Is there a function pointer or array of functions in PowerShell? - arrays

I would like to do something like this. Index into an array of functions and apply the appropriate function for the desired loop index.
for ($i = 0; $i -lt 9; $i++)
$Fields[$i] = $Fields[$i] | $($FunctionTable[$i])
#F1..F9 are defined functions or rather filter functions
$FunctionTable = {F1},

Here's an example of how to do this using the call (&) operator.
# define 3 functions
function a { "a" }
function b { "b" }
function c { "c" }
# create array of 3 functioninfo objects
$list = #(
(gi function:a),
(gi function:b),
(gi function:c)
0, 1, 2 | foreach {
# call functions at index 0, 1 and 2
& $list[$_]
p.s. this means your pipeline should bve amended to something like:
$Fields[$i] = $Fields[$i] | & $FunctionTable[$i]

Here is something similar also using the & operator:
function f1
{ "Exec f1" }
function f2
{ "Exec f2" }
function f3
{ "Exec f3" }
function f4
{ "Exec f4" }
function UseFunctionList ( [string[]]$FunctionList )
foreach ( $functionName in $functionList )
& $FunctionName
function Go
'List 1'
$FunctionList = 'f1','f2','f3','f4'
UseFunctionList $FunctionList
'List 2'
$FunctionList = 'f4','f3','f2'
UseFunctionList $FunctionList


Why is my array being read as null? What am I missing?

I am working on PowerShell script that will check server services. I keep getting a "Cannot index into a null array."
The error references the second if statement "if ($select_string_result.Line[$select_string_result.Line.Length-1] -eq '1')"
The object type of "$select_string_result" is displayed as Array and the txt file has data but the script will not process through it.
The "Line" property of the array records as null and the "Length" is recorded as 0.
$filepathserver = 'Path'
$filepathlocal = 'Path'
function Get-Timestamp
return Get-Date -Format "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
function refresh-data
# Pulls Services and Services Status
$orionData = Get-SwisData $swis "SELECT ComponentID, StatusDescription FROM Orion.APM.Component"
# Sends output to a txt file
$orionData | Out-File "$filepathlocal\All_App_Services.txt"
function check-status($select_string_result)
if ($select_string_result.Line -isnot [system.array])
if ($select_string_result.Line[$select_string_result.Line.Length-1] -eq '1')
return 100
return 0
$sum = 0.0
$add = 100.0/$select_string_result.Length
foreach ($match in $select_string_result)
if ($match.Line[$match.Line.Length-1] -eq '1')
$sum += $add
if ($sum -lt 100) {$sum = 0} # this line collapses the values in to either 0 or 100
$sum = [int][Math]::Ceiling($sum)
return $sum
function main
# Filters for Application specific Services
$f = #("94944 ", "94945 ", "94951 ", "94946 ", "94942 ", "94948 ", "94949 ", "94950 ", "94943 ", "94947 ", "94952 ", "94953 ")
$AppServices = Get-Content "Path" | Select-String $f
$AppServices | Set-Content "Path"
#Removes leading spaces from array
(Get-Content "$filepathlocal\File.txt") -replace "Up","1" | % {$_.trim()} | Out-File "$filepathlocal\File.txt"
$AppServices = Get-Content "$filepathlocal\File.txt"
# Writes status of each group to .txt file
$logfile= "$filepathserver\ServicesStatus.txt"
$t = Get-Timestamp
$v = check-status $AppServices
$s = "$t|Application-Services|$v"
$s | Out-File $logfile -Append -Encoding "UTF8"
$select_string_result.Line resolves to $null because the array of strings that you get from Get-Content does not have a Line property, so the if statement should look more like:
if($select_string_result[$select_string_result.Length - 1] -eq '1') { ... }
PowerShell also allows you to address the last index with just -1, allowing us to simplify the statement as:
if($select_string_result[-1] -eq '1') { ... }
That being said, rather than attempting to check whether the parameter passed to a function is an array or not, you'd want to declare the parameter an array in the first place and then use a foreach loop over it:
function check-status([string[]]$select_string_result)
$sum = 0.0
$add = 100.0/$select_string_result.Length
foreach ($match in $select_string_result)
if ($match[-1] -eq '1')
$sum += $add
if ($sum -lt 100) {$sum = 0} # this line collapses the values in to either 0 or 100
$sum = [int][Math]::Ceiling($sum)
return $sum
much nice, way less code.
Now, instead of attempting to index into the string, I'd suggest using the -like wildcard operator or the -match regex operator to check whether each string ends with 1:
if ($match -like '*1')
$sum += $add
Since $sum is always exactly 100, or otherwise gets reset to 0, the call to [Math]::Ceiling() is redundant and can be removed:
function check-status([string[]]$select_string_result)
$sum = 0.0
$add = 100.0/$select_string_result.Length
foreach ($match in $select_string_result)
if ($match -like '*1')
$sum += $add
if ($sum -lt 100) {$sum = 0} # this line collapses the values in to either 0 or 100
return $sum
If you look carefully at the function as implemented, you'll notice that the only case in which 100 is returned is when all strings in $select_string_result end in 1.
We can easily test for this by using the -like operator directly on our input array, it will act as a filter operator:
function check-status([string[]]$select_string_result)
if(#($select_string_result -like '*1').Count -eq $select_string_result.Count)
$sum = 100
$sum = 0
return $sum
Now, another way of asserting that all strings in the array end in 1, is to simply test whether no string does not end in 1:
function check-status([string[]]$select_string_result)
if(#($select_string_result -notlike '*1'))
$sum = 0
$sum = 100
return $sum
Now all we need to do is shine it up a bit, like change check to a more appropriate verb and we've got a much nicer, short or powershell-idiomatic function :-)
function Measure-StatusValue
if(#($StatusStrings -notlike '*1'))
return 0
return 100

