Counting records in SQL Server - sql-server

Take a look at this SP.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_GetRecTitleVeh]
a.StockNo, c.ClaimNo,
v.VIN, v.[Year],v.Make, v.Model,
c.DOAssign, t.DOLoss, t.RecTitleDate
dbo.Assignments a,
dbo.Assignment_ClaimInfo c,
dbo.Assignment_TitleInfo t,
dbo.Assignment_VehicleInfo v
a.AssignmentID= c.AssignmentID and
c.AssignmentID= t.AssignmentID and
t.AssignmentID= v.AssignmentID and
t.RecTitleDate is not null and
c.InsuranceComp = 'XYZ' and
a.StockNo not in (select StockNo from dbo.Invoice where InvoiceType = 'Payment Invoice')
order by t.RecTitleDate
This SP works fine and gives me required result.
What i need is to ask that is there any shortest way to count records obtained by executing this SP. For ex. i am trying like this
select count(*) from sp_GetRecTitleVeh
I know that there is a solution like -
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_CountRecTitleVeh]
dbo.Assignments a,
dbo.Assignment_ClaimInfo c,
dbo.Assignment_TitleInfo t,
dbo.Assignment_VehicleInfo v
a.AssignmentID= c.AssignmentID and
c.AssignmentID= t.AssignmentID and
t.AssignmentID= v.AssignmentID and
t.RecTitleDate is not null and
c.InsuranceComp = 'XYZ' and
a.StockNo not in (select StockNo from dbo.Invoice where InvoiceType = 'Payment Invoice')
order by t.RecTitleDate
Do you have any idea how could i count records got by executing SP.
Thanks for sharing your valuable time.

EXEC sp_GetRecTitleVeh
SELECT ##Rowcount

immediately after your select do select ##rowcount. this will give you the number of affected rows.
also start using the proper join syntax. the old syntax for left (=) and right jons (=) is deprecated.

I believe that ##rowcount is the preferred approach.
But, just for the record, if you handle the SqlCommand.StatementCompleted event, you can get the DONE_IN_PROC message which is returned to the client. That includes the number of rows affected. But you can't use SET NOCOUNT ON if you want to get DONE_IN_PROC, so performance will be hindered a bit if you do this.


SQL Server execution speed varies wildly depending on how parameters are provided to an inline table function

