Using a BindingSource in a UserControl - winforms

I have a UserControl with multiple fields that I would like to have bound to a BindingSource. I would also like the UserControl to expose some BindingSource property so that it can be dropped on a Form and be bound to the BindingSource on the form. Is there an easy way to do this? I realize that I can rebind all of the controls of the UserControl in its BindSource setter. But this seems wrong. Is there some BindingSource Proxy that will let me link the BindingSource in the user control to the BindingSource in the form?

As per your question, I can hardly get what you intend to do. Thus I will try my best to provide you with, I hope, interesting information on that matter.
First, let's consider the following UserControl in a Customer management software project.
public partial class CustomerManagementUserControl : UserControl {
public CustomerManagementUserControl() {
_customerBindingSource = new BindingSource();
public IList<ICustomer> DataSource {
set {
_customerBindingSource.DataSource = value;
private BindingSource _customerBindingSource;
Second, let's consider the following Form which should be your Customer management form.
public partial class CustomerManagementForm : Form {
public CustomerManagementForm() {
_customerUserControl = new CustomerManagementUserControl();
_customerUserControl.Name = #"customerUserControl";
private void CustomerManagementForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// CustomersFacade is simply a static class providing customer management features and requirements.
// Indeed, the GetCustomers() method shall return an IList<ICustomer>.
// The IList type and typed IList<T> are both intended to be bindable as a DataSource for DataBinding.
_customerUserControl.DataSource = CustomersFacade.GetCustomers();
private CustomerManagementUserControl _customerUserControl;
If you're expecting to use CustomerManagementUserControl.DataSource property from within the Property window, please consider adding the following on top of your property definition.
[System.ComponentModel.DesignTimeVisible(true), System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategory("CustomerUserControl"), System.ComponentModel.Description("Sets the CustomerUserControl DataSource property")]
This is one way of doing what I guess you might want to do. On the other hand, if what you wish to do is to get the as most abstract as possible by setting a different type of object as your UserControl.BindingSource.DataSource property, then you will have to write a method which could detect the type of the object passed, then binding the properties accordingly. A nice way you could go, perhaps, is by Reflection, if you're comfortable working with it. In any possible way you may imagine working with such polymorphism features, you will have to write yourself an interface that all of your bindable objects will have to implement. This way, you will avoid unknown property names, and when will come the time to bind your UserControl's controls, you will be able to bind the correct property to the correct control and so forth.
Let's try the following:
public interface IEntity {
double Id { get; set; }
string Number { get; set; }
string Firstname { get; set; }
string Surname { get; set; }
long PhoneNumber { get; set; }
public interface ICustomer : IEntity {
public interface ISupplier : IEntity {
string Term { get; set; }
public sealed Customer : ICustomer {
public Customer() {
public double Id { get; set; }
public string Number { get; set; }
public string Firstname { get; set; }
public string Surname { get; set; }
public long PhoneNumber { get; set; }
public sealed Supplier : ISupplier {
public Supplier() {
public double Id { get; set; }
public string Number { get; set; }
public string Firstname { get; set; }
public string Surname { get; set; }
public long PhoneNumber { get; set; }
public string Term { get; set; }
Considering the above code, you could use the DataSource property of your UserControl to bind with an IEntity, so your property could like like this.
[System.ComponentModel.DesignTimeVisible(true), System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategory("CustomerUserControl"), System.ComponentModel.Description("Sets the CustomerUserControl DataSource property")]
public IList<IEntity> DataSource {
set {
_customerBindingSource.DataSource = value;
That said, if you wish to push even further, you could just expose your UserControl's controls DataBindings properties in order to set them on design-time. Considering this, you will want to expose your BindingSource as a public property either so that you may set it on design-time too, then choose your DataMember from this BindinSource.
I hope this helps you both a little or at least, give you some tracks for further searchings.