Using List::Util first on an array of Moose objects

I have an array called aTestCaseList which is initialized and filled with (Moose) objects of type "Testcase". As expected I can print out the Attribute TestName of every Testcase Object in aTestCaseList. But when I try to find the first Object in the list named "Test4" using I get the following error
Can't call method "TestName" on an undefined value
Why are the objects in the array suddenly undefined?
use Testcase;
my #aTestcaseList=();
for (my $i=1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
my $sTestcase="Test4";
foreach my $sTestDummy(#aTestcaseList)
#Works as expected and prints: Test1 Test2 Test3 ... Test9
print $sTestDummy->TestName." ";
# throws the error:
my $sFindTest=first {$_->TestName eq $sTestcase} #aTestcaseList;
package Testcase;
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;
has 'TestName' => (is =>'ro',isa=>'Str');
around BUILDARGS => sub
my $orig = shift;
my $class = shift;
if ( #_ == 1 && ! ref $_[0] ) {
return $class->$orig(TestName => $_[0]);
else {
return $class->$orig(#_);
You forgot to import the function first from List::Util like
use List::Util qw(first);

Return one of many variables from a function

I'm trying to figure out how to simplify this process, but it's not as simple as I thought.
I have a config file that looks similar to this:
$List = #(
The only items required are the [string] and the [1]. There are 10 options (-a, -b etc), potentially more.
Each of which is optional and could be supplied in any order.
In the main script I then do the following at present:
foreach ($a in $List) {
$dataSplit = $a -split"(,)"
$string = $dataSplit[0]
$number = $dataSplit[2]
$ds4 = $dataSplit[4]
if(!$ds4) {
$ds4 = "0"
} elseif($ds4.StartsWith("-a")) {
$a_set = 1
write-host "a_set has been set to $a_set"
} elseif($ds4.StartsWith("-b")) {
$b_set = 1
write-host "b_set has been set to $b_set"
. . .
if(!$ds5) {
$ds5 = "0"
. . .
As you can imagine this gets quite long. So I thought I would simplify it with a function. e.g.
function get-additional($item) {
if($item.StartsWith("-a")) {
$a_set = 1
Write-Host "$a_set has been set"
return $a_set
if($item.StartsWith("-b")) {
$b_set = 1
Write-Host "$b_set has been set"
return $b_set
And then call it thus:
if(!$ds4) {
$ds4 = "0"
} else {
Is there a way to do this? I've seen pleanty of examples if you only have a single variable to return, or even a fixed number, but none that allow for the return of 'one of many' variables.
Here is the (shortened) script in one if it helps:
$List = #(
function get-additional($item) {
if($item.StartsWith("-a")) {
$a_set = 1
Write-Host "a_set has been set to $a_set"
return $a_set
if($item.StartsWith("-b")) {
$b_set = 1
Write-Host "b_set has been set to $b_set"
return $b_set
$a_set = 0
$b_set = 0
$c_set = 0
foreach ($a in $List) {
$dataSplit = $a -split"(,)"
$string = $dataSplit[0]
$number = $dataSplit[2]
$ds4 = $dataSplit[4]
Write-Host "ds4 = $ds4"
if(!$ds4) {
$ds4 = "0"
} else {
$ds5 = $dataSplit[6]
Write-Host "ds5 = $ds5"
if(!$ds5) {
$ds5 = "0"
} else {
Write-Host "a = $a_set"
Write-Host "b = $b_set"
The desired result at the end would be
a = 0
b = 1
- - - UPDATE 2015-11-30 16:54
In case it helps to understand what I am going for here's a Sample from my actual script
$cfg_AppList = #(
"C:\Path\to\application1\app1.exe instance1,1"
"C:\Path\to\application2\app2.exe instance2,1,-p12345"
"C:\Path\to\application3\app3.exe instance3,0"
"C:\Path\to\application3\app3.exe instance3,1,-p78901"
function get-additional($item)
$script:pval = "0"
$script:pval = $ds4.substring(2)
write-host "$pval is a pval"
$AppObject = #()
foreach($a in $cfg_AppList)
$dataSplit = $a -split","
$AppVal = $dataSplit[0]
$checkVal = $dataSplit[1]
$ds4 = $dataSplit[2]
$ds4 = "0"
$AppObject += New-Object PSObject -property #{
AppVal = "$AppVal";
checkVal = "$checkVal";
pval = "$pval";
The $AppObject object is then referenced and updated as the script progresses.
