Good resources for learning WPF [closed] - wpf

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am very new to WPF and I am interested in learning it. I have gone through some tutorials, but I am looking for a website or book containing projects/assignments along with solutions so that you can code and learn. As I work through a project, I'd like to be able to refer to a solution in case I get stuck somewhere.
Can someone please share any links/material if you have which can give me some WPF Projects/assignments to work on along with solution.

I would search StackOverflow ... as there is already a lot of good stuff on this topic.
In particular, check out: WPF Sample Applications
But here are some additional links to get you started in WPF:
What are the best resources for learning WPF?
What did you find hardest to understand when learning WPF?
How to begin WPF development?
What WPF books would you recommend?
What applications could I study to understand DataModel-View-ViewModel?
Good luck!

I found very helpful.

I think nobody has referred to the WPF Boot camp, it's 3 days free training by the experts and it was really helpful.
If you want to directly download all videos try this

You should take a look at MVVM pattern: NDC2009 MVVM talk is really good.

I've read a few WPF books. This one has been my favorite:
Pro WPF in C# 2008
I would also recommend this one:
WPF in Action with Visual Studio 2008

Sounds like you are looking for some hands-on labs. Check these out:


Looking for a good GUI library for C [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
As the title says, I am looking for a good library for the C Programming Language.
The GUI library should be really popular. I'd also appreciate if there are popular forums on the Internet where I can ask professionals for help. And I definitively need a good book about the library. If it's possible it should be cross-platform but I can live without that... I guess ;)
The only library I know for C so far is GTK. It sounded really well to me but neither did I find any good book (I've actually seen only one book about GTK and I don't know if it's good or bad cause nobody posted a review) nor did I see anyone using it except 2 guys on You-tube with their impressing amount of 2 videos! >.< .
The really important thing for me is that it should be popular... I don't want to sit here, learn how to use this library and in a year or two nobody uses it any more.
I hope you guys can help me finding a library :)
GTK+ is hugely popular and is used extensively. It's the best choice if you want cross-platform GUI development in C alone. There are plenty of books around, though they're a bit outdated (but most of it still applies). You can find up to date tutorials and full API documentation at the GNOME project website.
GTK is the most popular GUI library in C you can find.
Have you tried amazon? There're plenty of books. It's hard to believe that all of them are bad.

For WPF which MVVM framework is good? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
MVVM Light
From the above which one you people will suggest?. Is there any good framework available which is more flexible when compare to this?. (Right now i am concentrating on WPF projects and later i will move to Silverlight). At that stage will it easy to convert from one framework to another or we have to do the same thing from the scratch?
You have to try them out yourself to make an informed decision. I personally like MVVM Light and it does have Silverlight support. Obviously you will also be interested in the framework staying around / gaining mind/market share so your investment (in time and research) won't go away.
This podcast might be interesting with you on the topic:
Hanselminutes Podcast 241 - The MVVM Pattern with Laurent Bugnion
They are covering MVVM fundamentals and two specific frameworks - MVVM Light and Caliburn, another MVVM framework that is not on your list yet.
MVVM is the pattern. Prism, MVVM Light and Cinch aren't patterns, they're frameworks that help you to implement the MVVM pattern.
I've experience MVVM Light and it's fine for what I need but I believe Prism is more feature rich but requires more work to implement?
my view is keep it simple, and just use the WPF teams MVVM toolkit

WPF Ribbon controls book [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is there any book or links that I can read some tutorial about the WPF ribbon control. I need to get some basics . Also can any one recommend good book in WPF or a starter kit.
For learning the WPF Ribbon
CodePlex project with the WPF Ribbon Preview from MS
Ribbon Feature Walkthrough on
HOW TO: Use and add ribbon to your WPF applications? on
WPF Book Recommendations
Take a look at the What WPF books would you recommend? thread. Though, the thread is over a year old, the books there are still highly recommended.
Learning WPF
Finally, take a look at this post on learning WPF: MVVM: Tutorial from start to finish
This looks fairly comprehensive. It uses Expression Blend 2 to create the ribbon, but if you have 3 then I would have thought it would translate fairly readily.
But a search for "wpf ribbon control tutorial" should turn up quite a few. Vary your search terms if non are exactly what you're looking for.

I need some new blogs to help learn my new language (it's C) [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm a BIG blog reader. I can't stop reading blogs. Blogs helped me find this site (in particular Jeff's blog). However I've come to realize that all the blogs I read deal with one language.
Coding Horror
Fabulous Adventures In Coding
Jon Skeet's Blog
Scott Hanselman's Blog
Did you guess the language?
Well now I'm learning C and using GTK (The Gimp Tool Kit). I can't really find any bloggers who actually blog about C like Jeff, Eric, Jon, or Scott do about C#. I need the blogger to be active, and it'll help if he has a sense of humor.
I think that the C equivalent of a blog is called a book. Step away from the internet browser :-)
I go back to the 90s with C. I'll write more if people will read.
That thing about books was explained to by a friend (jacox): "You can't grep a dead tree."
You may want to keep an eye on this fellow named "Jibz" who recently started up:
C is not as hip as C# and friends. You will not find many blogs about it.
The only blog I can think of where I got some relevant C info is, There Is NO Box.
I'm really sorry, but I've made the same search, and the result of my search was sad but expected. C# is a hot topic these days in development circles compared to C [*].
I'd love to be proven wrong, but there is simply nothing in the C world equivalent to the blogs you've mentioned.
[*] I am not criticizing C, It has been my bread and butter for the last 3.5 years, just stating the reality

Can anyone recommend a Silverlight 2 book? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
Even though Silverlight2 is still in it's infancy, can anyone recommend a book to get started with? One that has more of a developer focus than a designer one?
I have this one pre-ordered: "Programming Silverlight 2"
by Jesse Liberty and Tim Heuer. The authors are both employed by Microsoft working on Silverlight 2, and their blogs are great, so I expect the book (to be released after RTM) to be up to date.
I have seen some of the work done by Laurent... wait for his book
Sams Silverlight 2 Unleashed
I'm currently working my way through Introducing Microsoft Silverlight 2, so far so good.
It's a typical Microsoft book serving up the koolaid, but gives a good introduction. I saw the guy speak at one of the local .NET User Groups in the Metro Detroit area and was impressed.
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I've started reading Silverlight 2 in Action which seems pretty ok. One good thing is that because they have an early access program, you can get most of the book as an electronic copy already now. Even though the full book is not due to be released until sometime in October.
A lot of the books available are simply a rehash of the help files. Your best bet would be to start at and read the Help files that get installed with the SDK. Then when Jesse Liberty's book is released read that.
