Problems with structures with pointers to arrays of other structures in C - c

I am attempting to tackle college worksheet on C programming (no marking for it, just to improve our learning). What we're meant to do is get a few details about shipping docks. I decided to use structures for this.
My code is below, what I need help with is to print out the information (to see if its working) of whats at the location of the shipyards .run.
Everything compiles and according to the debugger and point to different locations, but I can not see the values.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
typedef struct dockInfo
int dockCode;
int dockLength;
typdef struct shipyard
char dockName[20];
/* however big this number is thats how many dockInfo structs are needed.*/
int numOfDocks;
dckDetails *run; //points to the array of dockInfo structs
struct dockInfo *arrayD; // the array to hold all the dockInfo structs
struct dockInfo tempo; // the temporary dockInfo struct to take in the details
struct shipyard shipyard1;
struct shipyard shipyard2;
* the variables for shipyard1 and shipyard2 are then assigned
int i;
for (i=0;i<shipyard1.numOfDocks;i++)
arrayD=calloc(shipyard1.numOfDocks,100); // allocate a new bit of memory for arrayD
arrayD[i]=tempo; //the element of arrayD becomes tempo.
}; //make point to the location of arrayD.
for (i=0;i<shipyard2.numOfDocks;i++)
arrayD=calloc(shipyard2.numOfDocks,100); // allocate a new bit of memory for arrayD
arrayD[i]=tempo; //the element of arrayD becomes tempo.
}; //make point to the new location of arrayD.
int elementTest1; // need element1test to be[0].dockLength;
int elementTest2; // need element2test to be[1].dockCode;
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
It should be noted that I have left a lot of code out because I have yet to write it. I have used static examples for the moment (shipyard1 and shipyard2) but in the future I am going to implment a 'load info from file' feature.
Any help would be greatly appreciated and please excuse my English if it's poor, English is not my first language.

You have calloc() inside a for loop twice. Both times you're losing the address returned.
for () {
addr = calloc();
addr[i] = ...
the second time through the loop, the addr you got on the first time is gone (you got yourself a memory leak), the value you saved there is gone too.
Move the calloc() outside the loop ... and remember to free() the memory when you no longer need it
addr = calloc();
for () {
addr[i] = ...

Some feedback:
The memory allocation parts with calloc should occur outside the loop. Now you allocate it, and then loose track of it in the next iteration because new memory is allocated and assigned.
memory you allocate should be freed somewhere with free
shipyard1.numOfDocks (same for shipyard2) is unitialized when you use it, it may be a random number (which means you have an undefined number of loop iterations, and allocate an undefined amount of memory).
Good luck!

Others have made some very good points, and you should fix your code according to them. So far, no one seems to have seen that the call to calloc() is wrong. Instead of:
it should be:
arrayD = calloc(shipyard1.numOfDocks, sizeof *arrayD);
You want shipyard1.numOfDocks objects, each of size equal to sizeof *arrayD.
In fact, as mentioned below, you don't need to set the memory allocated to all-zeros, so you can replace calloc() by malloc():
arrayD = malloc(shipyard1.numOfDocks * sizeof *arrayD);
(Be sure to #include <stdlib.h>, whether you call calloc() or malloc().)
I have some minor comments about style:
you don't need the typedef. You can write struct dockInfo instead of dckDetails. If you do keep the typedef, you should be consistent, and use the typedef name everywhere. You use struct dockInfo most of the time, and then use dckDetails once. Your usage suggests that you probably weren't comfortable declaring a pointer to the struct. However, struct dockInfo *run is a completely valid declaration.
you don't need the tempo object. You can instead do: arrayD[i].dockCode = 45*i; arrayD[i].dockLength = 668*i;
Unless you're running C99, you can't declare variables after statements in a block. So you should move the declarations for elementTest1 and elementTest2 to the top of main(), with other declarations.
return is a statement, not a function, so the parentheses are not needed.
Since you overwrite the memory allocated immediately, and don't need it to be zero, you can replace calloc() call by a suitable call to malloc().
As I said, these are minor comments. Your main problems lie with the wrong use of calloc, etc.