The values supplied in pval and (see below eval) will determine what happens.
I now need to add a second element -e which will be included thus:
$cfg_AppList = #(
"C:\Path\to\application1\app1.exe instance1,1"
"C:\Path\to\application2\app2.exe instance2,1,-p12345"
"C:\Path\to\application3\app3.exe instance3,0,-e"
"C:\Path\to\application3\app3.exe instance3,1,-e,-p78901"
It will be either selected 1 or not selected 0, and added to the $AppObject Array as eval=$eval (1|0).
Going forward I have more options I plan to introduce, hence the need to find the most efficient way to handle them all.
- - - UPDATE 2015-12-01 11:39
OK, What I have gone with is a combination of both ideas below.
Placing the options into an array and looping through them, then using a SWITCH statement to see which ones are set.
$AppObject = #()
foreach($a in $cfg_AppList)
$pval = 0
$eval = 0
$AppVal,$CheckVal,$options = $a -split","
foreach($opt in $options)
switch -wildcard ($opt)
'-p*' { $pval = $opt.substring(2) }
'-e' { $eval = 1 }
$AppObject += New-Object PSObject -property #{
AppVal = "$AppVal";
CheckVal = "$CheckVal";
pval = "$pval";
eval = "$eval";
First off, don't capture the , in your split operation if you're not planning to use it for anything, just use -split "," (no parentheses).
We can make use of multiple variable assignment to "shift" away to string and number 1:
$s,$n,$opts = "string,1,-a,-b,-c" -split ","
$opts will now contain the string array: #("-a","-b","-c")
The easiest way to check for whether a predetermined set of options is present or not, is to simply loop through all possible options and see if they are contained in the input string:
function Parse-InputString
# prepare the options you want to check for
$PossibleOptions = "abcde".ToCharArray()
# Split the input string
$String,$Number,$Options = $InputString -split ","
# Create a new object with the string and number values
$OutputObject = New-Object psobject -Property #{
"String" = $String
"Number" = $Number
# Now inspect the $Options array to see if any of them are set
foreach($PossibleOption in $PossibleOptions){
$OptionSet = if($Options -contains "-$PossibleOption"){
} else {
# Add the information to the object
$OutputObject |Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $PossibleOption -Value $OptionSet
# return the object carrying all the information
return $OutputObject
Now you can have your input string parsed nicely into an actual object:
PS C:\> Parse-InputString -InputString "c:\path\to\file,1,-b,-c,-d,-e"
Number : 1
String : c:\path\to\file
a : 0
b : 1
c : 1
d : 1
e : 1
The easiest way would be to update the global variables in your function without returning anything:
function Get-Additional($item) {
if ($item.StartsWith("-a")) {
$global:a_set = 1
Write-Host "a_set has been set to $a_set"
if ($item.StartsWith("-b")) {
$global:b_set = 1
Write-Host "b_set has been set to $b_set"
However, modifying global variables in functions is not a good practice, because it's difficult to debug. I wouldn't recommend going this route.
A better approach is to pass your current values as parameters into the function, return the modified values, and assign them back to variables.
function Get-Additional($item, $a, $b) {
if ($item.StartsWith("-a")) {
$a = 1
Write-Host "a_set has been set to $a_set"
if ($item.StartsWith("-b")) {
$b = 1
Write-Host "b_set has been set to $b_set"
#($a, $b)
$set_a, $set_b = Get-Additional $ds4 $set_a $set_b
In the above sample the function returns a list of the modified values (#($a, $b)), which are then assigned back to the list $set_a, $set_b. The return keyword is not required for returning something from a PowerShell function. It controls only where to return from a function, not what to return.
With that said, for your scenario I wouldn't use a function in the first place. A switch statement would be better suited for this kind of manipulation:
switch -wildcard ($ds4) {
'-a*' { $set_a = 1 }
'-b*' { $set_b = 1 }

