mobile software that inserts and sends text message to database - mobile

I'm looking for a mobile software that will send/receive text messages from mobile phone to a database(if not directly I can build a service or something to receive it) so that the program will insert new messages into specific table and polls another table for outgoing messages. I found a program called Ultrasms that does something similar but it runs on a computer paired with the mobile. I would like the software to actually run on the mobile. I don't really have preference about the mobile OS I just want to build it fast.
If you don't know of any software, do you recommend the easiest way to do this? (Windows Mobile, Android, IPhone, BlackBerry?) and using what language/Framework to do this?

You could use Windows Mobile quite easily. The Compact Framework has the MessageInterceptor class which allows you to do something (i.e. inserting it in a database) when a message is received.
Just use a web service on the server which the Windows Mobile device can call to store the message data, and use another function to poll the server and return any messages to the device that need to be sent out.
All the code needed for this is C# and standard available in the .NET Compact Framework, so no need for any third-party DLLs or software.

If you mean, text messages, as just text messages by the internet and not a sms service, I would definitely go for android or maybe just a web widget.
Why Android? - its so fast to develop on and I mean crazy fast. Sure its lacking features, but if you want messaging, web, get/post data, this is the platform for you.
If you mean sms text messages, things will be a little more complicated I'm afraid. Involves hiring a sms-service provider and getting the sms text messages from them with the sms-provider API and then you can put messages into your database. This will involve some kind of payment to the provider.


How to develop an simple application for Blackberry that allows me to send and receive data from mysql server

I want to develop an simple application for a blackberry that allows me to send and receive data from a MySQL server. I am not that familiar with Java Mobile Programming but am aware I need some sort of web service/servlet. I have been trying to find out how I can do this from blackberry tutorials/forums but without success. Basically I want to query a MySQL database from a blackberry and want the result returned. Can anyone tell me how I can do this or provide sample code? Or offer any easier alternatives?

Need help understanding chat, XMPP, jabber id's, etc

I'm creating a mobile app that runs on iOS, Android, BB and Win7. It's a location-based app and you can join groups and then be able to see the location of other members of the group. That's all fine and good. I'm currently using GAE to manage the groups.
Now I'd like to add the ability for members of the group to chat with each other. No 1-1 IM but 1-many chat room. So when you've accessed a certain group in the app, you can type a message and all other members of that group will be able to see your message. I started down the road of mobile push (APNS, C2DM, etc) but thought there had to be a better way. I only want the messages coming in if the app is actually running anyway, so the important part of mobile push is not important in this case. But I of course don't want to poll either.
So I started looking into XMPP and it seems like the right solution, but I'm new to this technology. I don't want the user to have to already have, or create some online IM presence with some service of his choice. I'd like to just have a "Username" pref in the mobile app and that's all he ever needs to do.
So that's where I really need some help. Can I programatically create a chat room somewhere and ids for the users of the group? Would I need to host my own XMPP server (which I understand will not work with GAE).
Or am I just of course altogether than there's a better solution?
Thanks very much for any help.
I use as a back-end for my application. It has built-in Chat module based on XMPP and also a Messages module which can help you to send cross platform pushes to iOS, Android and WP7.
By the way, chat module supports groups in MUC (multi user chat) and they also have a sample to integrate the chat into our app.
Check there is free plan (5 users) at least you can test it.
Regarding XMPP implementation, you can do what you want but you will need to run your own xmpp server
I don't know if GAE support extension I can't help you here.
Hope this help a little bit.
even the question is little bit old i think this will be useful for other techbees.. :)
You can use Quickblox as your server with registering with them they have different plans for users including free plans.
Also if you want you can maintain your own server.
aSmack is good library for implementing XMPP for android. You can get both the jar and source from the aSmack site. just google it.
But from my own experience its a little bit tough to implement the Multi user Chat..

What sort of programming environment is the Pyxis/Verivo Mobile system?

