How do I work with spaces in my wix source path? - file

wxs file the File tag Source attribute; the path has a space in it.
<File Id="_uploads.UserImport.EDS_UserImport.xls" Name="EDS_UserImport.xls" Source="C:\Documents and Settings\kle\Desktop\OspreyMSIGenerator\OspreyMSIGenerator\Published\EDSContainer\uploads\UserImport\EDS_UserImport.xls"></File>
I get this error
candle.exe : error CNDL0103 : The system cannot find the file 'and' with type 'Source'.
I can't be sure that my paths won't have spaces in it. How do I support spaces in the Source path?

Try upgrading to the latest stable wix release. I tested this with Wix 3.0.5419.0 and file paths with spaces are accepted without errors.
On a related note: File elements should not contain absolute paths like in your example, because you would only be able to build the setup on a single developer's PC. Use paths relative to the location of the wxs file instead, like this:
<File Source="..\bin\foo.exe" />
Or make use of a variable that contains the location of the files like this:
<File Source="$(var.BinFolder)foo.exe" />
You can then pass the location of the bin folder by invoking candle like this:
candle.exe -dBinFolder=c:\someFolder\bin\ foo.wxs
edit: as shown by Rob in his own answer, you can also use the light.exe -b switch to specify one or more base directories where the files to install can be found.

#wcoenen provides one mechanism. However, I prefer to use the light.exe -b switch. Then your code can look like:
<File Id="_uploads.UserImport.EDS_UserImport.xls" Name="EDS_UserImport.xls" Source="SourceDir\Published\EDSContainer\uploads\UserImport\EDS_UserImport.xls"></File>
and your command-line to light.exe would have:
-b "C:\Documents and Settings\kle\Desktop\OspreyMSIGenerator\OspreyMSIGenerator"
You can have multiple -b switches and greatly reduce the complexity of your Source attribute.
Also, the File/#Id and File/#Name can be left off if you are fine with them defaulting to the file name (in this case, "EDS_UserImport.xls").


How to make my Linux C program accessible from bash

Say I made and compiled a small program in C to count the bytes of a file, called filebyte. To run it I would use ./filebyte
Now I want to make it universal on bash, like for example to run a php file, I would use bash command php file.php, same way I would like to run my program, filebyte filename.
How do I do this?
I often create a bin/ directory in my home directory, for small custom applications.
You then need to add that directory to your PATH, which is a list of colon-separated paths that your shell searches for executables when you type a name on thr command line.
This is usually accomplished by putting this in your ~/.bashrc file:
Check the environment variable PATH and put the executable in one of the directories listed. You can also put it in a custom directory and then append it to PATH. You can check it by executing printenv PATH
If you want it for your current active shell alone, do
export PATH=$PATH:</path/to/file>
For permanently making the file available add the above line to ~/.bashrc
Why add it in PATH variable, man bash says why,
PATH The search path for commands. It is a colon-separated list of
directories in which the shell looks for commands (see COMMAND
EXECUTION below). A zero-length (null) directory name in the
value of PATH indicates the current directory. A null directory
name may appear as two adjacent colons, or as an initial or
trailing colon. The default path is system-dependent, and is set
by the administrator who installs bash. A common value is

curl output file replacing path seperator with underscore when writing the file

I'm trying to create a fairly simple batch file to download a file from our ftp site and store it in a specific directory. I would like to be able to put the batch file in the path so I can call it from anywhere. Currently I have a line like the following:
curl -v -u %FTP_USER%:%FTP_PASS% -Q "TYPE I" -o %OUTPUT_PATH% "ftp://%FTP_HOST%/%JAR_FILE_NAME%"
What I've discovered is that no matter the value of the output path, the file is always written in the current directory, and any path seperators are converted to underscores in the file name. This happens no matter if I use a '\' or '/' and if I try to escape it with double slashes I just end up with two underscores. Quotes around things don't seem to help either.
My question is does the -o option allow for outputting to a folder other than current working dir? I guess I can have the next step in the script to be "move the file to its destination", but that seems really kludgey.
This sounds exactly like a regression (reported here) we unfortunately brought in curl 7.47.0. We hope to release an updated, fixed, version soon and in the mean time you can probably consider downgrading to an earlier version to work-around this annoying issue.

