initialize a variable statically (at compile time) - c

1) I've got many constants in my C algo.
2) my code works both in floating-point and fixed-point.
Right now, these constants are initialized by a function, float2fixed, whereby in floating-point it does nothing, while in fixed-point, it finds their fixed-point representation. For instance, 0.5f stays 0.5f if working in floating-point, whereas it uses the pow() routine and becomes 32768 if working in fixed-point and the fixed-point representation is Qx.16.
That's easy to maintain, but it takes a lot of time actually to compute these constants in fixed-point (pow is a floatin-point function). In C++, I'd use some meta-programming, so the compiler computes these values at compile-time, so there's no hit at run-time. But in C, thats not possible. Or is it? Anybody knows of such a trick? Is any compiler clever enough to do that?
Looking forward to any answers.

Rather than using (unsigned)(x*pow(2,16)) to do your fixed point conversion, write it as (unsigned)(0.5f * (1 << 16))
This should be an acceptable as a compile-time constant expression since it involves only builtin operators.

When using fixed-point, can you write a program that takes your floating point values and converts them into correct, constant initializers for the fixed point type, so you effectively add a step to the compilation that generates the fixed point values.
One advantage of this will be that you can then define and declare your constants with const so that they won't change at run-time - whereas with the initialization functions, of course, the values have to be modifiable because they are calculated once.
I mean write a simple program that can scan for formulaic lines that might read:
const double somename = 3.14159;
it would read that and generate:
const fixedpoint_t somename = { ...whatever is needed... };
You design the operation to make it easy to manage for both notations - so maybe your converter always reads the file and sometimes rewrites it.
datafile.c: datafile.constants converter
converter datafile.constants > datafile.c

In plain C, there's not much you can do. You need to do the conversion at some point, and the compiler doesn't give you any access to call interesting user-provided functions at compile time. Theoretically, you could try to coax the preprocessor to do it for you, but that's the quick road to total insanity (i.e. you'd have to implement pow() in macros, which is pretty hideous).
Some options I can think of:
Maintain a persistent cache on disk. At least then it'd only be slow once, though you still have to load it, make sure it's not corrupt, etc.
As mentioned in another comment, use template metaprogramming anyway and compile with a C++ compiler. Most C works just fine (arguably better) with a C++ compiler.
Hmm, I guess that's about all I can think of. Good luck.

Recent versions of GCC ( around 4.3 ) added the ability to use GMP and MPFR to do some compile-time optimisations by evaluating more complex functions that are constant. That approach leaves your code simple and portable, and trust the compiler to do the heavy lifting.
Of course, there are limits to what it can do, and it would be hard to know if it's optimizing a given instance without going and looking at the assembly. But it might be worth checking out. Here's a link to the description in the changelog


