How do I ensure SQL Server replication is running? - sql-server

I have two SQL Server 2005 instances that are geographically separated. Important databases are replicated from the primary location to the secondary using transactional replication.
I'm looking for a way that I can monitor this replication and be alerted immediately if it fails.
We've had occasions in the past where the network connection between the two instances has gone down for a period of time. Because replication couldn't occur and we didn't know, the transaction log blew out and filled the disk causing an outage on the primary database as well.
My google searching some time ago led to us monitoring the MSrepl_errors table and alerting when there were any entries but this simply doesn't work. The last time replication failed (last night hence the question), errors only hit that table when it was restarted.
Does anyone else monitor replication and how do you do it?
Just a little bit of extra information:
It seems that last night the problem was that the Log Reader Agent died and didn't start up again. I believe this agent is responsible for reading the transaction log and putting records in the distribution database so they can be replicated on the secondary site.
As this agent runs inside SQL Server, we can't simply make sure a process is running in Windows.

We have emails sent to us for Merge Replication failures. I have not used Transactional Replication but I imagine you can set up similar alerts.
The easiest way is to set it up through Replication Monitor.
Go to Replication Monitor and select a particular publication. Then select the Warnings and Agents tab and then configure the particular alert you want to use. In our case it is Replication: Agent Failure.
For this alert, we have the Response set up to Execute a Job that sends an email. The job can also do some work to include details of what failed, etc.
This works well enough for alerting us to the problem so that we can fix it right away.

You could run a regular check that data changes are taking place, though this could be complex depending on your application.
If you have some form of audit train table that is very regularly updated (i.e. our main product has a base audit table that lists all actions that result in data being updated or deleted) then you could query that table on both servers and make sure the result you get back is the same. Something like:
FROM audit_base
WHERE action_timestamp BETWEEN <time1> AND BETWEEN <time2>
where and are round values to allow for different delays in contacting the databases. For instance, if you are checking at ten past the hour you might check items from the start the last hour to the start of this hour. You now have two small values that you can transmit somewhere and compare. If they are different then something has most likely gone wrong in the replication process - have what-ever pocess does the check/comparison send you a mail and an SMS so you know to check and fix any problem that needs attention.
By using SELECT CHECKSUM_AGG(*) the amount of data for each table is very very small so the bandwidth use of the checks will be insignificant. You just need to make sure your checks are not too expensive in the load that apply to the servers, and that you don't check data that might be part of open replication transactions so might be expected to be different at that moment (hence checking the audit trail a few minutes back in time instead of now in my example) otherwise you'll get too many false alarms.
Depending on your database structure the above might be impractical. For tables that are not insert-only (no updates or deletes) within the timeframe of your check (like an audit-trail as above), working out what can safely be compared while avoiding false alarms is likely to be both complex and expensive if not actually impossible to do reliably.
You could manufacture a rolling insert-only table if you do not already have one, by having a small table (containing just an indexed timestamp column) to which you add one row regularly - this data serves no purpose other than to exist so you can check updates to the table are getting replicated. You can delete data older than your checking window, so the table shouldn't grow large. Only testing one table does not prove that all the other tables are replicating (or any other tables for that matter), but finding an error in this one table would be a good "canery" check (if this table isn't updating in the replica, then the others probably aren't either).
This sort of check has the advantage of being independent of the replication process - you are not waiting for the replication process to record exceptions in logs, you are instead proactively testing some of the actual data.