I just heard that a company I do work for may be bringing in the Pyxis Mobile application development system. When I google it most of what I find is from the company's web site and that is not very informative from a geek perspective. Can any one shed some light on what sort of programming environment it is and what programing language is involved (please let there be a text based language). Any additional information would be great.
Note: the company/product changed their name to Verivo in January.
Full Disclosure - I work as an engineer at Pyxis Mobile. However, I have been in the mobile space for 7+ years and have evaluated several approaches to mobile so hopefully this is helpful.
Pyxis Mobile provides a set of tools and components to build cross platform mobile applications. Let me outline them first.
1. Application Studio - All application development, backend integration, user provisioning and application maintenance/debugging is done w/in this tool. Application Studio (for now) is a Windows based desktop app.
2. Application Clients - Pyxis Mobile provides native client runtimes for iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry, and Android devices. These runtimes get branded for the customer through a build service and are primed to point to a specific Application Server URL.
3. Application Server - Pyxis Mobile App Server runs on the .NET stack (on IIS). All client communication is proxied via this server. This server is able to connect to varied of backend systems (via the Plugin Framework listed below) and respond to the client in a mobile optimized manner. This server needs a SQL Server (2005 or newer) for configuration access, session management, logging and more.
4. Plugin Framework - The Plugin Framework is a backend component that provides system specific pre-built access to several of the enterprise and cloud based systems (Oracle, Siebel, SAP,, social feeds, REST/SOAP web services, etc.) and also offers an API layer in .NET and Python (using IronPython) to allow even further customization. A plugin is essentially comprised of one or more DLLs or a Python file. These assets are then dynamically loaded to normalize communication between Pyxis Mobile and the customers' backend systems.
5. Push Services - This provides a cross-platform push layer that can poll a backend system for change and alert a mobile device via BlackBerry Push, Apple Push Notification Services (APNS) or Android's Cloud to Deice Messaging (C2DM).
6. OverWatch Analytics - This is an optional (but included) component to track users/devices and provide integrated analytics on what the users are using and what kind of devices and locales makes up your users.
The application itself is "coded" via configuration that is build in App Studio. Pyxis Mobile abstracts away from the code so that you can work at a higher level without having to worry about the wide array of device variances (GPS, touch screens, camera, accelerometer, push, screen resolution, etc.). You can drag fields onto a from, connect screens via menus or buttons, set up caching rules and more in this graphical utility. This configuration (essentially think of an XML like document) is interpreted by the native client layer to produce a rich application. There is also a scripting layer in Lua that allows to really customize behavior via code.
The real value of Pyxis Mobile comes up when you have change to make. The clients check for new configuration at app startup or if the server forces the client to get new configuration. This gives you great agility. Lets say once your application is deployed you want start using the swipe gesture to go next/prev through a set of records. This change on other platforms would mean writing some platform specific code to trap and interpret the swipe to perform a navigation (you couldn't trap a swipe on a non-touch screen). However, in Pyxis Mobile this is a simple configuration change that can be quickly deployed to the App Server and the clients automatically download and use the new configuration. No compilation, no redeployment or re-download for the end users.
I could keep going, but hope this provides some level of guidance.
Beware of Pyxis Mobile. While many of the things they say do work, there are some serious platform issues (as a geek) which I've experienced.
1) No version control system process. The Application studio can basically only be developed on by one person at a time or you risk having your changes overwritten by a fellow developer. The "principle of last save" is very much in play.
2) No unit test coverage. This isn't the biggest issue for a lot of people, but it's a concern for anyone who wants to work in the Enterprise world.
3) The middleware server gets you some value, but it's also a PITA to work with. There is no concept of "client side storage" unless you consider the middleware server the client side. If your phone goes out of coverage, your app won't work. Again, this might not be an issue for you.
4) The application has no true scripting language to work with. The middleware server allows you to intercept requests and responses and modify what you're doing there, but it's not the most elegant solution considering that a native application can have something as simple as "if this then X else Y." This can be accomplished with Pyxis, but the whole process is convoluted and more complicated than one would think it needs to be.
5) Lack of documentation. There's some training guides and the GUI is easy enough to get around for simple apps; however, when you need to do something with guts, you're left relying on Pyxis professional services. There's really no developer community to pose questions to.
I have more complaints, but they are more opinion oriented than Q/A oriented.
I just got note about the most recent comments. I don't want to turn this into a thread of back and forth, but did want to throw a couple of quick notes.
Regarding the points on version control and documentation/developer community - no big contest there. We are definitely working on these shortcommings. We have some basic pieces in place, but we have big plans to focus on this.
Regarding unit testing - we provide a very open interface to our middleware and backend components and they can be very easily unit tested with a bit of instrumentation. We run a ton of unit and integration tests internally. However, mobile unit testing is extremely difficult to get right. We'll investigate this further.
Regarding #4 around middleware and offline capabilities - things are a lot different now. With version 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 our products have increasing become more capabale offline and now features a secure local database if necessary. I can provide more details as necessary, but you can certainly login and operate the app even if you are out of coverage for weeks at a time!
Regarding #5, we've had a scripting engine for over 2 years. Its Lua based and its actually quite powerful and fast. It was BlackBerry only till the most recent release. Given Apple's change of stance on allowing scripting we now allow scripting on BlackBerry, iPad, iPhone and Android as well now!
#RockMeetHardplace - feel free to reach out to me directly and I'll be happy to give you more detailed live demos of our latest platform. I am at - arunSPAMNOTatpyxismobiledotcom (drop the "SPAMNOT" and replace the at and dot). I happen to be the Director of Software and interested in knowing more about the issues you had.