why math.h have pow() return double and not int

Out of curiosity I know pow() returns double
Is there any particular reason why math.h has this API with double as argument and return value.
If I have a case where I need an int as the return value I would write my own API as shown below. Why does math.h doesn't have an API something like this and have double pow(double,double);
or Is there one for this? If the answer is too obvious let me know I will delete the question. I couldn't figure out the reason behind this.
int i = pow1(2,4);
int pow1(int i,int j)
int k = 1;
k = k*i;
return k;
I would consider the following arguments:
The C standard library is already quite large, and every extra function has a cost; providing a single pow function which can (at least in principle) treat both floating-points and integers means less functions, which is a good thing;
The int version is sufficiently simple (modulo overflows and exceptional cases) that someone may code their own if necessary, so it is not felt as an absolute necessity (there are several other similar functions which might also have been provided in the standard library, but probably for similar reasons have not been included);
How to deal with overflow? IEEE-754 already specifies how to deal with all those nasty exceptional cases for floating-points, but for integers you would have to choose yourself: use errno? Limit the input argument? Provide no guarantees about overflow whatsoever? Should there be a version for each integer type? Or simply one that returns long? If so, then surely people would complain about the lack of an int version, and a short version as well...
One of the arguably most useful cases of pow for integers is when the base is 2, in which case shifts might be more efficient. Trying to provide an efficient function that detects such cases (otherwise, people would start arguing whether one should use shifts or call ipow, and then more discussion would ensue...), and also when the base is 4, or 8, or 1, or 0, etc., becomes a real issue for the library developer.
In the end, this hypothetical ipow function would either have an extremely verbose and over-specified description (mentioning performance aspects), or it would lack visibility: should a developer reliably expect their ipow function to be optimized for special cases? The user might end up coding their own version to have a better understanding of its behavior, and since this is a relatively simple function, different implementations would abound.
All in all, from the point of view of the user, int pow() seems lacking, but from the point of view of the library developers and maintainers, it is yet another burden that they might not be willing to undertake, for a benefit which is arguably quite limited.
It is even possible that early versions of the library considered including it, then after some discussion realized that it had several shortcomings, and decided to remove it from the API.
Anol's answer is very on-point and I believe is the most correct assessment as to why int pow() is not a part of the standard library, however I would like to amend it with another possibility.
The most useful aspect of the pow function is the ability to correctly (at least as far as floating point arithmetic is concerned) perform exponentiation to non-integer powers. This type of behavior is non-trivial to implement using integer math, let alone floating point math. Rather than asking library implementors to write both an integer exponentiation routine and a floating point exponentiation routine, they decided to ask for the more useful of the two. It also helps that the x87 instruction set, as well as many other FPU instruction sets, provides built-in floating point exponentiation instructions to make the implementation on the software side trivial.
C also doesn't have any notion of exceptions, and no language-level global state that could expose things like CPU flags. This would make overflow detection in an int pow() implementation difficult to provide. In the case of double pow(), it can just return a non-signalling NaN or Infinity in the case of exceptional circumstances. However there is no notion of NaN or Infinity in the integer world.
In the case of an exception, the program could do one of the following:
Overflow Silently
Change an integer whose pointer was provided to the function by the caller
Change some global state like errno
Provide a sister function int pow_overflow_check() that can be used to boilerplate the call
None of these are desirable. The first two options would lead to hard-to-diagnose logic errors in possibly unrelated areas of a program. The third one would provide an annoying and cumbersome barrier to the use of the function. The fourth one would ruin any sort of reentrancy guarantee. The fifth option would make the entire program grind to a halt. The sixth option would work well, but would also bloat the standard more, and make the function more cumbersome to use like in the third option.
Further, just like others have stated, exponentiation to an integer power, especially if the base is 2, is trivial to implement. A first year compsci student with a basic understanding of math should be able to formulate a correct implementation that could suit most use cases.
The original C language was aimed squarely at assembly programmers, and this is one of the symptoms of that. A very common theme in the language spec is that the language library should only provide things that are either impossible to implement in-language in a portable manner, or extremely non-trivial to implement purely in-language, especially when there are commonly available CPU/FPU instructions that can do it for you.
It's probably a decision to keep old standards simple. Although newer standards have included similar functions, there was never a function of your liking implemented using simple int argument or return values with the intent of preventing overflow issues as other answers here have presented. Quoting
double pow (double base , double exponent);
float powf (float base , float exponent);
long double powl (long double base, long double exponent);
Why isn't int pow(int base, int exponent) in the standard C++ libraries?
For example the C99 rationale document specifically carries forward
two of the C89 guiding principles which limit what can be added:
Keep the language small and simple.
Provide only one way to do an operation.
Credits to the original author of the best answer in that topic. That topic might answer your question in its entirety, I believe.

FORTRAN and C interoperability - can REAL(4)s be too small?

