MultiScaleTileSource and Collections - deepzoom

Does anyone know how to override the GetTileLayers for a collection in the MultiScaleTileSource class. I want to set the source to a xml document ( which is a deep zoom collection doc ). I need to remap where the images come from and the filename format.
This is simple with a single image, but how do you do it for a collection?

It might not be officially possible. Check out this thread.
A related question might be why the tileImageLayerSources argument of MultiScaleTileSource.GetTileLayers is not specifically a collection of Uris and why is it a collection... i.e. why would we want to add multiple Uris in one call?

The easiest way to do "dynamic" deep zoom is instead of setting the source for the MSI directly to the XML, set it to an ASPX handler that returns the xml you generate on the fly. If you're not sure what I'm saying, let me know and I can reply with more detail.


getting the field values of content types from drupal

Here I want to know how to get the field values of my custom content type 'mypop'. I tried all methods in google but I don't know how to use, for example i tried function node_load, I can't able to know where to write this function, what are the parameters and tried EntityFieldQuery too. Can I know the how to do it in brief explaination.
Thanks in Advance.
Definitely a very broad question. Assuming you have the content type 'mypop' created already, think the easiest steps for you would be to:
Make sure you create some content of that content type
Customize the "Manage Display" on that content type and make sure the fields you want are set to visible there
Once you do this, those fields should be visible when you view the nodes of that content type already. If you want to further customize the view, you should probably customize the template file for that specific content type (there's other options but trying to keep this as simple as possible).
To do this, copy the "node.tpl.php" file you'll find on the modules/node folder to your theme templates folder and change it's name to be "node--mypop.tpl.php".
That way, you'll override Drupal's default display template for that specific content type only. Now you can basically tweak it into anyway you want.
Hope this helps!
Thanks a lot Alberto. Its working now! I have another issue too, it also got cleared and now its working fine !Another issue is javascript called automatically when I open views edit for other contents. Now by doing overriding this template file, it also gets cleared. Thank you !
node_load take node id. So in order to use noad_load() function, you should first retrieve node ids. Better if you use noad_load_multiple().
// Query all of the nids of a particular content type.
$nids = db_select('node', 'n')
->fields('n', array('nid'))
->condition('type', 'Article', '=')
// Get all of the article nodes.
$nodes = node_load_multiple($nids);
You can see the result by calling print_r($nodes). Just write a normal function in you .module file or .inc file. Call it anywhere, your choice. say, in menu callback.

Drupal: D7 rewriting values returned by views

I have a requirement to perform an indexed search across content which must include a couple of tags in the result. The tags must be a random selection. The platform is Drupal 7.12
I have created a view that manages the results of a SOLR search through the search_api. The view returns the required content and seems to work as intended. I have included a couple of Global: custom text fields as placeholders for the tag entries.
I am now looking for a solution to manage the requirement to randomise the tag values. The randomisation is not the issue, the issue is how to include the random values into the view result.
My current approach is to write a views_pre_render hook to intercept the placeholders which appear as fields ([nothing] and [nothing_1]). The test code looks like the following
function MODULE_views_pre_render( &$view )
$view_display = $view->display['default'];
$display_option = $view_display->display_options;
$fields = $display_option['fields'];
foreach( $view->result as $result )
$fields['nothing']['alter']['text'] = sprintf("test %d", rand(1,9));
I am currently not seeing any change in the placeholder when the view is rendered.
Any pointers to approach, alternate solutions etc would be gratefully received as this is consuming a lot of scarce time at the moment. Calling print_r( $view ) from within the hook dumps over 46M into a log file for a result set of 2 items.
There are two possible solutions for your task.
First approach is do everything on the template level. Define a template for the view field you want to randomize. In advanced settings of your display go to Theme: Information. Make sure that the proper theme is selected and find the template suggestions for your field. They are listed starting from most general to the most specific and you can choose whatever suits you better.
I guess the most specific template suggestion for your field would be something like this: views-view-field--[YOR VIEW NAME]--[YOUR DISPLAY NAME]--nothing.tpl.php. Create the file with that name in the theme templates directory and in this template you can render what ever you want.
By default this template has only one line:
print $output;
you can change this to:
print sprintf("test %d", rand(1,9));
or to anything else, whatsoever :)
Second approach is to go with Views PHP module. WIth this module you can add a custom PHP field in which you can do whatever you want. Even though the module hasn't been released it seems to work quite well for the most of the tasks and most certainly for such a simple task as randomizing numbers it will work out for sure.
I stumbled upon this while searching for another issue and thought I would contribute.
Instead of adding another module or modifying a template, just add a views "sort criteria" of "Global: Random".

CakePHP, extensions and layouts

I have a controller method that has long been handling JSON requests by parsing that extension, but now I need to open it up to cross domain ajax so I'd like to offer a JSONP variant by parsing that extension as well. I've already updated my routes.php file:
Router::parseExtensions( 'json', 'jsonp' );
So far all is well, but the happiness ends when the results are rendered. While the .json extension automagically picks up the json/default.ctp layout, the .jsonp content continues to adopt the non-specific default layout (and all of its unnecessary HTML content). I've tried using RequestHandler::setContent() to set the response content type to both json and js, but that doesn't seem to be what triggers the call to a given layout directory.
Does anyone know what does determine which content-specific layout directory is called? I tried creating jsonp/default.ctp and I've tried creating a js/default.ctp layout with my JSONP result, but nothing seems to engage. I just get the normal default.
Any insight into how extensions/content type are mapped to these layout directories would be much appreciated.
I've temporarily solved this by explicitly setting the layoutPath value:
$this->layoutPath = $params['url']['ext'];
This feels like one of those things where there must be a better solution, but maybe this is it. I'm going to leave the question open for a bit in the hopes that someone else has a solution that involves Cake's automagic.

Can I digitalize a dictionary?

I've found a public domain latin<->portuguese dictionary in PDF which I'd like to convert to plain text, parse and use as the database of a program. After some testing, however, I got a little skeptical. Take a look at the original file and at the resulting text of gocr. Is there any hope that I might reach 99%+ accuracy in some method? I thought of reCaptcha's database, but I guess it is Google's property, isn't it?
Another route is to use one of the freely available dictionary files, like
Or WordNet.
EDIT: I've just spotted that this is a Latin/Portuguese dictionary, so WordNet clearly is no good.

Feincms mixing content types

I have a question and i want to know if i can mix 2 existing contenTypes together into one custom contenType. I need my own content type with contenType RichTextContent and ImageContent so that i can use a special template to show an image right and text left.
Is this possible ?.
Yes, it's definitely possible. I've written my own custom contenttypes for similar reasons. You should review the code for the RichTextContent model in <Python egg dir>/feincms/content/richtext/
You'll want to implement your own model class, and override the render() method to use django.template.loader.render_to_string() to load the template you want.
