How to move all mp3 files into a single directory? - batch-file

I have a bunch of MP3 files split up into artist\album, and I want to move these all into a single directory, and get rid of the directory itself, using a windows batch file (hence the tags)

You can start from:
for /R %%x in (*.mp3) do move "%%x" "c:\dir"

Use the Windows search function to search for *.MP3, wait for it to finish. Select all results and use cut. Paste into the target directory.
Then the subdirectories should be empty. You can select them all at once and delete them.

For a bit of an overkill of an effort, install any Unix utilities (e.g. CYGWIN, many oithers) and do "mv //* final_dir" :)
Of course, you will be left with a highly useful and uber cool set of unix utilities for Windows.
Another overkill is t install ActivePErl and do it in Perl:
map { move($_, $final_dir) || die "Can not move $_: $!" } glob("basedir/*/*/*");

fs-dependent, filenumberlimit experimental result was you can have thousands of files same level here, didn't try > 10000, > 1000 ok

EDIT I see you want to do wit with "win batch" (in one of your comments added later)... I leave my answer up as an alternative...
I've used JP soft's 4NT (a replacement) to do this.
cd <root of mp3 tree>
global /i move *.mpr \newdir
just beware that newdir aboslutely must not be a child of <root of mp3 tree>
global executes a command (the move command) in every subdirecotry of the starting directory. /i tells it to ignore returncodes (a directory might contain zero mp3 files).
4NT is nolonger sold but "Take Command" should work also.

artist>move *.mp3 destinationDirectory will work I believe.

This should be moved to superuser, first off. Second, I use MusicBrainz for my mp3 library.
Since the question has gotten more complex, let me elaborate on MusicBrainz.
You point it at a music folder, deep as you want, and it grabs all songs found in that directory. It then offers to retag them based on it's user-generated DB. It uses some crazy method of audio finger printing to guess any songs that either lack meta-data or need the right meta-data (say goodbye to Aretha Franklin doing "Son of Preacher Man" and the famous Rolling Stones cover of "Brown Eyed Girl").
After finishing up with any meta data correction, you hit save, and it will:
a) replace/add the meta data tags
b) move your mp3 files into directories based on any pattern you specify
c) if you set this, it will delete any folders that it leaves empty upon file relocation
So, you could simply tell it NOT to retag and NOT to use any meta data for folder destination, and it will all that you want (and more if you want it to).
I have mine set to grab stuff from my "Giant Music Mess" folder and then put them into folders based on artist, album, disc, and finally give the mp3 file a "track# - title" rename. Something like Music Library/%Artist%/%Album%/%Vol%/%#% - %title


Update file across multiple folder locations?

I need something that can copy a specified file any and everywhere on my drive (or computer) where that file already exists; i.e. update a file. I tried to search this site, in case I'm not the first, and found this:
CMD command line: copy file to multiple locations at the same time
But not quite the same.
Say I have a file called CurrentList.txt, and I have copies of it all over my hard drive.  But then I change it and I want all the copies to update.  So I want to copy the newer one over all the others.  It could 'copy if newer', but generally I know it's newer, so it could also just find every instance and copy over it.
I was originally going to use some kind of .bat file that would have to iterate over every folder seeking the file in question, but my batch file programming is limited/rusty.  Then I looked to see if xcopy could do it, but I don't think so...
For how I will use it most, I generally know where those files are going to be, so it actually might be as good or better if I could specify it to (using example), "copy CurrentList.txt, overwriting all other copies wherever found in the C:\Lists folder and all subfolders".
I would really like to be able to have it in a context menu, so I could (from a file explorer) right click on a file or selected files and choose the option to distribute it.
Thanks in advance for any ideas.
Use the "replace" command...
replace CurrentList.txt C:\Lists /s