We've been having some weird crashes in some Intel FORTRAN code, and I eventually tracked the line down to:
Where the -L_B2*L_BETASQ*L_DS term evaluated to approximately -230. As it happens, EXP(-230) evaluates to about 1e-100. In all other known cases, L_DS is much smaller, resulting in the smallest (known) return from EXP being about 1e-50, which does not cause an error.
As soon as FORTRAN evaluates the clause EXP(-230), you get:
forrtl: severe (157): Program Exception - access violation
Image PC Routine Line Source
But no other information.
Exception 157 is generally concerned with interoperability, and you cannot debug into EXP in FORTRAN as it cannot find a particular .c file - which presumably means that EXP is implemented in C (which I find surprising).
My hypothesis is that FORTRAN has implemented EXP in C, but the interface cannot translate floats which are smaller than 1e-100 into REAL(4)s. As I had previously believed floats and REAL(4)s to be byte-wise identical, I cannot back this hypothesis up - and I cannot find anything anywhere about it.
Before I close this bug down, can anyone confirm or deny my hypothesis - or provide me with another?
Best regards,
EDIT: I'm going to mark this question as answered, as High Performance Mark has answered the immediate question.
My hypothesis is unfortunately incorrect - I've tried to trap the problem doing this:
IF (L_ARG .GT. 230.0) THEN
L_F = 0.0
Unfortunately, the exception now (apparently) occurs in the L_ARG .GT. 230.0 clause. This either means that the debugging in Release mode is worse than I thought, or it's some sort of 'stored up' floating point error (see "Floating-point invalid operation" when inputting float to a stringstream).
Fortran hasn't (necessarily) implemented anything in C. The implementation of standard intrinsics is compiler-specific; it is common to find that implementations call libm or one of its relatives. From Intel's (or any other compiler writer's) point of view this makes sense, write one robust and fast implementation of exp in whatever language takes your fancy and call it from Fortran, C, Ada, COBOL, and all the other languages you've ever heard of. It may even be sensible to write it in C. Part of your hypothesis may, therefore, be correct.
However, unless you are explicitly writing C code and Fortran code and making a single binary from it there's not really any interoperability (in the Fortran standard sense) going on, all the dirty details of that are (or should be) hidden from you; the compiler ought to generate correct calls to whatever libraries it uses to implement exp and get the return values whatever they may be including NaNs and similar.
Certainly, the value of exp(-230) is 0.00000000 for a 4-byte real but I see no reason why a Fortran program which uses a library written in C should raise an access violation because it comes across those numbers. I think it is far more likely that you have an error elsewhere in your program, perhaps trying to access an array element outside the bounds of the array, and that your run-time fails to identify it at the right location in the source code. This is not uncommon.
I wrote this stuff about interoperability before (re-)reading the question. Now that you've clarified that you are using interoperability features, it may be of interest or use ...
You can certainly not depend on your Fortran's real(4) and your C's float being identical; it is very likely but not certain. Most of the modern Fortran compilers (including Intel's) use kind type parameters which match the number of bytes in their representation, so the code 4 indicates that you are dealing with a 4-byte real which, on an IEEE-754 compliant processor, should be the same as a C float. The Fortran standards do not require any correspondence between those kind type parameters and the number of bytes used to represent a number. It's always worth checking your compiler documentation or doing some tests.
If you are concerned about interoperability you should probably be using Fortran's intrinsic features. For example if you
use :: iso_c_binding
you have available a number of constants including C_FLOAT which can be used like this:
real(C_FLOAT) :: a_fortran_float
If your Fortran compiler supports this then a_fortran_float should match a C float on a companion processor. This last term is left somewhat undefined, in practice compilers from the same stable seem always to be companions, for different stables sometimes yes sometimes no. The Intel Fortran and C and C++ compilers seem to be companions in the required sense. It would not surprise me to learn that the Intel Fortran and MS C++ compilers do not play nicely together.
My vague recollections of C include an uncertainty that float is standardised, in which case you can't be sure, without testing or reading the documentation, that you really do have a 4-byte IEEE single-precision floating-point number on that side of your interoperation either.

Are there well-known "profiles" of the C standard?