Suggestions for WPF & WCF projects

I am trying to work on a home project so I can get some practice working on WPF & WCF applications. Can anyone give out suggestions on a sample WPF and or WCF applications that I can develop?
A project I was thinking about was to help regulate my teenage son's internet usage.
Windows has a UI-based tool to control logon times. A WPF front-end would be nice to duplicate or improve on that tool, but use it to set network usage times. This way, kids could do school work (not prohibited from logging on their computer) but not be distracted by facebook.
The WCF portion would be a WCF service on your computer and WCF client on the kids' computers. The kids' computers would periodically check for restriction updates. If network access is current OFF, then the client (on the kids' computer) would turn off the network adapters (both ethernet and Wifi), turn them on every few minutes to check for updates, then turn them off again.
Just define a data contract for whatever structure/class you want to represent usage, and the service would have an operation contract with a single call, like:
interface INetworkControl
NetworkRestriction GetNetworkRestriction();
Maybe it would need more; that would be up to you (i.e., pass the computer name as a parameter, or perhaps logged on user if you wanted to control by user, who knows).
Maybe a peer to peer program ?
Not sure...I learned the 2 technologies by writing a facebook API based on WCF and writing a WPF frontend to browse the albums of my friends. My reasoning was that if WCF can do form-encoded POSTs with bare XML responses then it should be up for a lot of things.
I have bought an excellent program/tutorial here :
I includes a program where WCF services are consumed by WPF (as well as by Windows Forms and a ASP.NET website).
It's about design patterns basically, but using services as datasupplier is a design pattern too of course.
(for the record : I really am not advertising for this company :-))
I think this might give you plenty ideas for your own programs, and if the aim is getting to know both technologies, it would be an excellent choice.