I am investigating a problem with the execution speed of an inline table function in SQL Server. Or that's where I thought the problem lay. I came across
T-SQL code is extremely slow when saved as an Inline Table-valued Function
which looked promising, since it described what I was seeing, but I seemed to have the opposite problem - when I passed variables to my function, it took 17 seconds, but when I ran the code of my function in a query window, using DECLARE statements for the variables (which I thought effectively made them literals), it ran in milliseconds. Same code, same parameters - just wrapping them up in an inline table function seemed to drag it way down.
I tried to reduce my query to the minimum possible code that still exhibited the behaviour. I am using numerous existing inline table functions (all of which have worked fine for years), and managed to strip my code down to needing just a call of one existing inline table function to be able to highlight the speed difference. But in doing so I noticed something very odd
SELECT strStudentNumber
FROM dbo.udfNominalSnapshot('2019', 'REG')
takes 17 seconds whereas
DECLARE #strAcademicSessionStart varchar(4) = '2019'
DECLARE #strProgressCode varchar(12)= 'REG'
SELECT strStudentNumber
FROM dbo.udfNominalSnapshot(#strAcademicSessionStart, #strProgressCode)
takes milliseconds! So nothing to do with wrapping the code in an inline table function, but everything to do with how the parameters are passed to a nested function within it. Based on the cited article I'm guessing there are two different execution plans in play, but I have no idea why/how, and more importantly, what I can do to persuade SQL Server to use the efficient one?
P.S. here is the code of the inner UDF call in response to a comment request
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[udfNominalSnapshot]
#strAcademicSessionStart varchar(4)='%',
#strProgressCode varchar(10)='%'
SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT S.strStudentNumber, S.strSurname, S.strForenames, S.strTitle, S.strPreviousSurname, S.dtmDoB, S.strGender, S.strMaritalStatus,
S.strResidencyCode, S.strNationalityCode, S.strHESAnumber, S.strSLCnumber, S.strPreviousSchoolName, S.strPreviousSchoolCode,
COLLEGE_EMAIL.strEmailAddress AS strEmailAlias,
PERSONAL_EMAIL.strEmailAddress AS strPersonalEmail,
P.[str(Sub)Plan], P.intYearOfCourse, P.strProgressCode,
P.strAcademicSessionStart, strC2Knumber AS C2K_ID, AcadPlan, strC2KmailAlias
,ISNULL([strC2KmailAlias], [strC2Knumber]) + '' AS strC2KmailAddress
FROM dbo.tblStudents AS S
dbo.udfMostRecentEmail('COLLEGE') AS COLLEGE_EMAIL ON S.strStudentNumber = COLLEGE_EMAIL.strStudentNumber
dbo.udfMostRecentEmail('PERSONAL') AS PERSONAL_EMAIL ON S.strStudentNumber = PERSONAL_EMAIL.strStudentNumber
dbo.udfProgressHistory(#strAcademicSessionStart) AS P ON S.strStudentNumber = P.strStudentNumber
WHERE (P.strProgressCode LIKE #strProgressCode OR (SUBSTRING(#strProgressCode, 1, 1) = '^' AND P.strProgressCode NOT LIKE SUBSTRING(#strProgressCode, 2, LEN(#strProgressCode)))) AND
(P.strStudentNumber NOT IN
(SELECT strStudentNumber
FROM dbo.tblPilgrims
WHERE (strAcademicSessionStart = #strAcademicSessionStart) AND (strScheme = 'BEI')))
ORDER BY P.[str(Sub)Plan], P.intYearOfCourse, S.strSurname
Expanding on #Ross Pressers comment, this might not really be an answer, but demonstrates what is happening (a bit), with my understanding (which could be wrong!) of what is happening...
Run the setup code at the end and then....
Execute the following with query plan on (Ctrl-M)... (note: depending on the random number generator you may or may not get any results, that does not affect the plan)
declare #one varchar(100) = '379', #two varchar(200) = '726'
select * from wibble(#one, #two) -- 1
select * from wibble('379', '726') -- 2
select * from wibble(#one, #two) OPTION (RECOMPILE) -- 3
select * from wibble(#one, #two) -- 4
Caveat. The following is what happens on MY system, your mileage may vary...
-- 1 (and -- 4) are the most expensive.
SQL Server creates a generic plan as it does not know what the parameters are (yes they are defined, but the plan is for wibble(#one, #two) where, at that point, the parameter values are "unknown")
-- 2 has a different plan
Here, sql server knows what the parameters are, so can create a specific plan, which is quite different to --1
-- 3 has the same plan as --2
Testing this further, adding OPTION (RECOMPILE) gets SQL Server to create a specific plan for the specific execution of wibble(#one, #two) so we get the same plan as --2
--4 is there for completeness to show that after all that mucking about the generic plan is still in place
So, in this simple example we have a parameterised TVF being called with identical values, that are passed either as parameters or inline, producing different execution plans and different execution times as per the OP
Set up
use tempdb
drop table if EXISTS Orders
create table Orders (
OrderID int primary key,
UserName varchar(50),
PhoneNumber1 varchar(50),
-- generate 300000 with randon "phone" numbers
;WITH TallyTable AS (
FROM dbo.syscolumns tb1,dbo.syscolumns tb2
insert into Orders
select n, 'user' + cast(n as varchar(10)), cast(CRYPT_GEN_RANDOM(3) as int)
FROM TallyTable;
drop function if exists wibble
create or alter function wibble (
#one varchar(4) = '%'
, #two varchar(4) = '%'
returns table
return select * from Orders
where PhoneNumber1 like '%' + #one + '%'
and PhoneNumber1 like '%' + #two + '%'
or (SUBSTRING(#one, 1, 1) = '^' AND PhoneNumber1 NOT LIKE SUBSTRING(#two, 2, LEN(#two)))
and (select 1) = 1
Problem was overcome (I wouldn't say "fixed") by following up on Ross Presser's observation about the complexity of udfProgressHistory. This sucked data from a table tblProgressHistory which was joined to itself. The table is added to annually. I think this year's additional 2K records must have caused the sudden cost-hike when using a particular execution plan. I deleted >2K redundant records and we're back to sub-second execution.