Batch command double extension fix

Hi everybody i would like to ask how i can remove a mistakenly added second file extension using a batch script.
E.g. "test.aac.m4a" -> "test.m4a"
So the last extension is the right one which i want to have.
But this is ONLY the case for
-> .m4a
-> .aac
I know some batch scripting but
ren *.aac.m4a *.m4a
Won't work :(
Another thing worth mentioning would be that these double extensions come from my music software MusicBee.
I use mp4box on m4a files to extract the raw aac stream from the m4a container so i can edit it in other software.
Currently the syntax is:
mp4box.exe -raw 1 "<URL>" -out "<URL>".aac
The "<URL>" is the variable MusicBee will replace with the file url.
But this will add the .aac extension after the .m4a and i have no idea how to replace it instead. (and again when i repack the files ".aac -> .aac.m4a")
As far as i know MusicBee just replaces the variables and launches the batch code when activated so i think other batch code will work too.
Is it possible to prevent this double extension from even developing?
As always ANY help is apreciated!!
Thanks, Daniel
In preventing the double extension from developing I'm guessing you're not appending the file extension accordingly in the right way, I am however not familiar at all with Music Bee.
As for creating the right batch files that do what you want, I've used Advanced File Renamer in the past for all sorts of renaming patterns such as your case. It's freeware too! The program has a fairly advanced feature that allows users to write custom scripts in JavaScript user guide here. And can even generate batch scripts that do special renaming (as you've noted in the comments) for your specific use case.
For the other less advanced users the program has a GUI that makes it easy to do batch renames.
Best of all, if you're like me that avoids third party software installs just to do one thing as much as possible, the program has a portable mode that won't hook itself into your system, which is always good.
Read the manuals and guides there for more information. My answer might sound a little too much like advertising for it, but that's only because it's helped me so much in renaming my music a long time ago.
Here's a screenshot by the OP, RapidFireArts that shows how OP used the software to remove the second file extension.
It ought to be possible, but I have no idea how to work with your software to prevent the double extensions from occurring in the first place. But it is fairly easy to strip off the unwanted middle "extension".
If you know for a fact that none of your .m4a or .aac files are supposed to have multiple dots, then you could simply do the following:
ren *.m4a ???????????????????????????????????????????.m4a
ren *.aac ???????????????????????????????????????????.aac
Just make sure you have enough ? wildcards to match the longest name in your folder. See How does the Windows RENAME command interpret wildcards? for an explanation of why this solution works.
But sometimes file names legitimately have additional dots prior to the actual extension. If this is your case, then the following batch script will remove only the unwanted .m4a and .aac middle "extensions"
#echo off
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%A in ('dir /b /a-d *.m4a.aac *.aac.m4a') do (
for %%B in ("%%A") do ren "%%A" "%%~nB%%~xA"
Another option is to use my JREN.BAT regular expression file renaming utility. JREN.BAT is a hybrid JScript/batch script that runs natively on any Windows machine from XP onward. Ideally, the script should be placed within a folder that is included within your PATH. I like to use c:\utils for all of my non-standard utilities.
Once you have JREN.BAT, then all you would need would be
call jren "\.(m4a|aac)(?=\.(m4a|aac)$)" ""
Provided you understand regular expressions, and you take the time to read the built-in JREN help, then there are many wondrous things you can do with the utility. The help is accessed by issuing jren /? from the command line. You might want to use jren /?|more if you have not configured your console window to have a large buffer that enables scrolling to see prior output.
I use File Renamer Basic.
It's Free

SVN Update specific files from repository only

There's this repository which is many many gigabytes, 99% of which I don't need. What I want to do is get/update only the *.js *.css *.html .doc and *.pdf files. The rest, which are the enormous ones, I want to leave up there and not waste time and disk space getting because I don't need to look at them and I'll never be changing them.
I realize that the svn:ignore feature isn't what I need, that's related only to what gets checked in and what gets ignored. I also know that there's no parameters or settings in SVN that I can take advantage of to do what I want.
What I have found though is that if I right-click on my SVN folder and select "Check for Modifications" and then in the next dialog choose "Check repository" then I get a full list of the files I don't have. It's then an easy task to add "Extension" to the column headers and sort by extension. I can then scroll down and find all the .js files grouped together.
Here's where my #fail happens. If I right-click on ONE of the JS files and select UPDATE, then it will bring the file down and create the sub-directory hierarchy necessary to support that file. This is exactly what I'd want to happen. At this point I jump in the air thinking I've found what I need. This isn't such a troublesome process, I can live with this. Then I selected all of the JS files and right-clicked. First thing I noticed is that the context menu that appears has less options, that's troubling. But the UPDATE option is there, so I'm not too worried. I choose UPDATE then click OK, just like I did for the one single JS file I'd earlier tried. What happens next is the weird thing though. Instead of repeating the process that happened with the one single file, but this time to all selected files, it shows "Skipped" against each file and reports it's done. This happens every time. I can do each file manually (which would take hours) but I can't do them all at once.
Help. I'm doing this in a virtual machine which I'd rather not quadruple the size of just to get files I don't need.
Sorry for the delayed answer, there's been a lot going on and I also had to spend some time to get this working. As you already noted, there is no straightforward way to do an "extension-only-checkout". But there is a way using Subversion command-line tools and a batch script I wrote. It works by using the sparse directories feature of Subversion, which lets you specify which "depth" a checkout should have. By specifying a depth of empty, an empty working copy is created and no files or folders are actually checked out. Then, you can update immediate files and folders of your choice from the repository into that working copy. This allows to create that "extension-only-checkout" which you're after.
The script I wrote allows you to specify multiple extensions in the EXTENSIONS variable separated by spaces. The repository specified in the SVN_ROOT variable is then scanned for files with the given extensions. Then it proceeds to build up a working copy which consists only of the directory structure needed to support the files having the extensions you specified (using the method described above). I tested it quite a bit and hope it will suit your needs.
Note: Depending on the size of the repository and the number of files matching the specified extensions, the process of creating the working copy will take some time.
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
SET EXTENSIONS=.js .css .html .doc .pdf
ECHO Listing repository...
svn -R ls %SVN_ROOT% > _files-all.txt
REM filter list for specified extensions
TYPE _files-all.txt | FINDSTR /I /R "%%H$" >> _files-selected.txt
REM initial checkout in empty mode
svn co %SVN_ROOT% --depth empty .
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%I IN (_files-selected.txt) DO (
REM "escape" path elements by wrapping them into double quotes
ECHO Fetching %%I
REM iterate over path elements
REM "unescape" each path element again
REM if we don't have this element, fetch it from repository
svn up %%J --depth empty 2>&1 > nul
REM if the element is a directory, enter it
REM clean up temporary files
DEL _files-all.txt _files-selected.txt
I ended up having to abandon my dreams of having an svn update that only gets me certain file extensions and leaves all others on the server. I had to accept I need to get the whole thing, unless I want each update to involve navigating a large tree structure and selecting only the sub-folders I want.

