Creating a Primary Key on a temp table - When? - sql-server

I have a stored procedure that is working with a large amount of data. I have that data being inserted in to a temp table. The overall flow of events is something like
CREATE #TempTable (
Col1 NUMERIC(18,0) NOT NULL, --This will not be an identity column.
--Create primary key here?
FROM MyTable
FROM MyTable2
-- ...or create primary key here?
My question is when is the best time to create a primary key on my #TempTable table? I theorized that I should create the primary key constraint/index after I insert all the data because the index needs to be reorganized as the primary key info is being created. But I realized that my underlining assumption might be wrong...
In case it is relevant, the data types I used are real. In the #TempTable table, Col1 and Col4 will be making up my primary key.
Update: In my case, I'm duplicating the primary key of the source tables. I know that the fields that will make up my primary key will always be unique. I have no concern about a failed alter table if I add the primary key at the end.
Though, this aside, my question still stands as which is faster assuming both would succeed?

This depends a lot.
If you make the primary key index clustered after the load, the entire table will be re-written as the clustered index isn't really an index, it is the logical order of the data. Your execution plan on the inserts is going to depend on the indexes in place when the plan is determined, and if the clustered index is in place, it will sort prior to the insert. You will typically see this in the execution plan.
If you make the primary key a simple constraint, it will be a regular (non-clustered) index and the table will simply be populated in whatever order the optimizer determines and the index updated.
I think the overall quickest performance (of this process to load temp table) is usually to write the data as a heap and then apply the (non-clustered) index.
However, as others have noted, the creation of the index could fail. Also, the temp table does not exist in isolation. Presumably there is a best index for reading the data from it for the next step. This index will need to either be in place or created. This is where you have to make a tradeoff of speed here for reliability (apply the PK and any other constraints first) and speed later (have at least the clustered index in place if you are going to have one).

If the recovery model of your database is set to simple or bulk-logged, SELECT ... INTO ... UNION ALL may be the fastest solution. SELECT .. INTO is a bulk operation and bulk operations are minimally logged.
-- first, create the table
INTO #TempTable
FROM MyTable
FROM MyTable2
-- now, add a non-clustered primary key:
-- this will *not* recreate the table in the background
-- it will only create a separate index
-- the table will remain stored as a heap
-- alternatively:
-- this *will* recreate the table in the background
-- and reorder the rows according to the primary key
-- CLUSTERED key word is optional, primary keys are clustered by default
Otherwise, Cade Roux had good advice re: before or after.

You may as well create the primary key before the inserts - if the primary key is on an identity column then the inserts will be done sequentially anyway and there will be no difference.

Even more important than performance considerations, if you are not ABSOLUTELY, 100% sure that you will have unique values being inserted into the table, create the primary key first. Otherwise the primary key will fail to be created.
This prevents you from inserting duplicate/bad data.

If you add the primary key when creating the table, the first insert will be free (no checks required.) The second insert just has to see if it's different from the first. The third insert has to check two rows, and so on. The checks will be index lookups, because there's a unique constraint in place.
If you add the primary key after all the inserts, every row has to be matched against every other row. So my guess is that adding a primary key early on is cheaper.
But maybe Sql Server has a really smart way of checking uniqueness. So if you want to be sure, measure it!

I was wondering if I could improve a very very "expensive" stored procedure entailing a bunch of checks at each insert across tables and came across this answer. In the Sproc, several temp tables are opened and reference each other. I added the Primary Key to the CREATE TABLE statement (even though my selects use WHERE NOT EXISTS statements to insert data and ensure uniqueness) and my execution time was cut down SEVERELY. I highly recommend using the primary keys. Always at least try it out even when you think you don't need it.

I don't think it makes any significant difference in your case:
either you pay the penalty a little bit at a time, with each single insert
or you'll pay a larger penalty after all the inserts are done, but only once
When you create it up front before the inserts start, you could potentially catch PK violations as the data is being inserted, if the PK value isn't system-created.
But other than that - no big difference, really.

I wasn't planning to answer this, since I'm not 100% confident on my knowledge of this. But since it doesn't look like you are getting much response ...
My understanding is a PK is a unique index and when you insert each record, your index is updated and optimized. So ... if you add the data first, then create the index, the index is only optimized once.
So, if you are confident your data is clean (without duplicate PK data) then I'd say insert, then add the PK.
But if your data may have duplicate PK data, I'd say create the PK first, so it will bomb out ASAP.

