How do I distribute a (open-source) Vala project? - c

One of the only languages that compiles to a high level language such as C, Vala has interested me for quite a bit. I've been wanting to start a small project with it, but I've been wondering how I would distribute it.
The fact is, that it compiles to C code (C99 I suppose).
Can I distribute the C code instead
of the Vala code?
If I do, is the C code compatible with all platforms?
Or does it, for example when using sockets, include the appropriate stuff (winsock.h for Windows) automatically?

From a Vala developer in irc, #vala on
18:57 < flo> It is of course possible to distribute the C code as
well. The compiler itself is shiped with vala and C code. We
actually access C-libraries over an abstract interface with all
advantages and disadvantages of the libraries we are using,
including platform dependencies.

Automake, as of version 1.10 or 1.11 has Vala support.

Did you google? did you try it out? Does the Valal home page have anything to say? Did you ask on Vala forums? There are only 7 questions tagged Vala on SO (and one of those is "will Vala survive?"), so this might not be the best place to ask.
Why not just compile your vala to C and then run it through a C compiler, preferably on a different PC (for a thorough test, make that 2nd PC one which has never one any development work and install a C compiler specially for your test).
Of course that might prove something for a program, but not for all programs. Perhaps ask the mailing list (, or the devlopers? Jürg Billeter - j at bitron dot ch Raffaele Sandrini - rasa at gmx dot ch
The question, paraphrased, is "how long is a piece of string", the best answer is "suck it, and see", and the caveat is YMMV ;-)g


How to put custom DWARF in C resulting binary?

I have two questions:
Is it possible to add custom DWARF on the resulting binary of a C program? (I explain later why i want to do this)
How does DWARF work?
First of all, i don't understand DWARF. I tried to read some docs on, but i think it's to high for me. Maybe someone could give me some basic instructions which helps me to dig deeper (the entry point is a bit difficult for me).
Why i want to do this? I like playing around with writing my own compiler, implementing my own language. My goal is to write a compiled language and not an interpreted or jitted one. So i have several options as a backend: C, Opcodes, ASM, LLVM and maybe there are a lot more.
Because LLVM is a C++ library (and i have no clue about C++) i tried it a little bit using the C wrapper. Since i'm a newbie on C too i didn't got it working easily (but i didn't investigate a lot). The problem with Opcodes and ASM is, that the learning curve is higher than LLVM and i'm even more than a newbie on that topic.
So, i would like to use C as a backend... but i think about some problems: Debugging info. The resulting C file would have different function names than my source language and even different line numbers. I know that line numbers could be fixed using the #line directive in C but it's not 100% perfect, though. So i'm looking for a really good solution for this before i start implementing something odd. I stumbled upon DWARF and the i got those question.
If anyone knows a well documented alternative to LLVM which would fit my requirements, your welcome to tell me :)
My requirements for target platform are at least: x86, x64 and ARM

Bootstrapping A compiler [duplicate]

