Uses for SQL Server schemas - sql-server

It's my impression that schemas are mainly for organizing the tables, view, stored procedures, etc... in a SQL Server database. Do schemas play a bigger role (perhaps in database security, storage, etc)?
Some clarification: I'm referring to "object" schemas. Sorry for the confusion.
Thank you.

Schemas allow you to group your tables for security and/or conceptual sanity. The group could be a department, a specific area of an application, Active Directory group, db role, etc.
If you have a group of tables that only your HR security group needs access to you can create them under the HR schema and enforce the priviledges from there.
If you have an application you might want to create schemas for Sales, Content, and Products just to separate the parts of the application.

Check this link It covers security aspects under the section 'Using Schemas in SQL Server'.

From an OO perspective, a database schema could be thought of as a class; with the database itself representing an object instance of that class.
The same implications apply from this analogy (re: security, memory use, etc)


Database schema clarification

Unfortunately, the term "schema" has come to take on different definitions for different databases. We're using SQL Server 2008 R2, and with that in mind, I have a better understanding thanks to some other questions here with people asking similar questions. However, before I begin making the database, I want to be sure I have this right for my specific scenario.
Basically it's a database for various departments of the company. For example, Administration will manage employees with a bunch of tables related to employee management. Marketing will have a lot of marketing related tables. And tech support will have a lot of tech support related tables. These "groups" will probably never interact with one another, but they're all part of the same project, so I'm putting them all in one database, rather than three separate databases.
Am I correct in understanding that this means I would want three different schemas? So that for Administration, for example, the tables would be named:
and then for tech support, for example:
And then am I correct in understanding that the PURPOSE of this, instead of just having every table in the dbo schema, is for A) organization purposes, and B) permission purposes (users with Techsupport schema access shouldn't be able to access the Administration schema, for instance). The idea I've come to in my head is that schemas in the SQL Server definition is that a schema is just like a virtual folder that groups related tables together.
I think this is right, after all the similar questions that I've read, but I just really want to be sure I'm on the right path before I get too far in and realize I'm doing it completely wrong.
Is throwing everything into the dbo schema and calling a day discouraged / not intended? Should you use a schema, even for small databases that don't necessarily need multiple schemas?
Schemas support two primary purposes:
security container. Permissions can be granted on schemas and such permissions apply to all objects in the schema. Eg. GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA::Administration TO [foo\bar]; grants the SELECT permission to any table in the schema, including future added tables.
namespace. You can deploy your application in the schema [CptSupermarkt] and know that your app has a very low probability of a name conflict with other applications.
The prevalent use is the first one because most apps are not concerned with side-by-side deployment with other applications and usually assume ownership of an entire database (if not an entire instance). However there are types of applications (eg. audit tools and monitoring apps) that use the namespace aspect of schemas (or, at least, most should use it...).

SQL Server Database Schemas

I use schemas in my databases, but other than the security benefits and the fact that my OCD is happy, I don't really know whay it is good practice to use them. Besides the more granular security, are there other reasons for using schemas when building a database?
The primary pupose of schemas is indeed security. A secondary benefit is that they act like namepaces for your application tables and objects, thus allowing a conflict free side-by-side deployment with other applications that may use same names for its object.
Schema's arose from the original Sql Server. They didn't have schemas which meant that every single object in the database had to be owned by someone. If jill from accounting left the company then you had to manually reassign all her stuff to someone else etc. Schemas now own objects and users belong to schemas, which makes all the DB Admins very happy people :).
Basically you can have users leave and you remove their privileges by removing them from schemas and deleting the user. Adding privileges to a user is now as simple as adding the user to the schema.

Should I use the default dbo or a custom schema for common tables in multi-tenant database?

I have a database that's going to record data for different customers. Most of the customers have the same data requirements; however, that's not always the case. For the different requirements, I'm going to create extension tables that are going to be specific for their needs. For each customer, I'm going to create a schema and I will then put the specific extension tables, views, etc under their schema.
However, for the common data tables, should I create those under the default dbo schema or should I create a new schema instead?
Thank You.
I would create a Common schema. You don't want to give your users access to the dbo schema if you can help it. Especially if you have stats, etc there.
Schemas are a great way to separate namespaces as well as administer security. Take advantage of that and organize your databases as simply as possible. It makes it much more readable when you're going through that list of tables!
The only reason to use the dbo schema is convenience, so you don't have to plan your schemas roles, rights and requirements out in great detail. However, if you are already planning a multi-schema database, then I would definitely recommends that you plan out your own s common application schema, and leave the dbo schema for explicit DBA/privved objects.
I have designed and written about multi-tenant databases here and here, which you nmight find useful. This is primarily shared-schema stuff, but the first article has a lot of pointers to other articles including some multi-schema stuff.