I write C code that makes certain assumptions about the implementation, such as:
char is 8 bits.
signed integral types are two's complement.
>> on signed integers sign-extends.
integer division rounds negative quotients towards zero.
double is IEEE-754 doubles and can be type-punned to and from uint64_t with the expected result.
comparisons involving NaN always evaluate to false.
a null pointer is all zero bits.
all data pointers have the same representation, and can be converted to size_t and back again without information loss.
pointer arithmetic on char* is the same as ordinary arithmetic on size_t.
functions pointers can be cast to void* and back again without information loss.
Now, all of these are things that the C standard doesn't guarantee, so strictly speaking my code is non-portable. However, they happen to be true on the architectures and ABIs I'm currently targeting, and after careful consideration I've decided that the risk they will fail to hold on some architecture that I'll need to target in the future is acceptably low compared to the pragmatic benefits I derive from making the assumptions now.
The question is: how do I best document this decision? Many of my assumptions are made by practically everyone (non-octet chars? or sign-magnitude integers? on a future, commercially successful, architecture?). Others are more arguable -- the most risky probably being the one about function pointers. But if I just list everything I assume beyond what the standard gives me, the reader's eyes are just going to glaze over, and he may not notice the ones that actually matter.
So, is there some well-known set of assumptions about being a "somewhat orthodox" architecture that I can incorporate by reference, and then only document explicitly where I go beyond even that? (Effectively such a "profile" would define a new language that is a superset of C, but it might not acknowledge that in so many words -- and it may not be a pragmatically useful way to think of it either).
Clarification: I'm looking for a shorthand way to document my choices, not for a way to test automatically whether a given compiler matches my expectations. The latter is obviously useful too, but does not solve everything. For example, if a business partner contacts us saying, "we're making a device based on Google's new G2015 chip; will your software run on it?" -- then it would be nice to be able to answer "we haven't worked with that arch yet, but it shouldn't be a problem if it has a C compiler that satisfies such-and-such".
Clarify even more since somebody has voted to close as "not constructive": I'm not looking for discussion here, just for pointers to actual, existing, formal documents that can simplify my documentation by being incorporated by reference.
I would introduce a STATIC_ASSERT macro and put all your assumptions in such asserts.
Unfortunately, not only is there a lack of standards for a dialect of C that combines the extensions which have emerged as de facto standards during the 1990s (two's-complement, universally-ranked pointers, etc.) but compilers trends are moving in the opposite direction. Given the following requirements for a function:
* Accept int parameters x,y,z:
* Return 0 if x-y is computable as "int" and is less than Z
* Return 1 if x-y is computable as "int" and is not less than Z
* Return 0 or 1 if x-y is not computable */
The vast majority of compilers in the 1990s would have allowed:
int diffCompare(int x, int y, int z)
{ return (x-y) >= z; }
On some platforms, in cases where the difference between x-y was not computable as int, it would be faster to compute a "wrapped" two's-complement value of x-y and compare that, while on others it would be faster to perform the calculation using a type larger than int and compare that. By the late 1990s, however, nearly every C compiler would implement the above code to use one of whichever one of those approaches would have been more efficient on its hardware platform.
Since 2010, however, compiler writers seem to have taken the attitude that if computations overflow, compilers shouldn't perform the calculations in whatever fashion is normal for their platform and let what happens happens, nor should they recognizably trap (which would break some code, but could prevent certain kinds of errant program behavior), but instead they should overflows as an excuse to negate laws of time and causality. Consequently, even if a programmer would have been perfectly happy with any behavior a 1990s compiler would have produced, the programmer must replace the code with something like:
{ return ((long)x-y) >= z; }
which would greatly reduce efficiency on many platforms, or
{ return x+(INT_MAX+1U)-y >= z+(INT_MAX+1U); }
which requires specifying a bunch of calculations the programmer doesn't actually want in the hopes that the optimizer will omit them (using signed comparison to make them unnecessary), and would reduce efficiency on a number of platforms (especially DSPs) where the form using (long) would have been more efficient.
It would be helpful if there were standard profiles which would allow programmers to avoid the need for nasty horrible kludges like the above using INT_MAX+1U, but if trends continue they will become more and more necessary.
Most compiler documentation includes a section that describes the specific behavior of implementation-dependent features. Can you point to that section of the gcc or msvc docs to describe your assumptions?
You can write a header file "document.h" where you collect all your assumptions.
Then, in every file that you know that non-standard assumptions are made, you can #include such a file.
Perhaps "document.h" would not have real sentences at all, but only commented text and some macros.
#ifndef DOCUMENT_H
#define DOCUMENT_H
// [S] 1. Basic assumptions.
// If this file is included in a compilation unit it means that
// the following assumptions are made:
// [1] A char has 8 bits.
// [#]
// [2] IEEE 754 doubles are addopted for type: double.
// ........
// [S] 2. Detailed information
The tags in brackets: [T] [S] [#] [1] [2] stand for:
* [T]: Document Title
* [S]: Section
* [#]: Print the following (non-commented) lines as a code-block.
* [1], [2]: Numbered items of a list.
Now, the idea here is to use the file "document.h" in a different way:
To parse the file in order to convert the comments in "document.h" to some printable document, or some basic HTML.
Thus, the tags [T] [S] [#] etc., are intended to be interpreted by a parser that convert any comment into an HTML line of text (for example), and generate <h1></h1>, <b></b> (or whatever you want), when a tag appears.
If you keep the parser as a simple and small program, this can give you a short hand to handle this kind of documentation.

