Using Ninject to inject dependencies into externally constructed objects (user control) - winforms

I would like to use Ninject in my WinForms application. I cannot figure out how to use it for my user controls. Sometimes they rely on the services I want to configure through the DI framework. These controls need to be manageable through the designer (thus need default constructors).
So, is there a way to inject dependencies into properties of this user control? Since the designer needs to be able to construct it, kernel.Get<TestClass> won't work here. Is there a method or some code that will let me "fill-in" the dependencies in the Form_OnLoad() method?
I can also think of other examples where I would want to Inject into the properties of an already existing object, but th WinForms user control is the easiest to explain.

I think you need to invert your thinking. In Model View Controller, the View has only one responsibility: to display data.
How that data gets there is the Controller's responsibility, and how the data is represented in memory is determined by the Model.
Although there are no specific MVC frameworks for Windows Forms, it's possible to make crude ones manually, or you could go have a look at the (now retired) Composite Application Block to get an idea about how this can be done (although the CAB is perhaps too complicated for most people's tastes). There are more elegant options available today, but they involve WPF.
In any case, instead of injecting your dependencies into your Views, inject them into Controllers, and have the Controllers instantiate and correctly populate the Views (your Controls).
In this way, you can keep your Controls free of DI concerns, as they should be.

I think the question is what DI tool can you use to get dependency injection to work with windows forms. Everyone does the MVC example because it's easy to implement(the same example if floating around the we as if it were new and original). If you have an answer for doing it using winforms or even WPF - that would be helpful.
This answer here basically says - in any case, I don't know so inject them into controllers and populate the views - really? Back to the MVC? Again - winforms.


Convert an AngularJS app to GWT (MVP)

I need to convert the following AngularJS application to a GWT application (though the question applies to any angular application). I would like to use the MVC pattern and UiBinder as suggested in the documentation but I'm unsure as to how the components of the angular application should correspond to the GWT one.
I've given it some thought already and here's my understanding - I'd be grateful if someone could say if I've got it right
Each module should become a presenter
One view per presenter
Services must be initialised in the AppController and passed to the relevant presenters (similarly to how an eventBus is implemented in the MVC description)
Now I don't know how to put multiple presenters together, though, so that they create one page. Should I create a main view that would correspond to the AppController and then pass the relevant parts of that view to each presenter?
Also, what's the best way to handle modal dialogs? Should I just include them in the view, bind to the presenter and keep them hidden initially?
I would recommend to use either Activities and Places or a fully fledged MVP framework like GWTP.
Regarding your questions:
I think that's right
One view per presenter is the usual approach. However you can also think of implementing different views for different devices (Desktop, Mobile, etc).
I would recommend to use a dependency injection framework like GIN to inject services and components into your Presenters
It depends if you use Activities and Places or GWTP. GWTP has the conecept of PresenterWidget that can be nested in Presenters. For Activities and Places you can follow Thomas Broyer's recommendation.
In general I think Presenters and their corresponding Views should be standalone components that are usually associated with a Place. GWTP has the concept of Slots (i.e. side navigation, etc) where Presenters can reveal themselves.
Communication between Presenters should be done via the EventBus.
GWTP has a concept of PopupPresenters but typically I think modal dialogs should be included in the View and handled by the parent Presenter (unless it contains a lot of business logic).
You said:
Each module should become a presenter
look at [GWT Organize Projects][1]
It talks about modules in the section, "Modules: Units of Configuration"
Basically, a module is just for configuration. You need a module for each entry point. People often have 1 module per page.
You said:
One view per presenter
This is usually the case.
You said:
Services must be initialized in the AppController and passed to the relevant presenters (similarly to how an eventBus is implemented in the MVC description)
Like Ümit said you should use Gin
Ümit recommended GWTP I'm no expert on GWTP but I used it briefly when I was a beginner and it was hard. I don't think it's good for beginners. Admittedly, it might be worth the investment of learning it. Like I said I'm no expert on GWTP.

Input Validation in Silverlight 4 to EF Entity

I have a Silverlight application that is loading Entities from a WCF Service via DataBinding.
So I have several views with many textboxes whose textboxes contents are binded to a Entity properties.
I want to use Silverlight validation and I don't want to use the exceptions way (I have some entities with a lot of properties... and I don't want to repeat it every time I use it in a form...).
So I'm triying to use the IDataErrorInfo way, but I'm not sure how should I do it.
I think I should declare a client-side model with equivalent classes to the Service EF Model but implementing the IDataErrorInfo. This solution means duplicate the model code and make any way to translate from service model to client model.
The other solution could be to change the EF Model itself but I don't know if this is correct for the MVVM (this is really near to the view, isn't it).
Maybe there is another magical solution I don't know.
Any suggestions??
The recommended interface is actually INotifyDataErrorInfo
Which gives you a little more control and supports multiple errors. It's also a little bit easier to use in scenarios when you manually want to control when validation happens.
Basically, with this, you could create a validate method on your "client side" objects which goes through their properties, validates each one, and builds up a list of errors. (HasErrors becomes true, you notify ErrorsChanged and then the code that binds to your object does GetErrors.
With this way, you could build a validation engine and have each EF object poll your database for validation rules.
There's also this:
If you have the option of annotating your EF classes on the client side instead of simply using the generated ones, you may be able to find an easy solution here.
I know this is slightly off-topic since you're using WCF
but if you were to use RIA Services, then it generates objects from your EF, and you can simply add some attributes to them in the RIA (it comes with comments telling you which attributes to use)
and it's very very simple.
but that advice is relevant only if you were to use RIA.

