Django users and authentication from external source - database

I have a Django app that gets it's data completely from an external source (queried via HTTP). That is, I don't have the option for a local database. Session data is stored in the cache (on my development server I use a SQLite database, so that is no error source). I'm using bleeding edge Django 1.1svn.
Enter the problem: I want to use Django's own authentication system for the users.
It seems quite simple to write my own Authentication Backend, but always just under the condition that you have a local database where to save the users. Without database my main problem is persistence.
I tried it with the following (assume that datasource.get() is a function that returns some kind of dict):
class ModelBackend (object):
"""Login backend."""
def authenticate (self, username=None, password=None):
"""Check, if a given user/password combination is valid"""
data = datasource.get ('login', username, password)
if data and data['ok']:
return MyUser (username=username)
raise TypeError
return None
def get_user (self, username):
"""get data about a specific user"""
data = datasource.get ('userdata', username)
if data and data['ok']:
return data.user
return None
class MyUser (User):
"""Django user who isn't saved in DB"""
def save (self):
return None
But the intentionally missing save() method on MyUser seems to break the session storage of a login.
How should MyUser look like without a local database?

OK, it's much more complicated than I thought. First, start with, but you'll need to extend it with your own backend and user.
from django.contrib.auth.backends import RemoteUserBackend
class MyRemoteUserBackend (RemoteUserBackend):
# Create a User object if not already in the database?
create_unknown_user = False
def get_user (self, user_id):
user = somehow_create_an_instance_of (MyUser, user_id)
return user
def authenticate (self, **credentials):
check_credentials ()
user = somehow_create_an_instance_of (MyUser, credentials)
return user
Then the user:
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class MyUser (User):
def save (self):
"""saving to DB disabled"""
objects = None # we cannot really use this w/o local DB
username = "" # and all the other properties likewise.
# They're defined as model.CharField or similar,
# and we can't allow that
def get_group_permissions (self):
"""If you don't make your own permissions module,
the default also will use the DB. Throw it away"""
return [] # likewise with the other permission defs
def get_and_delete_messages (self):
"""Messages are stored in the DB. Darn!"""
return []
Phew! Django really isn't designed for usage without a database...

Rather than overwriting the save method, you may also disconnect the signal that invokes it. This is what I do in some apps which have read-only access to the user database.
# (for instance)
from django.contrib.auth.models import update_last_login, user_logged_in

grepping the source showed, that the only place is actually called (except for user creation and password management code, which you don't need to use at all) is django.contrib.auth.login(), to update user.last_login value.
# TODO: It would be nice to support different login methods, like signed cookies.
user.last_login =
If you don't want user data to rest in DB, try adding dummy save() method. If I'm right, it should work.
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
Of course, because you have no persistence at all, you should consider caching datasource.get results, otherwise in worst case you may end up querying data again and again on every single logged in user's hit.


How I have to get data that store in database and uses in app of flask?

For example I have app on Flask with Postgresql. I have a some TOKENS and KEYS that stored in table companies. I need to get that tokens and keys in different places of my app. What the right way to do that? Any lazy approach?
Now I use app.config (but don't sure about app_context or before_first_request), for example:
with app.app_context():
if current_user:
app.config["CURRENT_COMPANY_ID"] = current_user.company_id
app.config["YANDEX_TOKEN"] =Company.query.filter_by(id=current_user.company_id).one().yandex_disk_token
or that:
with app.app_context():
if current_user:
g.company_id = current_user.company_id
g.yandex_token =Company.query.filter_by(id=current_user.company_id).one().yandex_disk_token
But that approaches sometimes lead to error that caused by current_user is None, or Company is None etc. And I can't recognize where and how I need store and get that TOKENS and KEY so all the users can use it after they are logged but not before that?
Find out:
It needs to update app.config constants before every user's request done. But if the current_user is not allowed (is None) then it will arise error so to make the current_user to not None we must use decorator #login_manager.request_loader
for example that code is placed in __init__ of app folder, and it solve two problems:
no empty current_user before every request we made to database via ORM.
no one request with empty app.config constants.
def set_config():
app.config['CURRENT_COMPANY_ID'] = current_user.company_id
app.config['YANDEX_TOKEN'] = Company.query.filter_by(id=current_user.company_id).first().yandex_disk_token
def load_user_from_request(request):
user_id = request.headers.get('User-ID')
if user_id:
return UserModel.query.get(user_id)
return None
def before_request():
if current_user.is_authenticated:

How can I manage authorization in GAE using Google Accounts?

