Returning multiple values from a C function - c

Important: Please see this very much related question: Return multiple values in C++.
I'm after how to do the same thing in ANSI C? Would you use a struct or pass the addresses of the params in the function? I'm after extremely efficient (fast) code (time and space), even at the cost of readability.
EDIT: Thanks for all the answers. Ok, I think I owe some explanation: I'm writing this book about a certain subset of algorithms for a particular domain. I have set myself the quite arbitrary goal of making the most efficient (time and space) implementations for all my algos to put up on the web, at the cost of readability and other stuff. That is in part the nature of my (general) question.
Answer: I hope I get this straight, from (possibly) fastest to more common-sensical (all of this a priori, i.e. without testing):
Store outvalues in global object (I would assume something like outvals[2]?), or
Pass outvalues as params in the function (foo(int in, int *out1, int *out2)), or
return a struct with both outvals, or
(3) only if the values are semantically related.
Does this make sense? If so, I think Jason's response is the closest, even though they all provide some piece of the "puzzle". Robert's is fine, but at this time semantics is not what I'm after (although his advice is duly noted).

Both ways are valid, certianly, but I would would consider the semantics (struct vs parameter reference) to decide which way best communicates you intentions to the programmer.
If the values you are returning are tightly coupled, then it is okay to return them as a structure. But, if you are simply creating artificial mechanism to return values together (as a struct), then you should use a parameter reference (i.e. pass the address of the variables) to return the values back to the calling function.

As Neil says, you need to judge it for yourself.
To avoid the cost of passing anything, use a global. Next best is a single structure passed by pointer/reference. After that are individual pointer/reference params.
However, if you have to pack data into the structure and then read it back out after the call, you may be better off passing individual parameters.
If you're not sure, just write a bit of quick test code using both approaches, execute each a few hundred thousand times, and time them to see which is best.

You have described the two possible solutions and your perceived performance constraint. Where you go from here is really up to you - we don't have enough information to make an informed judgement.

Easiest to read should be passed addresses in the function, and it should be fast also, pops and pushes are cheap:
void somefunction (int inval1, int inval2, int *outval1, int *outval2) {
int x = inval1;
int y = inval2;
// do some processing
*outval1 = x;
*outval2 = y;

The fastest Q&D way that I can think of is to pass the values on a global object, this way you skip the stack operation just keep in mind that it won't be thread safe.

I think that when you return a struct pointer, you probably need to manually find some memory for that. Addresses in parameter list are allocated on the stack, which is way faster.

Keep in mind that sometimes is faster to pass parameters by value and update on return (or make local copies on the stack) than by reference... This is very evident with small structures or few parameters and lots of accesses.

This depends massively on your architecture, and also if you expect (or can have) the function inlined. I'd first write the code in the simplest way, and then worry about speed if that shows up as an expensive part of your code.

I would pass the address to a struct. If the information to be returned isn't complex, then just passing in the addresses to the values would work too.
Personally, it really comes down to how messy the interface would be.
void SomeFunction( ReturnStruct* myReturnVals )
// Fill in the values
// Do some stuff
ReturnStruct returnVals;
SomeFunction( &returnVals);
// Do more stuff

In either case, you're passing references, so performance should be similar. If there is a chance that the function never actually returns a value, you could avoid the cost of the malloc with the "return a struct" option since you'd simply return null.
My personal preference is to return a dynamically allocated (malloc'd) struct. I avoid using function arguments for output because I think it makes code more confusing and less maintainable in the long-term.

Returning a local copy of the structure is bad because if the struct was declared as non-static inside the function, it becomes null and void once you exit the function.
And to all the folks suggesting references, well the OP did say "C," and C doesn't have them (references).
And sweet feathery Jesus, can I wake up tomorrow and not have to see anything about the King of Flop on TV?


