C: How long can a double be when printed through printf() - c

I need to specify the exact length of a string to be printed from a double value, but I don't want to restrict the output any more than is necessary.
What is the maximum length that a 6-digit precision double will have when formatted by printf()?
Specifically, what value should I give to X in printf("%X.6lg",doubleValue); to ensure that no value gets truncated?
The reason I need to be specific about the length is that I'm defining an MPI derived datatype made up of lots of string representations of double values and must know their exact length in order to divide regions of the file between MPI processes.
I hope that's clear. Thanks in advance for answering.

use printf("%.6g", doubleValue) or printf("%.6Lg", doubleValue)
Note that leaving off the leading digits (the "width") in the precision specifier makes no demands on the length of the integral portion of the value. Also note that the undercase "l" will specify that your value is a long int. The uppercase "L" specifies a long double value.Also note that if you don't want this to be potentially changed to scientific notation (if it is a shorter representation), then you would use "f" instead of "g".See a printf reference here.

The maximum exponent of an IEEE double is 1023, so largest double will be 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + ... etc * 2^1023. Which will be about 318 characters long, in decimal notation.
Why not use the "e" format specifier?

There's < float.h > containing many useful values, among them DECIMAL_DIG, which is for a long double however.
The same file will most likely tell you that a double on your platform has more than 6 digits of precision...
PS: Also note Demi's answer above. He points out various flaws in your printf() that escaped me.


How does ' %f ' work in C?

Hey i need to know how %f works , that is how
extract a floating point number from a series of bits in number.
Consider the code:
int i=1;
printf("\nd %d\nf %f",i,i);
Output is :
d 1
f -0.000000
So ultimately it doesn't depend on variable 'i', but just depends on the usage of %d and %f(or whatever) i just need to know how %f extracts the float number corresponding to series of bits in 'i'
To all those who misunderstood my question i know that %f can't be used to an integer and would load garbage values if size of integer was smaller than float. As for my case the size of integer and float are 4 bytes.
Let me be clear if value of is 1 then the corresponding binary value of i will be this:
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 [32 bits]
How would %f extract -0.0000 as in this case from this series of bits.(How it knows where to put decimal point etc , i can't find it from IEEE 754)
It's undefined behavior to use "%f" to an int, so the answer to your question is: you don't need to know, and you shouldn't do it.
The output depends on the format specifier like "%f" instead of the type of the argument i is because variadic functions (like printf() or scanf()) have no way of knowing the type of variable argument part.
As others have said, giving mismatched "%" specifier and arguments is undefined behavior, and, according to the C standard, anything can happen.
What does happen, in this case, on most modern computers, is this:
printf looks at the place in memory where the data should have been, interprets whatever data it finds there as a floating-point number, and prints that number.
Since printf is a function that can take a variable number of arguments, all floats are converted to doubles before being sent to the function, so printf expects to find a double, which (on normal modern computers) is 64 bits. But you send an int, which is only 32 bits, so printf will look at the 32 bits from the int, and 32 more bits of garbage that just happened to be there. When you tried this, it seems that the combination was a bit pattern corresponding to the double floating-point value -0.0.
It's easy to see how an integer can be packed into bytes, but how do you represent decimals?
The simplest technique is fixed point: of the n bits, the first m are before the point and the rest after. This is not a very good representation, however. Bits are wasted on some numbers, and it has uniform precision, while in real life, most desired decimals are between 0 and 1.
Enter floating point. The IEEE 754 spec defines a way of interpreting bits that has, since then, been almost universally accepted. It has very high near-zero precision, is compact, expandable and allows for very large numbers as well.
The linked articles are a good read.
You can output a floating-point number (float x;) manually by treating the value as a "black box" and extracting the digits one-by-one.
First, check if x < 0. If so, output a minus-sign - and negate the number. Now we know that it is positive.
Next, output the integer portion. Assign the floating-point number to an integer variable, which will truncate it, ie. int integer = x;. Then determine how many digits there are using the base-10 logarithm log10(). Note, log10(0) is undefined, so you'll have to handle zero as a special case. Then iterate from 0 up to the number of digits, each time dividing by 10^digit_index to move the desired digit into the unit's position, and take the 10-residue (modulus).
for (i=digits; i>=0; i--)
dig = (integer / pow(10,i)) % 10;
Then, output the decimal point ..
For the fractional part, subtract the integer from the original (absolute-value, remember) floating-point number. And output each digit in a similar way, but this time multiplying by 10^frac_digits. You won't be able to predict the number of significant fractional digits this way, so just use a fixed precision (constant number of fractional digits).
I have C code to fill a string with the representation of a floating-point number here, although I make no claims as to its readability.
IEEE formats store the number as a normalized binary fraction. It's more similar to scientific notation, like 3.57×102 instead of 357.0. So it is stored as an exponent-mantissa pair. Being "normalized" means there's actually an implicit additional 1 bit at the front of the mantissa that is not stored. Hopefully that's enough to help you understand a more detailed description of the format from elsewhere.
Remember, we're in binary, so there's no "decimal point". And with the exponent-mantissa notation, there isn't even a binary point in the format. It's implicitly represented in the exponent.
On the tangentially-related issue of passing floats to printf, remember that this is a variadic function. So it does not declare types of arguments that it receives, and all arguments passed undergo automatic conversions. So, float will automatically promote to double. So what you're doing is (substituting hex for brevity), passing 2 64-bit values:
double f, double f
0xabcdefgh 0xijklmnop 0xabcdefgh 0xijklmnop
Then you tell printf to interpret this sequence of words as an int followed by a double. So the 32-bit int seen by printf is only the first half of the floating-point number, and then the floating-point number seem by printf has its words reversed. The fourth word is never used.
To get the integer representation, you'll need to use type-punning with a pointer.
printf("%d %f\n", *(int *)&f, f);
Which reads (from right-to-left): take the address of the float, treat it as a pointer-to-int, follow the pointer.

