Any way to import multiple (csv) files to an Access db - database

I have multiple csv files with the same scheme, and I want to import them in one step. A solution could be to use the "import wizard", but I can only import one file with it. Oh, and it would be the best to work in msaccess2003. THX

The simplest solution is to start a dos-prompt, change to the directory where you have your files, and type:
type *.csv > allfiles.txt
If you do this often, you can create a batch-file that you can double-click from your desktop.

You can write a small program for importing see for java JDBC conector to msaccess and since the import file is csv you can do this in no time...
There are other importing options for other languages

If all you want to do is drive the import with a list of files, you don't need a batch file. You can get the list of files using Dir():
Dim strCSVFileName As String
strCSVFileName = Dir("*.csv")
Do Until strCSVFileName = vbNullString
[import strCSVFileName]
strCSVFileName = Dir()
Of course, this assumes you're doing the import from within Access, but given your tags, that's the logical inference of your question.

This is an old thread, but it turned up when I searched for the issue. Hopefully this code helps someone address the same challenge. Builds / expands on the example David-W-Fenton offers, above.
I imported a file first, using the Wizard. Imported into a table named "bestTranscripts" and saved the import template as "BestImport" -- then used those values in the TransferText command.
Function ImportFiles()
On Error Resume Next
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim targetSet As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim sourceDirectoryName As String
Dim sourceFileName As String
sourceDirectoryName = "<path containing files>"
sourceFileName = Dir(sourceDirectoryName & "\*.txt")
Do Until sourceFileName = vbNullString
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "BestImport", "bestTranscripts", sourceFileName
sourceFileName = Dir()
End Function


Database/Excel import and export format

We have a database program that can export and import excel sheets. The excel sheets it exports are formatted as text, I've noticed you cannot change the formatting in these exports without performing text to columns on the data first.
When I edit an export for import or create a new import file I format the cells as text but it doesn't upload nicely. It rounds numbers and skips some data.
I would like to know how to format the import file the same as the export file but I am not familiar with what kind of format behaves the way I described. I've written a bit of VBA to create the import file from data in a workbook so applying the formatting in VBA would be ideal. Any insight would be very appreciated.
What is the 'database program'? If this is an old legacy tool, you may not have many, or any options. If it is Access, you can write some VBA to format the exported Excel report.
'This deals with Excel already being open or not
On Error Resume Next
Set xl = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
On Error GoTo 0
If xl Is Nothing Then
Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
End If
Set XlBook = GetObject(filename)
'filename is the string with the link to the file ("C:/....blahblah.xls")
'Make sure excel is visible on the screen
xl.Visible = True
XlBook.Windows(1).Visible = True
'xl.ActiveWindow.Zoom = 75
'Define the sheet in the Workbook as XlSheet
Set xlsheet1 = XlBook.Worksheets(1)
'Then have some fun!
with xlsheet1
.range("A1") = "some data here"
.columns("A:A").HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
.rows("1:1").font.bold = True
end with
'And so on...
You can't format data imported into an Access table, but you can add some formatting to an Access report or Form (I doubt you want to do this).

filter filename from folder that contains a specific text in ssis

I am trying to move some files from one folder to another, and i Need to evaluate if a file name contains certain text then only we need to move those files.
for example , i have following files in a folder.
from the above I want to pick files which has text "takeme"
Using For each loop container
You have to add a for-each loop container to loop over files in a specific directory.
Choose the follow expression as a filename:
Map the filename to a variable
Add a dataflow task inside the for each loop to transfer files
use the filename variable as a source
you can follow the detailed article at:
if you want to add multiple filter follow my answer at:
How to add multiple file extensions to the Files: input field in the Foreach loop container SSIS
Using a script task
or you can achieve this using a script task with a similar code: (i used VB.Net)
Public Sub Main()
For Each strFile As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles("C:\New Folder\", "*takeme*", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
Dim filename As String = IO.Path.GetFileName(strFile)
IO.File.Copy(strFile, "D:\New Folder\" & filename)
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
End Sub

Excel - VBA Question. Need to access data from all excel files in a directory without opening the files