Passing an array into Perl subroutine

I have a subroutine that should take an array as input, make it into a CSV, and POST it to a URL. Here's what I've got so far:
An example array:
[ 2823383062, 1411691539, 1411691541, 'outgoing',
'SIP/fr', 'user#2000', '2000', 'SIP/2000-000000a2',
undef, '6125551234', 'SIP/fr-000000a3', undef,
undef, 8, 'Answered', 2,
1, 'nada'
The subroutine:
sub send_http {
my #http = #_;
my $h = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $testkey = "1234";
my $apikey = "4567";
my $posting;
foreach my $v ( \#http ) {
if ( defined $v ) {
$posting = join( ',', $posting, $v );
} else {
$posting = join( ',', $posting, "" );
my $api_response = $h->post( '',
[ key => $testkey, method => 'pushCalls', rawdata => $posting ] );
Forgive all the horrible things I've done; this is my first time using Perl and I'm still learning all sorts of stuff. My issue is that I can't seem to get the values from the array I pass into it past the first array variable declaration (#http). I've read something about getting a reference of the array, but am not sure where/how to do so. Any help is appreciated.
Here's the entire script. It does (or should) two things; send some string of data to a TCP socket, and some other data gets POST'ed to a URL. Thanks everyone for your help.
use EV;
use Asterisk::AMI;
use Net::Telnet;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my %call;
my $t = new Net::Telnet (
Timeout => 10,
Port => '1234',
Telnetmode => 1
my $astman = Asterisk::AMI->new(PeerAddr => '',
PeerPort => '5038',
Username => 'secret',
Secret => 'user',
Events => 'on',
Handlers => {
# default => \&eventhandler,
Dial => \&dialcheck,
Bridge => \&bridgecheck,
Newchannel => \&newchannel,
Newexten => \&newexten,
Hangup => \&hangup,
Newstate => \&outring
die "Unable to connect to asterisk" unless ($astman);
sub send_pos {
my ($pos_string,$telnet) = #_;
printf $t $pos_string;
sub send_http {
my $http = shift; ##_;
my $h = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $testkey = "1234";
my $apikey = "5678";
my $posting;
foreach my $v ( #http ) {
if ( defined $v ) {
$posting = join(',', $posting,$v);
} else {
$posting = join(',', $posting,"");
my $api_response = $h->post( '',[key => $testkey,method => 'pushCalls',rawdata => $posting]);
sub eventhandler {
# Default event handler, not used
my ($ami, $event) = #_;
print 'Got Event: ',$event->{'Event'},"\r\n";
sub newchannel {
my ($ami, $event) = #_;
my $unique_id = $event->{'Uniqueid'};
if ( not exists $call{$unique_id} ) {
my $this_call = $call{$unique_id};
if ( (not defined $this_call->{'gravityfree'}[3]) ) {# || ($this_call->{'gravityfree'}[3] !~ /incoming|outgoing/) ) {
if ( $event->{'Context'} =~ /from-trunk/ ) {
# Call is inbound
$this_call->{'caller_name'} = $event->{'CallerIDName'};
$this_call->{'caller_number'} = substr $event->{'CallerIDNum'}, -10;
$this_call->{'dnis'} = substr $event->{'Exten'}, -10;
$this_call->{'status'} = "remote";
$this_call->{'holdstart'} = time();
# Data required for Gravity Free
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[0] = int($event->{'Uniqueid'})+int(time());
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[3] = "incoming";
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[5] = $event->{'CallerIDName'};
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[6] = substr $event->{'CallerIDNum'}, -10;
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[7] = $event->{'Channel'};
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[11] = substr $event->{'Exten'}, -10;
# Can't remember why this is here:
$call{$unique_id} = $this_call;
} elsif ( $event->{'Context'} =~ /from-internal/ ) {
# Call is outbound
# Separate from calls to stations
if( length($event->{'CallerIDNum'}) < length($event->{'Exten'}) ) {
$this_call->{'status'} = "remote";
# Data required for Gravity Free
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[0] = int($event->{'Uniqueid'})+int(time());
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[9] = substr $event->{'Exten'}, -10;
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[3] = "outgoing";
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[6] = $event->{'CallerIDNum'};
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[5] = $event->{'CallerIDName'};
$call{$unique_id} = $this_call;
} elsif ( length($event->{'CallerIDNum'}) == length($event->{'Exten'}) ) {
# Call is station to station
$this_call->{'status'} = "station-to-station";