.bat file to rename and move files with prompt

I am completely new to this, but I am trying to create a .bat file that will allow me to rename a pair of files within a designated folder and move them into a subfolder. The part I am having trouble with is that I am wanting a prompt to come up to identify/select the files to be renamed and moved.
Example file names are:
A1234, A1235, A1236, B1234, B1235, B1236, etc.
Is there a way to bring up a prompt that allows the user to type the shared name (ex 1234)of the files and rename and move both files to the designated subfolder?
Any and all help would be appreciated!
Suggested approach
for part of problem
part I am having trouble with is that I am wanting a prompt to come
up to identify/select the files to be renamed and moved. Is there a
way to bring up a prompt that allows the user to type the shared name
(ex 1234)of the files and rename and move both files to the designated
Do a search operation using wildcard, like "?1234" for the case highlighted above ( should be made generalized for all acceptable and expected patterns "*1234*" is the generic most )
Now do a RENAME inside a For loop on the results obtained by search.
As you suggest you are a newbie with Batch, following tutorials will help you build your file. Look for elements like Variables, For Loop
Batch Tutorial
Here you go
#echo off
set /p file=Please type shared name:
for %%a in (C:\Folder\?%file%.*) do (
move "%%a" subdir
ren "subdir\%%a" newname.*

XCOPY exclude list ignored after first exclusion

I have a batch file I've created which uses xcopy to copy a dir, and child dirs, and merge them into one file. (ie. all my modulised development css stylesheets merged into one production stylesheet).
Everything is good, apart from the fact that when I reference the excludelist.txt, it only excludes the first line, and not the subsequent files I want excluded.
Anyone fancy a crack at this? You'd be most helpful.
Here's the code:
XCOPY C:\xampp\htdocs\PROJECT\css\*.* C:\temp /S /I /Y /EXCLUDE:C:\xampp\htdocs\PROJECT\exclude.txt
...and inside my exclude.txt is...
///// I know the code works (to an extent) because it is infact excluding file 1.css -- just not the ones below it. Am I right to put each exclusion on a new line?
I use the following,
xcopy "C:\users\dad\*.*" dad /s /d <yesnoyesno /EXCLUDE:excluexclu 1>cop.txt 2>err.txt
as somewhere on the web I saw a note to the effect that the /Y switch could not be used directly with an exclude file.
What I wanted to point out here, was the useful output files 1 & 2, which detail the success & failure issues.
Mine shows only success.
The short answer: Create a new text file, type the entries and save the file.
The longer explanation: I ran into this very issue on a Windows 2008 server today. I tried all kinds of things to get it to work. Forced notepad to save the file as ANSI, Unicode and UTF-8 but all of them had the same problem. Finally I started thinking about the fact that I put the file on the server via FTP and it's quite likely that FTP tweaked the file format. I created a new text file on the server, typed all the same entries in the new file and now it works.
I had a similar problem. I was trying to exclude all files with a certain extension in the root folder and any sub-folders and it didn't work. The reason was I was putting *.pdb instead of just .pdb. The newline/carriage return thing was a total red herring for me.
So my file just looked like:
You seem to be using xcopy correctly - each exclusion file (or match depending on wildcards) should be on a new line within the file. So far I've been unable to reproduce the behaviour you're experiencing.
Is the exclude.txt listing you've given above a test file, or are they the actual css names?
What are the names of the other files that your batch file is supposed to copy?
That the xcopy is failing to exclude further files after a single match is giving me most pause. I thought it might be to do with the type of carriage-return that was used in the exclude file, but xcopy handles unix-style carriage-returns just fine.
Can you re-verify that the correct exclude file is being used?
Try forcing it to save with ANSI encoding on your text editor.
I was having a similar issue and that did it.
