What is a good way to indicate a field is mandatory? - wpf

I would like to indicate to the user that a particular textbox or combobox is mandatory. What is a neat way to do this?
Currently, I have a gradient red border around the textbox when the text is null or empty, but it seems a bit much when you show a form and a number of the fields are red. I'm looking for something that is clear, but is not so overwhelming to the user. Something subtle.
I would prefer to make the textbox indicate that the field is mandatory rather than say make the label bold or have an asterisk. What are my options or any ideas you might have.

A recent usability study suggests taking the opposite approach and indicating which fields are optional rather than required. Furthermore, try to ask for only what you really need in order to reduce the number of optional fields.
The reason is that users tend to assume all fields are required anyway. They may not understand or pay attention to the asterisk, whereas they readily understand clearly labeled optional fields.
Link to the study (see Guideline 5):

Just put a * in front on the mandatory fields. It's simple, yet effective. I think most people will know what this means. Also, when they try to submit and it fails, because some mandatory field was not filled in correctly, then you let the user know which field they need to change (by using those red borders, for instance). I think this is what most people are accustomed to.
Edit: I saw that you didn't want to use an asterisk by the way. I still think this is the best option, simply because I think most people will recognize it right away and know what to do :)

I do it this way. Mark the left-border of the element with 2px Red color.

you can also change background color of textbox..

It depends on your design, of course, but I prefer something simpler like the labels of the input being bold. The red outline, while clear, does have an "error" connotation associated with it, which might be misleading to the user. Bolding the labels is subtle, but easy to understand without being an eyesore.

I like the jquery 'example' plugin for text input fields. A subtle grey inlay for instructions or sample input.
See demo page here for an, ahem, example. http://mucur.name/system/jquery_example/
Depending on how many fields you have, it might be too cluttered, but light-colored, italicized text like:
first name (required)
last name (required)
might work for your app.


Data Entry form layout

I would like to get my data entry form to be dislayed in mentioned below sample format. Thing is i almost have 40 fields to be displayed. So i would prefer this format and scrollbar too. Can anyone tell me the better way for these many fields in this format. Let me know the sample piece of code so that i can have better clarity..
Using grid I get 4 columns and almost 25 rows. So UI code getting big..
Apart from grid row definitions or any other way.
Sample format:
This sounds like a typical Grid: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.controls.grid%28v=vs.95%29.aspx
You want to create one ColumnDefinition per column (so either 2 or 4 depending on how you place your labels (TextBlocks) vs your TextBoxes, and one RowDefinition per row.
That might be tedious with so many fields to do it, so you might want to generate it, it really depends on how you get your fields, and if the fields will never change.
Another solution is the Toolkit's DataForm, which looks exactly like what you've shown:
You can try the demo to see how it looks.
I've never used it, so I can't vouch for its ease of use or power, etc... But at the time of writing, it's in the 'Preview' quality band (see http://silverlight.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Quality%20Bands&ANCHOR#Preview for explanation).

Checkbox in List View ABAP

I want to do a simple thing but I don't have any idea. I made a button in GUI status it has a functon key and it works. Now the real thing. I want that for every checkbox I mark, when I press the button to call a new screen to show me only the entries that were checked.
The checkbox is added in the itable, but I think it doesn't matter that much. How can I tell the button which checkboxes on screen where checked?
The answer is pretty much what Bernard said, though it is lacking some detail.
You will need to know how many lines you wrote, this is stored in SY-LINNO, note that you need to also take into account how many pages you outputted which is stored in SY-PAGNO and how many lines are on a page which is stored in SY-LINCT.
You could get that info, which is probably a better approach, with 'DESCRIBE LIST'.
Then for each line with the command 'READ LINE' you can find the value of the checkbox.
READ LINE line OF PAGE page [result].
From there things should be a piece of cake.
For the checked records the checkbox field is 'X', while for the unchecked records the checkbox field is space (' '). So you need to loop over the records on the screen, then only display the ones where the checkbox is equal 'X'.
Besides all the answers you already got, you don't want to dig into interactive list programming any deeper (unless you have to do this for a programming exercise). Take a look at the ALV Object Model Documentation and the SALV_DEMO_* example programs.

In WPF how can I duplicate the old WinForms OnKeyPressed functionality?