I know it's a late answer; however, it might be useful to someone else reading this post.
I have controls on a UserControl that are data-bound. I need to have a BindingSource on the UserControl in order to be able to bind the controls at design time. The "real" BindingSource, however, sits on the Form. In other words, the controls on the UserControl should behave as if they were sitting directly on the form (or on a ContainerControl on the form).
The idea behind this solution is to watch for the DataSourceChanged event of the "real" BindingSource and to assign its DataSource to the local BindingSource when it changes. In order to find the "real" BindingSource I let the Form (or Control) containing it implement the following interface:
public interface IDataBound
BindingSource BindingSource { get; }
We can watch for the ParentChanged event of a control in order to know when it has been added to a Form or a ContainerControl. The problem here is that this ContainerControl itself might not have been added to the Form (or another ContainerControl) yet at this time. In this case we subscribe to the ParentChanged event of the last parent we find in the parents chain and wait until this last parent has been added, an so on, until we find a Control or Form implementing IDataBound. When a IDataBound has been found, we subscribe to the DataSourceChanged event of its BindingSource.
public partial class MyUserControl : UserControl
private IDataBound _dataBoundControl;
private Control _parent;
public MyUserControl()
if (LicenseManager.UsageMode == LicenseUsageMode.Runtime) {
_parent = this;
private void SearchBindingSource()
if (_parent != null && _dataBoundControl == null) {
while (_parent.Parent != null) {
_parent = _parent.Parent;
_dataBoundControl = _parent as IDataBound;
if (_dataBoundControl != null) {
if (_dataBoundControl.BindingSource != null) {
_dataBoundControl.BindingSource.DataSourceChanged +=
new EventHandler(DataBoundControl_DataSourceChanged);
// This control or one of its parents has not yet been added to a
// container. Watch for its ParentChanged event.
_parent.ParentChanged += new EventHandler(Parent_ParentChanged);
void Parent_ParentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
void DataBoundControl_DataSourceChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
localBindingSource.DataSource = _dataBoundControl.BindingSource.DataSource;

If you wanted to do this all automatically you could look for the binding source from the parent form in the load event of your user control or something like that...
Dim components As Reflection.FieldInfo = typ.GetField("components", Reflection.BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly Or Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance Or Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
Dim lstBindingSources As New List(Of BindingSource)
For Each obj As Object In components.Components
Dim bindSource As BindingSource = TryCast(obj, BindingSource)
If bindSource IsNot Nothing Then
End If
If lstBindingSources.Count = 1 Then
MyBindingSource.DataSource = lstBindingSources(0).DataSource
End If

If you assign the same object reference as the datasource on two bindingsources, the controls will not be updated consistently on the second bindingsource. Possibly, a compromise to the choices above is the following:
Temporarily add a bindingsource to the usercontrol and use the VS designer to set the bindings to the controls.
bring the designer.vb up in the code editor. Search for all the "DataBindings.Add" lines that were created by the designer. Copy them all to notepad.
delete the bindingsource from the designer and add a bindingsource reference in code. Add a property for the bindingsource with the same name as was used in the designer. In the setter for the property, paste all the lines from notepad above in step 2.
In the Load event of the form, assign the bindingsource of the form to the property on the user control. If the user control is embedded in another user control, you can use the handlecreated event of the parent control to do the same.
There is less typing and less typos because the VS designer is creating all those literal text property names.


How to bind WinForms' DataGridView to EF navigation property (collection) in master-detail scenario?

I have a databinding problem in Windows Forms.
Here's the part of the EF model that is relevant for the story:
namespace Model
class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public String Name { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Receipt> Receipts { get; set; }
class Receipt
public int Id { get; set; }
public DateTime Timestamp { get; set; }
public double Value { get; set; }
public int PersonId { get; set; }
public virtual Person Person { get; set; }
There is a BindingSource called peopleBindingSource that is set to class Model.Person. In code behind, I do this:
db.People.Include(p => p.Receipts).Load();
peopleBindingSource.DataSource = db.People.Local.ToBindingList();
Textbox has its DataBindings set to peopleBindingSource as DataSource and Name as the property.
When I run the application, the binding navigator works correctly, showing different people as I click previous and next buttons. The textbox with the person's name is also populated correctly.
Now, here comes the problem:
On the same form, there is a DataGridView. I want to show a row for each of the Receipt of currently selected Person.
I've tried to bind dataGridView's DataSource to Receipts navigation property of peopleBindingSource.
I have expected that the gridview will update its DataSource to the appropriate collection of receipts just as the textbox updates its Text property on navigation change. The setup is basicly the same.
The thing is, no error is thrown, and the grid remains empty (it doesn't even create the columns header).
Why doesn't this binding work and can this be done from within the designer? How to correctly set up binding (without programatically handling change event on peopleBindingSource and setting grid's DataSource manually from peopleBindingSource.Current)?
I have found the solution to the problem.
The thing is that DataGridView can't bind to ICollection<Receipt> so the solution was to change the navigation property to BindingList<Receipt>. Then the designer showed the property correctly.