sub newexten {
my ($ami, $event) = #_;
my $unique_id = $event->{'Uniqueid'};
my $this_call = $call{$unique_id};
# Handles inbound calls only
if ( defined $this_call->{'status'} && $this_call->{'status'} ne "station-to-station" ) {
# Call is not station to station
# Check if the DID has been defined
if ( not defined $this_call->{'gravityfree'}[13] ) {
if ( $event->{'Context'} eq 'ext-group' ) {
# Data required for Gravity Free
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[13] = $event->{'Extension'};
sub dialcheck {
my ($ami, $event) = #_;
my $unique_id = $event->{UniqueID};
if ( exists $call{$unique_id} ) {
my $this_call = $call{$unique_id};
if ( defined $this_call->{'status'} && $this_call->{'status'} ne "station-to-station" ) {
# Call is not station to station
if ( $event->{'SubEvent'} eq 'Begin' && $this_call->{'gravityfree'}[3] =~ "incoming" ) {
# Call is inbound
$this_call->{'system_extension'} = $event->{'Dialstring'};
$this_call->{'dest_uniqueid'} = $event->{'DestUniqueID'};
# Data required for Gravity Free
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[4] = $1 if $event->{'Channel'} =~ /(.+(?=\-\w+)).*/;
# Telnet data to Prodigy
my $sending = "R|$this_call->{'caller_name'}|$this_call->{'caller_number'}|$this_call->{'system_extension'}||$this_call->{'dnis'}|";
$this_call->{'status'} = "ringing";
} elsif ( $event->{SubEvent} eq 'Begin' && $this_call->{'gravityfree'}[3] =~ "outgoing" ) {
# Call is outbound
# Data required for Gravity Free
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[4] = $1 if $event->{'Destination'} =~ /(.+(?=\-\w+)).*/;
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[10] = $event->{'Destination'};
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[7] = $event->{'Channel'};
sub outring {
my ($ami, $event) = #_;
my $unique_id = $event->{'Uniqueid'};
my $this_call = $call{$unique_id};
if ( defined $this_call->{'status'} && $this_call->{'status'} ne "station-to-station" ) {
# Call is not station to station
if ( not defined $this_call->{'holdstart'} && $this_call->{'gravityfree'}[3] eq "outgoing" ) {
# Call is outbound
$this_call->{'holdstart'} = time();
sub bridgecheck {
my ($ami, $event) = #_;
my $unique_id = $event->{'Uniqueid1'};
my $this_call = $call{$unique_id};
if ( defined $this_call->{'status'} && $this_call->{'status'} ne "station-to-station" ) {
# Call is not station to station
if ( $event->{'Bridgestate'} eq "Link" && length($event->{'CallerID2'}) <= 4 ) {
# Call is inbound
$this_call->{'dest_uniqueid'} = $event->{Uniqueid2};
# Data required for Gravity Free
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[1] = time();
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[10] = $event->{Channel2};
my $sending = "A|$this_call->{caller_name}|$this_call->{caller_number}|$event->{CallerID2}||$this_call->{dnis}|";
$this_call->{'status'} = "answered";
} elsif ( $event->{'Bridgestate'} eq "Link" && length($event->{'CallerID2'}) >= 4 ) {
# Call is outbound
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[1] = time();
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[13] = $this_call->{'gravityfree'}[1]-$this_call->{holdstart};
sub hangup {
my ($ami, $event) = #_;
my $unique_id = $event->{'Uniqueid'};
my $this_call = $call{$unique_id};
if ( defined $this_call->{'status'} && not defined $this_call->{'gravityfree'}[16] && $this_call->{'status'} ne "station-to-station" ) {
# Call is not station to station
if ( $event->{'Cause-txt'} eq "Normal Clearing" ) {
# Call was hungup normally
$this_call->{'dest_uniqueid'} = $event->{Uniqueid};
# Call has ended, get date/time
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[2] = time();
# Mark call 'completed'
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[16] = 1;
# Set notes to nothing
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[17] = 'nada';
if ( defined $this_call->{'gravityfree'}[3] && $this_call->{'gravityfree'}[3] eq "incoming") {
# Call was inbound
if ( defined $this_call->{'gravityfree'}[1] ) {
# Call was answered
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[13] = $this_call->{'gravityfree'}[1]-$this_call->{holdstart};
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[14] = "Answered";
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[15] = $this_call->{'gravityfree'}[2]-$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[1];
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[8] = $event->{'ConnectedLineName'};