So I have a "master" excel file that I need to populate with data from excel files in a directory. I just need to access each file and copy one line from the second sheet in each workbook and paste that into my master file without opening the excel files.
I'm not an expert at this but I can handle some intermediate macros. The most important thing I need is to be able to access each file one by one without opening them. I really need this so any help is appreciated! Thanks!
So I've been trying to use the dir function to run through the directory with a loop, but I don't know how to move on from the first file. I saw this on a site, but for me the loop won't stop and it only accesses the first file in the directory.
Folder = "\\Drcs8570168\shasad\Test"
wbname = Dir(Folder & "\" & "*.xls")
Do While wbname <> ""
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve wblist(1 To i)
wblist(i) = wbname
wbname = Dir(FolderName & "\" & "*.xls")
How does wbname move down the list of files?
You dont have to open the files (ADO may be an option, as is creating links with code, or using ExecuteExcel4Macro) but typically opening files with code is the most flexible and easiest approach.
Copy a range from a closed workbook (ADO)
Links method
But why don't you want to open the files - is this really a hard constraint?
My code in Macro to loop through all sheets that are placed between two named sheets and copy their data to a consolidated file pulls all data from all sheets in each workbook in a folder together (by opening the files in the background).
It could easily be tailored to just row X of sheet 2 if you are happy with this process
I just want to point out: You don't strictly need VBA to get values from a closed workbook. You can use a formula such as:
You can implement this approach in VBA as well:
Dim rngDestinationCell As Range
Dim rngSourceCell As Range
Dim xlsPath As String
Dim xlsFilename As String
Dim sourceSheetName As String
Set rngDestinationCell = Cells(3,1) ' or Range("A3")
Set rngSourceCell = Cells(3,1)
xlsPath = "C:\MyPath"
xlsFilename = "MyBook.xls"
sourceSheetName = "Sheet1"
rngDestinationCell.Formula = "=" _
& "'" & xlsPath & "\[" & xlsFilename & "]" & sourceSheetName & "'!" _
& rngSourceCell.Address
The other answers present fine solutions as well, perhaps more elegant than this.
brettdj and paulsm4 answers are giving much information but I still wanted to add my 2 cents.
As iDevlop answered in this thread ( Copy data from another Workbook through VBA ), you can also use GetInfoFromClosedFile().
Some bits from my class-wrapper for Excel:
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False ''# prevents dialog boxes
xlApp.ScreenUpdating = False ''# prevents showing up
xlApp.EnableEvents = False ''# prevents all internal events even being fired
''# start your "reading from the files"-loop here
Set wb = xlApp.Workbooks.Add(sFilename) '' better than open, because it can read from files that are in use
''# read the cells you need...
''# [....]
wb.Close SaveChanges:=False ''# clean up workbook
''# end your "reading from the files"-loop here
''# after your're done with all files, properly clean up:
Set xlApp = Nothing
Good luck!
At the start of your macro add
Application.ScreenUpdating = false
then at the end
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
and you won't see any files open as the macro performs its function.

How to open certain excel folders in a file with a common name using vba

My problem is that I need to open some excel files using VBA (for excel 2007) and extract the data. All the files I want to open are called "profit for January.xlsx", "profit for February.xlsx", and so on with only the month name changing, so I think I want to open a file called "profit for*". There is another file in the folder called "total revenue.xlsx" that I do not want to open.
If possible, I need the code to extract the data from the files in the folder, wherever the folder may be because I am sending this code to my colleagues to put into their own folders, which have the same file name formats etc but different paths.
I have the code to extract the data, which works, but it either imports all the data in the folder or none at all!
Any help on this would be much appreciated as I am an intern trying to get his foot in the door, and this would be quite a big break for me!
Further Information
So far I have the code below (I haven't included the dim's because I felt they may be unnecessary?), which I have drawn from other websites. I'm also finding that, in trying to open all the files in the folder, it is trying to open itself! If anyone could suggest how to improve this, I would be very grateful. I haven't been using VBA for very long, and have been finding this assignment quite tough!
The error box that comes up sometimes says that I need an 'object' for the variable sfilename, and I'm not sure how to do that without messing up another part of the code.
sub import data ()
ChDir ThisWorkbook.Path
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set sfolder = objFSO.GetFolder(ThisWorkbook.Path)
For Each sfilename In sfolder.Files
If sfilename <> "Total Revenue.xlsx" Then
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
sfilename *'open the file*
Set sfilename = ActiveWorkbook *'set the file name as sfilename, so the single piece of code will work with the copy-loop*
b = Sheets.Count *'for the data-import loop*
Call ImportData *'call in the loop*
sfilename.Close *'close the file*
End If
end sub
So far I have the code below (I haven't included the dim's because I felt they may be unnecessary?), which I have drawn from other websites. I'm also finding that, in trying to open all the files in the folder, it is trying to open itself! If anyone could suggest how to improve this, I would be very grateful. I haven't been using VBA for very long, and have been finding this assignment quite tough!
The error box that comes up sometimes says that I need an 'object' for the variable sfilename, and I'm not sure how to do that without messing up another part of the code.
Many thanks and kindest regards,
sub import data ()
ChDir ThisWorkbook.Path
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set sfolder = objFSO.GetFolder(ThisWorkbook.Path)
For Each sfilename In sfolder.Files
If sfilename <> "Total Revenue.xlsx" Then
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
sfilename *'open the file*
Set sfilename = ActiveWorkbook *'set the file name as sfilename, so the single piece of code will work with the copy-loop*
b = Sheets.Count *'for the data-import loop*
Call ImportData *'call in the loop*
sfilename.Close *'close the file*
End If
end sub
What are you using at the moment? For each file in folder?
Possibilities include
For i=1 to 12
Sub import_data()
sPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
sTemplate = "\profit for qqq.xls"
For i = 1 To 12
sFileName = Replace(sTemplate, "qqq", MonthName(i))
''Just checking
If Dir(sPath & sFileName) <> "" Then
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
sPath & sFileName
'open the file*
Set sFileName = ActiveWorkbook
'set the file name as sfilename, so the single
'piece of code will work with the copy-loop*
b = Sheets.Count
'*'for the data-import loop*
''Call ImportData
'*'call in the loop*
'*'close the file*
End If
End Sub