Using callback interface as a DependencyProperty in WPF?

I apologize for the lengthy question, but I feel like it is necessary to include all of this information.
Until now, I've been using a possibly-unorthodox way of adding UserControls to my applications. Let's say I have a UserControl called Diagnostics that has a button, that when clicked, performs a function that is specific to the application that owns it. For example, if I drop Diagnostics into AppA, I want it to display "A", and if I drop it into AppB, I want AppB to define the behavior so it displays "B".
I typically implement this via a callback interface that is passed to the UserControl's constructor, which is pretty straightforward. Here's some sample "code" that probably won't compile, but is presented just to clarify what I've basically done before, and what I am trying to do:
public interface IDiagnosticsCallback {
void DisplayDiagnostics(); // implemented by owner of Diagnostics UserControl
public class MyApp : IDiagnosticsCallback {
public void DisplayDiagnostics() {
MessageBox.Show("Diagnostics displayed specifically for MyApp here");
public Diagnostics : UserControl {
private IDiagnosticsCallback _callback { get; private set; }
public Diagnostics(IDiagnosticsCallback callback) {
_callback = callback;
public void ShowDiagnostics_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
The problem I had in the past was understanding how to declare a UserControl that takes a parameter in its constructor (i.e. doesn't have a default constructor) in XAML, and apparently you can't. I worked around this with a fairly-inelegant method -- I would give the main panel a name in XAML, and then from code-behind I would create Diagnostics, passing it the necessary callback, and then I would add Diagnostics to the panel's list of children. Gross and violates usage of MVVM, but it works.
This weekend, I decided to try to learn how to do it for a class and a TextBox, and it turns out that all I had to do was to create a DependencyProperty in my UserControl and use databinding. It looks something like this:
public ClassA
public void ShowSomethingSpecial()
MessageBox.Show("Watch me dance!");
public MyApp
public ClassA Foo { get; set; }
public Diagnostics : UserControl
public static readonly DependencyProperty SomethingProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Something", typeof(ClassA), typeof(Diagnostics), new PropertyMetadata());
public ClassA Something
get { return (MyApp)GetValue(SomethingProperty); }
set { SetValue(SomethingProperty, value); }
// now uses default constructor
public void ShowSomethingSpecial_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
<diags:Diagnostics Something="{Binding Foo}" />
So Foo is a property of MyApp, which is databound to the Something DependencyProperty of Diagnostics. When I click the button in the UserControl, the behavior is defined by ClassA. Much better, and works with MVVM!
What I'd like to do now is to go one step further and instead pass a callback interface to my UserControl so that it can get the states of my digital inputs and outputs. I'm looking for something like this:
public Diagnostics : UserControl
public interface IDioCallback
short ReadInputs();
short ReadOutputs();
void SetOutput( char bit);
public IDioCallback DioCallbackInterface {
get { return (IDioCallback)GetValue(DioCallbackInterfaceProperty); }
set { SetValue(DioCallbackInterfaceProperty,value); }
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for DioCallbackInterface. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty DioCallbackInterfaceProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("DioCallbackInterface",typeof(IDioCallback),typeof(Diagnostics),new PropertyMetadata(0)); // PropertyMetadata is the problem...
public class DIO : IDioCallback
public short ReadInputs() { return 0; }
public short ReadOutputs() { return 0; }
public void SetOutput( char bit) {}
public class MyApp
public DIO MyDIO { get; set; }
<diags:Diagnostics DioCallbackInterface="{Binding MyDIO}" />
While my code (maybe not the exact code above, but my real project) does compile successfully, it appears that the PropertyMetadata passed to Register is at fault. I get an exception that says "Default value type does not match type of property 'DioCallbackInterface'."
Am I doing something really unorthodox, or is this approach to databinding interfaces actually possible? If not, what are the recommended ways of defining how a UserControl behaves based on the application it's being used in?
The exception you have mentioned because of this:
new PropertyMetadata(0)
You have passed 0 (of type Int32) instead of the null or whatever you like for your interface: IDioCallback.
I cannot say that the way you select is wrong, but you should keep in mind that every user of your UserControl must implement that interface you have defined. If you have several properties that you would like to pass to the UserControl, you can basically discard them via DependencyProperty.
In your case you also would like to inject some logic to the UserControl Button. Let me suppose that this control has only one button. MVVM-way to handle Button.Click event is done via ICommand - you can declare the command property in your ViewModel and use it as data source for data binding in your UserControl as DependencyProperty, passing it properly to the Button.
Also you can have an agreement with all of your data context, and use special name for that property. For example:
public interface IViewModelWithCommand
public ICommand TheCommand { get; }
Implement it for each data context you need, and use TheCommand property name inside your data template of your UserControl. In the code-behind you can create type validation of DataContext passed to your UserControl, and throw an exception in case the type is not implements your interface
Here several articles you probably should be interested in:
Commands, RelayCommands and EventToCommand
How to use RelayCommands
Using RelayCommand will simplify your life because you don't need to re-implement interface for every command, instead, you need to pass valid action that you want.