I shortened the variable names and re-wrote this to do what I think you are interested in. I also added display of the addresses the data is stored in.
Generally, when I try to understand something in the arrays and pointers world, I make the simple case work - an embedded array (my yard1) and then do the pointer thing after that (yard2, yard3)
You'll note each set of data has different start points, two add i for each point, one multiplies by i for each point.
#include <libc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_DOCKS 100
int main(int argc, char** argv)
struct dock
int code;
int length;
struct yard
char name[20];
int numDocks;
struct dock arDocks[MAX_DOCKS]; //an array of dock structs
struct yard_2
char name[20];
int numDocks;
struct dock *run; //points to the array of dock structs
/* data within main function */
struct dock *arrayD; // pointer to dock structs
struct yard yard1;
struct yard_2 yard2;
struct yard_2 yard3;
int i;
char temp[] = "2 draY";
strcpy(, temp ); /* temp is only persistant in main... */
strcpy(, "Yard 1");
strcpy(, "3 y 3 a 3 r 3 d 3");
yard1.numDocks = MAX_DOCKS; /* or so I guess.. */
yard2.numDocks = MAX_DOCKS; /* or so I guess.. */
yard3.numDocks = MAX_DOCKS; /* or so I guess.. */
/* get some memory, init it to 0 */
arrayD = calloc( yard2.numDocks, sizeof( struct dock ) );
/* connect to the yard2 struct via "run", a pointer to struct dock */ = arrayD;
/* without middleman... get more memory, init it to 0 */ = calloc( yard3.numDocks, sizeof( struct dock ) );
/* at this point arrayD could be re-used to get another hunk.. */
/* fill in and display data .. */
for (i=0;i<yard1.numDocks;i++)
/* This sets all the memory for yard 1... */
yard1.arDocks[i].code = 45 + i;
yard1.arDocks[i].length = 668 + i;
/* so here are some ways to display the data */
printf("%d, %d %x %d %x - ",
i, yard1.arDocks[i].code, &(yard1.arDocks[i].code),
(yard1.arDocks[i].length), &(yard1.arDocks[i].length) );
/* This sets the memory for yard 2... */[i].code = 45 * i;[i].length = 668 * i;
/* Display through a pointer to a calloc'ed array of structs is the
same syntax as the embedded array of structs. The addresses of the
array are completely different - 0xbffff704 vs 0x800000 on my Intel-based iMac... */
printf("%d %x %d %x - ",[i].code, &([i].code),[i].length, &([i].length) );[i].code = 100 + i;[i].length = 2000 + i;
/* see where second calloc got its memory... */
printf("%d %x %d %x\n",[i].code, &([i].code),[i].length, &([i].length) );
/* data all filled in, more demos of how to get it back: */
printf( "%s, : 1\n", );
printf( "%d, : numOfDocs \n", yard1.numDocks );
printf( "0x%x, : arDocks \n", yard1.arDocks );
int elementTest1 = yard1.arDocks[0].length;
int elementTest2 = yard1.arDocks[1].code;
int elementTest3 =[0].length;
int elementTest4 =[1].code;
printf( "elementTest1: yard1.arDocks[0].length %d\n", elementTest1 );
printf( "elementTest2: yard1.arDocks[1].code %d\n", elementTest2 );
printf( "elementTest3:[0].length %d\n", elementTest3 );
printf( "elementTest4:[1].code; %d\n", elementTest4 );
for (i=0; i< yard2.numDocks; i++ ) {
printf("%d %d %d _ ", i,[i].length,[i].code);
printf(" %d %d \n",[i].length,[i].code);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Here's an edited example of the output, compile/build via cc, cmd line a.out:
Macintosh-6:interview Bill4$ cc
dockyard.c Macintosh-6:interview
Bill4$ a.out
0 45 bffff6f8 668 bffff6fc - 0 800000 0 800004 - 100 800400 2000 800404
1 46 bffff700 669 bffff704 - 45 800008 668 80000c - 101 800408 2001 80040c
2 47 bffff708 670 bffff70c - 90 800010 1336 800014 - 102 800410 2002 800414
Yard 1, : 1
100, : numOfDocs
0xbffff6f8, : arDocks
elementTest1: yard1.arDocks[0].length 668
elementTest2: yard1.arDocks[1].code 46
elementTest3:[0].length 0
elementTest4:[1].code; 101
0 0 0 _ 2000 100
1 668 45 _ 2001 101
2 1336 90 _ 2002 102
3 2004 135 _ 2003 103
99 66132 4455 _ 2099 199
Macintosh-6:interview Bill4$