I've heard of the idea of bootstrapping a language, that is, writing a compiler/interpreter for the language in itself. I was wondering how this could be accomplished and looked around a bit, and saw someone say that it could only be done by either
writing an initial compiler in a different language.
hand-coding an initial compiler in Assembly, which seems like a special case of the first
To me, neither of these seem to actually be bootstrapping a language in the sense that they both require outside support. Is there a way to actually write a compiler in its own language?
Is there a way to actually write a compiler in its own language?
You have to have some existing language to write your new compiler in. If you were writing a new, say, C++ compiler, you would just write it in C++ and compile it with an existing compiler first. On the other hand, if you were creating a compiler for a new language, let's call it Yazzleof, you would need to write the new compiler in another language first. Generally, this would be another programming language, but it doesn't have to be. It can be assembly, or if necessary, machine code.
If you were going to bootstrap a compiler for Yazzleof, you generally wouldn't write a compiler for the full language initially. Instead you would write a compiler for Yazzle-lite, the smallest possible subset of the Yazzleof (well, a pretty small subset at least). Then in Yazzle-lite, you would write a compiler for the full language. (Obviously this can occur iteratively instead of in one jump.) Because Yazzle-lite is a proper subset of Yazzleof, you now have a compiler which can compile itself.
There is a really good writeup about bootstrapping a compiler from the lowest possible level (which on a modern machine is basically a hex editor), titled Bootstrapping a simple compiler from nothing. It can be found at
The explanation you've read is correct. There's a discussion of this in Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (the Dragon Book):
Write a compiler C1 for language X in language Y
Use the compiler C1 to write compiler C2 for language X in language X
Now C2 is a fully self hosting environment.
The way I've heard of is to write an extremely limited compiler in another language, then use that to compile a more complicated version, written in the new language. This second version can then be used to compile itself, and the next version. Each time it is compiled the last version is used.
This is the definition of bootstrapping:
the process of a simple system activating a more complicated system that serves the same purpose.
EDIT: The Wikipedia article on compiler bootstrapping covers the concept better than me.
A super interesting discussion of this is in Unix co-creator Ken Thompson's Turing Award lecture.
He starts off with:
What I am about to describe is one of many "chicken and egg" problems that arise when compilers are written in their own language. In this ease, I will use a specific example from the C compiler.
and proceeds to show how he wrote a version of the Unix C compiler that would always allow him to log in without a password, because the C compiler would recognize the login program and add in special code.
The second pattern is aimed at the C compiler. The replacement code is a Stage I self-reproducing program that inserts both Trojan horses into the compiler. This requires a learning phase as in the Stage II example. First we compile the modified source with the normal C compiler to produce a bugged binary. We install this binary as the official C. We can now remove the bugs from the source of the compiler and the new binary will reinsert the bugs whenever it is compiled. Of course, the login command will remain bugged with no trace in source anywhere.
Check out podcast Software Engineering Radio episode 61 (2007-07-06) which discusses GCC compiler internals, as well as the GCC bootstrapping process.
Donald E. Knuth actually built WEB by writing the compiler in it, and then hand-compiled it to assembly or machine code.
As I understand it, the first Lisp interpreter was bootstrapped by hand-compiling the constructor functions and the token reader. The rest of the interpreter was then read in from source.
You can check for yourself by reading the original McCarthy paper, Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine, Part I.
Every example of bootstrapping a language I can think of (C, PyPy) was done after there was a working compiler. You have to start somewhere, and reimplementing a language in itself requires writing a compiler in another language first.
How else would it work? I don't think it's even conceptually possible to do otherwise.
Another alternative is to create a bytecode machine for your language (or use an existing one if it's features aren't very unusual) and write a compiler to bytecode, either in the bytecode, or in your desired language using another intermediate - such as a parser toolkit which outputs the AST as XML, then compile the XML to bytecode using XSLT (or another pattern matching language and tree-based representation). It doesn't remove the dependency on another language, but could mean that more of the bootstrapping work ends up in the final system.
It's the computer science version of the chicken-and-egg paradox. I can't think of a way not to write the initial compiler in assembler or some other language. If it could have been done, I should Lisp could have done it.
Actually, I think Lisp almost qualifies. Check out its Wikipedia entry. According to the article, the Lisp eval function could be implemented on an IBM 704 in machine code, with a complete compiler (written in Lisp itself) coming into being in 1962 at MIT.
Some bootstrapped compilers or systems keep both the source form and the object form in their repository:
ocaml is a language which has both a bytecode interpreter (i.e. a compiler to Ocaml bytecode) and a native compiler (to x86-64 or ARM, etc... assembler). Its svn repository contains both the source code (files */*.{ml,mli}) and the bytecode (file boot/ocamlc) form of the compiler. So when you build it is first using its bytecode (of a previous version of the compiler) to compile itself. Later the freshly compiled bytecode is able to compile the native compiler. So Ocaml svn repository contains both *.ml[i] source files and the boot/ocamlc bytecode file.
The rust compiler downloads (using wget, so you need a working Internet connection) a previous version of its binary to compile itself.
MELT is a Lisp-like language to customize and extend GCC. It is translated to C++ code by a bootstrapped translator. The generated C++ code of the translator is distributed, so the svn repository contains both *.melt source files and melt/generated/*.cc "object" files of the translator.
J.Pitrat's CAIA artificial intelligence system is entirely self-generating. It is available as a collection of thousands of [A-Z]*.c generated files (also with a generated dx.h header file) with a collection of thousands of _[0-9]* data files.
Several Scheme compilers are also bootstrapped. Scheme48, Chicken Scheme, ...

How to create a C compiler for custom CPU?

