Read a value from a .xls file using .bat files - batch-file

I just want to know if there could be any way by which we can read a value from an .xls file using a .bat file.
For eg:If i have an .xls named test.xls which is having two columns
namely 'EID' and then 'mail ID'.Now when we give the input to the .xls the EID should extract the mail id which corresponds to the EID and echo the result out.
**EID** **MailID**
So by the above table,when i give the input to the xls file using my .bat file as E22222,it should read the corresponding mail ID as and it should echo the value.
So i hope i am able to present my doubt.Please get back to me for more clarifications.
Thanks and regards

There is no facility to do this directly with traditional .bat files. However, you might investigate PowerShell, which is designed to be able to do this sort of thing. PowerShell integrates well with existing Windows applications (such as Excel) and may provide the tools you need to do this easily.
A quick search turned up this example of reading Excel files from PowerShell.

You can't do this directly from a batch file. Furthermore, to manipulate use Excel files in scripting you need Excel to be installed.
What you can do is wrap the Excel-specific stuff in a VBScript and call that from your batch.

You can do it with Alacon - command-line utility for Alasql database.
It works with Node.js, so you need to install Node.js and then Alasql package:
To take data from Excel file you can use the following command:
> node alacon "SELECT VALUE [mail ID] FROM XLS('mydata.xls', {headers:true})
WHERE EID = ?" "E2222"
Fist parameter is a SQL-expresion, which read data from XLSX file with header and search data
for second parameter value: "E22222". The command returns mail ID value.

This will be hard (very close to impossible) in BAT, especially when using the original XLS file, but even after an export to CSV it will be much easier to use a script/programming language (Perl, C, whatever) to do this.


How to Extract .owl and save to mysql

I have a file ontobible.owl. how to extract that file and then save data to mysql (because I want display data from ontobible.owl in website). can anyone help me?
here is my ontobible.owl file (
i've try open ontobible.owl with sublime text 3 and contains like this
<Verse rdf:about="">
<verse_text>And the revolters are profound to make slaughter, though I have been a rebuker of them all.</verse_text>
<Verse rdf:about="">
<hasPerson rdf:resource=""/>
<hasPerson rdf:resource=""/>
<verse_text>And Solomon determined to build an house for the name of the LORD, and an house for his kingdom.</verse_text>
how to convert that xml tag to array or json so I cant save it to mysql database
you have several options for extracting data from owl
use owl-api and write java code (i think owl api is accessible in other languages) to extract data and pack it in the format you need. also you can use sparql queries for extracting data via jena api
install protege, open your file in protege and save it in format json-dl. this format is very similar to the regular json and you can easily transform it for your needs
install fuseki server, add your file and using sparql queries extract data from there
i think that the second option is the easiest for start if you don't want to write queries or code and it won't take long

How download more than 100MB data into csv from snowflake's database table

Is there a way to download more than 100MB of data from Snowflake into excel or csv?
I'm able to download up to 100MB through the UI, clicking the 'download or view results button'
You'll need to consider using what we call "unload", a.k.a. COPY INTO LOCATION
which is documented here:
Other options might be to use a different type of client (python script or similar).
I hope this helps...Rich
Using the unload (COPY INTO LOCATION) isn't quite as overwhelming as it may appear to be, and if you can use the snowSQL client (instead of the webUI) you can "grab" the files from what we call an "INTERNAL STAGE" fairly easily, example as follows.
COPY INTO #my_temp_stage/output_filex
FROM (select * FROM databaseNameHere.SchemaNameHere.tableNameHere)
ls #my_temp_stage;
GET #my_temp_stage file:///tmp/ ;
This example:
Creates a temporary stage object in Snowflake, which will be discarded when you close your session.
Takes the results of your query and loads them into one (or more) csv files in that internal temporary stage, depending on size of your output. Notice how I didn't create another database object called a "FILE FORMAT", it's considered a best practice to do so, but you can do these one off extracts without creating that separate object if you don't mind having the command be so long.
Lists the files in the stage, so you can see what was created.
Pulls the files down using the GET, in this case this was run on my mac and the file(s) were placed in /tmp, if you are using Windoz you will need to modify a little bit.

using pg_read_file read file in desktop PostgreSQL

I wanted to how to read a file in my desk top using pg_read_file in PostgreSQL
pg_read_file(filename text [, offset bigint, length bigint])
my query
select pg_read_file('/root/desktop/new.txt' , 0 , 1000000);
ERROR: absolute path not allowed
pg_read_file can read the files only from the data directory path, if you would like to know your data directory path use:
SHOW data_directory;
I think that you can resolve you problem by looking to this post
If you're using psql you can use \lo_import to create a large object from a local file.
The pg_read_file tool only allows reads from server-side files.
To read the content of a file from PostgreSQL you can use this.
CREATE TABLE demo(t text);
COPY demo from '[FILENAME]';
Each text-line in a SQL-ROW. Useful for temporary transfers.
lo_import(file path) will generate an oid.This may solve your problem. you can import any type of file using this (even image)

How to view 'data' file which is included by .odb database file?

I am trying to extract the data from .odb database file. For this, at first I unzipped the .odb file and then tried to read 'data' file came from this unzipped. But I guess there is an encoding problem during the reading process. I get some meaningless symbols. As far I search, this file could be a binary file. By the way, I can not see the extension of the 'data' file. I wonder how to read file to exract data?
i'm brazilian, and i saw this question without a answer.
i'm python user and i did this:
try to open the file that contains database *.odb
___________________________a file.py________________________
import sys, zipfile
myfile = zipfile.ZipFile(yourfile.odb)
listoffiles = myfile.infolist()
for s in listoffiles:
if s.orig_filename == "database/data":
print(bh.decode("utf-8", "ignore"))
my table is very simple, but it may help.
I've found this jointing parts from several websites.
as you see, an odb file is simply a zipped file that contains a xml file that contains a table information "content.xml" but only table information.
the content of database is in database/data. the values are stored here. you can decode with decode on python.
thanks to too, were i found some scripts

components of an SPSS project

I have given some data in an excel sheet to a 3rd party for SPSS data processing. After completion of the processing, what are the files that I should get back from them.
I have received one file with a ".sav" extension. I presume this file contains the imported data (from my excel file).
I have received documents (.rtf - rich text format) with the chart and graphs only. Is there something else I need to get so that I can use the files later on for further analysis.
Thanks in advance
V Karthick
Yes, the ".sav" extension is the data file. You should also request the syntax file(s), ".sps" extension. The syntax file is a record of all data transformations which have been performed and allows you to review their work. The syntax file can be opened with notepad or any text editor.