What MVVM framework is Good For?

i know some Mvvm Frameworks that introduced in this thread
please describe or give me link for that what are them useful for?
not information about MVVM about MVVM Framework.
thanks :)
i want to know :
What Is MVVM Framework?
I think your question is not really precise. As far as I understand, you ask for the features of each framework?!
You can find detailed information here and here. However, at least one of these links has already been given in the thread you mentioned...
Basically, an MVVM framework is a collection of classes which are commonly used in applications utilising the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) pattern. This may include messaging systems to communicate between independent parts of a software, dependency injection techniques, base classes for ViewModels, project/class templates, validation mechanisms, commonly used commands, techniques for displaying dialog boxes, and so on...
To completely understand such a framework, you will have to understand the MVVM pattern first. Because only then (or even only after you did your first MVVM project) you will have an understanding of the problems and/or challenges of this pattern.
To use Mvvm framework just simply follow below steps:
You have a model and a view-model with the same name.
View-models are not supposed to be wrappers around models. The job of a view-model is to broker requests for external services such as the loading and saving of data. The data itself, as well as validation and most of the business logic, should be in the models.
I can’t emphasize this enough. Whenever you create a view-model that wraps a model by delegation you introduce a huge hole in your API. Specially, anything with a direct reference to the model can change a property in such a way that the view-model and thus the UI are never notified. Likewise, any changes to calculated fields in the model won’t be propagated back to the view-model.
You have a view and a view-model with the same name.
Ideally view-models are agnostic to the screens they are used by. This is especially true in a WPF application where multiple windows may be sharing the same instance of a view-model.
For smaller applications such you may only need a single view-model for the whole application. For larger applications you may need one for the main functionality and one for each secondary aspect such as configuration management.
You have no code behind.
In absolute terms code behind is neither a good nor a bad thing. It is merely a place to put logic that is specific to a single view or control. So when I see a view with no code-behind at all I immediately check for the following mistakes:
Does the view-model touch specific controls by name?
Is the view-model being given access to controls via a command parameter?
Is EventToCommand or another leaky behavior being used in place of simple event handler?
EventToCommand from MVVM Light is especially bad because it will prevent controls from being garbage collected after they are removed from the screen.
View-models are listening to property changed notifications
If a model has a longer life-span then the view-model that listens to its events then you probably have a memory leak. Unlike views which have an unloaded event, view-models don’t have a good story for life-cycle management. So if they attach an event to a model that may out-last them then the view-model will be leaked.

How do I switch views in a WPF application using Unity and MVVM?

I am very new to WPF and am trying to set up an application that requires switching of views.
For example, a user is viewing a system that contains a number of components, when they click on a component, it should switch to a view that is associated to that component, replacing the previous system view. It's my understanding a Controller should be used here but the implementation eludes me.
I have found a few examples, but the projects are a bit too large for me to actually follow what is going on specifically with the view switching. What would really help me here is some example code from the Unity setup in the App file that allows multiple views, the Code in the controller that switches the view, and the code associated with a button that makes the controller switch the view.
If you are just beginning with WPF and diving directly into using IoC/MVVM, then you may want to consider taking a step back and starting with the WPF fundamentals, i.e., layouts, routed events, commanding, binding, dependency properties, INotifyPropertyChanged, etc...
To get you started: tutorials on wpf and mvvm.
For most of us mere mortals, WPF has a steep learning curve. Yet, once you make it over that first hump, the 'aha moments' start kicking in on a regular basis.
I'm using Mvvm-Light, but I believe Unity will be similar.
You should have a ViewModelLocator where you register ViewModels.
You should have somewhere styles or datatemplates that tell the framework what view to show depending on the view model encountered.
You should have some property you bind to, that is a base view model.
From there, all you'll have to do is change that property to a different view model, and your view will update accordingly.
As Metro said, steep learning curve, but once you get used to it, it starts to make sense :)

NOOB Challenge Implementing MVVM in WPF

To preface, this is my first attempt at MVVM... I buy it, I'm just having a little trouble implementing it.
I'm building a utility to assist with managing a course. I have a COURSE object which contains a few properties and methods as well as a collection of MODULES. Each module has a few properties, methods and a reference to a PRESENTATION object and LAB object (each of those has a few properties. I first implemented the modele and wrote all unit tests.
My challenge is now in implemting the UI (V & VM)... specifically the view-model part of the MVVM.
The UI allows you to create a course, see the modules and then have a master-detail view into each module where you can set a few properties and such. For my view model, I created an object to encapsulate the COURSE model... exposing a few properties including an ObserveableCollection of the course modules.
I've run into a few things that are throwing me for a loop and looking for some help:
I'm not sure if I went about my VM part correctly by creating something that encapsulates the COURSE model. Because I need to access MODULES in the course as well as LABs and PRESENTATIONs in the COURSE object. Does that mean I need to create VM's for each of those as well? Seems like I'm going about this the wrong way as this approach means I'm going to encapsulate every object in the model, same goes for each method and property?
When showing the modules in the UI of the app, I need to move things up and down in the order. The methods that do this are baked into the COURSE model. The trick is when I use these methods from the view, it isn't updating the view because the courses object lives in the VM, not in the M. I can "fix" this by setting the DataContext of my listview to null and then resetting it to be the same as the hosting window (which is the COURSE), but that isn't ideal. The modules are an observable collection, but they won't update because I'm doing the work at a lower level.
Seems I'm going about my VM a bit wrong... something tells me that not everything from the model should be encapsulated within it.
You don't NEED to create VMs for Modules or Labs, having Observable collections of each is enough. But...If you need to have extra powers on each of these objects, you can have collections of ViewModels instead. (as the Josh Smith example do)
If your logic is in the model, you need to refresh the ViewModel when you do changes to the model.