Segmentation fault when trying to write in struct

I'm new to C, and I'm trying to write simple schedule program. I have rooms and want to fill them with events.
static void create_dummy_data()
#define max_entries 5
struct event
char *event_name;
int duration_min; // duration in minutes
struct room
char *room_name;
struct event *events[10];
int i = 0;
char *names[] = {"Room1", "Room2", "Room3", "Room4", "Room5", "Room6"};
struct room *rooms[max_entries];
for ( i = 0; i < max_entries ; i++)
rooms[i]->room_name = names[i]; // The problem is here
I'm getting error "8263 segmentation fault (core dumped)"
When you declare struct room *rooms[max_entries]; you will have in the data segment an array of max_entries pointers that are initialized to NULL.
As you do not allocate memory for your room, it means that when you write rooms[i]->room_name you will have essentially done the same as NULL->room_name. The memory protection mechanism of you system detects that you want to access a memory portion that is not allowed and signals it to you with a segmentation fault.
you have to add:
rooms[i] = malloc(sizeof (struct room));
if(!rooms[i]) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // example error handling, can be different
to your loop.
BTW: it is usage in C to define macros in all caps so that it is immediately visible that it is a macro. You should therefore use
#define MAX_ENTRIES 5

double free or corruption after freeing a pointer on 6731st time

The problem is that my code is not so small so I will post only fragments of it, let me know if more of it is needed for the question to be valid.
The program uses library with various sorting algorithms (18 of them), and applies them to an unsorted array. User can select array size and how many arrays will be tested.
If I select, for example, 100arrays of 1000 elements (18*100 = 1800 times algorithms sort the array), the code works. If it is the other way, ie 1000 arrays of say 10 elements, 1000 * 18 = 18 000 sortings, then it crashes with "double free or corruption".
The question is not as much as where the problem lies, but firstly, how to debug it correctly.
Here is the function which gets a function pointer (func) of sorting algorithm, sorts the elements, checks if sorted, adds appropriate data to
"Iteration" struct, and then frees both "target" (array to be sorted) and "Iter" (Iterations struct).
void test_sort(int* data, int size, sort_pointer func, Algorithm* Algo, int no)
count_ncomp = 0;
count_assign = 0;
begin = clock();
int* target = NULL;
target = malloc(size * sizeof(int));
if (!target)
die("Memory error.");
memcpy(target, data, size * sizeof(int));
Iteration* Iter = malloc(sizeof(Iteration));
Iter->no = no;
if (is_sorted(func(target, size), size)) {
end = clock();
clocks = (double)(end - begin);
time_spent = clocks / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
Iter->is_sorted = 1;
Iter->comp_count = count_ncomp;
Iter->assign_count = count_assign;
Iter->clocks_total = clocks;
Iter->time_spent = time_spent;
} else {
Iter->is_sorted = 0;
debug("Not sorted, no: %d", no);
Algo->iterations[no - 1] = Iter;
if (target == NULL) {
debug("Target is NULL");
debug("before target1 free");
debug("NO: %d", no);
debug("pointer %p", target);
debug("after target1 free");
/*target = NULL;*/
Here is the list of data structures:
typedef struct {
int no;
int is_sorted;
int comp_count;
int assign_count;
double clocks_total;
double time_spent;
} Iteration;
typedef struct {
char* type;
char* complexity;
int iter_count;
int rank;
int avg_comp;
int avg_assign;
double avg_clocks;
double avg_time;
Iteration* iterations[MAX_ITER];
} Algorithm;
Here is the start of the program:
Starting program: /home/riddle/tmp1/pratybos12
Mem used total: 0
How many arrays would you like to test? > 1000
What is the size of each array? > 10
What is the minimum number in each array? > 1
What is the maximum number in each array? > 10
How many repeating values there will be AT LEAST? > 0
Here is the running program:
DEBUG pratybos12.c:537: NO: 374
DEBUG pratybos12.c:538: pointer 0x55899fe8cb10
*** Error in `./pratybos12': double free or corruption (out): 0x000055899fe8cae0 ***
[1] 3123 abort (core dumped) ./pratybos12
GDB output (I get a crash always on no=374):
DEBUG pratybos12.c:542: after target1 free
DEBUG pratybos12.c:535: before target1 free
DEBUG pratybos12.c:537: NO: 374
DEBUG pratybos12.c:538: pointer 0x555555760b10
Breakpoint 1, test_sort (data=0x555555760ab0, size=10, func=0x555555558c04 <bubble_sort_b_and_c_and_e_and_f>, Algo=0x55555575ff00, no=374) at pratybos12.c:541
541 free(Iter);
(gdb) print Iter
$3 = (Iteration *) 0x555555760ae0
(gdb) c
*** Error in `/home/riddle/tmp1/pratybos12': double free or corruption (out): 0x0000555555760ae0 ***
Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0x00007ffff7a54860 in raise () from /usr/lib/
I've read many posts suggesting testing it with Valgrind, however, running with Valgrind, this crash does not arise.
I know that I have posted very little info, please keep me updated to what more is needed.
The main question is how to debug. How do I check if the pointer before freeing points to something valid, is the memory accessible, etc.
These two lines from the function:
Algo->iterations[no - 1] = Iter;
First you make Algo->iterations[no - 1] point to the same memory that Iter is pointing two, so you have two pointers pointing to the same memory. Then you free the memory, making both pointers invalid.
If you want to use the pointer later you can't free it.