So far I have used oauth2 to manage authentication using Google Accounts for my app, which gives me some data to complete a basic profile. The problem is that I now want to manage permissions to view and edit a lot of the content in the app, with different groups of people being able to view/edit different parts of the app.
I want some parts of my application to be accessed by users with permission for A, some for B, C, etc. The way I started doing this was using a decorator in the get and post method of each handler, like this:
class SomeHandler(Handler):
def get(self):
def post(self):
Where #validate_access executes the code in the function only if the user has permission for it, and returning an authorization error if not. This seemed to be a good solution a while back, but since there are many handlers I have to use that decorator everywhere, which is annoying and dangerous, since I may forget to put it in some functions.
Is there a way to put this validations in the initialization of the base handler, so that I don't have to use that decorator everywhere? I imagine something like this:
class BaseHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def initialize(self, request, response):
super(Handler, self).initialize(request, response)
self.user = users.get_current_user()
employee = Employee.query(user_id=self.user.user_id).get()
if employee.auth_level > 3:
#See the content: Do whatever the "get" method of the corresponding handler does.
#Raise authorization error
Or is there a better way to do this? (Sorry if it's a basic question, I've never done this before)
Yes, you can overwrite the webapp2 dispatch handler for this purpose. I used this method to enforce role based access control (RBAC).
Example code:
class BaseHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
""" webapp2 base handler """
def dispatch(self):
# UserAccess aborts if the user does not have permission to use a handler
super(BaseHandler, self).dispatch()
class ExampleHandler(BaseHandler):
def get(self):
I use a config file with the allowed roles for a handler. This file is also used to create the webapp2 routes and the dynamic user menu.

Using webapp2 session as namespace name. How?

I have an application which is school based. Each tenant is a different school and to access the application all users for each school have the same password.
Alongside this each school user has to have a google email if they want access to the application. So the application first checks they are a google user, checks wether they are a school user and finally checks that their google email is in the school user list before they are allowed access to any page.
The school user part is using session data from webapp2 sessions to ensure each request they have appropriate access
class Handler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def dispatch(self):
# Get a session store for this request.
self.session_store = sessions.get_store(request=self.request)
# Dispatch the request.
# Save all sessions.
def session(self):
# Returns a session using the default cookie key.
return self.session_store.get_session()
When a user logins I check the password then create a session which checks their password / user combination every request.
def check_u(self):
uid = self.session.get('user')
parent = self.session.get('school-id')
udl = m.models.User.by_id(int(uid),parent)
if uid and udl:
return udl
return False
except (TypeError,AttributeError):
return False
A parent datastore entity for each different school is used called MetaSchool which I have been currently using to ensure that there is no data leak across schools. Each datastore entry uses this parent session key as a way of setting the datastore entry with MetaSchool as parent then using this session key again to read back this data.
This method works but is onerous. I would like to use namespace as a way of separating the data but would like to use the Metaschool id as the name.
def namespace_manager_default_namespace_for_request():
### Here I need to get ------ parent = self.session.get('school-id')
### use this session to gain the MetaSchool key id
### Set this as the namespace name
Basically trying to emulate from the docs the below scenario
from google.appengine.api import users
def namespace_manager_default_namespace_for_request():
# assumes the user is logged in.
return users.get_current_user().user_id()
I am having difficulty getting the session data from Handler object???
Any thoughts
This is what I came up with.
from google.appengine.api import namespace_manager
from webapp2_extras import sessions
def namespace_manager_default_namespace_for_request():
session = sessions.get_store()
s = session.get_session()
name = s.get('key')
if name:
return name
return namespace_manager.set_namespace('string')

app-engine endpoint method taking user object

I have an endpoint method that requires a user object. Would I do the following? It seems a bit strange since I could get user using endpoints.get_current_user()
#endpoints.method(FriendListRequest, FriendListResponse,
path='scores', http_method='POST',
def friend_list(self, request):
# work would go here
Then the FriendListRequest would be
class FriendListRequest(messages.Message):
user_object = messages.Field(1, required=True)
The reason I need the User object is because I must use the User email to query and find the friends of said user.
To securely authenticate a user, Cloud Endpoints provides simple OAuth 2.0 support. Instead of passing a user object (insecure) in with the request, the request message can be a VoidMessage and you can rely on the Authorization header, which contains the OAuth 2.0 token for the user.
To actually get the current user, you will call endpoints.get_current_user(); this will require adding allowed_client_ids and/or audiences in either the #endpoints.method decorator or the the #endpoints.api method. See the docs for more info.
For example, on the API:
#endpoints.api(name='myapi', ...,
class MyApi(...):
#endpoints.method(message_types.VoidMessage, FriendListResponse,
path='scores', http_method='POST',
def friend_list(self, request):
user = endpoints.get_current_user()
# work would go here
or, on the method:
#endpoints.method(message_types.VoidMessage, FriendListResponse,
path='scores', http_method='POST',
def friend_list(self, request):
user = endpoints.get_current_user()
# work would go here
Create a user object using users and pass the same
A User instance can be also constructed from an email address:
from google.appengine.api import users
user = users.User("A***.j***")