When you add PK on table creation - the insert check is O(Tn) (where Tn is "n-th triangular number", which is 1 + 2 + 3 ... + n) because when you insert x-th row, it's checked against previously inserted "x - 1" rows
When you add PK after inserting all the values - the checker is O(n^2) because when you insert x-th row, it's checked against all n existing rows.
First one is obviously faster since O(Tn) is less than O(n^2)
P.S. Example: if you insert 5 rows it is 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15 operations vs 5^2 = 25 operations


Recommended SQL Server table design for file import and processing

I have a scenario where files will be uploaded into a database table (dbo.FileImport) with each line of the file in a new row. Each row will contain the line data and the name of the file it came from. The file names are unique but may contain a few million lines. Multiple file's data may exist in the table at one time.
Each file is processed and the results are stored in a separate table. After processing the data related to the file, the data is deleted from the import table to keep the table from growing indefinitely.
The table structure is as follows:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FileImport] (
[FileName] VARCHAR (100) NOT NULL,
[LineData] NVARCHAR (300) NOT NULL
During the processing the data for the relevant file is loaded with the following query:
SELECT [LineData] FROM [dbo].[FileImport] WHERE [FileName] = #FileName
And then deleted with the following statement:
DELETE FROM [dbo].[FileImport] WHERE [FileName] = #FileName
My question is pertaining to the table design with regard to performance and longevity...
Is it necessary to have the [Id] column if I never use it (I am concerned about running out of numbers in the Identity eventually too)?
Should I add a PRIMARY KEY Constraint to the [Id] column?
Should I have a CLUSTERED or NONCLUSTERED index for the [FileName] column?
Should I be making use of NOLOCK whenever I query this table (it is updated very regularly)?
Would there be concern of fragmentation with the continual adding and deleting of data to/from this table? If so, how should I handle this?
Any advice or thoughts would be much appreciated. Opinionated designs are welcome ;-)
Update 2017-12-10
I failed to mention that the lines of a file may not be unique. So please take this into account if this affects the recommendation.
An example script in the answer would be an added bonus! ;-)
Is it necessary to have the [Id] column if I never use it (I am
concerned about running out of numbers in the Identity eventually
It is not necessary to have an unused column. This is not a relational table and will not be referenced by a foreign key so one could make the argument a primary key is unnecessary.
I would not be concerned about running out of 64-bit integer values. bigint can hold a positive value of up to 36,028,797,018,963,967. It would take centuries to run out of values if you load 1 billion rows a second.
Should I add a PRIMARY KEY Constraint to the [Id] column?
I would create a composite clustered primary key on FileName and ID. That would provide an incremental value to facilitate retrieving rows in the order of insertion and the FileName leftmost key column would benefit your queries greatly.
Should I have a CLUSTERED or NONCLUSTERED index for the [FileName]
See above.
Should I be making use of NOLOCK whenever I query this table (it is
updated very regularly)?
No. Assuming you query by FileName, only the rows requested will be touched with the suggested primary key.
Would there be concern of fragmentation with the continual adding and
deleting of data to/from this table? If so, how should I handle this?
Incremental keys avoid fragmentation.
Here's the suggested DDL for the table:
CREATE TABLE dbo.FileImport (
, LineData NVARCHAR (300) NOT NULL
Here is a rough sketch how I would do it
CREATE TABLE [FileImport].[FileName] (
[FileName] VARCHAR (100) NOT NULL
alter table [FileImport].[FileName]
add constraint pk_FileName primary key nonclustered (FileId)
create clustered index cix_FileName on [FileImport].[FileName]([FileName])
CREATE TABLE [FileImport].[LineData] (
[FileId] VARCHAR (100) NOT NULL,
[LineData] NVARCHAR (300) NOT NULLL.
constraint fk_LineData_FileName foreign key (FileId) references [FileImport].[FileName](FIleId)
alter table [FileImport].[LineData]
add constraint pk_FileName primary key clustered (FileId, LineDataId)
This is with some normalization so you don't have to reference your full file name every time - you probably don't have to do (in case you prefer not to and just move FileName to second table instead of the FileId and cluster your index on (FileName, LeneDataId)) it but since we are using relational database ...
No need for any additional indexes - tables are sorted by the right keys
Should I be making use of NOLOCK whenever I query this table (it is
updated very regularly)?
If your data means anything to you, don't use it, It's a matter in fact, if you have to use it - something really wrong with your DB architecture. The way it is indexed SQL Server will use Seek operation which is very fast.
Would there be concern of fragmentation with the continual adding and
deleting of data to/from this table? If so, how should I handle this?
You can set up a maintenance job that rebuilds your indexes and run it nightly with Agent (or what ever)

SQL Server 2014 Index Optimization: Any benefit with including primary key in indexes?