Silverlight and push notifications

I am creating a Silverlight 2 user interface to a remote instrument. There are two concurrent users at different sites interacting with the instrument (operator at the instrument and remote scientist) and any number of observer users not interacting with it, just watching. However, whenever one of the two active users changes something these changes must be immediately reflected in the UIs of all users, e.g. panning or zooming an image or annotating or selecting part of an image, adding items to a collection displayed in a listbox. Within the client I use observable collections which easily reflect changes made by that user, but it is harder seeing changes made by another user. I can poll for changes from each client but something like push notifications would be better. I have extensively Googled for examples but not found anything which is quite what I need. There are all sorts of security issues with Silverlight interacting with WCF services which mean many potential examples just don't work. I have essentially run out of time on this project and need help fast. Does anyone have any suggestion of a suitable simple example which illustrates how to do this? I am an experienced developer but have had to teach myself Silverlight and WCF services and there is noone in my area who knows anything about these. Even tho' I have done a fair amount of ASP.NET work I am not a web/Javascript guru. Thanks.
Push notification is supported in Silverlight 2 using the new WCF PollingDuplexHttpBinding support. There are two assemblies installed with the Silverlight SDK (one for Silverlight app one for WCF server).
I have a few blog posts and a full sample application that demonstrate how to 'push' Stock updates from a Console Application server that self-hosts a WCF service to connected clients. It also shows how each client can add notes against a Stock and have those notes synchronized (pushed from server) to all other connected clients.
The latest version of the sample (Part 4) shows how to synchronize pushed updates between both Silverlight and WPF clients using two server endpoints as follows:
using System;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Description;
namespace StockServer
public class StockServiceHost : ServiceHost
public StockServiceHost(object singletonInstance, params Uri[] baseAddresses)
: base(singletonInstance, baseAddresses)
public StockServiceHost(Type serviceType, params Uri[] baseAddresses)
: base(serviceType, baseAddresses)
protected override void InitializeRuntime()
new WebHttpBinding(),
new Uri("http://localhost:10201/")).Behaviors.Add(new WebHttpBehavior());
new PollingDuplexHttpBinding(),
new Uri("http://localhost:10201/SilverlightStockService"));
new WSDualHttpBinding(WSDualHttpSecurityMode.None),
new Uri("http://localhost:10201/WpfStockService"));
WPF clients connect to the WSDualHttpBinding endpoint and Silverlight clients connect to the PollingDuplexHttpBinding endpoint of the same WCF service. The app also shows how to handle the Silverlight client access policy requirements.
Clients (Silverlight or WPF) can add notes against a Stock in their UI and these notes propagate back to the server to be pushed to all other clients. This demonstrates communication in either direction and hopefully performs all of the necessary communication required for your app.
You can see a screenshot of the demo application running here.
Not that am pushing Flex in fan boy fashion, but matter of factly this is the kind of architecture we build into all our Flex-based applications routinely. Here is what we do on Flex - no doubt it could be suitably translated to Silverlight:
We take three ingredients and integrate them together to accomplish this capability:
Comet pattern (an HTTP compatible way to do server push notifications - look on Wikipedia for more info)
JMS messaging topics (publish/subscriber queues)
The Adobe BlazeDS servlet
The latter item implements the Comet pattern, supports AMF object marshaling (Adobe's binary serialization format for ActionScript3 objects), and bridges to a JMS queue or topic. When bridging to a topic, then multiple Flex clients running in a browser can be proxied in as subscribers to a JMS topic. So if any client publishes a message (or the server-side code publishes into the topic), all client subscribers will have the message pushed to them via BlazeDS and the Comet Pattern implementation.
Effectively you need to locate or write a component that accomplishes what BlazeDS does. You might also need to implement some client code that interacts with the Comet pattern of this server-side component.
Does WCF support the Comet Pattern and bi-directional messaging? Especially where complies to HTTP and port 80 or port 443 for SSL. Looks like you've already looked into that and not found anything for bi-directional messaging. So you may need to roll your sleeves up and do some coding.
Some things to note about doing server push to a web app:
BlazeDS supports two primary modes of implementing the Comet pattern (there's actually a 3rd polling option but am ignoring it):
HTTP streaming
The long-polling one you should find to be more universally supportable to most web browsers. So you might streamline to just supporting that initially. Or you could spend the time to make your client code try HTTP streaming first and switch to long-polling if necessary.
