"Intercept" the opening of any tooltip appwide - wpf

I want to show the text of a tooltip of any control in my wpf app inside a status bar, when a tooltip is about to be opened.
Of course I could try to loop recursively through all child controls of the main window and
set their ToolTipOpening event to always the same method. But is there an easier way ?
Something like a Application.Current.AnyToolTipOpening event ?

Sure, try this:
EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(typeof(FrameworkElement), FrameworkElement.ToolTipOpeningEvent, new ToolTipEventHandler(ToolTipHandler));
That registers a handler for all classes that derive from FrameworkElement.
Your handler method might look like this:
private void ToolTipHandler(object sender, ToolTipEventArgs e) {
// To stop the tooltip from appearing, mark the event as handled
e.Handled = true;
FrameworkElement source = e.Source as FrameworkElement;
if (source != null) {
MessageBox.Show(source.ToolTip.ToString()); // or whatever you like

thanks , that worked. Additionally,to make the statusbar text disappear when the mouse leaves the control with the tooltip :
MouseLeaveEvent, new MouseEventHandler(ClearText));


WPF UserControl GotFocus

I have a UserControl that contains several ComboBoxes and Buttons.
In the window that hosts the UserControl I need to update some properties when the UserControl gets the focus.
My problem is, that every time, when the focus inside the user control changes, that get a GotFocus event in the hosting windows.
Is there some kind of best practice to make sure, that I only get one GotFocused event in the hosting window? I mean, if I step through controls inside the UserControl the focus is always inside the UserControl, so I don't want a GotFocused event.
This is the solution I came up to:
First of all this post was the key for my solution: WPF UserControl detect LostFocus ignoring children .
And Refer to active Window in WPF? .
Using the functions in these posts I registered the LostFocus event in my UserControl.
private void UserControl_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var focused_element = FocusManager.GetFocusedElement(Application.Current.Windows.OfType<Window>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsActive));
var parent = (focused_element as FrameworkElement).TryFindParent<KeywordSelector>();
if (parent != this) userControlHasFocus=false;
And then ...
private void UserControl_GotFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (userControlHasFocus == true) e.Handled = true;
else userControlHasFocus = true;
This way I keep track of the focus. userControlHasFocus is false be default. When the GotFocus() happens for the first time it's false and the GotFocus event is not stopped form bubbling up. But userControlHasFocus gets set to true, because now the focus is inside the UserControl.
Whenever the focus moves to another control, LostFocus checks if the new controls parent is the UserControl. If not, it resets the userControlHasFocus to false.

WPF combobox-like custom control

I would like to create custom control that will look like standard WPF ComboBox, but instead of instead of having an ItemsPresenter in the popup there will be another custom control. So, I created a new class that derives from System.Windows.Controls.Control, added a IsDropDownOpen property and created a style that is actually a copy of default ComboBox style (main idea is that the Popup.IsOpen and ToggleButton.IsPressed properties are bound to the IsDropDownOpen property of the control).
The problem is that the Popup is not closed when I click outside of the control.
I took a look at the ComboBox class in the Reflector and found out that ComboBox used some logic to update the IsDropDownOpen property when it loses mouse capture. But that code uses some internal classes. Is there any alternative way to determine if the user clicked outside of the control and close the Popup?
UPD: I didn't find the way to attach a file to post, so I uploaded sample project here
There is a custom control that looks like ComboBox, but it has a TreeView in a popup. When you open popup and click outside of the control it closes automatically, but if you open popup, expand 'Item2' and then click outside the popup isn't closed. The question is how to fix this?
There is the Control.LostFocus event, maybe handling that would be sufficient for this.
This code solves the problem.
In the static contructor:
EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(typeof(CustomComboBox), Mouse.LostMouseCaptureEvent, new MouseEventHandler(OnMouseCaptureLost));
Event handler implementation:
private void OnMouseCaptureLost(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (Mouse.Captured != _container)
if (e.OriginalSource != _container)
Mouse.Capture(_container, CaptureMode.SubTree);
e.Handled = true;

How do prevent a WPF text box inside a combo from reacting to right mouse clicks?