Is it better to create new variables or using pointers in C? [duplicate]

In Go there are various ways to return a struct value or slice thereof. For individual ones I've seen:
type MyStruct struct {
Val int
func myfunc() MyStruct {
return MyStruct{Val: 1}
func myfunc() *MyStruct {
return &MyStruct{}
func myfunc(s *MyStruct) {
s.Val = 1
I understand the differences between these. The first returns a copy of the struct, the second a pointer to the struct value created within the function, the third expects an existing struct to be passed in and overrides the value.
I've seen all of these patterns be used in various contexts, I'm wondering what the best practices are regarding these. When would you use which? For instance, the first one could be ok for small structs (because the overhead is minimal), the second for bigger ones. And the third if you want to be extremely memory efficient, because you can easily reuse a single struct instance between calls. Are there any best practices for when to use which?
Similarly, the same question regarding slices:
func myfunc() []MyStruct {
return []MyStruct{ MyStruct{Val: 1} }
func myfunc() []*MyStruct {
return []MyStruct{ &MyStruct{Val: 1} }
func myfunc(s *[]MyStruct) {
*s = []MyStruct{ MyStruct{Val: 1} }
func myfunc(s *[]*MyStruct) {
*s = []MyStruct{ &MyStruct{Val: 1} }
Again: what are best practices here. I know slices are always pointers, so returning a pointer to a slice isn't useful. However, should I return a slice of struct values, a slice of pointers to structs, should I pass in a pointer to a slice as argument (a pattern used in the Go App Engine API)?
Methods using receiver pointers are common; the rule of thumb for receivers is, "If in doubt, use a pointer."
Slices, maps, channels, strings, function values, and interface values are implemented with pointers internally, and a pointer to them is often redundant.
Elsewhere, use pointers for big structs or structs you'll have to change, and otherwise pass values, because getting things changed by surprise via a pointer is confusing.
One case where you should often use a pointer:
Receivers are pointers more often than other arguments. It's not unusual for methods to modify the thing they're called on, or for named types to be large structs, so the guidance is to default to pointers except in rare cases.
Jeff Hodges' copyfighter tool automatically searches for non-tiny receivers passed by value.
Some situations where you don't need pointers:
Code review guidelines suggest passing small structs like type Point struct { latitude, longitude float64 }, and maybe even things a bit bigger, as values, unless the function you're calling needs to be able to modify them in place.
Value semantics avoid aliasing situations where an assignment over here changes a value over there by surprise.
Passing small structs by value can be more efficient by avoiding cache misses or heap allocations. In any case, when pointers and values perform similarly, the Go-y approach is to choose whatever provides the more natural semantics rather than squeeze out every last bit of speed.
So, Go Wiki's code review comments page suggests passing by value when structs are small and likely to stay that way.
If the "large" cutoff seems vague, it is; arguably many structs are in a range where either a pointer or a value is OK. As a lower bound, the code review comments suggest slices (three machine words) are reasonable to use as value receivers. As something nearer an upper bound, bytes.Replace takes 10 words' worth of args (three slices and an int). You can find situations where copying even large structs turns out a performance win, but the rule of thumb is not to.
For slices, you don't need to pass a pointer to change elements of the array. io.Reader.Read(p []byte) changes the bytes of p, for instance. It's arguably a special case of "treat little structs like values," since internally you're passing around a little structure called a slice header (see Russ Cox (rsc)'s explanation). Similarly, you don't need a pointer to modify a map or communicate on a channel.
For slices you'll reslice (change the start/length/capacity of), built-in functions like append accept a slice value and return a new one. I'd imitate that; it avoids aliasing, returning a new slice helps call attention to the fact that a new array might be allocated, and it's familiar to callers.
It's not always practical follow that pattern. Some tools like database interfaces or serializers need to append to a slice whose type isn't known at compile time. They sometimes accept a pointer to a slice in an interface{} parameter.
Maps, channels, strings, and function and interface values, like slices, are internally references or structures that contain references already, so if you're just trying to avoid getting the underlying data copied, you don't need to pass pointers to them. (rsc wrote a separate post on how interface values are stored).
You still may need to pass pointers in the rarer case that you want to modify the caller's struct: flag.StringVar takes a *string for that reason, for example.
Where you use pointers:
Consider whether your function should be a method on whichever struct you need a pointer to. People expect a lot of methods on x to modify x, so making the modified struct the receiver may help to minimize surprise. There are guidelines on when receivers should be pointers.
Functions that have effects on their non-receiver params should make that clear in the godoc, or better yet, the godoc and the name (like reader.WriteTo(writer)).
You mention accepting a pointer to avoid allocations by allowing reuse; changing APIs for the sake of memory reuse is an optimization I'd delay until it's clear the allocations have a nontrivial cost, and then I'd look for a way that doesn't force the trickier API on all users:
For avoiding allocations, Go's escape analysis is your friend. You can sometimes help it avoid heap allocations by making types that can be initialized with a trivial constructor, a plain literal, or a useful zero value like bytes.Buffer.