what is the error? (SELECT [Data] FROM Split(#ProductName,','))

The stored procedure that used work with multiple parameters but it stops working.
I am trying to fix the stored procedure that used to work but suddenly create an error 'Invalid object name 'Split''. This is the procedure that someone else wrote so I am not exactly sure what 'Split' is. Is this some sort of command or what?
This is the stored Procedure that used to work but not anymore.
DECLARE #ProductName NVARCHAR(MAX) = '9x95dk36-2727-9401-8948-161740000000,150t3vh6-1230-4449-8846-173120000000'
, m.external_member_id
, m.last_name
, m.first_name
, m.middle_name
, e.effective_date
, REPLACE(bhp.name_full_path,'CW > Medicaid > WI > SSI > ','') AS BHP
, pr.product_name
INTO #ActiveSSIMembers
[Eligibility] as e
INNER JOIN Product as pr on e.product_id = pr.product_id
INNER JOIN Member as m on e.member_id = m.member_id
INNER JOIN BhpNode as bhp on m.bhp_node_id = bhp.bhp_node_id
pr.product_ID IN (SELECT [Data] FROM Split(#ProductName,','))
We need to use multiple parameters for the query.
From the code you have posted, it seems Split is a Table-Valued User-Defined function that takes NVarchar parameter(seperated by ',') and returns rows of split values under the column name Data.
You are missing that user-defined function in your database where this query is being executed. Either this has been removed or you running the query in a different database.
Try navigating to Table-Valued Functions as below and make sure you have a function called Split in there(instead of 'TestFunction' in that image). If not, you can create your our function to split the values and add it to your database.
You can take help from this thread to create one

How to find rows in ms-sql with another rows' value followingly?

I have created an Sql table to trace objects' operation history. I have two columns; first one is the self tracing code and second tracing code is the tracing code for the code coming from source object to target. I created this to be able to look up the route of operations through the objects. You can see the tracing sample table below:
I need to create an sql code to query to show all the route in one table. When I first select the self code, it will be the incoming code for previous rows. There may be more than one incoming code to self and I want to be able to trace all. And I want to reach end until my search is null.
I tried select query like below but I am so new sql and need your help.
SELECT [TracingCode.Self],
FROM [MKP_PROCESS_PRODUCT_REPORTS].[dbo].[ProductionTracing.Main]
WHERE [TracingCode.Self] = (SELECT [TracingCode.Incoming]
FROM [MKP_PROCESS_PRODUCT_REPORTS].[dbo].[ProductionTracing.Main]
WHERE [TracingCode.Self] = (SELECT [TracingCode.Incoming]
FROM [MKP_PROCESS_PRODUCT_REPORTS].[dbo].[ProductionTracing.Main]
WHERE [TracingCode.Self] = (SELECT [TracingCode.Incoming]
FROM [MKP_PROCESS_PRODUCT_REPORTS].[dbo].[ProductionTracing.Main]
WHERE [TracingCode.Self] = '')));
To do this kind of parent/child thing to any level without explicitly coding all levels you need to use a recursive CTE.
More details here
Here is some test data and a solution I came up with. Note that three records actually match
If this doesn't do what you need please explain further with sample data.
EquipmentNo INT NOT NULL
INSERT INTO #Sample (TC_Self, TC_In, EquipmentNo)
WITH CTE (RecordType, TC_Self, TC_In, EquipmentNo)
-- This is the 'root'
SELECT 'Root' RecordType, TC_Self, TC_In, EquipmentNo FROM #Sample
WHERE TC_Self = ''
SELECT 'Leaf' RecordType, S.TC_Self, S.TC_In, S.EquipmentNo FROM #Sample S
ON S.TC_Self = CTE.TC_In
Also please note that most of the time to generate this answer was taken in generating the sample data to use.
In future when asking questions, people are far more likely to help if you post this sample data generation yourself