What is a good way to check if a screen is modified?

Could you please suggest an elegant way to check if a data on the view has been modified to enable the Save button accordingly?
Assuming you are using MVVM with Caliburn.micro, there is a Can-convention for commands. So, assuming you want to enable Save button if a string property named Username is non-empty, you simply add this method to the viewmodel:
public bool CanSave()
return false;
return true;
Assuming your class inherits PropertyChangedBase or Screen, and you have a button with Name="Save", it will be disabled if UserName is empty. If you are interested in data changing in the view, the relevant property, in this example UserName, would of course have to be bound to some input area in the view - you could for instance have a TextBox named UserName which would make Caliburn set up the binding by convention.
The class in its entirety would then look something like this:
Edited to only allow saving of actually different data
public class UserViewModel : PropertyChangedBase
private string _savedUserName;
public string UserName{ get; set; }
public bool CanSave()
return !UserName.Equals(_savedUserName);
public void Save()
//Save the data
_savedUserName = UserName;

Entity Framework CTP5 Code First, WPF - MVVM modeling

I have my model all setup for my WPF application and working with entity framework ctp5 code first, here's a sample model class:
public class Task
public int ID { get; set; }
public int Index { get; set; }
public string Content { get; set; }
public int Indentation { get; set; }
public DateTime Start { get; set; }
public decimal Effort { get; set; }
public decimal CompletedEffort { get; set; }
public decimal Cost { get; set; }
What would be the recommended way to build my view model? My view models will implement INotifyPropertyChanged, I do not want the model classes to have any UI specific code - so that they can be easily reused in other apps.
Should I make all of the model properties virtual then override them in the view model? (seems like a lot of unnecessary coding...) Would EF code first play nice with this type of format?
This is a somewhat similar question In MVVM should the ViewModel or Model implement INotifyPropertyChanged? however, the only solutions appear to be adding in what I consider to be UI logic into the model. Perhaps I can add some sort of delegate to the model and hook into that from the viewmodel, which will in turn use INotifyPropertyChanged... something like this?
public class Task
public delegate void HandleChange(string propertyName);
public HandleChange ChangeHandler;
public int ID
return ID;
if(ID != value)
ID = value;
What I am doing is to make an instance of my model class to a property in the ViewModel and then implement INotifyPropertyChanged directly on the Model for the Model properties and on the ViewModel only for the Model instance, like so:
public class Task : INotifyPropertyChanged
// Implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged
// Raising the PropertyChanged event in the Setters of all properties
public class TaskViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private Task _task;
public Task Task
return _task;
if (_task != value)
_task = value;
// INotifyPropertyChanged implementation
Then in XAML I bind directly to Model properties, for instance:
<TextBox Text="{Binding Task.Content}" />
(TaskViewModel would be here the DataContext for the View.)
I do this mainly to avoid this "lot of unnecessary coding" that you mention, and I could not find a drawback. (I make my model persistent with EF Code-First too.)
I know this is an old thread, but I was googling about this very topic and stumbled upon this article:
In short, starting with CTP 4 of EF CodeFirst there is a new property of the CodeFirst dbSet object .Local. .Local is an ObservableCollection that implements INotifyPropertyChanged. So if you have a code first dbcontext that exposes a DbSet(Of Task) called Tasks you can set your forms data context to Tasks.Local.

