Access to facebook data - database

I want to access facebook's database.
I want to have some SQL-like access, let's like this:
"select name from facebook-big-database-table where location='France' and city='Paris' and age
between 30 and 40;"
But, it need not to be SQL, PHP or JAVA would also be nice to use to me.
Does anybody know where to start?
To be honest, I got a little bit lost in all the tutorials Facebook offers.
Is it the so called "Connect" program which offers me what I want or something different?

Facebook does have a bunch of API's, one of which actually looks like SQL. They call it FQL. Check it out here. Maybe it can help you some part of the way at least.
Note that it won't give you raw access to the underlying tables. But still, better than nothing I guess.

Facebook isn't going to let you mine their database in that way. Not possible.

You wont be able to access facebook's database. The most you'd be able to do is to get information of users who previously have consented your application to access their data.
Therefore answering your question, what you want can't be done, period.


How do websites use information on a database to create pages?

Sorry about the broad question. I'm just curious if someone could point me in the right direction.
Say there's a database of contact information, and there's a site where you can input a persons name and it brings you to a page with all of their information on that database. How does this happen exactly? The server would have to dynamically create this page, but does it have a generic format that it just fills with the information? And how does this happen?
Like you said, this is a an extremely broad question. It could be either way. The server could generate the entire contents dinamically, or it could be "filling the blanks" into a preformatted layout.
Google some PHP basic tutorials. That should give you a good idea about how this "dynamism" works. Sorry but your question is too broad to ellaborate more.
The server would dynamically create the page using PHP and SQL. There is a quick tutorial at that shows how it would be setup.
If I understood your question right, you are asking things like how this page was created, for example, in which case it can be as simple as a basic PHP and SQL combination. You can check an example on the w3sschools website:
Try it yourself example
There would be special place holders for the data and a query will extract the data and put it into the given place holders, please note, you can also use loops to add things like tables, fetch through multiple rows and so on.

Do you have to host your data with MapQuest?

From what I've read so far, it seems like the only way for me to map custom data points from my own dataset is to host that data with MapQuest. Am I correct in that or have I just not read deep enough?
And if it's possible, does anyone have a link to more information about how to go about it? Their API documentation is subpar.
Thanks :)
Disclaimer: I work at MapQuest
While the MapQuest Data Manager makes it easy to store custom data with MapQuest so that you can query it through the Search API, you don't have to store data with us in order to show custom points on a map.
Are you trying to do something along the lines of storing data in MySQL or PostgreSQL and then use something like PHP to query your own database, loop through the results, and then show the results on a MapQuest map using the JavaScript API? Unfortunately I don't have any easy/quick examples that show how to do that, but it is possible.
The forums on the Developer Network are also good place to look to see if others have had issues similar to the one that you are facing.
Also, let me know exactly which MapQuest APIs/tools you are using and I will do my best to provide more information depending on what you need.

Using gdata with only one user in app engine, need to decide

I am building an GAE app that allows users to share documents over different contexts. Nothing too fancy.
I want to use Gdata in such a way that it is the app that owns the documents, and not the users. This way, I shouldn't need any kind of tokens --one would think.
This is the main idea:
App user creates doc --> App creates doc and owns it --> user can RUD & share the doc
Is there any recommended way to authenticate using just a hard coded user & password?
The ClientLogin, up to now, seems to be the way to go.
But I still have some doubts about the following:
Am I putting myself in a scenario of possible restrictions over other alternatives?
Is really ClientLogin the best way to go?
Could really use advice from others' experience here. Procrastination is killing me.
If this is a personal project, and you've only got a very small group of users, the design might be OK.
One really good reason to use OAuth is that you won't need to store the account password somewhere. Instead you'll be able to implement a simple 'setup' process to get and store an access token. OAuth is also nice since you'll be able to restrict the access scope.
However, I must say, I find your question very vague -- so more specific answers are difficult.

Receiving / retrieving email in CakePHP

I am developing a basic yet highly customized CRM for a small training centre which has the ability to store student records and also send emails to them. I'm using SwiftMailer following this excellent tutorial in CakePHP to accomplish the sending part.
Of course, students are sometimes going to reply to emails and I'd like to retrieve them within my CRM and store them along with the student record.
However, I cannot find a single reference to doing this. I've tried the following Google searches: "receiving email cakephp" , "retrieving email cakephp" and even "email client cakephp" but all of these queries give results relating to sending mail rather than receiving it -- very frustrating!
Finally, I broadened my search to non-cake solutions and found someone recommending a library called ezComponents. It doesn't seem to have had any active development for about a year, but it includes an email receiving class which is exactly what I want. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to add this to CakePHP and the only post I've been able to find on the entire web on the matter doesn't exactly go into much detail. It's certainly not a step-by-step tutorial on using ezComponents on CakePHP like the SwiftMailer tutorial I mentioned above.
I also found a class on Google Code called php-imap which looks like it would do the job but, again, I haven't the slightest clue how to get it working happily in Cake like SwiftMailer is.
I realize that I may have to learn how to package classes for use in Cake by myself but I'm asking this question first on the off-chance that there is already a Cake-friendly solution to this problem that I just haven't realized :-)
Thanks to everyone for your answers, but I've been doing some more searching and it looks like the solution is actually incredibly simple.
Basically, with the help of a plugin, I can set up the mail server in databases.php as a datasource and then write a Model and Controller to interact with it.
Here's the example I found:
Edit: the repo has been deprecated and is now available at
You will want to pipe your email to PHP and use stdin:// to read the contents of the email and add the e-mail to your database.
I've done this with cake and the simplest way is to make a Cake console application to handle the parsing. Also using cpanel's account level filtering to generate the pipe is really simple.
Sounds like you want to include SwiftMailer as a Cake plugin, amirite?
-- if you want to package it yourself. Otherwise, a cursory search of the Bakery yielded this result:
Hopefully it will at least get you pointed in the right direction. HTH. :)

Preventing dictionary user names for registration

When I was setting up an account with gmail few years back (probably this is still a case, haven't check) I've noticed that system doesn't allow to register common terms, nouns as username, it seemed that it used a sort of dictionary for screening. I would like to implement similar feature in my app, anyone have idea how to tackle this? App is written in PHP but understand I'll have to hook it up with online service.
Wordpress MU has such feature too, you fill a list of possible usernames that you want to avoid and they become unavailable for users. You can check its source to get their approach...
Well the API will vary from service to service so I'd suggest you find one, look at their developer docs and then if you have a question ask it here.
