Turn off IDENTITY_INSERT for Dataset insert - sql-server

I am using a dataset to insert data being converted from an older database. The requirement is to maintain the current Order_ID numbers.
I've tried using:
This works when I'm in SqlServer Management Studio, I am able to successfully
INSERT INTO orders (order_Id, ...) VALUES ( 1, ...);
However, it does not allow me to do it via the dataset insert that I'm using in my conversion script. Which looks basically like this:
dsOrders.Insert(oldorderId, ...);
I've run the SQL (SET IDENTITY_INSERT orders ON) during the process too. I know that I can only do this against one table at a time and I am.
I keep getting this exception:
Exception when attempting to insert a value into the orders table
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'orders' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.
Any ideas?
AlexS & AlexKuznetsov have mentioned that Set Identity_Insert is a connection level setting, however, when I look at the SQL in SqlProfiler, I notice several commands.
Second - exec sp_reset_connection
Third to n - my various sql commands including select & insert's
There is always an exec sp_reset_connection between the commands though, I believe that this is responsible for the loss of value on the Identity_Insert setting.
Is there a way to stop my dataset from doing the connection reset?

You have the options mixed up:
will turn ON the ability to insert specific values (that you specify) into a table with an IDENTITY column.
Turns that behavior OFF again and the normal behavior (you can't specify values for IDENTITY columns since they are auto-generated) is reinstated.

You want to do SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON to allow you to insert into identity columns.
It seems a bit backwards, but that's the way it works.

It seems that you're doing everything right: SET IDENTITY_INSERT orders ON is the right way on SQL Server's side. But the problem is that you're using datasets. From the code you've provided I can say that you're using typed dataset - the one that was generated in Visual Studio based on the database.
If this is the case (most likely) then this dataset contains a constraint that does not allows you to set values for orderId field, i.e. it's the code that does not allow specifying explicit value, not SQL Server. You should go to dataset designer and edit properties of orderId field: set AutoIncrement and ReadOnly to false. But the same changes can be performed in run time. This will allow you to add a row with explicit value for orderId to a dataset and later save it to SQL Server table (you will still need SET IDENTITY_INSERT).
Also note that IDENTITY_INSERT is a connection-level setting so you need to be sure that you're executing corresponding SET exactly for the same connection that you will be using to save your changes to the database.

I would use Profiler to determine whether your SET IDENTITY_INSERT orders ON;
is issued from the same connection as your subsequent inserts, as well as the exact SQL being executed during inserts.

AlexS was correct, the problem was the Insert_Identity worked, but it is a connection level setting, so I needed to set the Insert_Identity within a transaction.
I used Ryan Whitaker's TableAdapterHelper code
and I created an update command on my tableadapter that ran the Identity_Insert. I then had to create a new Insert command with the Identity column specified. I then ran this code
SqlTransaction transaction = null;
using (myTableAdapter myAdapter = new myTableAdapter())
transaction = TableAdapterHelper.BeginTransaction(myAdapter);
catch(Exception ex)

In case that you still have problems with "insert_identity" , you can try to use a complete insert statement like:
insert into User(Id, Name) values (1,'jeff')


How to switch turn DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity on/off at runtime

I have a DB that created by EF6 Code First. Some tables have an identity column. I need to insert some records to these tables with OLD Id values.
I tried the solution that appeared in this link How to switch between DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity... that demonstrates how to switch between computed and none options, but not on an identity column.
When I tried to do it, I got this error message: "Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'Links' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF."
Is there any way to solve this?
The problem you are facing is that EF sends explicit ID values to the DBMS, but it expects none while IDENTITY_INSERT is set to off.
You have to do the following additionally:
context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("SET IDENTITY_INSERT Links ON");
This tells your DBMS to also accept explicit values.
For this to work, you will have to wrap this command and (at least) SaveChanges() into one transaction.