Determine if T-SQL select statement returns any rows

I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2012. I want to set a boolean value in a stored procedure. I want to set the value to true if a certain select query returns more than zero rows.
Declare #ShowQuotingTool as bit
(select count(*) from tblAgentsLicensedState where AgentCode = '016893' and StateCode in ('AZ','GA','IA', 'TN', 'SC', 'KS', 'MI' ,'NC', 'UT')) > 0;
How do I set #ShowQuotingTool to true or false based on the select query? I get the error Incorrect syntax near ">".
You can just assign #ShowQuotingTool to the count query. This is based on the fact that any count > 0 will set the bit variable #ShowQuotingTool to true and count = 0 will set it to false
Declare #ShowQuotingTool as bit
SELECT #ShowQuotingTool = (select count(*) from tblAgentsLicensedState where AgentCode = '016893' and StateCode in ('AZ','GA','IA', 'TN', 'SC', 'KS', 'MI' ,'NC', 'UT'))
You should preferably use EXISTS which would have better performance than COUNT query above.
IF EXISTS(select * from tblAgentsLicensedState where AgentCode = '016893' and StateCode in ('AZ','GA','IA', 'TN', 'SC', 'KS', 'MI' ,'NC', 'UT'))
SET #ShowQuotingTool = 1
SET #ShowQuotingTool = 0
Good Day,
Please post DDL+DML if this is not what you are looking for. In any case please remember next time to post DDL+DML (queries to create the relevant tables and to insert some sample data, in order to give us the tools to reproduce the issue).
Back to your question:
If you have an SP that return the result of select query (or any DML query), that mean that you need this query to execute as it is. The idea of using COUNT function on the results mean that you execute another query, which is not logic action to do, since we already have the information in the headers of the result.
If you notice, by default, every time that you execute a query in the SSMS for example you get the information regarding number of rows: "(x row(s) affected)". There is no need to use another query.
If you are using external application that you develop, and your SP do not use "SET NOCOUNT ON", then this information coming back from the server :-)
You can see examples here:

How do I update an XML column in sql server by checking for the value of two nodes including one which needs to do a contains (like) comparison

