ruby oneliner vs groovy - arrays

i was going through railstutorial and saw the following one liner
it creates random 7 character domain name like following:
I tried converting the one liner to groovy but i could only come up with:
def range = ('a'..'z')
def tempList = new ArrayList (range)
println tempList[0..7].join()+""
Can the above be improved and made to a one liner? I tried to make the above code shorter by
println Collections.shuffle(new ArrayList ( ('a'..'z') ))[0..7].join()+""
However, apparently Collections.shuffle(new ArrayList ( ('a'..'z') )) is a null

Not having shuffle built-in adds the most to the length, but here's a one liner that'll do it:
('a'..'z').toList().sort{new Random().nextInt()}[1..7].join()+""
Yours doesn't work because Collections.shuffle does an inplace shuffle but doesn't return anything. To use that as a one liner, you'd need to do this:
('a'..'z').toList().with{Collections.shuffle(it); it[1..7].join()+""}

It isn't a one-liner, but another Groovy way to do this is to add a shuffle method to String...
String.metaClass.shuffle = { range ->
def r = new Random()
delegate.toList().sort { r.nextInt() }.join()[range]}
And then you have something very Ruby-like...

This is my attempt. It is a one-liner but allows repetition of characters. It does not perform a shuffle, though it generates suitable output for a random domain name.
I'm posting it as an example of a recursive anonymous closure:
{ i -> i > 0 ? "${(97 + new Random().nextInt(26) as char)}" + call(i-1) : "" }.call(7) + ""

This is definitely not as pretty as the Ruby counterpart but, as Ted mentioned, it's mostly because of the fact that shuffle method is a static method in Collections.
[*'a'..'z'].with{ Collections.shuffle it; it }.take(7).join() + ''
I am using the spread operator trick to convert the range into a list :)


Yielding a modified Ruby array to a block

I'm trying to turn 2 lines of ruby code into 1. For example:
def average(numbers)
result = numbers.compact
numbers.reduce(+) / numbers.length
I've been looking through array methods and can't find an appropriate one to turn this function into a one-liner. I had hoped something like this would work:
def average(numbers)
numbers.compact.<tap or another method> { |arr| arr.reduce(+) / arr.length }
Basically, I'm modifying the array (in the example I have to call compact to rid nil values), so I don't have access to the array variable, and I don't want an iterator, because I don't want to call reduce(+) and length on individual elements of the array.
Does anyone have an idea of methods I could look into?
I believe you mean for your method to be the following (reduce(:+), not reduce(+) and use result rather than numbers in the second line).
def average(numbers)
result = numbers.compact
result.reduce(:+) / result.length
average [1,2,3]
#=> 2
If you wish the average to be a float, change the second line to
result.reduce(0.0, :+) / result.length
There are various ways to combine the two lines of the method, but I don't prefer any of them to the above. Here are a few. (I don't see how Object#tap could be used here.)
numbers.compact.reduce(:+) / numbers.compact.length
(result = numbers.compact).reduce(:+) / result.compact.length / numbers.compact.length
Note that, even if numbers can be mutated, one cannot write
numbers.compact!.reduce(:+) / numbers.length
because numbers.compact! returns nil if numbers contains no nil elements.
In Ruby v2.4+ you can use Array#sum:
result.sum / result.length
You could change the way you call average
def average(numbers)
numbers.reduce(:+) / numbers.length

How do only add item to an array if it doesn't exist already (in a case insensitive way)? [duplicate]