finding errors in a given c code

I am interested to know on what things I need to concentrate on debugging c code without a debugger. What are the things to look for?
Generally I look for the following:
Check whether correct value and type is being passed to a function.
Look for unallocated and uninitialized variables
Check for function syntax and function is used in right way.
Check for return values
Check for locks are used in the right way.
Check for string termination
Returning a varible in stack memory from a function
Off by one errors
Normal syntax errors
Function declaration errors
Any structured approach is very much appreciated.
Most of these errors will be picked up by passing the appropriate warning flags to the compiler.
However from the original list, points 1, 5, 6, 7, 8 are very much worth checking as a human, some compiler/flag combinations however will pick up on unhandled values, pointers to automatic memory, and off-by-one errors in array indexing etc.
You may want to take a look at such things as mudflap, valgrind, efence and others to catch runtime cases you're unaware of. You might also try splint, to augment your static analysis.
For the unautomated side of things, try statically following the flow of your program for particular cases, especially corner cases, and verify to yourself that it appears to do the right thing. Try writing unit tests/test scripts. Be sure to use some automated checking as discussed above.
If your emphasis is on testing without any test execution, splint might very well be the best place to start. The technique you want to research is called static code analysis.
I recommend trying one of the many static code analyzers. Those that I used personally and can recommend:
cppcheck - free and open-source, has cmd-line program and windows gui
Clang Static Analyzer - Apple's free and open-source, best supported on mac, also built in recent XCode versions
Visual Studio's static checker, only available in Premium and Ultimate (i.e. expensive) versions
Coverity - expensive
If you want more details, you can read an article I wrote on that subject.
A big one you left out is integer overflow. This includes both undefined behavior from overflow of signed expressions, and well-defined but possibly-dangerous behavior of unsigned overflow being reduced mod TYPE_MAX+1. In particular, things like foo=malloc(count*sizeof *foo); can be very dangerous if count came from a potentially untrusted source (like a data file), especially if sizeof *foo is large.
Some others:
mixing of signed and unsigned values in comparisons.
use of functions with locale-specific behavior (e.g. radix character, case mapping, etc.) when well-defined uniform behavior is needed.
use of char when doing anything more than copying values or comparison for equality (otherwise you probably want unsigned char or perhaps in rare cases, signed char).
use of signed expressions with /POWER_OF_2 and %POWER_OF_2 (hint: (-3)%8==-3 but (-3)&7==5).
use of signed division/modulo in general with negative numbers, since C's version of it disagrees with the usual algebraic definition when a negative number is divided by a positive one, and rarely gives the desired result.

optimizing with IEEE floating point - guaranteed mathematical identities?