What would be the easiest way to create a C compiler for a custom CPU, assuming of course I already have an assembler for it?
Since a C compiler generates assembly, is there some way to just define standard bits and pieces of assembly code for the various C idioms, rebuild the compiler, and thereby obtain a cross compiler for the target hardware?
Preferably the compiler itself would be written in C, and build as a native executable for either Linux or Windows.
Please note: I am not asking how to write the compiler itself. I did take that course in college, I know about general compiler-compilers, etc. In this situation, I'd just like to configure some existing framework if at all possible. I don't want to modify the language, I just want to be able to target an arbitrary architecture. If the answer turns out to be "it doesn't work that way", that information will be useful to myself and anyone else who might make similar assumptions.
Quick overview/tutorial on writing a LLVM backend.
This document describes techniques for writing backends for LLVM which convert the LLVM representation to machine assembly code or other languages.
[ . . . ]
To create a static compiler (one that emits text assembly), you need to implement the following:
Describe the register set.
Describe the instruction set.
Describe the target machine.
Implement the assembly printer for the architecture.
Implement an instruction selector for the architecture.
There's the concept of a cross-compiler, ie., one that runs on one architecture, but targets a different one. You can see how GCC does it (for example) and add a new architecture to the set, if that's the compiler you want to extend.
Edit: I just spotted a question a few years ago on a GCC mailing list on how to add a new target and someone pointed to this
vbcc (at is a good and simple retargetable C-compiler written in C. It's much simpler than GCC/LLVM. It's so simple I was able to retarget the compiler to my own CPU with a few weeks of work without having any prior knowledge of compilers.
The short answer is that it doesn't work that way.
The longer answer is that it does take some effort to write a compiler for a new CPU type. You don't need to create a compiler from scratch, however. Most compilers are structured in several passes; here's a typical architecture (a lot of variations are possible):
Syntactic analysis (lexer and parser), and for C preprocessing, leading to an abstract syntax tree.
Type checking, leading to an annotated abstract syntax tree.
Intermediate code generation, leading to architecture-independent intermediate code. Some optimizations are performed at this stage.
Machine code generation, leading to assembly or directly to machine code. More optimizations are performed at this stage.
In this description, only step 4 is machine-dependent. So you can take a compiler where step 4 is clearly separated and plug in your own step 4. Doing this requires a deep understanding of the CPU and some understanding of the compiler internals, but you don't need to worry about what happens before.
Almost all CPUs that are not very small, very rare or very old have a backend (step 4) for GCC. The main documentation for writing a GCC backend is the GCC internals manual, in particular the chapters on machine descriptions and target descriptions. GCC is free software, so there is no licensing cost in using it.
1) Short answer:
"No. There's no such thing as a "compiler framework" where you can just add water (plug in your own assembly set), stir, and it's done."
2) Longer answer: it's certainly possible. But challenging. And likely expensive.
If you wanted to do it yourself, I'd start by looking at Gnu CC. It's already available for a large variety of CPUs and platforms.
3) Take a look at this link for more ideas (including the idea of "just build a library of functions and macros"), that would be my first suggestion:
You can modify existing open source compilers such as GCC or Clang. Other answers have provided you with links about where to learn more. But these compilers are not designed to easily retargeted; they are "easier" to retarget than compilers than other compilers wired for specific targets.
But if you want a compiler that is relatively easy to retarget, you want one in which you can specify the machine architecture in explicit terms, and some tool generates the rest of the compiler (GCC does a bit of this; I don't think Clang/LLVM does much but I could be wrong here).
There's a lot of this in the literature, google "compiler-compiler".
But for a concrete solution for C, you should check out ACE, a compiler vendor that generates compilers on demand for customers. Not free, but I hear they produce very good compilers very quickly. I think it produces standard style binaries (ELF?) so it skips the assembler stage. (I have no experience or relationship with ACE.)
If you don't care about code quality, you can likely write a syntax-directed translation of C to assembler using a C AST. You can get C ASTs from GCC, Clang, maybe ANTLR, and from our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit.

Getting Started in C

I know there are many tutorials out there for getting started in C. However Its hard for me to apply the knowledge. The way I've always started out in languages is by writing scripts. Of course C is not a scripting language.
My question isn't so much about learning C as much as it is about how to get started applying C. Great I can write a temperature converter or a text-based rpg. Maybe its because in python I just write up the code in and chmod +x && . I do not really have an equivalent process for C. Every time I read about C its a different compiling process with different flags. Can someone just give me some definite direction on best ways to apply C when you already work with higher-level dynamic scripting languages?
Btw. .. I'm asking about C and not C++.
I usually am on either OpenSuse 11 or Ubuntu 9.04 . "What compiler do i use" is part of the problem. In python there is no choice its just "python" same with php or ruby. I didn't know there were choices.
write w.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
printf("Param %d is '%s'\n", i, argv[i]);
return 0;
and compile with
gcc -Wall -o w w.c
As rogeriopvl wrote in a comment, the compilation process is really simple. Just write up the code in somefile.c and
gcc -o somefile somefile.c && ./somefile
(if you're using GCC, and if not, your compiler of choice can probably be invoked similarly) Unless/until you start getting into more complicated projects, it's barely any more complicated than a scripting language. (Well... okay, you may need to link some libraries, once you get beyond the basics. But still, not a huge deal.)
In fact, I did write myself a little shell script that allows me to use C as a scripting language. But the process for setting it up is a little more complicated than what you may want to get into at this stage - it's simpler to just run the compiler each time. Still, if you're interested, I can look up the directions (for Linux) and put them here.
C code needs to be compiled before the program can be run. The exact process is different depending on which platform and compiler you are working on.
For the most part, using an IDE (such as Visual studio, Eclipse, MonoDevelop, and a bunch of others) will do the nasty work for you so that you just have to press a button or click an icon. Download one of these
I asked myself this question when I was learning C. The problem here, if I can say this is a problem, is that C can be used in a broad range of applications and in a broad range of environments, which one with its own IDEs or compilers and libraries. Some examples where you can use C for real staff.
Embedded software. In this case you will probably use some lib.
Network programming (take a look at this book.
Device driver development.
Libraries (both for Linux/Windows and other OSs)
Well this list is endless.
O don't know if I help you with this question. If you give more details about what are you interested in, could be helpful
Good luck
The best advice I can give here is find a topic you're interested in, see if you can make a program to do what you want/assist in doing what you want/adding functionality to the interest of choice, and start coding.
This gives the bonus of doing something you're interested in, and at the same time making something that directly influences it. It should give the motivation to keep steaming onward with the learning process.
I'm working with C a lot at the moment with Linux Kernel modules and am relatively new to C. I've found this rewarding which I think is what's important for this sort of hobby 'temperature converter or a text-based rpg' type programming.
I also struggle finding an application of programming skills. Balance of challenge and reward is important I think.

