide AT&T Unix. It may have made more sense in days when RAM was precious. In those days, you also might not have been able to rely on the stack size being increased automatically. Thus you might, say, enlarge the stack dynamically within a deeply recursive algorithm, and then shrink it back afterward.
Another plausible reason for explicitly growing the stack with a syscall would be so you can get a clean error indication if the request is too big, as opposed to the normal method of handling stack allocation failures (i.e. don't even try, if any allocation fails, just let the process crash).
It will be hard to know exactly how much stack space you need to perform some recursive operation, but you could make a reasonable guess and sstk(guess*10) just to be sure.

Is there a libc function (or equivalent) to know the current size of the heap?

Is there a libc function (or equivalent) to know the current size of the heap?
I have a memory problem in my application, and it seems being able to monitor the heap when I want to would help me find the problem. So is there a way to know the current size of the heap?
As the functionality you want is for debugging, it would make a lot more sense for you to use your debugger or your operating system's resource accounting to monitor the process's memory usage, instead of trying to code that into your program.
If you really want your program to keep track of its own memory usage, the only portable way to do this is to avoid using malloc and free directly and instead call them through wrappers that increment/decrement a counter. This will not account for memory fragmentation, but if your interest is in the logical memory usage of your program and not the impact on physical resources, a counter implemented this way might actually be more informative than looking at the operating system's resource accounting.
If you only care about a particular target platform or family of platforms, there may also be functions above and beyond the C standard which do what you want. On POSIX, lookup getrusage.
What you need is
Still wouldn't help.
Do you want to know :
The total address space.
The space available to user programs
The space unallocated, to this process, including swap or not
The biggest free chunk available
You can use tools like Purify to debug memory issues. This article from IBM contains a lot of details about the sources of such problems and pointers to solutions.

Is there a maximum limit to the size of a variable that should be allocated on a stack?

i declared a struct variable in C of size greater than 1024bytes. On running Coverity (a static code analyzer application) it reports that this stack variable is greater than 1024 bytes and therefore a cause of error.
I'd like to know if I need to worry about this warning? Is there really a maximum limit to the size of a single stack variable?
The maximum size of a variable is the limited by the maximum size of the stack (specifically, how much of the stack is left over from any current use including variables and parameters from functions higher on the stack as well as process frame overhead).
On Windows, the stacksize of the first thread is a property of the executable set during linking while the stacksize of a thread can be specified during thread creation.
On Unix, the stacksize of the first thread is usually only limited only by how much room there is for it to grow. Depending on how the particular Linux lays out memory and your use of shared objects, that can vary. The stacksize of a thread can also be specified during thread creation.
The problem it is trying to protect you from is stack overflow, because of different execution paths, it is very hard to find in testing. Mostly for this reason - it is considered bad form to allocate a large amount of data on the stack. You are only really likely to run into a real problem on an embedded system though.
In other words, it sets an arbitrary limit to what it considers too much data on the stack.
Yes. Of course it's limited by the address space of your system. It's also limited by the amount of space allocated to the stack by your OS, which usually can't be changed after your program starts but can be changed beforehand (either by the launching process, or by the properties of the executable). At a quick glance, the maximum stack size on my OS X system is 8 MiB and on Linux it's 10 MiB. On some systems, you can even allocate a different amount of stack to each different thread you start, although this is of limited usefulness. Most compilers also have another limit to how much they'll allow in a single stack frame.
On a modern desktop, I wouldn't worry about a 1k stack allocation unless the function were recursive. If you're writing embedded code or code for use inside an OS kernel, it would be a problem. Code in the Linux kernel is only permitted 64 KiB stacks or less, depending on configuration options.
This article is pretty interesting regarding stack size
Yes is it OS dependent and also other things dependent. Sorry to be so vague. You may also be able to dig up some code in the gcc collection for testing stack size.
If your function was involved (directly or indirectly) in recursion, then allocating a large amount on the stack would limit the depth of recursion and might well blow the stack. Under Windows this stack reserve defaults to 1MB, though you can increase it statically with linker commands. The stack will grow as it is used, but the operating system sometimes cannot extend it. I discuss this in a little more detail on my website here.
As I have seen, a C compiler(turbo) provides a maximum size of 64000k for a variable. If we need more size, then it is declared as "huge".
It's not a good idea to try to use a massive amount of stack space.
Here is a link to the default gcc stack size:
Also, you could specify --stack,xxxxx to customize the stack size, so it's best to assume xxxxx is a small number and stick with heap allocation.
Stack, heap, low, high VM -- Nuts, for the first thread, the stack at the top pf 64 bit VM, there should be no limit, so it seems like a gcc/c compiler bug that for local automatic "int x[2621440];" I get SIGSEGV. The compiler should be letting the first thread stack grow until it hits the heap, which in a 16 billion billion byte VM is pretty unlikely for now. The kindest thing is to call it a compiler "limitation". (In testing some while back, probably on a Solaris SPARC, it seemed that local variables processed faster than global ones. Go figure!)