Consider a Reset() method to put an object back in a blank state, like some stdlib types offer. Users who don't care or can't save an allocation don't have to call it.
Consider writing modify-in-place methods and create-from-scratch functions as matching pairs, for convenience: existingUser.LoadFromJSON(json []byte) error could be wrapped by NewUserFromJSON(json []byte) (*User, error). Again, it pushes the choice between laziness and pinching allocations to the individual caller.
Callers seeking to recycle memory can let sync.Pool handle some details. If a particular allocation creates a lot of memory pressure, you're confident you know when the alloc is no longer used, and you don't have a better optimization available, sync.Pool can help. (CloudFlare published a useful (pre-sync.Pool) blog post about recycling.)
Finally, on whether your slices should be of pointers: slices of values can be useful, and save you allocations and cache misses. There can be blockers:
The API to create your items might force pointers on you, e.g. you have to call NewFoo() *Foo rather than let Go initialize with the zero value.
The desired lifetimes of the items might not all be the same. The whole slice is freed at once; if 99% of the items are no longer useful but you have pointers to the other 1%, all of the array remains allocated.
Copying or moving the values might cause you performance or correctness problems, making pointers more attractive. Notably, append copies items when it grows the underlying array. Pointers to slice items from before the append may not point to where the item was copied after, copying can be slower for huge structs, and for e.g. sync.Mutex copying isn't allowed. Insert/delete in the middle and sorting also move items around so similar considerations can apply.
Broadly, value slices can make sense if either you get all of your items in place up front and don't move them (e.g., no more appends after initial setup), or if you do keep moving them around but you're confident that's OK (no/careful use of pointers to items, and items are small or you've measured the perf impact). Sometimes it comes down to something more specific to your situation, but that's a rough guide.
If you can (e.g. a non-shared resource that does not need to be passed as reference), use a value. By the following reasons:
Your code will be nicer and more readable, avoiding pointer operators and null checks.
Your code will be safer against Null Pointer panics.
Your code will be often faster: yes, faster! Why?
Reason 1: you will allocate less items in the heap. Allocating/deallocating from stack is immediate, but allocating/deallocating on Heap may be very expensive (allocation time + garbage collection). You can see some basic numbers here:
Reason 2: especially if you store returned values in slices, your memory objects will be more compacted in memory: looping a slice where all the items are contiguous is much faster than iterating a slice where all the items are pointers to other parts of the memory. Not for the indirection step but for the increase of cache misses.
Myth breaker: a typical x86 cache line are 64 bytes. Most structs are smaller than that. The time of copying a cache line in memory is similar to copying a pointer.
Only if a critical part of your code is slow I would try some micro-optimization and check if using pointers improves somewhat the speed, at the cost of less readability and mantainability.
Three main reasons when you would want to use method receivers as pointers:
"First, and most important, does the method need to modify the receiver? If it does, the receiver must be a pointer."
"Second is the consideration of efficiency. If the receiver is large, a big struct for instance, it will be much cheaper to use a pointer receiver."
"Next is consistency. If some of the methods of the type must have pointer receivers, the rest should too, so the method set is consistent regardless of how the type is used"
Reference :
Edit : Another important thing is to know the actual "type" that you are sending to function. The type can either be a 'value type' or 'reference type'.
Even as slices and maps acts as references, we might want to pass them as pointers in scenarios like changing the length of the slice in the function.
A case where you generally need to return a pointer is when constructing an instance of some stateful or shareable resource. This is often done by functions prefixed with New.
Because they represent a specific instance of something and they may need to coordinate some activity, it doesn't make a lot of sense to generate duplicated/copied structures representing the same resource -- so the returned pointer acts as the handle to the resource itself.
Some examples:
func NewTLSServer(handler http.Handler) *Server -- instantiate a web server for testing
func Open(name string) (*File, error) -- return a file access handle
In other cases, pointers are returned just because the structure may be too large to copy by default:
func NewRGBA(r Rectangle) *RGBA -- allocate an image in memory
Alternatively, returning pointers directly could be avoided by instead returning a copy of a structure that contains the pointer internally, but maybe this isn't considered idiomatic:
No such examples found in the standard libraries...
Related question: Embedding in Go with pointer or with value
Regarding to struct vs. pointer return value, I got confused after reading many highly stared open source projects on github, as there are many examples for both cases, util I found this amazing article:
"In general, share struct type values with a pointer unless the struct type has been implemented to behave like a primitive data value.
If you are still not sure, this is another way to think about. Think of every struct as having a nature. If the nature of the struct is something that should not be changed, like a time, a color or a coordinate, then implement the struct as a primitive data value. If the nature of the struct is something that can be changed, even if it never is in your program, it is not a primitive data value and should be implemented to be shared with a pointer. Don’t create structs that have a duality of nature."
Completedly convinced.