double precision lost when parsing csv file in C

I'm trying to read in a file in c with the following format:
I'm able to parse out the two doubles, but when I print out what I've parsed, I notice that I only get up to 6 decimal places. Here is my code:
long double d1;
long double d2;
fscanf(file, "%Lf,%Lf", &d1, &d2);
printf("x:%Lf, y:%Lf", d1, d2);
x:6.437061, y:4.154172
Where am I losing the precision? Is it possible that its being read in correctly, but my printf statement isn't showing all the precision?
Is it possible that its being read in correctly, but my printf statement isn't showing all the precision?
That's exactly what's happening. From the printf(3) man page:
... the number of digits after the
decimal-point character is equal to the precision specification.
If the precision is missing, it is taken as 6 ...
Tell printf to show more precision by changing your format string:
printf("x:%.11Lf, y:%.11Lf", d1, d2);
The default %f format only prints 6 places after the decimal point, which gives you much less precision than the actual floating point value (unless the exponent is large) and possibly no precision at all (if the exponent is more than slightly negative). Unless you know all your values are bounded away from zero (e.g. all greater than 1), you really need to use the %g format (which can switch to exponential notation as needed) or the %e format (which always uses exponential notation) to print floating point values in a way that preserves their precision.
You also need to use sufficiently many decimal places. For IEEE double precision, 17 decimal places is sufficient, so %.17g would be the preferred format. For long double, it depends on the type used on your particular implementation. Thankfully, C offers a macro, DECIMAL_DIG, that gives you exactly the number of places you need. So you would use:
printf("%.*Lg", DECIMAL_DIG, x);
or similar. Note that this will print more places than were originally present in your input file. If you know your input always has a particular number of places, you could perhaps just hard-code that instead of using DECIMAL_DIG to get a more uniform output.
The reason you are not as far with the precision as you'd like to be is because the level of the spacing in the number is not enough. In the first number, 6.43706064058, you have 13 numbers, including the decimal, so you'd put
printf("x:%13Lf, y:%Lf", d1, d2);
allowing 13 spaces for the x:
for the second number, 4.15417249035, you have 13 also, so for that, you'd put
printf("x:%13Lf, y:13%Lf", d1, d2);
and that will print:
x:6.43706064058, y:4.15417249035
you must allow room for all of the spaces within the number when doing the printf function.
Hope that helped!