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[9] = substr $event->{'ConnectedLineNum'}, -10;
# POST data to gravity free
} else {
# Call was abandoned
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[14] = "Abandoned";
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[13] = $this_call->{'gravityfree'}[2]-$this_call->{holdstart};
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[15] = 0;
# POST data to gravity free
} elsif ( defined $this_call->{'gravityfree'}[3] && $this_call->{'gravityfree'}[3] eq "outgoing" ) {
# Call is outbound
if ( defined $this_call->{'gravityfree'}[1] ) {
# Call was bridged at some point
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[15] = $this_call->{'gravityfree'}[2]-$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[1];
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[14] = "Answered";
# POST data to gravity free
} else {
# Call was hung up before anyone answered
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[15] = 0;
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[14] = "Abandoned";
$this_call->{'gravityfree'}[13] = $this_call->{'gravityfree'}[2]-$this_call->{holdstart};
# POST data to gravity free
First question, where are you getting the array you're passing into the subroutine?
I ask because your example array is actually an array reference.
That is:
#array = (1, 2, 3); # This is an array
$ref = [1, 2, 3]; # This is an array reference
If you want to pass an array reference to your subroutine, change the beginning to:
sub send_http {
my $http = shift;
Next, let us consider how to iterate over the elements of an array. This is the proper way to do so:
foreach my $element ( #array ) {
# do stuff ...
When you do \# on an array, you are actually creating a reference to the array. Thus, if you truly are passing an array to your subroutine, you should change your loop to the following:
foreach my $v ( #http ) {
However, if you decide to pass your array as a reference, you can dereference the pointer and iterate over its elements like this:
foreach my $v ( #$http ) {
Hope this helps!
EDIT: For the newly uploaded code...
You're very close but we have a couple of small issues:
$this_call->{'gravityfree'} is actually already an array reference, I'm not certain why it's allowing you to address the array elements with $this_call->{'gravityfree'}[INDEX], so perhaps someone more knowledgeable than me can enlighten us all. I will note that the correct way to deference an array is the following:
Regardless, you can simply pass the reference to your subroutine, no need to create a reference. That is:
Now, inside of your subroutine, you have an array reference. You are correctly reading the subroutine argument, but you need to dereference the reference in your foreach loop. Like so:
foreach my $v ( #$http ) {
# ... loop body
Does this make sense? Please let me know if anything is unclear (or not working!)
I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do but everything depends on how you pass the array to your subroutine. You have two choices, either pass it as an array:
or as a reference to an array:
As others have noted, your array is already a reference since you're defining it in square brackets [ ].
Which one you want will depend on what exactly you're doing but the syntax is different. To pass an array and iterate through it:
sub send_http {
my #http = #_;
foreach my $v (#http) {
print "v is $v\n";
my #aa=("cc","dd");
To pass a reference and iterate through the array it points to:
sub send_http {
## Remove the first value from the #_ array.
my $http = shift #_;
## Dereference it to an array. You could also use #{$http}
foreach my $v (#$http) {
print "v is $v\n";
my #aa=("cc","dd");
The main difference is that when you use send_http(\#aa); what you're passing is not an array so you can't treat it as one. It is instead a reference to an array. Something like
So, the contents of #_ are just a single reference, ARRAY(0x1d34030). To treat it as an array, you need to dereference it to get to what it points to.
So, into your send_http, the argument you received is array_ref which is scalar variable, so when you used it you need to dereference to the right type.
NB: square bracket is array_reference
So, please change as below:
my $http = shift;
And please use that as :
foreach my $v ( #$http ) {
my $array_ref = [1,2,3];
print "Reference: ", $array_ref,"\n";
print "Array: ", #$array_ref,"\n";
Reference: ARRAY(0x7f8e1c004ee8)
Array: 123