Best-Practices for using schemas in SQL Server (2008)

I can see in the AdventureWorks database that different schemas are used to group tables. Why is this done (security, ...?) and are there best-practices I can find?
thx, Lieven Cardoen
As a manager of Business Intelligence, we rely on schema for logical grouping and managing security. Here are some cases as to how we use schema:
We have a general database that is loaded by SSIS packages solely for staging data before we load our operational data store (ODS). In this database, with the exception of the schema all objects are indentical in structure (table names, column names, data types, nullability, etc.) to their original source. We use the schema to indicate the original source system of the table. In some rare instances, two different databases have tables with the same name and schema allows us to continue to use the original name in the staging database.
In every database on our BI servers each team member has a test_username schema. When we create test objects in a database, this makes it easy to keep track of who made the object. It also makes it a lot easier to purge the test objects later since everyone knows who made what. Frankly, just knowing that we made it is usually enough to know it can be deleted safely, especially when we can't remember when or why we made it!
In our data controller database, we rely on schema to separate different types of processes between reports, etl, and generic resources.
In our star schema data warehouse, all objects are devided into dimension and fact schemas.
When we push data to other departmental servers, we make all BI objects on their servers use the schema bi. This makes it REALLY easy to know bi loads and maintains the table even though it isn't on our server. If the target server isn't a 2008/2005 SQL Server box, then we prefix the table with bi_.
When it gets down to it, we use schema for logical organization anytime we WOULD have appended a prefix or suffix to an object to help organize it in the absence of schema. Having said this, there are a few instances where we don't use schema on our BI servers. In our WorkingDB, everything is dbo. Our WorkingDB is used like TempDB to create temporary tables, but these tables are temporary tables that we know we will create everytime an ETL process runs. The special property of WorkingDB is that we don't ever backup the database and all ETL processes that use the database must be able to recreate their objects from scratch in the absence of the table. In this instance, we felt using schema didn't add ANY organizational value since we don't actually use the objects outside of their temporary ETL process.
Since we are a BI group, we don't generally build and support our own applications. We almost exclusively use other people's applications and bring data from their back-end databases to our server. However, we do have one database called bi_applications that is the back-end for a variety of small CRUD applications. These applications are usually data entry forms that we provide to the business so that they can capture data we would otherwise have to maintain in BI. It is a way of getting data that should be in production applications into BI while we wait for our low priority application enhancements to gather dust in the future development lists. Each application has a separate schema and the application account used to update the underlying tables ONLY has access to objects of the associated schema. This makes it really easy to understand, secure, and maintain the separate applications.
In a few instances, I have let power users have direct database access to our tables or stored procedures. We rely on using schema combined with roles to secure the objects. We grant permissions to the schema and users are added to roles. This allows us to easily understand which objects are used by whom without having to dig through roles to figure it out.
In short, we use schema for security purposes when we probably would have considered separating the objects out into their own databases and when we expect an application or user outside of BI to access our databases.
Although these aren't best business practices for application developers, I hope my bi use-cases may help you think of some of the ways to use schema in your end of the business.

Which database implementations allow sandboxing users in separate databases?

Can anyone tell me if there are RDBMSs that allow me to create a separate database for every user so that there is full separation of users' data?
Are there any?
I know I can add UID to every table but this solution has its own problems (for example per user database schema changes are impossible).
Doesnt MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and so on and so on allow you to do that?. There's the grant statements to control ACLs
I would imagine most (all?) databases allow you to create a user which you could then grant database level access to? SQL server certainly does.
Another simple solution if you don't need the databases to be massive or scalable, say for teaching SQL to students or having many testers work against their own database to isolate problems is SQLite, that way the whole database is a single file (per user), and each user cannot possibly screw up or interfere with other users.
They can even mail you the databases, or install them anywhere, say at home and at work with no internet required.
MS SQLServer2005 is one which can be used for multiple users.An instance can be created
if you have any, run the previlegs and use one user per instance
Oracle lets you create a separate schema (set of tables, indexes, functions, etc) for individual users. This is good if they should have separate different tables. Creating a new user could be a very expensive operation as you would be making new tables. Updating is a nightmare as well, as you need to update the model for each user.
If you want everyone to have the same set of tables, but only able to view their own records then you could use Fine Grain Access Control or Virtual Private Database features to do this.