How to insert existing data into auto-incrementing field

I used the SMAA to upsize an Access 2010 database to SQL Server 2005.
During the process a number of records were not imported into SQL Server due to some corrupt or illegal data. I have since cleaned up the data that was not imported and saved it to a temporary table in the database. I now want to insert that data into the original table. However, one of the fields, called Task_ID, is an auto-incrementing field. When I run a standard insert query, the resulting data auto-incremented and does not use the imported Task_ID value. Is there a way to get this data into the field without it being changed?
Enable insertion of existing data for the upload, then turn it off again.
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa259221(v=sql.80).aspx explains how:
Basically it is a SQL commmand. The syntax is:
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [ database. [ owner. ] ] { table } { ON | OFF }
Wrap the INSERT statements with the SET IDENTITY_INSERT command:

Force SET IDENTITY_INSERT to take effect faster from MS Access

I'm working on upsizing a suite of MS Access backend databases to SQL Server. I've scripted the SQL to create the table schemas in SQL Server. Now I am trying to populate the tables. Most of the tables have autonumber primary keys. Here's my general approach:
For each TblName in LinkedTableNames
'Create linked table "temp_From" that links to the existing mdb'
'Create linked table "temp_To" that links to the new SQL server table
ExecutePassThru "SET IDENTITY_INSERT " & TblName & " ON"
db.Execute "INSERT INTO temp_To SELECT * FROM temp_From", dbFailOnError
ExecutePassThru "SET IDENTITY_INSERT " & TblName & " OFF"
Next TblName
The first insert happens immediately. Subsequent insert attempts fail with the error: "Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'TblName' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF."
I added a Resume statement for that specific error and also a timer. It turns out that the error continues for exactly 600 seconds (ten minutes) and then the insert proceeds successfully.
Does MS Access automatically refresh its ODBC sessions every 10 minutes? Is there a way to force that to happen faster? Am I missing something obvious?
Background info for those who will immediately want to say "Use the Upsizing Wizard":
I'm not using the built-in upsizing wizard because I need to be able to script the whole operation from start to finish. The goal is to get this running in a test environment before executing the switch at the client location.
I found an answer to my first question. The ten minutes is a setting buried in the registry under the Jet engine key:
'Jet WinXP/ Win7 32-bit:'
'Jet Win7 64-bit:'
'ACE WinXP/ Win7 32-bit:'
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Access Connectivity Engine\Engines\ODBC\ConnectionTimeout
'ACE Win7 64-bit:'
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\MicrosoftAccess Connectivity Engine\Engines\ODBC\ConnectionTimeout
It is documented here for ACE:
ConnectionTimeout: The number of seconds a cached connection can remain idle before timing out. The default is 600 (values are of type REG_DWORD).
This key was set to the default of 600. That's 600 seconds or 10 minutes. I reduced that to ten seconds and the code sped up accordingly.
This is by no means the full solution, because setting the default that low is sure to cause issues elsewhere. In fact, Tony Toews once recommended that the default might better be increased when using DSN-less connections.
I'm still hoping to find an answer to the second part of my question, namely, is there a way to force the refresh to happen faster.
UPDATE: The reason this is even necessary is that the linked tables use a different session than ADO pass-through queries. I ran a test using SQL Profiler. Here are some brief results:
TextData SPID
exec sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO "d... 49
exec sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO "d... 49
What's going on here is that my ADO commands are running in a different session (#49) than my linked tables (#50). Access sees that I'm setting the value for an identity column so it helpfully sets IDENTITY_INSERT ON for that table. However, it never sets IDENTITY_INSERT OFF. I turn it off manually, but that's happening in a different session.
This explains why setting the ODBC session timeout low works. It's just an ugly workaround for the fact that Access never turns off IDENTITY_INSERT on a table once it turns it on. Since IDENTITY_INSERT is sessions-specific, creating a new session is like hitting the reset button on IDENTITY_INSERT. Access can then turn it on for the next table and the setting will take effect because it's a brand new session.
Two thoughts, though not sure either will be useful because this is unfamiliar territory for me.
"Does MS Access automatically refresh its ODBC sessions every 10 minutes? Is there a way to force that to happen faster? Am I missing something obvious?"
In the Access 2003 Options dialog, on the Advanced tab, there is a setting for "ODBC refresh interval" and also settings for retries. Does adjusting those help ... or have any effect at all?
I wonder if you could avoid this problem by creating the SQL Server columns as plain numbers rather than autonumber, INSERT your data, then ALTER TABLE ... ALTER COLUMN to change them after the data has been inserted.
Access won't let me convert a numeric column to an autonumber if the table contains data, but ISTR SQL Server is more flexible on that score.
I found a convenient whereas not so beautiful solution to export many access tables to sql server and avoid the identity_insert problem:
I open a local table-recordset which lists all tables to be exported and I loop through the records (each table). In each loop I...
create an access application object
use the transfer database method on application object
terminate / quit the application object and loop again
Here is the sample code:
Public Sub exporttables()
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim access_object
'First create a local access table which lists all tables to be exported'
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select txt_tbl from ####your_table_of_tables####")
With rst
While Not .EOF
'generate a new object to avoid identity insert problem'
Set access_object = CreateObject("Access.Application")
'with access object open the database which holds the tables to be exported'
access_object.OpenCurrentDatabase "####C:\yoursourceaccessdb####.accdb"
access_object.DoCmd.TransferDatabase acExport, "ODBC Database", "ODBC;DSN=####your connection string to target SQL DB;", acTable, .Fields("txt_tbl"), .Fields("txt_tbl"), False, False
Debug.Print .Fields("txt_tbl") & " exported"
Set access_object = Nothing
End With
Set rst = Nothing
End Sub