As to a message broker that can provide publish/suscribe capatibility, you might consider using ActiveMQ JMS. It is open source and free with active community support (you can buy support too). Plus you can use NMS to integrate as a .NET client.
Having a message broker sitting in the middle-tier is actually important because it will be a place for messages to be placed safely. If your clients are doing long-polling, you wouldn't want them to miss any new message during an interval when they're not actually connected.
Another thing to consider in high traffic volume scenarios (hundreds or thousands of clients, such as a web site on the Internet), you need to have an approach to the Comet Pattern that is scalable.
In the Flex/Java world, the BlazeDS servlet (which is open source) has been modified to work with asynchronous model. In Java a socket listener can be built to use NIO channels and Java Concurrency Executor thread pools. The Tomcat web server has a NIO listener and support for asynchronous Servlet 3.0 events. BlazeDS in particular has been modified, though, to work with the Jetty web server. The bottom line is that the scalability of this asynchronous approach means a single physical web server can be enhanced to support up to around 20,000 concurrent Comet-style client connections.
It's been a while since I've done serious .NET programming but used to the io capabilities were much like Java 1.1 except with an asynchronous result handler capability. This, though, is not the same thing as creating asynchronous socket listeners via Java NIO channels. A NIO channel implementation can support hundreds to thousands of socket connections with a relatively small thread pool. But C# and .NET has gone through two or three significant revs - perhaps there have been new io capabilities added that are comparable to NIO channels.
I just wanted to clarify that the PollingDuplexHttpBinding doesn't implement 'true' push notifications, as reveals its name (polling). From the msdn documentation:
When configured with this binding, the Silverlight client periodically polls the service on the network layer, and checks for any new messages that the service wants to send on the callback channel. The service queues all messages sent on the client callback channel and delivers them to the client when the client polls the service.
However it is more efficient than the traditional way of polling a web service, since after each poll, the server will keep the channel open for a certain time (say 1 minute), and if a message arrives in that time it will directly 'push' the message to the client. The client has to repeatedly renew its connection, it so to say polls the service.
If you want to implement real push notifications with silverlight I believe you need to work with sockets, and I recommend reading some of Dan Wahlin's blog posts on the subject.
if you want a native silverlight API with no proxies, bridges or webservers involved you could use Nirvana from my-Channels as your messaging middleware. Check out Nirvana from my-Channels and their showcase site. (sorry i am a new user and cant submit links):
EDIT: it's actually working fine. I got badly bitten by the "hidden variable" in a closure :(
I used the PollingDuplex for SL2 and I think that it's not ready for production yet.
My main issue is the fact that it doesn't discriminate on the clients on the same machine. If I run 2 clients then one of them won't be able to poll the server anymore and will die of timeout. There is a SessionId that is different for the 2 clients but it's just ignored on the client side.
Likewise, if I kill a client and then create a new one afterwards then the new client will get the push updates from the previous client for a while.
Did anyone encounter the same issues or are they fixed in SL3?
Actually I ran some more demo codes and realised that for some reason you have to specify the InstanceContextMode and InstanceMode so that the service is session based and not a singleton (as far as I can tell). There are clear performance issues in the simple demo code that I pulled.
It is quite unfortunate that this behaviour wasn't documented.
My organization found the Silverlight 2.0/WCF push implementation to be a little "not ready for prime time", at least for what we were planning to use it for.
We ended up going with XMPP/Jabber, because it is a more well formed beast, and you can implement it fairly easily in Silverlight, by just getting some resources off the internet.
I do believe that Silverlight 3.0 will implement a newer/more well formed push implementation, from what I can tell from publicly available information.
The PollingDuplexHttpBinding is probably the most elegant way to do it.
One possilby less involved alternative is to use a TCP socket from your Silverlight client. Whenever one of the Silverlight clients needs to have an update pushed you can send it a TCP message which contains the name of the WCF service it needs to call or some other light weight piece of information.
I use this approach for an application and it works well.
One much simpler and more powerful solution at the site