C: dynamically sized array cannot be accessed in another function

I am working on a connect-four game simulator in C.
The first step is to create a board environment for the game. I went ahead and made a data type board_t which is a struct that includes a dynamically sized array that will save moves played in a single dimension array. Board_t also includes height and width information of the board, so things can be retrieved in a correct manner.
I initialize this board in board_create() function, and use this initialized board_t variable in a board_can_play() function to check whether any play is possible in a given play. Here is the code.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define PLAYER_BLUE 2
#define PLAYER_EMPTY 0
typedef unsigned char player_t;
typedef struct board_t
unsigned int width;
unsigned int height;
unsigned int run;
player_t * moves;
} board_t;
bool board_create (board_t ** b, unsigned int height, unsigned int width, unsigned int run, const player_t * i)
//Declare a board_t variable temp_b where parameters will be saved.
board_t temp_b;
//Create a pointer and malloc a memory location based on width and height.
temp_b.moves = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*(height*width));
//Itereate through the moves and initialize with the given player_t
int j;
for (j = 0; j < width*height; j++)
temp_b.moves[j] = PLAYER_EMPTY;
//Input all the values to temp_b
temp_b.height = height;
temp_b.width = width; = run;
//Make a temporary pointer and assign that pointer to *b.
board_t * temp_b_ptr = malloc(sizeof(board_t));
temp_b_ptr = &temp_b;
*b = temp_b_ptr;
return true;
/// Return true if the specified player can make a move on the
/// board
bool board_can_play (const board_t * b, player_t p)
unsigned int i;
unsigned int height = board_get_height(b);
unsigned int width = board_get_width(b);
for(i = (height-1)*width; i < height*width; i++)
if (b->moves[i] == PLAYER_EMPTY)
return true;
return false;
However, whenever I call the board_t *b from board_can_play(), the program gives segmentation fault. More specifically,
if (b->moves[i] == PLAYER_EMPTY)
This line is giving me a segmentation fault. Also, functions that worked well in main(), is not working here in board_can_play(). For instance,
unsigned int height = board_get_height(b);
unsigned int width = board_get_width(b);
Are supposed to get 3 and 3, but getting 2 and 419678? I spent about 7 hours now figuring out, but cannot figure out what is going on.
In the if statement that gives you segfault,
if (b->moves[i] == PLAYER_EMPTY)
The problem is not how moves was allocated, but how b itself was allocated. In board_create(), you are returning a temporary object in here:
board_t * temp_b_ptr = malloc(sizeof(board_t));
temp_b_ptr = &temp_b;
*b = temp_b_ptr;
The malloc'ed pointer is lost (you are overwriting it) and simply returning (through *b) a pointer to a local variable.
So the move the allocation to the top and use temp_b_ptr instead of temp_b:
board_t *temp_b_ptr = malloc(sizeof(board_t));
if( !temp_b_ptr ) {
/* error handling */
*b = temp_b_ptr;
I would approach you problem in the following way. Not that I have stubbed-in some error handling, as well as adding a method to destroy the board when done.
The following code compiles without warning in Ubuntu 14.01 LTS, using gcc-4.8.2. I compile the code with the following command line:
gcc -g -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall connect4.c -o connect4
Now, on to the code. You didn't provide a main, so I created a quick stub main:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define PLAYER_BLUE 2
#define PLAYER_EMPTY 0
typedef unsigned char player_t;
typedef struct board_t
unsigned int width;
unsigned int height;
unsigned int run;
player_t * moves;
} board_t;
bool board_create(board_t** b, unsigned int height, unsigned int width);
void board_destroy(board_t** b);
int board_get_height(const board_t* b);
int board_get_width(const board_t* b);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
board_t* pBoard = NULL;
if(board_create(&pBoard, 4, 4))