IBM i PASE tar - Excluding files or directories

I want to exclude some directories from an archive using the PASE tar command on an IBMi but the [-X Exclude File] option doesn't seems to work for me.
I tried using an exclude file that just contained a file name (/home/JSMITH/data/sub2/file2.txt) and then one that just contained a pattern (*.txt), and neither archive operation omitted anything.
Given the following directory structure:
and the following command:
/qopensys/usr/bin/tar -cvf /home/JSMITH/test.tar -X /home/JSMITH/excludes.txt /home/JSMITH/data
The entire /home/JSMITH/data structure gets included in the resulting archive.
I have tried using the /home/JSMITH/excludes.txt file with either of these contents:
How does one exclude files/directories/patterns from the IBMi PASE tar command?
You need the full path in the exclude file.
I created mine via ls /home/JSMITH/data/*.txt > /home/JSMITH/excludes.txt
If you're doing it by hand, make certain you haven't got any trailing whitespace.
Also, I used Notepad++ when I created mine by hand. I found that the green screen edtf created an EBCDIC file with CRLF in it, and that didn't exclude for me.
IBM i 7.1

How to achieve symbol referencing across directories in vim?

Can ctags tag symbols from a directory up in the hierarchy also or is it limited to create tags for current and sub-directories only?
Basically I'm looking for Visual Studio like symbol cross referencing it is very helpful in understanding alien source code flow.
If not Vim, then which other editor should I use?
Ctags only recurses to subdirectories. But all you have to do is run ctags -R . in your project home directory, and it will create a tags file for your whole project.
You aren't limited to specifying one tags file in Vim. This is an alternative to the other answers; you can just do something like:
set tags=tags,~/wintags,c:/path/to/moretags/etc
So you don't need to take the time regenerating a monolithic tags file when you just want to update your local tags.
Regarding the OP's comment in another answer,
yes thats correct but when i open a file say proj/dir1/def.c and press ctrl+] on a function name which is defined say in proj/dir2/abc.c, I get tag not found :(
You could also create one tags file for all of your projects at the 'proj' root:
set tags=tags;c:/path/to/proj
This will use the first file named tags that it finds as it walks up the directory hierarchy from where you are.
You can combine these two techniques to have a project-local tags file and then a "global" tags file that isn't updated as often.
Whilst it's got similar user interface for asking it to do it's thing, so you need to actually specify "go down directories", I find that cscope is a very nice tool, whcih does everything that ctags does and a bit more.
ctags (well, exctags at least) can create tags for as many directory trees you want. Simply run
exctags -R dir1 dir2 ...
Then vim knows about all the symbols you need. For example, one of the directories could be /usr/include in addition to your own source directory.
Make sure to run vim path/to/file.c from the same directory you created the tags file in.

How can I load a Maya .MA file from MEL when it has an unresolved reference?

I am trying to use a MEL script to load ANIMATION.MA file that references CHARACTER_RIG.MA. The CHARACTER_RIG.MA and ANIMATION.MA files are produced by someone else and supplied to me. The ANIMATION.MA is looking for N:/Project/Maya//char/character/CHARACTER_RIG.MA
If I open ANIMATION.MA from Maya, or use the equivalent MEL command I always get prompted with:
"Reference File Not Found"
Reference File Not Found: N:/Project/Maya//char/character/CHARACTER_RIG.MA.
[Abort File Read] [Skip] [Browse...] [Retry]
If I tap browse, and select the CHARACTER_RIG.MA then it opens perfectly. I can see it created a reference in the Reference Editor that has the Unresolved Path (N:/...) , the Resolved Path (/my/path) and the namespace and the namespaceRN.
My question is, how do I do the equivalent of the "Browse..." from MEL? I tried pre-creating a reference, but it doesn't let me set the unresolved path, so when I load the ANIMATION.MA it keeps prompting in MAYA.
file -f -options "v=0" -typ "mayaAscii" -o "/Source/project/assets/anims/ANIMATION.MA"
If you know the directory where the file is, then you can use the dirmap command. The command dirmap allows you to remap directory structures if your disk configuration changes. So in this case it would look like:
dirmap -en true;
dirmap -m "N:/Project/Maya//char/character" "/my/path";
Possibly more manageable if you have lots of mappings to do especially when moving form a windows machine to a *nix one. However it is much more useful to define your project structure because then things just work when you move, tough this may not be the best of choice for shared assets.
I ended up finding several solutions:
Rename the RIG.MA file to match the filename in ANIM.MA (they were different in my case) and put it in one of the search or project folders that MAYA uses and it will automatically find it.
Programatically through code (or manually) edit the ANIM.MA file to remap the file/folder of the RIG.MA to where you want to load it from. Note: You
also need to remap any other files, such as textures. I did this with
perl -pi -e 's/\Qold-path\E/\Qnew-path\E/g' ANIMATION.MA
HTH someone else.
Quick and easy, File, Project, Set and select the folder where meshes or whatever it is.