I am having some trouble with IEEE floating point rules preventing compiler optimizations that seem obvious. For example,
char foo(float x) {
if (x == x)
return 1;
return 0;
cannot be optimized to just return 1 because NaN == NaN is false. Okay, fine, I guess.
However, I want to write such that the optimizer can actually fix stuff up for me. Are there mathematical identities that hold for all floats? For example, I would be willing to write !(x - x) if it meant the compiler could assume that it held all the time (though that also isn't the case).
I see some reference to such identities on the web, for example here, but I haven't found any organized information, including in a light scan of the IEEE 754 standard.
It'd also be fine if I could get the optimizer to assume isnormal(x) without generating additional code (in gcc or clang).
Clearly I'm not actually going to write (x == x) in my source code, but I have a function that's designed for inlining. The function may be declared as foo(float x, float y), but often x is 0, or y is 0, or x and y are both z, etc. The floats represent onscreen geometric coordinates. These are all cases where if I were coding by hand without use of the function I'd never distinguish between 0 and (x - x), I'd just hand-optimize stupid stuff away. So, I really don't care about the IEEE rules in what the compiler does after inlining my function, and I'd just as soon have the compiler ignore them. Rounding differences are also not very important since we're basically doing onscreen drawing.
I don't think -ffast-math is an option for me, because the function appears in a header file, and it is not appropriate that the .c files that use the function compile with -ffast-math.
Another reference that might be of some use for you is a really nice article on floating-point optimization in Game Programming Gems volume 2, by Yossarian King. You can read the article here. It discusses the IEEE format in quite detail, taking into account implementations and architecture, and provides many optimization tricks.
I think that you are always going to struggle to make computer floating-point-number arithmetic behave like mathematical real-number arithmetic, and suggest that you don't for any reason. I suggest that you are making a type error trying to compare the equality of 2 fp numbers. Since fp numbers are, in the overwhelming majority, approximations, you should accept this and use approximate-equality as your test.
Computer integers exist for equality testing of numerical values.
Well, that's what I think, you go ahead and fight the machine (well, all the machines actually) if you wish.
Now, to answer some parts of your question:
-- for every mathematical identity you are familiar with from real-number arithmetic, there are counter examples in the domain of floating-point numbers, whether IEEE or otherwise;
-- 'clever' programming almost always makes it more difficult for a compiler to optimise code than straightforward programming;
-- it seems that you are doing some graphics programming: in the end the coordinates of points in your conceptual space are going to be mapped to pixels on a screen; pixels always have integer coordinates; your translation from conceptual space to screen space defines your approximate-equality function
If you can assume that floating-point numbers used in this module will not be Inf/NaN, you can compile it with -ffinite-math-only (in GCC). This may "improve" the codegen for examples like the one you posted.
You could compare for bitwise equality. Although you might get bitten for some values that are equivalent but bitwise different, it will catch all those cases where you have a true equality as you mentioned. And I am not sure the compiler will recognize what you do and remove it when inlining (which I believe is what you are after), but that can easily be checked.
What happened when you tried it the obvious way and profiled it? or examined the generated asm?
If the function is inlined with values known at the call site, the optimizer has this information available. For example: foo(0, y).
You may be surprised at the work you don't have to do, but at the very least profiling or looking at what the compiler actually does with the code will give you more information and help you figure out where to proceed next.
That said, if you know certain things that the optimizer can't figure out itself, you can write multiple versions of the function, and specify the one you want to call. This is something of a hassle, but at least with inline functions they will all be specified together in one header. It's also quite a bit easier than the next step, which is using inline asm to do exactly what you want.