Code quality question about handling multiple functions with same signature in C

My program answers on incoming messages and do some logic based on ID`s and data included in messages.
I have a different function for each ID.
The project is pure C.
To make the code easy to work with I have adjusted all functions to the same style (same return and parameters).
I also want to evade the long switch-case constructions and make code easier to edit later, so I have created the following function:
AnswerStruct IDHandler(Request Message)
struct AnswerStruct ANS;
SIDHandler = IDfunctions[Message.ID];
ANS = SIDHandler(Message);
return ANS;
AnswerStruct is struct for answer messages.
Request is struct for incoming messages.
IDfunctions is array of pointers to functions which looks like this -
AnswerStruct func1(Request);
AnswerStruct func4(Request);
typedef AnswerStruct(*f)(Request);
AnswerStruct (*SIDHandler)(Request);
static f IDfunctions[IDMax] = {0, *func1, 0, 0, *func4, ...};
Function pointers placed in the array cells equal to their id`s, for example:
func1 related to message with ID=1.
func4 related to message with ID=4.
I think, that by using this array I make my life much easier.
I can call function which I need in one step (just go to the IDfunctions[ID]).
Also, adding new functions becomes a two step operation (just add function to the IDfunctions and write logic).
I doubt the efficiency of the selected solution, it seems clunky to me.
The question is - Is this a good architecture?
If no, how can I edit my solution to make it better?
I doubt the efficiency of the selected solution, it seems clunky to
It can be less efficient to call a function via a function pointer than to call it directly by name, because the former denies the compiler any opportunity to optimize the call. But you have to consider whether that actually matters. In a system that dispatches function calls based on messages received from an external source, the I/O involved in receiving the messages is likely to be much more expensive than the indirect function calls, so the difference in call performance is unlikely to be significant.
On the other hand, your approach affords simpler logic and many fewer lines of code, which is a different and potentially more valuable kind of efficiency.
The question is - Is this a good architecture?
The general approach is perfectly good, and I don't see much to complain about in the implementation sketch provided.
Personally, I would declare array IDFunctions to be const (supposing, of course, that you don't intend to replace any of its members after their initialization), but that's a minor safety / performance detail, where again the performance dimension is probably irrelevant.

How can I return more than one value through function in C?