I have an xml column called OrderXML in an Orders table...
there is an XML XPath like this in the table...
There InternalOrderDetails contains many InternalOrderDetail nodes like this...
My end goal is to modify the XML in the OrderXML column IF the Item_Number of the node contains COTRGUID (like '%COTRGUID') AND the PriceLevel=NONFREE. If that condition is met I want to change the PriceLevel column to equal FREE.
I am having trouble with both creating the xpath expression that finds the correct nodes (using OrderXML.value or OrderXML.exist functions) and updating the XML using the OrderXML.modify function).
I have tried the following for the where clause:
WHERE OrderXML.value('(/Order/InternalInformation/InternalOrderBreakout/InternalOrderHeader/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/Item_Number/node())[1]','nvarchar(64)') like '%13COTRGUID'
That does work, but it seems to me that I need to ALSO include my second condition (PriceLevel=NONFREE) in the same where clause and I cannot figure out how to do it. Perhaps I can put in an AND for the second condition like this...
AND OrderXML.value('(/Order/InternalInformation/InternalOrderBreakout/InternalOrderHeader/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel/node())[1]','nvarchar(64)') = 'NONFREE'
but I am afraid it will end up operating like an OR since it is an XML query.
Once I get the WHERE clause right I will update the column using a SET like this:
UPDATE Orders SET orderXml.modify('replace value of (/Order/InternalInformation/InternalOrderBreakout/InternalOrderHeader/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel[1]/text())[1] with "NONFREE"')
However, I ran this statement on some test data and none of the XML columns where updated (even though it said zz rows effected).
I have been at this for several hours to no avail. Help is appreciated. Thanks.
if you don't have more than one node with your condition in each row of Orders table, you can use this:
update orders set
replace value of
Item_Number[contains(., "COTRGUID")] and
with "FREE"
sql fiddle demo
If you could have more than one node in one row, there're a several possible solutions, none of each is really elegant, sadly.
You can reconstruct all xmls in table - sql fiddle demo
or you can do your updates in the loop - sql fiddle demo
This may get you off the hump.
Replace #HolderTable with the name of your table.
SELECT T2.myAlias.query('./../PriceLevel[1]').value('.' , 'varchar(64)') as MyXmlFragmentValue
FROM #HolderTable
CROSS APPLY OrderXML.nodes('/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/Item_Number') as T2(myAlias)
SELECT T2.myAlias.query('.') as MyXmlFragment
FROM #HolderTable
CROSS APPLY OrderXML.nodes('/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/Item_Number') as T2(myAlias)
OrderXML.modify('replace value of (/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel/text())[1] with "MyNewValue"')
OrderXML.value('(/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel)[1]', 'varchar(64)') = 'FREE'
print ##ROWCOUNT
Your issue is the [1] in the above.
Why did I put it there?
Here is a sentence from the URL listed below.
Note that the target being updated must be, at most, one node that is explicitly specified in the path expression by adding a "[1]" at the end of the expression.
I think I've discovered the the root of your frustration. (No fix, just the problem).
Note below, the second query works.
So I think the [1] is some cases is saying "only ~~search~~ the first node".....and not (as you and I were hoping)...... "use the first node..after you find a match".
OrderXML.modify('replace value of (/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel/text())[1] with "MyNewValue001"')
OrderXML.value('(/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel[text() = "NONFREE"])[1]', 'varchar(64)') = 'NONFREE'
/* and OrderXML.value('(/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/Item_Number)[1]', 'varchar(64)') like '%COTRGUID' */
OrderXML.modify('replace value of (/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel/text())[1] with "MyNewValue002"')
OrderXML.value('(/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel[text() = "FREE"])[1]', 'varchar(64)') = 'FREE'
Try this :
;with InternalOrderDetail as (SELECT id,
Tbl.Col.value('Item_Number[1]', 'varchar(40)') Item_Number,
Tbl.Col.value('CountOfNumber[1]', 'int') CountOfNumber,
when Tbl.Col.value('Item_Number[1]', 'varchar(40)') like '%COTRGUID'
and Tbl.Col.value('PriceLevel[1]', 'varchar(40)')='NONFREE'
then 'FREE'
Tbl.Col.value('PriceLevel[1]', 'varchar(40)')
FROM (select id ,orderxml from demo)
as a cross apply orderxml.nodes('//InternalOrderDetail')
tbl(col) ) ,
cte_data as(SELECT
FROM InternalOrderDetail
where ID=Results.ID
FOR XML AUTO, ELEMENTS)+'</InternalOrderDetails>' as XML_data
FROM InternalOrderDetail Results
update demo set orderxml=cast(xml_data as xml)
from demo
inner join cte_data on
where cast(orderxml as varchar(2000))!=xml_data;
select * from demo;
SQL Fiddle
I have handled following cases :
1. As required both where clause in question.
2. It will update all <Item_Number> like '%COTRGUID' and <PriceLevel>= NONFREE in one
node, not just the first one.
It may require minor changes for your data and tables.
