Iam trying to store the state in thedb through webservice.
Iam using Http State Provider to do so.
Iam getting an error in the following line saying object expected.
Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.HttpProvider({ url: 'GetGridState.asmx/readdata' }));
Please help me in this issue.
You should probably use firebug or even alerts if nothing else to see if maybe you're not passing an object where you should be.
Are you using the correct version of ExtJS? It looks like there is no more Ext.state.HttpProvider in ExtJS 3.1.
Sounds like you have not included the HttpStateProvider class code correctly, or included it after the code that is trying to use it. Double-check that if you are referring to an external js file, it is loaded properly and in the right order.
On loading react application it is rendering perfect but only for a few sec. after that it shows this error. unable to debug this. Showing error in node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:21959
Can anyne help me with this?
don't manipulate data directly first make copy then modify it
I am having an issue when trying to implement image uploading with the React wrapper of TinyMCE. Everything seems to work according to the Quick start guide, and to the File Picker demo here minus the following:
On the demo, when creating a blob, they are using the tinymce.activeEditor.editorUpload.blobCache function to create and add the blob info. I have noticed that this function is available within the 'editor' parameter given to the handleEditorChange function, passed as a prop to onEditorChange in the Editor component. However, the file upload callback is accessed through a separate function given the callback value is passed to it, through the init prop object passed onto the Editor.
So the dilemma now is, how can I access the tinymce blob cache, through the different function parameters? Has anybody got any work around to this? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Something wrong? I can use like that. But, I used at SPA.
I'm intergrating feathers js both on backend and frontend and I got page not found error when I tried this implementation. I would appreciate your help. thanks for the awesome work!
This is the same problem discussed in this FAQ.
Just like in Express itself, the order of middleware matters. If you
registered a custom middleware outside of the generator, you have to
make sure that it runs before the notFound() error midlleware.
This means that
Always has to be the last app.use call.
My adaljs code to fetch a token for a web api is suddenly failing. This has been working for months now. Since yesterday, I get the following error.
Invalid_state. state: 7ea40a81-5491-47a1-8ebc-89488acb673a|https://sykesenterprises.onmicrosoft.com/MyAPI
This happens when the acquireToken method is called.
I am using the example from https://blog.mastykarz.nl/building-office-365-web-applications-react/ to use react with adaljs.
Managed to sort this out. If anyone else has the same issue, the answer was to just call adal.handleWindowCallback() at the entry point to the application.
The issue occurs because the sample you are referring to needs to be updated as per the latest version of Adal 1.0.16. I was able to fork the repo and submit a pull request to the owner to fix the invalid_state issue. Please refer to the link below to see the code changes:
I am referring to the problem that has already been asked. CakePHP 2.0 - How to make custom error pages?
It gives me a lot idea of solving out the problem but instead of thowing exception I want to use it for all of my controller and actions. It suggested me to do where ever at particular location I want throw new NotFoundException(); I want it everywhere I mean where so ever controller or action is missing.
With debug turned off all your error are converted to either 400 or 500 errors. So you just need to customize your app/View/Errors/error400.ctp and app/View/Errors/error500.ctp as required.