JDBC connection hanging - sql-server

One of our customers has a newish problem: the application grinds to halt. Thread dump shows that all threads are hanging on network IO in JDBC calls.
We/I have never seen these 'network IO' hangs. Typically a slow machine w/ DB problems has either a) one or two long-running queries or b) some type of lock/deadlock. In either of these cases the threads 'hang' on different methods. I have never seen all 30+ threads hanging on network IO.
Below I have included an excerpt from the thread dump. All HTTP threads are hanging on the same java.net.SocketInputStream.read call.
I talked to their dba and sysadmin. According to them 'nothing has changed' in the environment recently which would cause this problem.
db environment
MSSQL 2005 64-bit Service Pack 2
Driver: sqljdbc.jar : 1.0 809 102
Note: they are running an older jdbc driver. AFAIK they tried upgrading from 1.0 to the 1.2 driver but had some other problem.
other environment issues
They're running both the app server and the db server in VMWare VM's. I don't know how this setup affects network performance.
Apparently this is the only application with this problem. I don't know anything else about their network architecture.
* any insights on this problem?
* if it is network, any next steps for analyzing?
Appendix A: Excerpt from Thread dump
All HTTP connections are hanging on the same method:
"TP-Processor31" daemon prio=5 tid=0x04085b78 nid=0x970 runnable [0x0764d000..0x0764fd6c]
at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:129)
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.DBComms.receive(Unknown Source)
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.IOBuffer.sendCommand(Unknown Source)
- locked (a com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.DBComms)
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerStatement.sendExecute(Unknown Source)
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerStatement.doExecuteQuery(Unknown Source)

We've had similar issues, and traced them back to a buggy JDK update (1.6.29).
We downloaded 1.6.27 (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javasebusiness/downloads/java-archive-downloads-javase6-419409.html#jdk-6u27-oth-JPR), re-set the JAVA_HOME environment and we were back on track.

It is the changes to JSSE in version 1.6 u29. The change is to partially patch CVE-2011-3389 and CVE-2011-3560.
If are not deploying applets and using java web-start. You might be able to just use the 1.6 u27 jsse.jar. You're still going to have the vulnerability, but it will allow the sqljdbc.jar and sqljdbc4.jar to work.
The other options to migrate to Java 7, the sqljdbc4.jar does work in that environment.
The patch is not complete fix. So expect more changes in future patches.


AWS IoT reboot Job never executes - Forever queued

I might be confused about how this is supposed to work, but I setup a device as a Greengrass Core v2 device and created a reboot job from the managed AWS-Reboot template and it never executes on the device.
The goal of this is just a proof of concept before I delve much deeper creating my own jobs like pulling new versions of our software.
Job type is "Snapshot".
Device is running Ubuntu 18.04
Java: OpenJDK 16.0.2
In case someone else runs into my post.
Greengrass doesn't support Managed Templates for IoT Jobs. They're for AWS IoT Device Client: https://repost.aws/questions/QUMwi9PxDcRT6xu1jEQEfj8g

posting a flurry of msgs to rsyslog causes process hangs in openlog()

We use the rsyslogd daemon for logging debug messages in several applications. With full debug on, the server will hang in the openlog() call being made in the application to log messages. Looks to be doing a lock in the kernel library code in glibc.
Is this a known issue under load or are we exposing some contention issue in the kernel? RHEL 6.4 running kernel 2.6.32-358.2.1 (i386).
rsyslog version was 8.4.1 but we upgraded to latest this afternoon 8.17 and are still running tests to see if the problem continues.