Detecting first time login of user into application (Google Appengine)

My app requires users to login using their google account.
I have this set in my App.yamp file:
url: /user/.*
login: required
Now when any user tries to access files under /user/ he will need to authenticate via google, which will redirect the user back to /user/ after successful authentication. Now the problem I am facing is when the user is redirected back to the app, I cannot be sure if this is the first time the user has logged in or is it a regular user to my site who has come back again from just the user object which google passes using users.get_current_user() .
I thus need to maintain state in the datastore to check if the user already exists or not everytime. If he does not exist i need to create a new entry with other application specific settings.
My question is: Is there some easier way to handle this? without having to query the datastore to figure if this is a first time user or a regular one?
No, Google doesn't keep track of if a user has logged in to your app before. Since you presumably need to store some sort of state against the user, the simplest way is to try and retrieve the user's record from the datastore. If they don't have one, you can send them to the registration screen to gather this information. You can use memcache to cache a user's information and avoid extra datastore round-trips.
I tend to use my own user and session manangement
For my web handlers I will attach a decorator called session and one called authorize. The session decorator will attach a session to every request, and the authorize decorator will make sure that the user is authorised
(A word of caution, the authorize decorator is specific to how I develop my applications - the username being the first parameter in most requests)
So for example a web handler may look like:
class UserProfile(webapp.RequestHandler):
def get(self, user):
# Do some funky stuff
# The session is attached to the self object.
someObjectAttachedToSession = self.SessionObj.SomeStuff
self.response.out.write("hello %s" % user)
In the above code, the session decorator attaches some session stuff that I need based on the cookies that are present on the request. The authorize header will make sure that the user can only access the page if the session is the correct one.
The decorators code are below:
import functools
from model import Session
import logging
def authorize(redirectTo = "/"):
def factory(method):
'Ensures that when an auth cookie is presented to the request that is is valid'
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
#Get the session parameters
auth_id = self.request.cookies.get('auth_id', '')
session_id = self.request.cookies.get('session_id', '')
#Check the db for the session
session = Session.GetSession(session_id, auth_id)
if session is None:
if session.settings is None:
username = session.settings.key().name()
if len(args) > 0:
if username != args[0]:
# The user is allowed to view this page.
result = method(self, *args, **kwargs)
return result
return wrapper
return factory
def session(method):
'Ensures that the sessions object (if it exists) is attached to the request.'
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
#Get the session parameters
auth_id = self.request.cookies.get('auth_id', '')
session_id = self.request.cookies.get('session_id', '')
#Check the db for the session
session = Session.GetSession(session_id, auth_id)
if session is None:
session = Session()
session.session_id = Session.MakeId()
session.auth_token = Session.MakeId()
# Attach the session to the method
self.SessionObj = session
#Call the handler.
result = method(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.response.headers.add_header('Set-Cookie', 'auth_id=%s; path=/; HttpOnly' % str(session.auth_token))
self.response.headers.add_header('Set-Cookie', 'session_id=%s; path=/; HttpOnly' % str(session.session_id))
return result
return wrapper
def redirect(method, redirect = "/user/"):
'When a known user is logged in redirect them to their home page'
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.SessionObj is not None:
if self.SessionObj.settings is not None:
# Check that the session is correct
username = self.SessionObj.settings.key().name()
self.redirect(redirect + username)
return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
Can you not just set a Cookie the first time the user logs in and check for this? If they're a new user it won't be there and but if they're an old user it will be. It's not 100% accurate since some users might clear their cookies but it might do depending on what it is you want to achieve.
If you're using Django in your application managing Cookies is pretty straightforward.
I agree that managing your own authenticated users is the best way to approach this problem. Depending on your application scope obviously but at the very least an AuthUser(Model) class that contains the UserProperty for the users that have logged in with your account.
class AuthUser(db.Model):
user = UserProperty(required=True)
Then when a user logs in just
user = users.get_current_user()
user_exists = AuthUser.gql('where user = :1', user) # or easy check db.GqlQuery("select __key__ from AuthUser where user = :1", user)
if user_exists:
# do user has been before stuff
# do first time user stuff
Alternately a super easy way to do this is have a Model for your site that has a ListProperty(users.User) and then you can easily check the list to see if the user has been into your app before.
class SiteStuff(db.Model):
auth_users = ListProperty(users.User)
and when they log in: check if they are in the list; if not, you add them to the list, put() it and do whatever you need to do for first time users. If you find them in there then do the other stuff.