printf("board dimensions: %d by %d\n", board_get_height(pBoard), board_get_width(pBoard));
// TODO : put game logic here...
fprintf(stderr, "failed to initialize the board structure\n");
return 0;
Not a lot to see in main, much like you would expect. Next is the board_create
function. Note that I deleted the run and the player_t parameters because i didn't see you use them in your code.
bool board_create(board_t** b, unsigned int height, unsigned int width)
bool bRet = false;
if(*b != NULL) // we already have a board struct laying about
if(NULL != (*b = malloc(sizeof(board_t))))
(*b)->width = width;
(*b)->height = height;
if(NULL != ((*b)->moves = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char*)*(height * width))))
for(int j = 0; j < height * width; j++)
(*b)->moves[j] = PLAYER_EMPTY;
bRet = true;
/* TODO : handle allocation error of moves array */
/* TODO : handle allocation error of board struct */
return bRet;
Couple of comments on this function;
First a bit of defensive programming, I check to see that the board structure has not be previous allocated. If it was I proceed to destroy the previous board prior to creating a new one. This prevent us leaking memory in that is there was a board allocated and then we recalled this function we would over write the pointer to the original board, and this would mean that we would lose our 'handle' to the first board.
Notice that every call to malloc is check to make sure that we actually got the memory that we wanted. I tend to place the check in the same statement as the malloc, but that is personal preference.
I now actually have a significant return value. In you original code, you would just return true regardless if all the allocations succeeded or not. Notice, that I only return true after both allocations are performed, and they succeeded.
Ok, on the the new function I added, board_destroy:
void board_destroy(board_t** b)
if(*b != NULL) // no board struct, nothing to do..
if((*b)->moves != NULL)
*b = NULL;
Some comments on this function;
a bit more defensive programming, I check to make sure we actually have a board structure to get rid of prior to doing any work.
remember that in your board structure, you have a dynamic array, so you need to free that array first. (free-ing the board structure first would mean that you lost your only reference to the moves array, and you would be leaking memory then).
Prior to free-ing the moves array, I again check to see that it exists.
Once the moves array is destroyed, I proceed to destroy the board structure, and set the pointer back to NULL (in case we want to reuse the board pointer in main).
You didn't provide implementation details of board_get_* functions, but from their usage, I suspect that you have them implemented as:
int board_get_height(const board_t* b)
return (b->height);
int board_get_width(const board_t* b)
return (b->width);
I didn't do anything with your board_can_more function due to not being sure how you intend to use it.
A quick run of the above code:
******#ubuntu:~/junk$ ./connect4
board dimensions: 4 by 4
My personal opinion is that when doing lots of memory allocations, frees in C or C++ you should run your program under valgrind periodically to make sure you are not leaking memory or have other memory related errors. Below is a sample of running this code under valgrind:
*****#ubuntu:~/junk$ valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full ./connect4
==4265== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==4265== Copyright (C) 2002-2013, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==4265== Using Valgrind-3.10.0.SVN and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==4265== Command: ./connect4
board dimensions: 4 by 4
==4265== HEAP SUMMARY:
==4265== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==4265== total heap usage: 2 allocs, 2 frees, 152 bytes allocated
==4265== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==4265== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==4265== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
Hope this helps,