After running a query, the SQL Server 2014 Actual Query Plan shows a missing index like below:
The missing index suggests to include the Primary Key column in the index. The table is clustered index with the PK_Column.
I am confused and it seems that I don’t get the concept of Clustered Index Primary Key right.
My assumption was: when a table has a clustered PK, all of the non-clustered indexes point to the PK value. Am I correct? If I am, why the query plan missing index asks me to include the PK column in the index?
Index advised is not valid,but it doesn't make any difference.See below tests section for details..
After researching for some time,found an answer here and below statement explains convincingly about missing index feature..
they only look at a single query, or a single operation within a single query. They don't take into account what already exists or your other query patterns.
You still need a thinking human being to analyze the overall indexing strategy and make sure that you index structure is efficient and cohesive.
So coming to your question,this index advised may be valid ,but should not to be taken for granted. The index advised is useful for SQL Server for the particular query executed, to reduce cost.
This is the index that was advised..
INCLUDE (PK_Column, SomeOtherColumn)
Assume you have a query like below..
select pk_column, someothercolumn
from table
where column1 = 'somevalue'
SQL Server tries to scan a narrow index as well if available, so in this case an index as advised will be helpful..
Further you didn't share the schema of table, if you have an index like below
create index nci_test on table(column1)
and a query of below form will advise again same index as stated in question
select pk_column, someothercolumn
from table
where column1 = 'somevalue'
Update :
i have orders table with below schema..
[orderid] [int] NOT NULL Primary key,
[custid] [char](11) NOT NULL,
[empid] [int] NOT NULL,
[shipperid] [varchar](5) NOT NULL,
[orderdate] [date] NOT NULL,
[filler] [char](160) NOT NULL
Now i created one more index of below structure..
create index onlyempid on orderstest(empid)
Now when i have a query of below form
select empid,orderid,orderdate --6.3 units
from orderstest
where empid=5
index advisor will advise below missing index .
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX empidalongwithorderiddate
ON [dbo].[orderstest] ([empid])
INCLUDE ([orderid],[orderdate])--you can drop orderid too ,it doesnt make any difference
If you can see orderid is also included in above suggestion
now lets create it and observe both structures..
---Root level-------
For index onlyempid..
for index empidalongwithorderiddate
----leaf level-------
For index onlyempid..
for index empidalongwithorderiddate
As you can see , creating as per suggestion makes no difference,Even though it is invalid.
I Assume suggestion was made by Index advisor based on query ran and is specifically for the query and it has no idea of other indexes involved
I don't know your schema, nor your queries. Just guessing.
Please correct me if this theory is incorrect.
You are right that non-clustered indexes point to the PK value. Imagine you have large database (for example gigabytes of files) stored on ordinary platter hard-drive. Lets suppose that the disk is fragmented and the PK_index is saved physical far from your Table1 Index.
Imagine that your query need to evaluate Column1 and PK_column as well. The query execution read Column1 value, then PK_value, then Column1 value, then PK_value...
The hard-drive platter is spinning from one physical place to another, this can take time.
Having all you need in one index is more effective, because it means reading one file sequentially.

Using Primary Key on Table Variable to improve seek performance

I have this table variable I use in my SP:
DECLARE #t TABLE(ID uniqueidentifier)
Then I insert some data into it (I later use):
And later I have a few SELECT and UPDATE based on #t IDs e.g.:
Should I declare ID uniqueidentifier PRIMARY KEY to increase permanence in the SELECT / UPDATE statements?
If yes should it be clustered or non clustered?
What is the advised option in my case?
EDIT: All my tables in the DB have uniqueidentifier (ID) column as a primary key NONCLUSTERED
EDIT2 : Strangely (or not) when I tried to use PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED on the table variable, when using joined SELECT I see in the execution plan that there is a Table Scan on #t. but when I omit NONCLUSTERED there is a Clustered Index Scan.
If you are worried about performance, you should probably not be using a table variable, but use a temporary table instead. The problem with table variables is that statements referencing it are compiled when the table is empty and therefore the query optimiser always assumes there is only one row. This can result in suboptimal performance when the table variable is populated with many more rows.
Regarding the primary key, there are downsides to make the primary clustered as it will result in the table being physically ordered by the index. The overhead of this sorting operation may outweigh the performance benefit when querying the data. In general it is better to add a non-clustered index, however, as always, it will depend on your particular problem and you will have to test the different implementations.

