SQL Server "Optional" FreeText Search - sql-server

I'm writing a search query in SQL Server 2005 for a discussion board. The proc takes several parameters, but most are "optional". There's one search field for Message Body, which I have a full text index on. Here's the problem..
If I pass in a value to search against with FreeText, the search works fine (thank you Microsoft). However, the message body field is optional, meaning that in my query, I want to handle a "search all". How can I default my query to just use any\all records regardless of the data held in my message body field?
I know this doesn't work, but if no value is returned for the message body parameter, Im looking for something like:
where (FREETEXT(msg.messagebody, '*'))

You could do something like:
select * from Products_CatalogProducts where (#keywords='*' or freetext(msg.messagebody,#keywords))
Assuming you passed in #keywords with a * if it's blank


SSRS How to see multi value parameter in subscription

I tried to get value from query or to specify values, as soon as the parameter is multi value i can't see the data when i'm trying to make my subscription.
my request looks like :
select id from employee where canal in(#canal)
what should i do, i'm totally stuck,
when i did research i saw data driven subscription but i don't have access to it apparently, don't know if that help
I'll start by saying sorry this isn't a pleasant answer. You've run into a limitation with the built-in functionality. Thankfully there are workarounds.
The problem is that you can only pass 1 value into the data-driven subscription. So you have use a comma-separated list and get the query/report to parse out the values.
If you have or can create a Split function in your database, that is a good option. This would be a table-valued user defined function and there are some easy to find examples already. Also this function is generally good to have for other use cases anyway. With this your SQL would read:
where canal in Split(#canal)
SSRS works really well with SQL Server, but when you use an ODBC connection, the parameter support is limited. You can use the same multi-value parameter workaround that is required in those cases.
In the Dataset properties > parameters tab, use an expression like this to combine the values into a single comma-separated string surrounded by commas.
="," + Join(Parameters!canal.Value, ",") + ","
The SQL would look like this:
where # like '%,' + canal + ',%'
Basically, this searches row-by-row for values that are contained in the string.
In either case, the query in your data-driven subscription settings will need to return the comma-separated string. Then you can select that column in the report parameters value field. Hope this helps!

Using a filter on a time series graph with OR statement

I have a time series graph in Google Data Studio that connects to Search Console. In the graph I have a filter to only show search "queries" featuring a certain phrase. It works fine when I use one query. In the image I've blanked out the term as it's a clients brand name.
However when I add an OR element and then a second query the time series chart breaks.
When I add the second query it shows the error "Data Studio Cannot Connect to Your Data Set".
query 2:
Error message:
Tried it out earlier today using a Filter, and REGEXP_MATCH with a Pipe operator
For example, if you are searching for a Query that contains X or Y or Z, this does the trick:
Include Query RegExp Match .*(X|Y|Z).*
I can't tell you why - but I can tell you what's causing it and how to get round it.
The Search Console data source doesn't recognise the 'or' condition in the filter. To have an 'or' condition you need to add it as regex in your first condition

Use String parameter for RegEx in query

In my query (the database is a sql server) I use a RegEx for a select command like this:
SELECT * FROM test WHERE id LIKE '1[2,3]'
(This query is tested and returns the data I want)
I want to use a paramter for this RegEx. For that I definded the Paramter in iReport $P{id} as a string and the value is "1[2,3]".
In my query I use now this parameter like this:
As result I get a blank page. I think the problem is that the value of the parameter is defined with " ". But with ' ' I get a compiler error that the paramter isn't a string.
I hope someone can help me.
LIKE applies to text values, not to numeric values. Since id is numeric use something like this:
SELECT * FROM test WHERE id IN (12, 13)
with the parameter
SELECT * FROM test WHERE id IN ($P!{id_list})
and supply a comma separated list of ids for the parameter. The bang (!) makes sure that the parameter will be inserted as-is, without string delimiters.
Btw: LIKE (Transact-SQL) uses wildcards, not regex.
You can still use LIKE since there exists an implicit conversion from numeric types to text in T-SQL, but this will result in a (table or index) scan, where as the IN clause can take advantage of indexes.
The accepted answer works but it is using String replacement, read more about sql-injection, to understand why this is not good practice.
The correct way to execute this IN query in jasper report (using prepared statement) is:
SELECT * FROM test WHERE $X{IN, id, id_list}
For more information as the use of NOTIN, BETWEEN ecc. see JasperReports sample reference for query

SQL Contains exact phrase

I try to implement a search-mechanism with "CONTAINS()" on a SQL Server 2014.
I've read here https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms142538%28v=sql.105%29.aspx and in the book "Pro Full-Text Search in SQL Server 2008" that I need to use double quotes to search an exact phrase.
But e.q. if I use this CONTAINS(*, '"test"') I receive results containing words like "numerictest" also. If I try CONTAINS(*, '" test "') it is the same. I've noticed, that there are less results as if I would search with CONTAINS(*, '*test*') for a prefix, sufix search, so there is definitely a delta between the searches.
I didn't expect the "numerictest" in the first statement. Is there an explanation for this behaviour?
I have been wracking my brain about a very similar problem and I recently found the solution.
In my case I was searching full text fields for "#username" but using CONTAINS(body, "#username") returned just "username" as well. I wanted it to strictly match with the # sign.
I could use LIKE "%#username%" but the query took over a minute which was unacceptable so I kept looking.
With the help of some people in a chat room they suggested using both CONTAINS and LIKE. So:
CONTAINS(body, "#username") AND body LIKE "%#username%";
this worked perfectly for me because the contains pulls both username and #username records and then the LIKE filters out the ones with the # sign. Queries take 2-3 seconds now.
I know this is an old question but I came across it in my searching so having the answer I thought I would post it. I hope this helps.
Contains(*,'"test"') will only match full words of "test" as you expect.
Contains(*,'" test "') same as above
Contains(*,'"*test*"') will actually do a PREFIX ONLY search, basically strips out any special characters at the start of word and only uses the 2nd *.
You cannot do POSTFIX searches using full text search.
My concern lies with the Contains(*) part, this will search for any full text cataloged items in that entire row. Without seeing the data it is hard to tell but my guess is that another column in that row you think is bad is actually matching on "test" somewhere.

Microsoft word Database quick part - How to use a mergefield as a filter for the database query

I am using mail merge to input data from an excel sheet. Everthing works great and I can access my variables using «MyMergefield»
Now I need for each letter generated to look into another excel file and do a query that will take the «MyMergefield» as a query filter SELECT FROM x WHERE field1 = «MyMergefield»
The way I am proceeding is "inserting a quick part" => "Field" in my word document.
In the quickpart dialog, I choose "DataBase", then I choose my excel file.
once the data source is chosen, There an option to change the request parameters, I click on it and I get the filter configuration popup where I can choose the field (from the excel sheet), the operator ("equals" in this case). Then there's the compare with field. In my case its not as simple as comparing to as string. Its comparing to a mail merge field.
I tried the following syntax:
{MergeField Myfield}
None worked, it complained that it did not find any match so it did not insert the database (Of course it will not find any match to the syntax if I don't run mail merge)
I did look directly in the openxml file of an existing example (because I can't edit existing quickpart - Correct me if Im wrong) and the database query looked like:
FROM `Candidates$` WHERE ((`column` = '</w:instrText>
<w:instrText xml:space="preserve"> MERGEFIELD Myfield</w:instrText>
Any ideas? Thank you!