I creating a custonmized box class (inherits from ComboBox). I don't want the text box to react to right mouse clicks. I can get rid of the context menu by setting this to null in ApplyTemplate, but right mouse clicks move the cursor. I tried hooking up PreviewMouseRightButtonDown in ApplyTemplate and setting Handled to True, but the event still gets through which is strange as it seems to work for the left click.
The cursor actually moves when the mouse button is released, so you want mark the MouseRightButtonUp event as handled. You could override OnMouseRightButtonUp:
protected override void OnMouseRightButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
Or you could attach a class handler to the MouseRightButtonUp event to mark it as handled:
static MyComboBox()
new MouseButtonEventHandler(MyComboBox_MouseRightButtonUp));
private static void MyComboBox_MouseRightButtonUp(
object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
That will also prevent the context menu from being created without you having to set it to null explicitly.

Click event in UserControl- WPF

I have a UserControl in my WPF application.
I want to call a click event and do some things when the user clicked the UserControl.
The problem is- the UserControl doesn't have a click event.
I searched on the web and found that you can use the MouseLeftButtonUp event.
I tried it- but it doesn't respond to my clicks.
You didn't write what you are trying to do but if you need a click event maybe you are writing some kind of button (the Button class is actually "something you can click" with the visual representation in a control template you can replace)
If you need a button with complex content inside - put your user control inside a button
If you need a button that doesn't look like a button write a custom control template for button
If you need a button with extra functionality subclass button, add the extra data/behavior in code and put the display XAML in a style.
I think for your needs PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp(Down) event is more suitable. Then you need to handle ClickCount for counting amount of clicks and then raise your own event, on which other controls will know, that your control is clicked. There are much more methods on handling click event. You should look at this msdn article and this
UPDATE to handle both Click and DoubleClick
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
_myCustomUserControl.MouseLeftButtonUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(_myCustomUserControl_MouseLeftButtonUp);
_myCustomUserControl.MouseDoubleClick += new MouseButtonEventHandler(_myCustomUserControl_MouseDoubleClick);
bool _doubleClicked;
void _myCustomUserControl_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
_textBlock.Text = "Mouse left button clicked twice";
_doubleClicked = true;
e.Handled = true;
void _myCustomUserControl_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (_doubleClicked)
_doubleClicked = false;
_textBlock.Text = "Mouse left button clicked once";
e.Handled = true;
To test this example name your control as _myCustomUserControl and add a TextBlock named _textBlock to your MainWindow.xaml
Why not just use MouseDown?
Put the event in the User Control and simply do this:
private void MyControl_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Left)

No events passed to WPF adorner layer

I am trying to make a nice "drag and drop zone" in WPF that is displayed in the adorner layer when something is being dragged into the main application. The problem is that I do not get any events from my adorner, even though it according to documentation should receive all input events since it is in a higher z-order.
To debug my problem I created a really simple example where I have a user control with only a button in it. This user control is displayed in the adorner layer, but I cannot click the button. Why? What have I done wrong?
My adorner class is constructed like this:
public ShellOverlayAdorner(UIElement element, AdornerLayer adornerLayer)
_adornerLayer = adornerLayer;
_overlayView = new AdornedElement();
_overlayView.AllowDrop = true;
and is created in the main window by
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
adornerLayer = AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer(MyTopGridWithButtonInIt);
ShellOverlayAdorner shell = new ShellOverlayAdorner(MyTopGridWithButtonInIt, adornerLayer);
I do not get any events at all from my control, i.e. no mouse clicks, mouse over, button clicks. I cannot even click the button in the adorner layer. What have I done wrong?
I don't know if you already tried that:
If you want the element added to react to events, I think that the element must be bound to the visual tree of the adorner.
The way to do it is to use a VisualCollection, intitialized to the adorner itself, or at least, this way it seems to be working:
VisualCollection visualChildren;
FrameworkElement #object;
public CustomAdorner(UIElement adornedElement) :
visualChildren = new VisualCollection(this);
#object = new Button {Content = "prova"};
protected override Visual GetVisualChild(int index)
return visualChildren[index];
This way the events are correctly routed.
I just had the same issue. Following the advice from MSDN sorted it for me:
Adorners receive input events just
like any other FrameworkElement.
Because an adorner always has a higher
z-order than the element it adorns,
the adorner receives input events
(such as Drop or MouseMove) that may
be intended for the underlying adorned
element. An adorner can listen for
certain input events and pass these on
to the underlying adorned element by
re-raising the event.
To enable pass-through hit testing of
elements under an adorner, set the hit
test IsHitTestVisible property to
false on the adorner.
i.e In the adorner itself, make sure IsHitTestVisible = false