C - Freeing pointers inside an array

I've been trying to have all my pointers that I use malloc to initialize to be inside an array of pointers (or a pointer of pointers, perhaps), so that I can then just go through that array and free each pointer with something like free(ptr_array[i]); and not have to free each one individually.
I believe that this is possible, but I am having some trouble with my code, as the function that is supposed to free everything (and I would rather keep it all in a separate function, if possible) is apparently unable to properly edit the "sub-pointers", and seemingly they're being copied unlike the "main pointer".
Here's the code, which has me stumped:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void free_test(int** arg){
printf("\tReceived arg addr: %p\n",arg);
printf("\tFreeing arg[0] = %p\n",arg[0]);
//And, just to MAKE SURE that arg[0] is ver, we do this:
printf("\tIn-function ver[0] = %d\n",arg[0][0]);
arg[0][0] = 2;
printf("\tIn-function ver[0] = %d\n",arg[0][0]);
free(arg[0]); //This one doesn't work...
free(arg); //This one works though.
int main(){
int** var;
int* ver;
int i;
printf("ver addr 1: %p\n", ver);
ver = malloc( sizeof(int) * 3 );
printf("ver addr 2: %p\n", ver);
ver[i] = 5*i;
printf("ver[%d]: %d\t(# %p)\n",i,ver[i],&(ver[i]));
printf("var addr 1: %p\n", var);
var = malloc( sizeof(int *) );
printf("var addr 2: %p\n", var);
var[0] = ver;
printf("var[0] addr = %p\n", var[0]);
printf("ver[0] new value: %d\n", ver[0]);
//free(var); (free(arg) works in the function, so this one throws an error.)
printf("So far so good, now break.\n");
printf("Didn't break. :(\n");
return 0;
And this is the output it currently gives me:
ver addr 1: 0x8048679
ver addr 2: 0x8b0f008
ver[0]: 0 (# 0x8b0f008)
ver[1]: 5 (# 0x8b0f00c)
ver[2]: 10 (# 0x8b0f010)
var addr 1: 0xad7ff4
var addr 2: 0x8b0f018
var[0] addr = 0x8b0f008
Received arg addr: 0x8b0f018
Freeing arg[0] = 0x8b0f008
In-function ver[0] = 0
In-function ver[0] = 2
ver[0] new value: 0
So far so good, now break.
Didn't break. :(
I'm not too great with C, and thus any help would be appreciated. Specially since the value of ver[0] is altered inside the function, but not outside, and I'm guessing that will have to do with why free(...) doesn't work too.
Thanks in advance.
Well my knowledge of C is fading, but IIRC subsequent memory freeing causes undefined behaviour. Thus you are not guaranteed to recive any errors. If I understand it right the behaviour will be varying heavily depending on a particular OS, compiler and stdlib implementation (and even a particular program run).
P.S. My VS2012 VC++ compiler definetly breaks on free(ver);. The output is:
ver addr 1: CCCCCCCC
ver addr 2: 00B8AFF0
ver[0]: 0 (# 00B8AFF0)
ver[1]: 5 (# 00B8AFF4)
ver[2]: 10 (# 00B8AFF8)
var addr 1: CCCCCCCC
var addr 2: 00B85BF0
var[0] addr = 00B8AFF0
Received arg addr: 00B85BF0
Freeing arg[0] = 00B8AFF0
In-function ver[0] = 0
In-function ver[0] = 2
ver[0] new value: -17891602
So far so good, now break.
I have tested your code on gcc 4.6.3 and find that this program does not have any memory leaks using valgrind. And when I delete the line "free(ver)" in main, the program runs perfectly and does not have any memory leak either. I think free_test routine has successfully freed those two malloc you have in main. As for why there is not any coredump pops out when freeing the var again in the program, it depends on different OS implementation.
Test it with valgrind and you will find it useful if you want to check memory leaks involving malloc and free.
"* (*(arg+0)+0)"
instead of [][].
Syntax like [][]...[] only dereference pointer once. Each [] only change the semantic of pointer (how many location it jumps when +1), have nothing to do with dereference times.
void free_test(int** arg){
printf("\tReceived arg addr: %p\n",arg);
printf("\tFreeing arg[0] = %p\n",arg[0]);
//And, just to MAKE SURE that arg[0] is ver, we do this:
printf("\tIn-function ver[0] = %d\n",arg[0][0]);
arg[0][0] = 2;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ here, arg[0][0] is the same as arg[0], so arg[0] is changed, not the location arg[0] points to.
printf("\tIn-function ver[0] = %d\n",arg[0][0]);
free(arg[0]); //This one doesn't work...
free(arg); //This one works though.
Why this comment in your code?
free(arg[0]); //This one doesn't work...
I think it did work, and it freed the data var points to, and then you freed it again.
Your debug data shows
ver addr 2: 00B8AFF0
Freeing arg[0] = 00B8AFF0
If you comment out the first time you freed it, it still fails?
and you used it after freeing it the first time:
printf("ver[0] new value: %d\n", ver[0]); /// but you already freed that
Try using
void *xmalloc(int s) {
char *ret = malloc(s);
printf("malloc(%d)==%p\n", s, ret);
return ret;
void xfree(void *b) {
printf("free(%p)\n", b);
#define malloc xmalloc
#define free xfree
It's been a long time since I worked in C.
Initialize your variables.
int** var = NULL;
int* ver = NULL;
Before you free a block of data, set it to all zeros (or some other value).
memset(void_ptr, 0, sizeof_your_data);
It's a LOT easier to read your code if you delete all those print statements... though I know they are useful for debugging... try it (make a backup first).