Disable transactions on SQL Server

I need some light here. I am working with SQL Server 2008.
I have a database for my application. Each table has a trigger to stores all changes on another database (on the same server) on one unique table 'tbSysMasterLog'. Yes the log of the application its stored on another database.
Problem is, before any Insert/update/delete command on the application database, a transaction its started, and therefore, the table of the log database is locked until the transaction is committed or rolled back. So anyone else who tries to write in any another table of the application will be locked. there any way possible to disable transactions on a particular database or on a particular table?
You cannot turn off the log. Everything gets logged. You can set to "Simple" which will limit the amount of data saved after the records are committed.
" the table of the log database is locked": why that?
Normally you log changes by inserting records. The insert of records should not lock the complete table, normally there should not be any contention in insertion.
If you do more than inserts, perhaps you should consider changing that. Perhaps you should look at the indices defined on log, perhaps you can avoid some of them.
It sounds from the question that you have a create transaction at the start of your triggers, and that you are logging to the other database prior to the commit transaction.
Normally you do not need to have explicit transactions in SQL server.
If you do need explicit transactions. You could put the data to be logged into variables. Commit the transaction and then insert it into your log table.
Normally inserts are fast and can happen in parallel with out locking. There are certain things like identity columns that require order, but this is very lightweight structure they can be avoided by generating guids so inserts are non blocking, but for something like your log table a primary key identity column would give you a clear sequence that is probably helpful in working out the order.
Obviously if you log after the transaction, this may not be in the same order as the transactions occurred due to the different times that transactions take to commit.
We normally log into individual tables with a similar name to the master table e.g. FooHistory or AuditFoo
There are other options a very lightweight method is to use a trace, this is what is used for performance tuning and will give you a copy of every statement run on the database (including triggers), and you can log this to a different database server. It is a good idea to log to different server if you are doing a trace on a heavily used servers since the volume of data is massive if you are doing a trace across say 1,000 simultaneous sessions.
You can also trace to a file and then load it into a table, ( better performance), and script up starting stopping and loading traces.
The load on the server that is getting the trace log is minimal and I have never had a locking problem on the server receiving the trace, so I am pretty sure that you are doing something to cause the locks.

Major performance difference between two Oracle database instances

I am working with two instances of an Oracle database, call them one and two. two is running on better hardware (hard disk, memory, CPU) than one, and two is one minor version behind one in terms of Oracle version (both are 11g). Both have the exact same table table_name with exactly the same indexes defined. I load 500,000 identical rows into table_name on both instances. I then run, on both instances:
delete from table_name;
This command takes 30 seconds to complete on one and 40 minutes to complete on two. Doing INSERTs and UPDATEs on the two tables has similar performance differences. Does anyone have any suggestions on what could have such a drastic impact on performance between the two databases?
I'd first compare the instance configurations - SELECT NAME, VALUE from V$PARAMETER ORDER BY NAME and spool the results into text files for both instances and use some file comparison tool to highlight differences. Anything other than differences due to database name and file locations should be investigated. An extreme case might be no archive logging on one database and 5 archive destinations defined on the other.
If you don't have access to the filesystem on the database host find someone who does and have them obtain the trace files and tkprof results from when you start a session, ALTER SESSION SET sql_trace=true, and then do your deletes. This will expose any recursive SQL due to triggers on the table (that you may not own), auditing, etc.
If you can monitor the wait_class and event columns in v$session for the deleting session you'll get a clue as to the cause of the delay. Generally I'd expect a full table DELETE to be disk bound (a wait class indication I/O or maybe configuration). It has to read the data from the table (so it knows what to delete), update the data blocks and index blocks to remove the entries which generate a lot of entries for the UNDO tablespace and the redo log.
In a production environment, the underlying files may be spread over multiple disks (even SSD). Dev/test environments may have them all stuck on one device and have a lot of head movement on the disk slowing things down. I could see that jumping an SQL maybe tenfold. Yours is worse than that.
If there is concurrent activity on the table [wait_class of 'Concurrency'] (eg other sessions inserting) you may get locking contention or the sessions are both trying to hammer the index.
Something is obviously wrong in instance two. I suggest you take a look at these SO questions and their answers:
Oracle: delete suddenly taking a long time
oracle delete query taking too much time
In particular:
Do you have unindexed foreign key references (reason #1 of delete taking a looong time -- look at this script from AskTom),
Do you have any ON DELETE TRIGGER on the table ?
Do you have any activity on instance two (if this table is continuously updated, you may be blocked by other sessions)
please note: i am not a dba...
I have the following written on my office window:
In case of emergency ask the on call dba to:
Check Plan
Run Stats
Flush Shared Buffer Pool
Number 2 and/or 3 normally fix queries which work in one database but not the other or which worked yesterday but not today....

