WPF application is crashing after publish - wpf

I've upgraded WPF application to Visual Studio 2k8. App is .NET 3.0 which is set as a platform in the project.
If I build project & release confiuguration, app is running well.
If I try to publish it using ClickOnce, it is crashing because xaml resources couldn't be find.
Any idea?
Thank you very much.
P.S. It seem that XAML resources aren't really included in Resources in the assembly. If assemble is just rebuilded (without Publish) everything is ok and XAML are included in resources.

Have a look at the One Click Deployment options on your project.
On the Publish tab, have a look at the Application Files section.
Some files might not have been included.

It seems I solved this problem.
My application has been upgraded from V2k5 to V2k8.
If .NET 3.0 is target platform, the problem exists.
If .NET 3.5 is target platform, problem solved.
Thank you for your collaboration.


MvvmCross Network Plugin WPF

I am working on an mvvmcross solution. I am making a wpf project as well to speed up the core development. Today I ran into an issue running a wpf project using a core that has the network plugin. When the setup.Initialize() is called I end up with the exception "Could not load file or assembly 'Cirrious.MvvmCross.Plugins.Network.Wpf' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.". I did include the network plugin from NuGet to my wpf project as well. Anyone know what might be the issue here?
Thank you!
i only added the wpf version of that plugin 5 days ago - https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross/commits/TibetBinding/Plugins/Cirrious/Network/Cirrious.MvvmCross.Plugins.Network.Wpf
It hasn't yet made it to nuget - when it will depends on my work schedule and my hotel wifi - 'soon' is all I can say.
You can build it for yourself if you need it urgently - on the tibetbinding branch (see link above)

Silverlight 4 / telerik RadControl, missing assembly question

Error. The type or namespace name 'GridViewExpressionColumn' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Hello all,
I've inherited a VisualStudio 2010, Silverlight 4 project with a custom RadControl from Telerik. The project runs fine on the server, but I would like to make some changes locally. When I copied the project folder over to my c drive, the application cannot compile (build errors). After cleaning the solution, I still keep running into CLS-compliant issues, and most notably, the error listed above. I'm not sure what the problem is, since I've never worked with Telerik or third party RadControls. Any help would be appriciated.
Thank you.
You will need to contact your office software guru and get a licensed copy of Telerik RadControls to install on your local development machine.
To get you compiling, for now, you can use the demo version available at http://www.telerik.com/support/demos/developer-tools-demos.aspx - any solutions compiled from this will show a big "DEMO" banner accross the control for a few seconds.

compile error when creating a new SL4 navigation app

I created a new Silverlight Navigation Application using Visual Studio 2010. I didn't make any changes to the code. Just Pressed F5 to run. I get the following error message:
The type 'System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs' exists in both 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\Silverlight\v4.0\System.Windows.Controls.Navigation.dll' and 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\Silverlight\v4.0\System.Windows.dll'
I right clicked the Silverlight Navigation Application folder in the solution explorer and changed its "Target Silverlight Version" from Silverlight 4 to Silverlight 3 and then ran the application (by pressing F5) and it works fine.
I've already spent a lot of time trying to fine a solution. I want to develop application using Silverlight 4.
Would really appreciate any help with this.
It sounds like you have Silverlight 4's runtime, but an older set of VS tools or an older SDK, or your project is somehow referencing the older SDK.
Basically, that type moved from the System.Windows.Controls.Navigation DLL (where it was in SL3) to System.Windows.dll (where it is in SL4). CLR type-forwarding should take care of this.
Since Silverlight version numbers on assemblies didn't change between SL3 and SL4 it can be somewhat hard to tell if you're in the situation where you have outdated tools/SDK. Check the last modified date on System.Windows.Controls.Navigation.dll and see if it looks like about the time SL4 was released, or check if the Frame control has a property called ContentLoader - if so, you have the updated bits (and my answer is thus not helping). If not, however, then try reinstalling the SL4 Tools and/or SDK and check that your project is referencing the v4 Navigation assembly.

Ironpython 2.6.1 on Silverlight 4

I am trying to integrate IronPython in my Silverlight application but am unable to do so. After downloading the binaries, every time I try to add the dlls as references in my VS2010 solution all I get is an error about them not being compiled for Silverlight. I have even tried downloading the source distribution, but cannot set the various projects making up the solution to build against Silverlight (the only choices I have are different versions of the .net framework).
As the IronPython website explicitly states Silverlight compatibility, why is it not working? Is there any easier way of getting scripting capabilities in my Silverlight app?
You have to use binaries from IronPython-2.6.1\Silverlight\bin folder in Silverlight.

WPF application crash after ClickOnce publish

I have a problem with ClickOnce publishing of a WPF application.
If the application is built (debug or release), it is running correctly.
Application published by ClickOnce crashes.
I tried to change Target Platform. Sometimes this change helps to solve problems, but not every time (1 of 20 cases).
I have Visual Studio 2008 and the project has been upgraded from Visual Studio 2005.
Any ideas?
Thank you in advance!
On the machine where the application is installed, drill down in the user profile to the ClickOnce cache, and look for the cached application files. The folder will have the exe and all of the assemblies, etc., in it. Our winform app creates two folders, xxxx_tion is the one the application runs from.
Find the exe file and double-click on it to run it. This essentially runs the application without the ClickOnce-ness of it all. If it crashes, then it is not a ClickOnce problem per se, it is a problem with your application.
I would check and make sure you are deploying all of the files you need, you don't have references to multiple versions of the same dll, you don't have circular references, etc.
Good luck,
There is a long discussion on http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/wpf/thread/3e6909ef-2ab1-4b77-8bc2-796c065a6219/
Solution that worked for me (send by pindurav on page above):
I rebuild whole solution
close visual studio
open visual studio, open project and directly publish without building.
= no app.xaml exception