Version control Access 2007 database and application

I need to version control a Microsoft Access 2007 database and application. Currently everything is contained in a single mdb file.
The application includes:
VBA code
Actual database
I would assume I need to separate the database from the forms/code. I would like to be able to version control the forms/code as text to support version diffs.
At the moment I don't have access to SourceSafe (I heard there may be some access support) so I would prefer a solution that would work with subversion or git.
Access 2007 has a feature where you can split a DB into its Tables/Queries (backend) and Forms/Reports (front-end). Since your question mentions only version controlling the forms and modules, this might be a more elegant solution. I don't know where modules go after the split, so that might be a stumbling block.
Microsoft offers VSTO (Visual Studio Tools for Office), which will let you develop in VS and run version control via any VS plugin (CVS/SVN/VSS/etc.).
Finally, you can just directly connect to Visual Source Safe. This MSKB article has some good information and background to go through, while this Office Online article is designed for getting you up and running.
Ultimately, I would suggest against taking the code out of Access if at all possible. Assuming the VBA editor is your primary development environment, you'll be adding extra steps to your development process that cannot easily be automated. Every change you make will need to be manually exported, diff'd, and stored, and there is no Application.OnCompile event that you could use to export the changes. Even tougher, you'll have to manually import all changed source files from other developers when they do checkins.
I use the code below to extract the vba code from Excel files, you may be able to modify this to extract from Access.
Sub ExtractVBACode(strSource, objFSO, strExportPath, objLogFile)
Dim objExcel
Dim objWorkbook
Dim objVBComponent
Dim strFileSuffix
Dim strExportFolder
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Visible = true
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(Trim(strSource))
strExportFolder = strExportPath & objFSO.GetBaseName(objWorkbook.Name)
If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strExportFolder) Then
End If
For Each objVBComponent In objWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents
Select Case objVBComponent.Type
Case vbext_ct_ClassModule, vbext_ct_Document
strFileSuffix = ".cls"
Case vbext_ct_MSForm
strFileSuffix = ".frm"
Case vbext_ct_StdModule
strFileSuffix = ".bas"
Case Else
strFileSuffix = ""
End Select
If strFileSuffix <> "" Then
On Error Resume Next
objVBComponent.Export strExportFolder & "\" & objVBComponent.Name & strFileSuffix
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
objLogFile.WriteLine ("Failed to export " & strExportFolder & "\" & objVBComponent.Name & strFileSuffix)
objLogFile.WriteLine ("Export Successful: " & strExportFolder & "\" & objVBComponent.Name & strFileSuffix)
End If
On Error Goto 0
End If
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
End Sub
Can you extract the forms as XML perhaps?
I've struggled with this same problem. I originally wrote code very much like the existing answer. The trick is to get all of your modules onto the file system, but that method has some drawbacks. Going that route, you can get your forms and reports out of the VBA Projects, but you can't get them back in. So, I created a library as part of our Rubberduck VBE Add-in. The library I wrote takes care of importing and exporting all of your code to/from the VBA project to/from the repository as you seemlessly push, pull, and commit. It's a free and open source project, so feel free to download and install the latest version.
Here is an example of how the library is used. I'll be adding actual integration with the VBA editor in a future release.
Dim factory As New Rubberduck.SourceControlClassFactory
Dim repo As Rubberduck.IRepository
Dim git As ISourceControlProvider
Dim xl As New Excel.Application
xl.Visible = true
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook
Set wb = xl.Workbooks.Open("C:\Path\to\workbook.xlsm")
' create class instances to work with
Set repo = factory.CreateRepository(wb.VBProject.Name, "C:\Path\to\local\repository\SourceControlTest", "")
Set git = factory.CreateGitProvider(wb.VBProject, repo, "userName", "passWord")
' Create new branch to modify.
git.CreateBranch "NewBranchName"
' It is automatically checked out.
Debug.Print "Current Branch: " & git.CurrentBranch
' add a new standard (.bas) code module and a comment to that file
wb.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_StdModule).CodeModule.AddFromString "' Hello There"
' add any new files to tracking
Dim fileStat As Rubberduck.FileStatusEntry
For Each fileStat In git.Status
' fileStat.FileStatus is a bitwise enumeration, so we use bitwise AND to test for equality here
If fileStat.FileStatus And Rubberduck.FileStatus.Added Then
git.AddFile fileStat.FilePath
End If
git.Commit "commit all modified files"
' Revert the last commit, throwing away the changes we just made.