Wrong output from printf of a number

int main()
double i=4;
return 0;
Can anybody tell me why this program gives output of 0?
When you create a double initialised with the value 4, its 64 bits are filled according to the IEEE-754 standard for double-precision floating-point numbers. A float is divided into three parts: a sign, an exponent, and a fraction (also known as a significand, coefficient, or mantissa). The sign is one bit and denotes whether the number is positive or negative. The sizes of the other fields depend on the size of the number. To decode the number, the following formula is used:
1.Fraction × 2Exponent - 1023
In your example, the sign bit is 0 because the number is positive, the fractional part is 0 because the number is initialised as an integer, and the exponent part contains the value 1025 (2 with an offset of 1023). The result is:
1.0 × 22
Or, as you would expect, 4. The binary representation of the number (divided into sections) looks like this:
0 10000000001 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Or, in hexadecimal, 0x4010000000000000. When passing a value to printf using the %d specifier, it attempts to read sizeof(int) bytes from the parameters you passed to it. In your case, sizeof(int) is 4, or 32 bits. Since the first (rightmost) 32 bits of the 64-bit floating-point number you supply are all 0, it stands to reason that printf produces 0 as its integer output. If you were to write:
printf("%d %d", i);
Then you might get 0 1074790400, where the second number is equivalent to 0x40100000. I hope you see why this happens. Other answers have already given the fix for this: use the %f format specifier and printf will correctly accept your double.
Jon Purdy gave you a wonderful explanation of why you were seeing this particular result. However, bear in mind that the behavior is explicitly undefined by the language standard: If a conversion specification is invalid, the behavior is undefined.248) If any argument is not the correct type for the corresponding conversion specification, the behavior is undefined.
(emphasis mine) where "undefined behavior" means behavior, upon use of a nonportable or erroneous program construct or of erroneous data, for which this International Standard imposes no requirements
IOW, the compiler is under no obligation to produce a meaningful or correct result. Most importantly, you cannot rely on the result being repeatable. There's no guarantee that this program would output 0 on other platforms, or even on the same platform with different compiler settings (it probably will, but you don't want to rely on it).
%d is for integers:
int main()
int i=4;
double f = 4;
printf("%d",i); // prints 4
printf("%0.f",f); // prints 4
return 0;
Because the language allows you to screw up and you happily do it.
More specifically, '%d' is the formatting for an int and therefore printf("%d") consumes as many bytes from the arguments as an int takes. But a double is much larger, so printf only gets a bunch of zeros. Use '%lf'.
Because "%d" specifies that you want to print an int, but i is a double. Try printf("%f\n"); instead (the \n specifies a new-line character).
The simple answer to your question is, as others have said, that you're telling printf to print a integer number (for example a variable of the type int) whilst passing it a double-precision number (as your variable is of the type double), which is wrong.
Here's a snippet from the printf(3) linux programmer's manual explaining the %d and %f conversion specifiers:
d, i The int argument is converted to signed decimal notation. The
precision, if any, gives the minimum number of digits that must
appear; if the converted value requires fewer digits, it is
padded on the left with zeros. The default precision is 1.
When 0 is printed with an explicit precision 0, the output is
f, F The double argument is rounded and converted to decimal notation
in the style [-]ddd.ddd, where the number of digits after the
decimal-point character is equal to the precision specification.
If the precision is missing, it is taken as 6; if the precision
is explicitly zero, no decimal-point character appears. If a
decimal point appears, at least one digit appears before it.
To make your current code work, you can do two things. The first alternative has already been suggested - substitute %d with %f.
The other thing you can do is to cast your double to an int, like this:
printf("%d", (int) i);
The more complex answer(addressing why printf acts like it does) was just answered briefly by Jon Purdy. For a more in-depth explanation, have a look at the wikipedia article relating to floating point arithmetic and double precision.
Because i is a double and you tell printf to use it as if it were an int (%d).
#jagan, regarding the sub-question:
What is Left most third byte. Why it is 00000001? Can somebody explain?"
10000000001 is for 1025 in binary format.

How do I prevent buffer overflow converting a double to char?