SQL Server 2000: search through out database

Some how some records in my table are getting updated with value of xyz in a certain column. Out of hundred of stored procedures, functions, triggers, how can I determine which code is doing this action. Is there a way to search through the database some how through each and every script of the code?
Please help.
One approach is to check syscomments
Contains entries for each view, rule,
default, trigger, CHECK constraint,
DEFAULT constraint, and stored
procedure within the database. The
text column contains the original SQL
definition statements..
e.g. select text from syscomments
If you are having trouble finding that literal string, the values could be coming from a table, or they could be being concatenated within a routine.
Try this
Select text from syscomments
where CharIndex('x', text) > 0
and CharIndex('y', text) > 0
and CharIndex('z', text) > 0
That might help you either find the right routine, or further indicate that the values are coming from a table.
This is going to be nearly impossible to do in SQL Server 2000 because the update might very well be from a variable that has that value or a join to another table that has that value and not hard-coded into the stored proc, trigger etc. The update could also be coming from a DTS package, a job, a piece of dynamic code run by the app or even from query analyzer, so the code itself may not be recorded inthe datbase anywhere.
Perhaps a better approach might be to create an audit table for the table in question and have it record the user and the code from the spid that generated the change as well as the old and new values. You'll have to wait until it happens again, but then you would know exactly what changed the value and what value to put it back to if need be.
Alternatively you could run profiler on the system until it happens but profiler tends to hurt performance and is not usually a good idea to run on a production system. If it is happening very often, it might be an acceptable alternative.
Here's a hint as to how you might get some of the info you want for the eventual trigger code you write:
create table #temp (eventtype nvarchar (1000), parameters int, eventinfo nvarchar (4000), myspid int)
declare #myspid int
select #myspid =##spid
insert #temp (eventtype,parameters, eventinfo)
exec ('dbcc inputbuffer (##spid)')
update #temp
set myspid = #myspid
select hostname, program_name, eventinfo
from #temp t
join sysprocesses s on t.myspid = s.spid
WHERE spid = #myspid
You might use sql-profiler to trac the update of a given table / column.

How can I change a field in a SQL server database that's set to "Read Only Cell"?

I have a SQL database that has a table with a field set to "Read Only" when I look at it through Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express.
I need to change some data within that field manually but I can't see any properties that I can change that will let me override this.
Will I need to write a sql script on the table to do this or is there something that I am missing ?
What is the datatype of the field? You may not be able to "type" into it if its of an ntext or image datatype and management studio can't handle the size of it.
In that case you might have no option but to perform an update as follows.
UPDATE TableName SET ColumnName = 'NewValue' WHERE PrimaryKeyId = PrimaryKeyValue
The field is most likely "read-only" because it contains a calculated value.
If that's the case, you would have to change calculation in the table definition to change it's value.
This problem will occur when you set a particular field as Primary Key and you set it into 'Is Identity' is true, that means that field will automatically incremented whenever an insertion is takes placed...So better to check whether it is auto increment or not.. If it is ,then change that property 'Is Idenitity' as false.
In an SQL query I had once, the query I used to generate the table to edit included a join to a table on a "Server Object", specifically a linked server. This marked the cells as read only, even though the table on which I was actually going to change the data wasn't on the linked server.
My resolution: Luckily I was able to adjust the query so I didn't need to do the JOIN with a linked table and then I could edit the cells.
Suggestion: Check your query for linked servers or other odd statements that may lock your table.
Use trigger in order to prevent this column updating:
CREATE TRIGGER UpdateRecord ON my_table
SET [CreatedDate] = ((SELECT TOP 1 [CreatedDate] FROM Deleted d where d.[id]=[id]))