C to IEC 61131-3 IL compiler

I have a requirement for porting some existing C code to a IEC 61131-3 compliant PLC.
I have some options of splitting the code into discrete function blocks and weaving those blocks into a standard solution (Ladder, FB, Structured Text etc). But this would require carving up the C code in order to build each function block.
When looking at the IEC spec I realsied that the IEC Instruction List form could be a target language for a compiler. The wikepedia article lists two development tools:
But these seem to be targeted compiling IEC languages to C, not C to IEC.
Another possible solution is to push the C code through a C to Pascal translator and use that as a starting point for a Structured Text solution.
If not any of these I will go down the route of splitting the code up into function blocks.
As prompted by mlieson's reply I should have mentioned that the C code is an existing real-time control system. So the programs algorithms should already suit a PLC environment.
Maybe this answer comes too late but it is possible to call C code from CoDeSys thanks to an external library.
You can find documentation on the CoDeSys forum at
That would give you to use your C code into the PLC with minor modifcations. You'll just have to define the functions or function blocks interfaces.
My guess is that a C to Pascal translator will not get you near enough for being worth the trouble. Structured text looks a lot like Pascal, but there are differences that you will need to fix everywhere.
Not a bug issue, but don't forget that PLCs runtime enviroment is a bit different. A C applications starts at main() and ends when main() returns. A PLC calls it main() over and over again, 100:s of times per second and it never ends.
Usally lengthy calculations and I/O needs to be coded in diffent fashion than a C appliation would use.
Unless your C source is many many thousands lines of code - Rewrite it.
It is impossible. To be short: the IL language is a 4GL (i.e. limited to
the domain, as well as other IEC 61131-3 languages -- ST, FBD, LD, SFC).
The C language is a 3GL.
To understand the problem, try to answer the question, which way to
express in IL manipulations with a pointer? for example, to express call a
function by a pointer. What about interrupts? Low level access to the
peripherial devices?
(really, there are more problems)
BTW, there is the Reflex language, aka "C with processes". Reflex is a 4GL for the
control domain with C-like syntax. But the known translators produce
C-code and Python-code.
If the amount of code to convert is a few thousand lines, recoding by hand is probably your best bet.
If you have lots of code to convert, then an automated tool might be very effective.
Using the DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit we've built translators to map mechanical motion diagrams into RLL (PLC) code. DMS also has full C parser/analyzers/front ends. The pieces are there to build a C to RLL code.
This isn't an easy task. It likely takes 6-12 man-months to configure DMS to something resembling what you want. If that's less than what it takes to do by hand, then its the right way to do it.
There are a few IEC development environments and target hardware that can use C blocks... I would also take a look at the reasons why it HAS to be an IEC-61131 complaint target. I have written extensively on compliance and why it doesn't mean squat.
SOFTplc corp can help I'm sure with user defined loadable modules... and they can be in C..
Schneider also supports C function blocks...
Labview too!! not sure why IEC is important that's all!! the compiler if existed would create bad code for sure:)
Your best bet is to split your C code into smaller parts which can be recoded as PLC functional blocks and use C to PASCAL convertor for each block which you will rewrite in structured text. Prepare to do a lot of manual work since automated conversion will probably disappoint you.
Also take a look at this page:
Every time I've done this, I just parsed and converted it by hand from C directly to ST. I only ran into a few functions that required complete rewrites, although there was very little that dealt with pointers, which is something that ST generally chokes on, unfortunately.
Using the existing C code as blocks that are called by the PLC program would have the added advantage that the C blocks could run at the same periodicity that they did before, and their function is likely already well documented and tested. This would minimize any effect on changes from the existing control system. This is an architecture for controls with software PLCs that I have seen used before.