Find most recent SQL Server database activity

Data from another system is replicated into a SQL Server 2005 database in real-time (during the day, it's hundreds of transactions/second) using Goldengate. I'd like to be able to tell if there's been a transaction recently, which will tell me if replication is currently happening. Even in the off-hours, I can expect a transaction every few minutes, though I won't know which of the 400 tables it will go into.
Here's my current process:
IUD trigger on most popular replicated table
Updates date in "Sync Notification" table every time there's any activity on that table
SQL Agent job runs every few minutes and compares this date with GETDATE(). If it's been too long, it emails me.
This works for the most part, but I get false positives if there's activity in other tables, but not the monitored one, which can happen overnight.
Any other suggestions short of adding this same trigger to every table in the database? If I do add the triggers, how to I prevent deadlocks and contention on the "Sync notification" table? Since I don't care about the most recent date being exact during high-contention periods, is there a way I can have SQL try to update the date but just skip it if some other process has locked it?
The only "application-level" choice I have is to TELNET to the Goldengate monitor and ask for the replica lag, then screen scrape the results. I'm open to that, but I'd like to do something SQL-side if it's more feasible.
Is this for an automated job or something you want to look at every now and then? If the latter, then you could use a transaction log examination tool (Redgate Log Rescue, Apex SQLLog, probably others).
Another option open to you is look at sysindexes (SQL Server 2000: dbo.sysindex; 2005: sys.sysindexes). The column rowmodctr (to quote MSDN) "Counts the total number of inserted, deleted, or updated rows since the last time statistics were updated for the table". It may not return everything you need to know but, providing you've got covering indexes, it would give an indication of how many and where the changes there have been if sampled on a regular basis.
You can check SELECT * FROM ::fn_dblog(#startLSN, NULL) and see if any LOP_MODIFY_ROW operation occured since the last check (since last LSN you checked).

SQL Server 2005/8 Replication Transaction ID

I have a scenario where I'm using transactional replication to replicate multiple SQL Server 2005 databases (same instance) into a single remote database (different instance on a separate physical machine).
I am then performing some processing on the replicated data for reporting purposes. I'm using table level triggers to identify changes which actions my post processing code.
Up to this point everything is fine.
However, what I'd like to know is, where certain tables are created, updated or deleted in the same transaction, is it possible to identify some sort of transaction ID from replication (or anywhere) so then I don't perform the same post processing multiple times for a single transaction.
Basic Example: I have a TUser Table and TAddress table. If I was to create both in a single transaction, they would be replicated across in a single transaction too. However, there would be two triggers fired in the replicated database - which at present causes my post processing code to be run twice. What I'd really like to identify is that these two changes arrived in the replicated in the same transaction.
Is this possible in any way? Does an identifier as I've describe exist and is it accessible?
Short answer is no, there is nothing of the sort that you can rely on. Long answer in summary would be that yes it exists, but it would not be recommended in any way to be used for anything.
Given that replication is transactionally consistent, one approach you could consider would be pushing an identifier for the primary record (in this case TUser, since an TAddress is related to TUser) onto a queue (using something like Service Broker ideally or potentially a user-defined queue) and then perform the post-processing by popping data off the queue and processing separately.
Another possibility would be simply batch processing every 'x' amount of time by polling for new/updated records from the primary tables and post-processing in that manner - you'd need to track id's, rowversions, or timestamps of some sort that you've processed for each primary table as meta-data and pull anything that hasn't yet been processed during each batch run.
Just a few thoughts, hope that helps.

SQL Server transactional replication for very large tables

I have set up transactional replication between two SQL Servers on different ends of a relatively slow VPN connection. The setup is your standard "load snapshot immediately" kind of thing where the first thing it does after initializing the subscription is to drop and recreate all tables on the subscriber side and then start doing a BCP of all the data. The problem is that there are a few tables with several million rows in them, and the process either a) takes a REALLY long time or b) just flat out fails. The messages I keep getting when I look in Replication Monitor are:
The process is running and is waiting for a response from the server.
Query timeout expired
It then tries to restart the bulk loading process (skipping any BCP files that it has already loaded).
I am currently stuck where it just keeps doing this over and over again. It's been running for a couple days now.
My questions are:
Is there something I could do to improve this situation given that the network connection is so slow? Maybe some setting or something? I don't mind waiting a long time as long as the process doesn't keep timing out.
Is there a better way to do this? Perhaps make a backup, zip it, copy it over and then restore? If so, how would the replication process know where to pick up when it starts applying the transactions, since updates will be occurring between the time I make the backup and get it restored and running on the other side.
You can apply the initial snapshot manually.
It's been a while for me, but the link (into BOL) has alternatives to setting up the subscriber.
Edit: From BOL How-tos, Initialize a Transactional Subscriber from a Backup
In SQL 2005, you have a "compact snapshot" option, that allow you to reduce the total size of the snapshot. When applied over a network, snapshot items "travel" compacted to the suscriber, where they are then expanded.
I think you can easily figure the potential speed gain by comparing sizes of standard and compacted snapshots.
By the way, there is a (quite) similar question here for merge replication, but I think that at the snapshot level there is no difference.