We have a WPF application where we need to detect if the user is typing something that can appear in a textbox. WinForms used to have a nice OnKeyPressed override that differed from OnKeyDown in that it was only called when a printable character was typed (e.g. it differentiated between 'A' and 'a' but not between the '1' on the top row vs. the numeric keypad. It also ignored keys like 'Shift', etc.) We need to duplicate that functionality in WPF.
Now I know I can override OnKeyDown and inspect the keycode, but that means manually testing for every possible key that would result in something appearing in a textbox. That seems to be the consensus from the other similar SO questions that I've found, but I just can't believe something so basic would be left out of the API.
Asides from a monster if-tree, one 'hacky' solution is to use an in-memory textbox, pass the keycode to it, then inspect if the text has a length. But I'm getting nauseous even typing that as a possible solution! UGH!! I feel dirty!
SO... what's the easiest way to tell if a user pressed a key or keys that will result in a printable character?
Actually, I think I just found it so I'm posting the answers for others. You don't use any 'Key' events at all. WPF more clearly separates those out from the textual values. As such, you override the OnPreviewTextInput and/or OnTextInput functions. To get what was actually typed, check the .Text property on the event args which returns a simple string.
Done and done!
Hope this helps others! Been driving me up a wall!

WPF - Disjointed Controls Need to Communicate

TLDR Version:
I need to find a way to implement some sort of "MessageCenter" where any control can register to receive messages from other controls, without knowing where those messages are coming from (or it can know, so long as it doesn't mean any extra work for me). After typing out this whole thing, I think I've helped myself come to the realization of what I'm after, but if you can recommend some pre-packaged solutions, that'd be great!
So, I'm working on this project where the user gets to make some selections and (more-or-less) layout a page. The rules are very strict, though. At every step, they are given a limited number of ways in which they can alter the page. Think of it as a templating system.
There are a number of interfaces:
ITemplate, IContentArea, and ISpecificControl
Each Template has some number of content areas. Each ContentArea has exactly three specific controls.
They get composited together something like this crude drawing:
The big light purple-ish box is the template.
The yellow, pink, and brown boxes are different concrete types of IContentArea.
The green, light blue, and dark purple boxes are different concrete types of ISpecificControl.
Each concrete implementation of these interfaces will have some number of public properties that I would like the user to be able to set.
For instance:
Green boxes might let you set the font size and font color.
Light blue boxes might let you set the background color.
Dark purple boxes might let you set the image size and margin.
Yellow, pink, and brown boxes let you pick which three specific controls you want to use.
The big light purple-ish box lets you choose how the content areas are laid out (some might have only two or three, maybe they're arranged in a diagonal).
I've made a custom attribute that I can apply to properties in the ViewModel that marks them as eligible for user-changes, and I've set aside some space to dynamically add settings controls. The idea is that the user can only edit EXACTLY ONE item at a time. When they select it, I'll use reflection to examine the public properties of the control's ViewModel and find all the properties that are marked with the editable attribute, look at their types, and dynamically generate controls to edit them (with bindings, of course). We'll call this the "SettingsWizard."
So the problem is really two-fold:
1st: How would you recommend I limit the user to only selecting a SINGLE box at a time? Clearly I need some sort of application-wide event or messaging. What form would that take exactly? And how would I register my "SettingsWizard" to pick up on these messages. I feel like this is going to be something really simple, but I'm overlooking it because it doesn't feel right, or clean.
Anything that let one of these controls send out a message that says, "Hey, I'm the last one to get clicked on. If anyone else was selected, now you're not," would solve the problem, so long as the receiving controls didn't have to know about where the message was coming from.
I was thinking some sort of static "MessageCenter" where when each control is created it registers to be passed messages (in it's constructor) using a defined interface, and any control has the ability to send out a message to the MessageCenter, which would then pass it along. Does that sound about right? I feel like something of this nature already exists. Like the features in Prism (but I don't really have the need for any of the rest of the features).
2nd: How would I let my "SettingsWizard" know that he's got a new item he needs to display settings for? Presumably, a solution for the first item can also be used to solve this one. It's just a different kind of notification.
Based on your TLDR paragraph, I'd recommend taking a look at the event aggregator pattern. If you're looking for an existing implementation, you could take a look at Prism's. I think Prism's is a little over-engineered and have previously posted a simpler implementation.

wpf / silverlight textbox filter design

I have a list that the user can filter in several ways. two of which lend themselves to combo boxes and two that need to accept user input. For example, one textbox allows the user to type in any part of a list item's description, and the dialog will only present items whose description contains the text entered.
It is a dialog 'picker' type of window, so space is at a premium. I'd like for the text boxes not to require a traditional label. Instead, when the dialog is first invoked, the label (ie, "Description") is grayed out, centered, and in italics. Maybe a tool tip to further make it obvious to the user what it's for. When the user starts to type, the faux label disappears and the entered text is normal left aligned text.
Does wpf / silverlight have any native support for doing something like this? I guess it could be a combination of styles and eventing. I'd rather not invent any wheels that might be out there (I got the idea specifically from looking at Tortoise' "Show Log" window, but I've seen it before).
Does anyone have any sample code they can share to do this? Or a an alternative idea that also saves space and simplifies the layout?
Kevin Moore's InfoTextBox, which is part of his Bag-O-Tricks is the kind of thing I was looking for, almost exactly. This is also the 'watermark' (great name - I would have found this sooner if I had known that) text box from another post.