silverlight 3 collection binding

Someone please help me understand why this binding does not work...
I have a class called SelectionManager with a property called 'dates' which is populated by a WCF service. The property is an array of structs which bundles a DateTime and an integer count of business objects.
public class SelectionManager : INotifyPropertyChanged {
... other properties ...
public DQMServiceDateCountPair[] dates { get; private set; }
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public void NotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName) {
if (PropertyChanged != null) { PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); }
I have another class called DateSelector which has a DependencyProperty called 'pairs' setup to be the binding target of 'dates'.
public partial class DateSelector : UserControl {
... other stuff ...
public static readonly DependencyProperty pairsProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
new PropertyMetadata(new DQMServiceDateCountPair[0])
public DQMServiceDateCountPair[] pairs {
get { return (DQMServiceDateCountPair[])GetValue(pairsProperty); }
set {
Debug.WriteLine("adding dates");
SetValue(pairsProperty, value);
dateMode = DateMode.Years;
In my MainPage.xaml, I have a line like this:
<date:DateSelector x:Name="dateSelector" pairs="{Binding dates}" />
It's weird, because all my other bindings in MainPage.xaml update correctly, including a ComboBox bound to 'dates'. My UserControl however, will not update. The Debug.Writeline doesn't get called in the set statement of the 'pairs' property.
In playing around with it, I've tried making the DQMServiceDateCountPair[] property into an ObservableCollection and implementing INotifyCollectionChanged, but that doesn't help.
If I leave either the source property or the target property as an array, and make the other an ObservableCollection, then I get a binding error that says it can't automatically convert one to the other, so Silverlight seems aware of the binding, it just doesn't update it.
Can anyone help?
P.S. I'm using Silverlight 3.
Try changing your code as follows:
1. Add DataMember/DataContract attributes
2. Make "set" public
public class SelectionManager : INotifyPropertyChanged {
public DQMServiceDateCountPair[] dates { get; set; }
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public void NotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName) {
if (PropertyChanged != null) { PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); }
Whats actually wierd is that the other stuff is working when you've coded your class the way you have. My guess is that the dates array gets set by some code that runs internally in your selection manager on completion of a WCF request.
Howerver whilst you have implemented INotifyPropertyChanged you aren't actually raising the event that it defines. You can't really combine INotifyPropertyChanged with the Auto-property C# syntax. You need this:-
public SelectionManager : INotifyPropertyChanged
private DQMServiceDateCountPair[] myDates;
public DQMServiceDateCountPair[] dates
get { return myDates; }
myDates = value;
// rest of your code
So, here's what what going on. The binding has been working perfectly well this whole time. For the past week I've been struggling with this, it's been happily updating along--but because of a faulty assumption on my part, I could never see it.
In case anyone else harbors this faulty assumption, let me spell it out:
The GetValue and SetValue calls are not made automatically by virtue of the fact that you are declaring a Dependency Property. The "new PropertyMetadata()" part of the declaration has an overload that takes a callback method. In this callback method, you have to set the property value yourself. For instance, in my code, I made this the PropertyMetadata call:
new PropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(OnPairsPropertyChanged))
and the callback method reads like this:
private static void OnPairsPropertyChanged( DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e ) {
((DateSelector)d).pairs = (DQMServiceDateCountPair[])e.NewValue;
Thanks to everyone who tried to help!