I have been asked in an interview how one can return more than one value from function. I have answered saying by using pointers we can achieve(call by reference) this in C. Then he told me he is looking for some other way of returning more than one value. I said we can return a struct object but here also he didn't seem to be impressed.
I would like to know others ways to return more than one value from a function.
I have seen this questions being asked here on SO, but could not find anything C specific.
The tricky problem is that the interviewer has some solution they are particularly happy with in mind and they are likely grading you by whether you have the same clever trick as them or not.
You could just name a few ways such as you did, and still not fall upon their secret trick. And if you knew their secret trick, you could well not be impressed with it.
So in these situations, its to turn it from interview into conversation. Once you detect you're not moving towards their ego, you can avoid heading towards the intimidating "I don't know" "I give up" and instead try out the "so do you have any clever solution? Is there an in-house recipe for this at Xyz Inc?" etc.
Any glimpse at their obviously self-impressed solution and you are back on firm ground where you can talk about it and ask them if they have thought about various factors that come to mind and basically interview them.
Everyone loves a good listener, and getting them to talk about their tricks is a good way to get them to leave the interview throughly impressed with you! ;)
There are a few ways:
Return value using the return statement (as you already know)
Return via references.
Return values via the heap.
Return values via global variables.
That depends on what you consider a value. If a value is a piece of information for you, more values could be a struct of values. More values could be also passed via pointers or arrays, even a char* containing a list of (non-zero alphanumerical) values. If you consider a value to be a bit of information a single returned uint32_t may hold 32 values. You could even mess around with signals or sockets or pipes or files.
But for you do not even know the use case and the requirements it imposes on the solution, it's indeed a rather hard task to come up with the right solution (and you actually did come up with some proper solutions ...).
Return a pointer to a structure, or pack several small datatypes into one large datatype, or use global variables.
The first is probably the cleanest way to do it, the other two might have their uses in certain situations.
If we pass the address instead of the true value of the parameters.
Then whenever we refer those parameters we do it with the address.
returning a pointer to structure is the suitable answer.(Obviously, the objective of the program can decide what's the best that can be done). The interviewer might have wanted you to say 'I don't know' which would have shown your lack of confidence in the field. I think you provided good solutions, though not what he had in his mind. You could have asked him about a typical scenario where he wanted multiple values to be returned and then discuss how struct-pointer is a reasonable alternative.

efficient sort with custom comparison, but no callback function

I have a need for an efficient sort that doesn't have a callback, but is as customizable as using qsort(). What I want is for it to work like an iterator, where it continuously calls into the sort API in a loop until it is done, doing the comparison in the loop rather than off in a callback function. This way the custom comparison is local to the calling function (and therefore has access to local variables, is potentially more efficient, etc). I have implemented this for an inefficient selection sort, but need it to be efficient, so prefer a quick sort derivative.
Has anyone done anything like this? I tried to do it for quick sort, but trying to turn the algorithm inside out hurt my brain too much.
Below is how it might look in use.
// the array of data we are sorting
MyData array[5000], *firstP, *secondP;
// (assume data is filled in)
Sorter sorter;
// initialize sorter
int result = sortInit (&sorter, array, 5000,
(void **)&firstP, (void **)&secondP, sizeof(MyData));
// loop until complete
while (sortIteration (&sorter, result) == 0) {
// here's where we do the custom we
// just sort by member "value" but we could do anything
result = firstP->value - secondP->value;
Turning the sort function inside out as you propose isn't likely to make it faster. You're trading indirection on the comparison function for indirection on the item pointers.
It appears you want your comparison function to have access to state information. The quick-n-dirty way to create global variables or a global structure, assuming you don't have more than one thread going at once. The qsort function won't return until all the data is sorted, so in a single threaded environment this should be safe.
The only other thing I would suggest is to locate a source to qsort and modify it to take an extra parameter, a pointer to your state structure. You can then pass this pointer into your comparison function.
Take an existing implementation of qsort and update it to reference the Sorter object for its local variables. Instead of calling a compare function passed in, it would update its state and return to the caller.
Because of recursion in qsort, you'll need to keep some sort of a state stack in your Sorter object. You could accomplish that with an array or a linked-list using dynamic allocation (less efficient). Since most qsort implementations use tail recursion for the larger half and make a recursive call to qsort for the smaller half of the pivot point, you can sort at least 2n elements if your array can hold n states.
A simple solution is to use a inlineble sort function and a inlineble compare callback. When compiled with optimisation, both call get flatten into each other exactly like you want. The only downside is that your choice of sort algorithm is limited because if you recurse or alloc more memory you potentially lose any benefit from doing this. Method with small overhead, like this, work best with small data set.
You can use generic sort function with compare method, size, offset and stride.This way custom comparison can be done by parameter rather then callback. With this way you can use any algorithm. Just use some macro to fill in the most common case because you will have a lot of function argument.
Also, check out the STB library (
It has sorting function similar to this among many other useful C tools.
What you're asking for has already been done -- it's called std::sort, and it's already in the C++ standard library. Better support for this (among many other things) is part of why well-written C++ is generally faster than C.
You could write a preprocessor macro to output a sort routine, and have the macro take a comparison expression as an argument.
#define GENERATE_SORT(name, type, comparison_expression) \
void name(type* begin, type* end) \
{ /* ... when needed, fill a and b and use comparison_expression */ }
GENERATE_SORT(sort_ints, (*a<*b))
void foo()
int array[10];
sort_ints(array, array+10);
Two points. I).
II). basic design limits of compilers.
Compilers have, as a basic purpose, the design goal of avoiding assembler or machine code. They achieve this by imposing certain limits. In this case, we give up a flexibility that we can easily do in assembly code. i.e. split the generated code of the sort into two pieces at the call to the compare function. copy the first half to somewhere. next copy the generated code of the compare function to there, just after the previous copied code of the first part. then copy the last half of the sort code. Finally, we have to deal with a whole series of minor details. See also the concept of "hot patching" running programs.