SQL Server : how to enforce Primary Key cannot exist as Primary Key in another table constraint - trigger

I have a table LotTable that has a PK= LotID, Name, rate.
I have another table LotTranslate that has a PK=TranslateLotID and FK=MasterLotID
Before insert into LotTable I need to make sure enforce the PK inserted is NOT already the PK in LotTranslate.
My question is do I do a trigger instead of insert or Delete it after? What is the most clean way, speedy way to check this other table and stop the insert in LotTable if the PK is found there in LotTranslate?
My direction I am not sure if this is the right SQL Server way...
CREATE TRIGGER tr_LotsInsert ON LotTable
INSERT INTO dbo.LotTable
WHERE INSERTED.LotID not in (select TranslateLotID from LotTranslate)
I don't recommend using a trigger to enforce this.
What you are describing is actually inheritance, where different objects share a base type. In this case, you have the base concept of a Lot (called the supertype), and two mutually exclusive subtypes, LotTable and LotTranslate. (And for the record, I think it unfortunate that your database has a table with the name Table in it, unless it actually deals with some kind of tables that aren't database objects).
There is a reasonably well-established database design pattern to deal with subtypes and supertypes: creating a parent table that is used as the "base object" in the inheritance pattern, and making the subtype tables all have an FK relationship to it. To additionally enforce the mutual exclusivity, you can add a Type column to all the tables and involve it in the foreign key.
Then, your base table participates with the two tables in a 1-to-zero-or-one relationship. The most important concept to get here is that the LotID is always the same in all the tables and you do not create separate surrogate keys for any table: the base/supertype table contains the same values that are in the child/subtype tables.
Before I show you how to accomplish this, let me mention that in this case it's possible your two tables should really be combined into one, with a simple Type column indicating which it is which would of course prevent a single Lot from being two types at once. I'm assuming, however, that your two tables have enough columns different between them that it would be a big waste of NULL values to do so (if there are only a few columns different, it may be better to just combine them).
CREATE TABLE dbo.LotBase (
LotTypeID tinyint NOT NULL
REFERENCES dbo.LotType (LotTypeID),
-- A unique constraint needed for FK purposes
-- Include script here to create a LotType table and populate it with two rows
-- 1 = `Standard Lot` and 2 = `TranslateLot`
INSERT dbo.LotBase (LotID, LotTypeID)
FROM dbo.LotTable;
INSERT dbo.LotBase (LotID, LotTypeID)
SELECT TranslateLotID, 2
FROM dbo.LotTranslate;
ALTER TABLE dbo.LotTable ADD LotTypeID tinyint NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE dbo.LotTranslate ADD LotTypeID tinyint NOT NULL
REFERENCES dbo.LotBase (LotID, LotTypeID);
REFERENCES dbo.LotBase (LotID, LotTypeID);
Note that you might want to do the work to get the new LotTypeID columns in the child tables to be situated immediately after the LotID columns, but it is up to you--just be careful because it will require table recreation and you can harm your database if you are not knowledgeable and careful (take backups first!).
One huge benefit of this pattern to not miss is that anywhere in your database you want an FK to a Lot, you can choose to either use one of the child tables or to use the parent table. This constrains your other tables to allow either both or just one of the subtypes. Another benefit to not miss is that you can put common columns between the two tables into the parent table instead of repeated in the children. Finally, you can create a view for each child that exposes the combined parent + child columns just like the original child table.
Finally, if you persist in going on with the trigger method, you don't have to use an INSTEAD OF trigger. You can just ROLLBACK any transaction that isn't appropriate:
Inserted I
INNER JOIN dbo.LotTranslate LT
ON I.LotID = LT.TranslateLotID
That's a far better way to handle it (for one thing, you won't have to modify it every time you add a column to your LotTable table. Also, I would recommend that you learn to use (and then consistently use) JOIN syntax instead of the IN syntax you showed. While there is some controversy over this recommendation I'm making, in my experience people who use IN instead of JOINs miss some key conceptual learning that goes on in the process of figuring out how to make them into JOINs. There are other practical benefits such as the fact that nested IN queries get abominably hard to understand and maintain, while adding 5 more JOINs doesn't really make a query much harder to understand when formatted well.