I want to know what's the best way to make the String.include? methods ignore case. Currently I'm doing the following. Any suggestions? Thanks!
a = "abcDE"
b = "CD"
result = a.downcase.include? b.downcase
How about Array.include?. All elements of the array are strings.
If you are only going to test a single word against an array, or if the contents of your array changes frequently, the fastest answer is Aaron's:
array.any?{ |s| s.casecmp(mystr)==0 }
If you are going to test many words against a static array, it's far better to use a variation of farnoy's answer: create a copy of your array that has all-lowercase versions of your words, and use include?. (This assumes that you can spare the memory to create a mutated copy of your array.)
# Do this once, or each time the array changes
downcased =
# Test lowercase words against that array
downcased.include?( mystr.downcase )
Even better, create a Set from your array.
# Do this once, or each time the array changes
downcased =
# Test lowercase words against that array
downcased.include?( mystr.downcase )
My original answer below is a very poor performer and generally not appropriate.
Following are benchmarks for looking for 1,000 words with random casing in an array of slightly over 100,000 words, where 500 of the words will be found and 500 will not.
The 'regex' text is my answer here, using any?.
The 'casecmp' test is Arron's answer, using any? from my comment.
The 'downarray' test is farnoy's answer, re-creating a new downcased array for each of the 1,000 tests.
The 'downonce' test is farnoy's answer, but pre-creating the lookup array once only.
The 'set_once' test is creating a Set from the array of downcased strings, once before testing.
user system total real
regex 18.710000 0.020000 18.730000 ( 18.725266)
casecmp 5.160000 0.000000 5.160000 ( 5.155496)
downarray 16.760000 0.030000 16.790000 ( 16.809063)
downonce 0.650000 0.000000 0.650000 ( 0.643165)
set_once 0.040000 0.000000 0.040000 ( 0.038955)
If you can create a single downcased copy of your array once to perform many lookups against, farnoy's answer is the best (assuming you must use an array). If you can create a Set, though, do that.
If you like, examine the benchmarking code.
Original Answer
I (originally said that I) would personally create a case-insensitive regex (for a string literal) and use that:
re = /\A#{Regexp.escape(str)}\z/i # Match exactly this string, no substrings
all = array.grep(re) # Find all matching strings…
any = array.any?{ |s| s =~ re } # …or see if any matching string is present
Using any? can be slightly faster than grep as it can exit the loop as soon as it finds a single match.
For an array, use:
Regexps are very slow and should be avoided.
You can use casecmp to do your comparison, ignoring case.
"abcdef".casecmp("abcde") #=> 1
"aBcDeF".casecmp("abcdef") #=> 0
"abcdef".casecmp("abcdefg") #=> -1
"abcdef".casecmp("ABCDEF") #=> 0
class String
def caseinclude?(x)
end!{|c| c.downcase.strip}
where map! changes my_array, map instead returns a new array.
To farnoy in my case your example doesn't work for me. I'm actually looking to do this with a "substring" of any.
Here's my test case.
x = "<TD>", "<tr>", "<BODY>"
y = "td"
x.collect { |r| r.downcase }.include? y
=> false
x[0].include? y
=> false
x[0].downcase.include? y
=> true
Your case works with an exact case-insensitive match.
a = "TD", "tr", "BODY"
b = "td"
a.collect { |r| r.downcase }.include? b
=> true
I'm still experimenting with the other suggestions here.
I found the answer. Thanks to Drew Olsen
var1 = "<TD>", "<tr>","<BODY>"
=> ["<TD>", "<tr>", "<BODY>"]
var2 = "td"
=> "td"
var1.find_all{|item| item.downcase.include?(var2)}
=> ["<TD>"]
var1[0] = "<html>"
=> "<html>"
var1.find_all{|item| item.downcase.include?(var2)}
=> []

Looping over array values in Lua

I have a variable as follows
local armies = {
[1] = "ARMY_1",
[2] = "ARMY_3",
[3] = "ARMY_6",
[4] = "ARMY_7",
Now I want to do an action for each value. What is the best way to loop over the values? The typical thing I'm finding on the internet is this:
for i, armyName in pairs(armies) do
I don't like that as it results in an unused variable i. The following approach avoids that and is what I am currently using:
for i in pairs(armies) do
However this is still not as readable and simple as I'd like, since this is iterating over the keys and then getting the value using the key (rather imperatively). Another boon I have with both approaches is that pairs is needed. The value being looped over here is one I have control over, and I'd prefer that it can be looped over as easily as possible.
Is there a better way to do such a loop if I only care about the values? Is there a way to address the concerns I listed?
I'm using Lua 5.0 (and am quite new to the language)
The idiomatic way to iterate over an array is:
for _, armyName in ipairs(armies) do
Note that:
Use ipairs over pairs for arrays
If the key isn't what you are interested, use _ as placeholder.
If, for some reason, that _ placeholder still concerns you, make your own iterator. Programming in Lua provides it as an example:
function values(t)
local i = 0
return function() i = i + 1; return t[i] end
for v in values(armies) do

matlab Is there something like list comprehension as it is in python?

I am looking for something like list comprehensions in matlab however I couldnt find anything like this in the documentary.
In python it would be something like
A=[i/50 for i in range(50)]
Matlab is very fond of 'vectorizing'. You would write your example as:
A = (0:49) ./ 50
Matlab hates loops and therefore list comprehension. That said, take a look at the arrayfun function.
You can do:
Or for something more general, you can do:
f=#(x) (x/50);
No, Matlab does not have list comprehensions. You really don't need it, as the focus should be on array-level computations:
A = (1:50) / 50
Matlab can work with arrays directly, making list comprehension less useful
If what you're trying to do is as trivial as the sample, you could simply do a scalar divide:
A = (0:50) ./ 50
There are several ways to generate a list in Matlab that goes from 0 to 49/50 in increments of 1/50
A = (0:49)/50
B = 0:1/50:49/50
C = linspace(0,49/50,50)
EDIT As Sam Roberts pointed out in the comments, even though all of these lists should be equivalent, the numerical results are different due to floating-point errors. For example:
ans =
This doesn't work help with your numerical example but for the special case of strings there is the compose function that does the same thing as a list comprehension of the form:
s = [f"Label_{i}" for i in range(1, 6)]
str = compose("Label_%d", 1:5)
str =
1×5 string array
"Label_1" "Label_2" "Label_3" "Label_4" "Label_5"

Scala repeat Array

I am a newbie to scala. I try to write a function that is "repeating" an Array (Scala 2.9.0):
def repeat[V](original: Array[V],times:Int):Array[V]= {
if (times==0)
But I am not able to compile this (get an error about the manifest)...
You need to ask compiler to provide class manifest for V:
def repeat[V : Manifest](original: Array[V], times: Int): Array[V] = ...
The answer to question: why is that needed, you can find here:
Why is ClassManifest needed with Array but not List?
I'm not sure where you want to use it, but I can generally recommend you to use List or other suitable collection instead of Array.
BTW, an alternative way to repeat a Array, would be to "fill" a Seq with references of the Array and then flatten that:
def repeat[V: Manifest](original: Array[V], times: Int) : Array[V] =