C functions overusing parameters?

I have legacy C code base at work and I find a lot of function implementations in the style below.
char *DoStuff(char *inPtr, char *outPtr, char *error, long *amount)
*error = 0;
*amount = 0;
// Read bytes from inPtr and decode them as a long storing in amount
// before returning as a formatted string in outPtr.
return (outPtr);
Using DoStuff:
myOutPtr = DoStuff(myInPtr, myOutPtr, myError, &myAmount);
I find that pretty obtuse and when I need to implement a similar function I end up doing:
long NewDoStuff(char *inPtr, char *error)
long amount = 0;
*error = 0;
// Read bytes from inPtr and decode them as a long storing in amount.
return amount;
Using NewDoStuff:
myAmount = NewDoStuff(myInPtr, myError);
myOutPtr += sprintf (myOutPtr, "%d", myAmount);
I can't help but wondering if there is something I'm missing with the top example, is there a good reason to use that type of approach?
One advantage is that if you have many, many calls to these functions in your code, it will quickly become tedious to have to repeat the sprintf calls over and over again.
Also, returning the out pointer makes it possible for you to do things like:
DoOtherStuff(DoStuff(myInPtr, myOutPtr, myError, &myAmount), &myOther);
With your new approach, the equivalent code is quite a lot more verbose:
myAmount = DoNewStuff(myInPtr, myError);
myOutPtr += sprintf("%d", myAmount);
myOther = DoOtherStuff(myInPtr, myError);
myOutPtr += sprintf("%d", myOther);
It is the C standard library style. The return value is there to aid chaining of function calls.
Also, DoStuff is cleaner IMO. And you really should be using snprintf. And a change in the internals of buffer management do not affect your code. However, this is no longer true with NewDoStuff.
The code you presented is a little unclear (for example, why are you adding myOutPtr with the results of the sprintf.
However, in general what it seems that you're essentially describing is the breakdown of one function that does two things into a function that does one thing and a code that does something else (the concatenation).
Separating responsibilities into two functions is a good idea. However, you would want to have a separate function for this concatenation and formatting, it's really not clear.
In addition, every time you break a function call into multiple calls, you are creating code replication. Code replication is never a good idea, so you would need a function to do that, and you will end up (this being C) with something that looks like your original DoStuff.
So I am not sure that there is much you can do about this. One of the limitations of non-OOP languages is that you have to send huge amounts of parameters (unless you used structs). You might not be able to avoid the giant interface.
If you wind up having to do the sprintf call after every call to NewDoStuff, then you are repeating yourself (and therefore violating the DRY principle). When you realize that you need to format it differently you will need to change it in every location instead of just the one.
As a rule of thumb, if the interface to one of my functions exceeds 110 columns, I look strongly at using a structure (and if I'm taking the best approach). What I don't (ever) want to do is take a function that does 5 things and break it into 5 functions, unless some functionality within the function is not only useful, but needed on its own.
I would favor the first function, but I'm also quite accustomed to the standard C style.