sizeof(structname) is this wrong?

Windows has triggered a breakpoint in Graph.exe.
This may be due to a corruption of the heap, which indicates a bug in Graph.exe or any of the DLLs it has loaded.
This may also be due to the user pressing F12 while Graph.exe has focus.
The output window may have more diagnostic information
I don't have any breakpoint in my code and I don't pressed F12.
this is my code.
what's wrong?
printf("sizeof edge : %d\n",sizeof(edge));this line make that error.
I can't understand why
what's wrong?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct HeapStruct heap;
typedef struct edge edge;
struct edge
int start,end,weight;
struct HeapStruct {
int Capacity;
int Size;
edge *head;
void init(int * sets,int size);
int unionsets(int * sets, int i, int j);
int find(int * sets, int i);
void buildHeap(heap h);
edge deleteMin(heap * h);
int ends(int * sets,int size);
int main()
int V,E,*sets,a,startv,endv,weight;
char c,h;
edge ed;
edge * ee;
heap * Heap;
Heap = (heap*)malloc(sizeof(heap));
printf("sizeof edge : %d\n",sizeof(edge));//this line
sets = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*V);
Heap->head = (edge*)malloc(sizeof(edge)*E);//and this line
Heap->Capacity = E;
for(a=0; a<E; a++)
Heap->head[Heap->Size].end = endv;
Heap->head[Heap->Size++].start = startv;
Heap->head[Heap->Size++].weight = weight;
ed = deleteMin(Heap);
if(find(sets,ed.start)<0 || find(sets,ed.end)<0 || find(sets,ed.start) != find(sets,ed.end))
return 0;
Windows has triggered a breakpoint in Graph.exe.
It is literally what it says, the operating system itself made the debugger stop. When you debug your program on any recent Windows version then you get the debug version of the Windows memory manager. Which adds extra checks that ensure that your program isn't corrupting the heap. When it detects heap damage then it breaks the program to tell you about it.
Very useful. What you need to do next is to carefully review your code to make sure it isn't writing to memory that wasn't allocated. You'll then land on this statement:
Heap->head[Heap->Size++].start = startv;
Which along with the other statements in that code assumes that this array contains 3 * E elements but you allocated only E elements.
printf("sizeof edge : %d\n",sizeof(edge));
This can crash a 64-bit system, because sizeof returns a 64-bit number but %d expects only 32 bits. Try %zd instead.
Yep, C is finicky. Your compiler should have given a warning about this, though.