DB2 Communication Error

We recently developed an application which will run a query in DB2 and send a mail to the corresponding recipient. It works well in our local system and QA region. But in production, few queries failed (even if it's rare, like once in week). It throws the exception below.
Exception InnerDetails:
ERROR [40003] [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL30081N A communication error has
been detected. Communication protocol being used: "TCP/IP".
Communication API being used: "SOCKETS". Location where the error was
detected: "". Communication function detecting the
error: "recv". Protocol specific error code(s): "10004", "", "".
Since error occurs only in production and not very often, we are not sure whether it is the code or a setting issue. Do you have any idea?
We recently discussed this issue with our IBM rep. After looking in their internal knowledge base, he suggested we add "Interrupt=0" to our connection string, based on recommendations given to other customers that had the same problem.
The default value for Interrupt was 1 before v10.5 FP2 and still is for most connections. They changed the default value to 2 for connections to z/OS (mainframe) in FP2.
We're using C# and the connection string properties for the IBM Data Server Driver for .Net can be found here. I'm sure there is a similar property for their drivers for other languages.
This page from the IBM docs goes into a bit more detail about the setting.
We haven't seen the issue since we recently added the property, but it was always intermittent so I can't yet confidently say that the problem is fixed. Time will tell...
That particular error (SQL30081N) is just a generic message that indicates a network issue between your DB2 client and the server. In this case, you want to look at the Protocol specific error code(s). Here, it looks like you're on Windows, and that particular code (10004) isn't given in the IBM documentation.
So, if you google "windows network error codes", you'll find this page, which says:
Interrupted function call.
A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.
Which links to this page with more information on that specific function (emphasis mine):
The WSACancelBlockingCall function has been removed in compliance
with the Windows Sockets 2 specification, revision 2.2.0.
The function is not exported directly by WS2_32.DLL and Windows
Sockets 2 applications should not use this function. Windows Sockets
1.1 applications that call this function are still supported through the WINSOCK.DLL and WSOCK32.DLL.
Blocking hooks are generally used to keep a single-threaded GUI
application responsive during calls to blocking functions. Instead of
using blocking hooks, an applications should use a separate thread
(separate from the main GUI thread) for network activity.
I'm guessing that your application may be blocking for a longer time in your production application than your other environments, and something along the way is causing the interrupt.
Hopefully this leads you down the right path...
I spent hours to solve the same problem and fixed it. I use a Windows exe (developed with C#.NET) to run a SELECT query from a DB2 database and I sometimes got this error. Finally I realized that my problem is a time out error. Error with protocol code "10004" message, sometimes occurs if query execution is longer than 30 seconds which is default timeout value. Maybe the interruption call on the "Windows Socket Error Codes" page occurs for time out mechanism. I add aline to set an acceptable timeout value and got rid off this annoying error. I hope it helps other.
Here is my code fix :
DB2Command cmdDb = new DB2Command(QueryText,connDb);
cmdDb.CommandTimeout = 300; //I added this line.
using (DB2DataReader readerDb = cmdDb.ExecuteReader())

Apache stops processing requests (mod_wsgi?)

At some point my site, running on Apache2 with mod_wsgi just stops processing requests. The connection to server is maintained and client waits for responce, but it never is returned by apache. The server at this time is at 0% CPU, and nothing is processing. I think, apache just sends request to queue and never gets them out of there.
When I perform apache2ctl graceful the problem does not resolve. Only after apache2ctl restart.
My site is a 4 instance wsgi application of Pyramid and 2 instances of Zope 3. It is running normaly and does not have speed problems, that I am aware of.
Ubuntu 10.04
apache2 2.2.14-5ubuntu8.9
libapache2-mod-wsgi 2.8-2ubuntu1
Sounds like you are using embedded mode to run the multiple applications and you are using third party C extensions that have problems in sub interpreters, resulting in potential deadlock. Else your code is internally deadlocking or blocking on external services and never returning, causing exhaustion of available processes/threads.
For a start, you should look at using daemon mode and delegate each web application to a distinct daemon process group and then forcing each to run in the main interpreter.
Otherwise use debugging tips described in:
for getting stack traces about what application is doing.

DCHP with database backend

Here my first question :P.
I am developing some little projectes. I want to change dhcp server rules of IP/MAC without rebooting the server (In a dinamic infrastructure).
I think that the best solution is to use a dhcp server with a database backend, in order to change the SQL information (With an easy JDBC client).
But I want to know some suggestion about open Source Projects, or howto's that explain how to implement it.
Thank you very much
Usually on Unix, long running daemons listen for the HUP signal. On receiving that signal, they re-read their configuration files. This allows daemons to have no down time, but get updated configuration options.
The guys at ISC (authors of BIND and the ISC DHCP server) are working on KEA, a new DHCP server implementation that -- among other nice features -- has SQL support. The source code has had support for SQLite and MySQL for years, and PostgreSQL support was added recently.
There's no proper release yet, and very little activity on their dev/users mailing lists. Hopefully that will change as the code matures, releases are made, distros start packaging it, and it gains traction with users.
On Unix.
No, restart the DHCP server, no the machine :). Sorry.
Because when you change the dhcp.conf you need to restart the dhcp (dhcpd)