I'm converting a double to a char string:
char txt[10];
double num;
num = 45.344322345
sprintf(txt, "%.1f", num);
and using ".1f" to truncate the decimal places, to the tenths digit.
i.e. - txt contains 45.3
I usually use precision in sprintf to ensure the char buffer is not overflowed.
How can I do that here also truncating the decimal, without using snprintf?
(i.e. if num = 345694876345.3 for some reason)
EDIT If num is > buffer the result no longer matters, just do not want to crash. Not sure what would make the most sense in that case.
EDIT2 I should have made it more clear than in just the tag, that this is a C program.
I am having issues using snprintf in a C program. I don't want to add any 3rd party libraries.
Use snprintf() , which will tell you how many bytes were not printed. In general, you should size your array to be large enough to handle the longest string representation of the target integer type. If not known in advance, use malloc() (or asprintf(), which is non-standard, but present on many platforms).
snprintf() will fail gracefully if the format exceeds the given buffer, it won't overflow. If you don't need to handle that, then simply using it will solve your problem. I can't think of an instance where you would not want to handle that, but then again, I'm not working on whatever you are working on :)
Why not just make your buffer big enough to hold the largest possible string representation of a double?
Assuming a 64-bit double using the IEEE standard for floating point arithmetic, which uses 52 bits for a mantissa: 2^52 = 4,503,599,627,370,500. So we need 16 characters to hold all the digits before and after the decimal point. 19 considering the decimal point, sign character and null terminator.
I would just use a buffer size of at least 20 characters and move on.
If you need to print a double using scientific notation, you will need to add enough space for the exponent. Assuming a 11 bit signed exponent, that's another 4 characters for the exponent plus a sign for the exponent and the letter 'E'. I would just go with 30 characters in that case.
If you absolutely must do it on your own, count the digits in the number before trying to convert:
int whole = num;
int wholeDigits = 0;
do {
while (whole /= 10);
double fraction = num - (int) num;
int decimallDigits = 0;
while (fraction > 0) {
fraction *= 10;
fraction = fraction - (int) fraction;
int totalLength = decimalDigits ? wholeDigits + decimalDigits + 1 : wholeDigits;
You should probably verify that this ad-hoc code works as advertised before relying on it to guard against crashes. I recommend that you use snprintf or something similar instead of my code, as others have said.
Why do you want to do it without snprintf? You should be using snprintf regardless of whether your format string contains a double, another string or anything else, really. As far as I can see, there's no reason not to.

What Comes After The %?

I've searched for this a little but I have not gotten a particularly straight answer. In C (and I guess C++), how do you determine what comes after the % when using printf?. For example:
double radius = 1.0;
double area = 0.0;
area = calculateArea( radius );
printf( "%10.1f %10.2\n", radius, area );
I took this example straight from a book that I have on the C language. This does not make sense to me at all. Where do you come up with 10.1f and 10.2f? Could someone please explain this?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printf#printf_format_placeholders is Wikipedia's reference for format placeholders in printf. http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstdio/printf.html is also helpful
Basically in a simple form it's %[width].[precision][type]. Width allows you to make sure that the variable which is being printed is at least a certain length (useful for tables etc). Precision allows you to specify the precision a number is printed to (eg. decimal places etc) and the informs C/C++ what the variable you've given it is (character, integer, double etc).
Hope this helps
To clarify using your examples:
printf( "%10.1f %10.2\n", radius, area );
%10.1f (referring to the first argument: radius) means make it 10 characters long (ie. pad with spaces), and print it as a float with one decimal place.
%10.2 (referring to the second argument: area) means make it 10 character long (as above) and print with two decimal places.
man 3 printf
on a Linux system will give you all the information you need. You can also find these manual pages online, for example at http://linux.die.net/man/3/printf
10.1f means floating point with 1 place after the decimal point and the 10 places before the decimal point. If the number has less than 10 digits, it's padded with spaces. 10.2f is the same, but with 2 places after the decimal point.
On every system I've seen, from Unix to Rails Migrations, this is not the case. #robintw expresses it best:
Basically in a simple form it's %[width].[precision][type].
That is, not "10 places before the decimal point," but "10 places, both before and after, and including the decimal point."
10.1f means floating point with 10 characters wide with 1 place after the decimal point.
If the number has less than 10 digits, it's padded with spaces.
10.2f is the same, but with 2 places after the decimal point.
You have these basic types:
%d - integer
%x - hex integer
%s - string
%c - char (only one)
%f - floating point (float)
%d - signed int (decimal)
%i - signed int (integer) (same as decimal).
%u - unsigned int
%ld - long (signed) int
%lu - long unsigned int
%lld - long long (signed) int
%llu - long long unsigned int
Edit: there are several others listed in #Eli's response (man 3 printf).
10.1f means you want to display a float with 1 decimal and the displayed number should be 10 characters long.
In short, those values after the % tell printf how to interpret (or output) all of the variables coming later. In your example, radius is interpreted as a float (this the 'f'), and the 10.1 gives information about how many decimal places to use when printing it out.
See this link for more details about all of the modifiers you can use with printf.
Man pages contain the information you want. To read what you have above:
printf( "%10.2f", 1.5 )
This will print:
printf("%.2f", 1.5 )
Note the justification of both.
printf("%10.1f", 1.5 )
Would print:
Any number after the . is the precision you want printed. Any number before the . is the distance from the left margin.
One issue that hasn't been raised by others is whether double is the same as a float. On some systems a different format specifier was needed for a double compared to a float. Not least because the parameters passed could be of different sizes.
%f - float
%lf - double
%g - double