array of ints remains undef after multiple push() calls

I'm trying to save error codes by:
#global space
my #retCodes;
sub BuildInit {
my $actionStr = "";
my $compStr = "";
my #component_dirs;
my #compToBeBuilt;
foreach my $comp (#compList) {
#component_dirs = GetDirs($comp); #populates #component_dirs
print "Printing Action List: #actionList\n";
#---- Setup Worker Threads ----------
for ( 1 .. NUM_WORKERS ) {
async {
while ( defined( my $job = $q->dequeue() ) ) {
#---- Enqueue The Work ----------
for my $action (#actionList) {
my $sem = Thread::Semaphore->new(0);
$q->enqueue( [ $_, $action, $sem ] ) for #component_dirs;
$sem->down( scalar #component_dirs );
print "\n------>> Waiting for prior actions to finish up... <<------\n";
# Nothing more to do - notify the Queue that we're not adding anything else
$_->join() for threads->list();
return 0;
sub worker {
my ($job) = #_;
my ( $component, $action, $sem ) = #$job;
Build( $component, $action );
#builder method
sub Build {
my ( $comp, $action ) = #_;
my $cmd = "$MAKE $MAKE_INVOCATION_PATH/$comp ";
my $retCode = -1;
given ($action) {
when ("depend") { $cmd .= "$action >nul 2>&1" } #suppress output
when ("clean") { $cmd .= $action }
when ("build") { $cmd .= 'l1' }
when ("link") { $cmd .= '' } #add nothing; default is to link
default { die "Action: $action is unknown to me." }
print "\n\t\t*** Performing Action: \'$cmd\' on $comp ***" if $verbose;
if ( $action eq "link" ) {
# hack around potential race conditions -- will only be an issue during linking
my $tries = 1;
until ( $retCode == 0 or $tries == 0 ) {
last if ( $retCode = system($cmd) ) == 2; #compile error; stop trying
else {
$retCode = system($cmd);
push( #retCodes, ( $retCode >> 8 ) );
if ( $retCode != 0 ) {
print "\n\t\t*** ERROR IN $comp: $# !! ***\n";
print "\t\t*** Action: $cmd -->> Error Level: " . ( $retCode >> 8 ) . "\n";
return $retCode;
Error that gets displayed:
Use of uninitialized value $maxReturnCode in concatenation (.) or
string at C:\ line 66, line 415.
I can see from the first line of output though, that I get things like: Return Code: 0 Return Code: 0 Return Code: 2 ..
The issue here is that the code isn't sharing the array between threads; so because of that, each thread is modifying it's local copy of the array, not the global array as expected. The fix for this problem is to share the variable, and lock it before accessing it during the thread processing:
my #retCodes;
#during the thread sub
push(#retCodes, ($retCode>>8));
Here's a stubbed-out runnable version that you should be able to modify a bit to do what you need:
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util 'max';
use threads;
#global space
my #retCodes = ();
sub builder {
my ($comp, $cmd) = ('builder', 'test');
for my $retCode (qw/0 0 256/) {
print "\n\t\tReturn Code: " . ($retCode >>8) . "\n";
push(#retCodes, ($retCode>>8));
# other threads started...
# wait for threads to complete...
printf "Codes: %s\n", join(', ', #retCodes);
my $maxReturnCode = max(#retCodes);
print "Highest Error Code: $maxReturnCode\n"; #<-- crashes with error below