SQL Server: how to constrain a table to contain a single row?

I want to store a single row in a configuration table for my application. I would like to enforce that this table can contain only one row.
What is the simplest way to enforce the single row constraint ?
You make sure one of the columns can only contain one value, and then make that the primary key (or apply a uniqueness constraint).
Lock char(1) not null,
/* Other columns */,
constraint PK_T1 PRIMARY KEY (Lock),
constraint CK_T1_Locked CHECK (Lock='X')
I have a number of these tables in various databases, mostly for storing config. It's a lot nicer knowing that, if the config item should be an int, you'll only ever read an int from the DB.
I usually use Damien's approach, which has always worked great for me, but I also add one thing:
Lock char(1) not null DEFAULT 'X',
/* Other columns */,
constraint PK_T1 PRIMARY KEY (Lock),
constraint CK_T1_Locked CHECK (Lock='X')
Adding the "DEFAULT 'X'", you will never have to deal with the Lock column, and won't have to remember which was the lock value when loading the table for the first time.
You may want to rethink this strategy. In similar situations, I've often found it invaluable to leave the old configuration rows lying around for historical information.
To do that, you actually have an extra column creation_date_time (date/time of insertion or update) and an insert or insert/update trigger which will populate it correctly with the current date/time.
Then, in order to get your current configuration, you use something like:
select * from config_table order by creation_date_time desc fetch first row only
(depending on your DBMS flavour).
That way, you still get to maintain the history for recovery purposes (you can institute cleanup procedures if the table gets too big but this is unlikely) and you still get to work with the latest configuration.
You can implement an INSTEAD OF Trigger to enforce this type of business logic within the database.
The trigger can contain logic to check if a record already exists in the table and if so, ROLLBACK the Insert.
Now, taking a step back to look at the bigger picture, I wonder if perhaps there is an alternative and more suitable way for you to store this information, perhaps in a configuration file or environment variable for example?
I know this is very old but instead of thinking BIG sometimes better think small use an identity integer like this:
Create Table TableWhatever
keycol int primary key not null identity(1,1)
check(keycol =1),
Col2 varchar(7)
This way each time you try to insert another row the check constraint will raise preventing you from inserting any row since the identity p key won't accept any value but 1
Here's a solution I came up with for a lock-type table which can contain only one row, holding a Y or N (an application lock state, for example).
Create the table with one column. I put a check constraint on the one column so that only a Y or N can be put in it. (Or 1 or 0, or whatever)
Insert one row in the table, with the "normal" state (e.g. N means not locked)
Then create an INSERT trigger on the table that only has a SIGNAL (DB2) or RAISERROR (SQL Server) or RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (Oracle). This makes it so application code can update the table, but any INSERT fails.
DB2 example:
create table PRICE_LIST_LOCK
LOCKED_YN char(1) not null
constraint PRICE_LIST_LOCK_YN_CK check (LOCKED_YN in ('Y', 'N') )
--- do this insert when creating the table
insert into PRICE_LIST_LOCK
values ('N');
--- once there is one row in the table, create this trigger
SIGNAL SQLSTATE '81000' -- arbitrary user-defined value
SET MESSAGE_TEXT='Only one row is allowed in this table';
Works for me.
I use a bit field for primary key with name IsActive.
So there can be 2 rows at most and and the sql to get the valid row is:
select * from Settings where IsActive = 1
if the table is named Settings.
The easiest way is to define the ID field as a computed column by value 1 (or any number ,....), then consider a unique index for the ID.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SingleRowTable](
[ID] AS ((1)),
[Title] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
You can write a trigger on the insert action on the table. Whenever someone tries to insert a new row in the table, fire away the logic of removing the latest row in the insert trigger code.
Old question but how about using IDENTITY(MAX,1) of a small column type?
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Config](
[ID] [tinyint] IDENTITY(255,1) NOT NULL,
[Config1] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
[Config2] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL
IF NOT EXISTS ( select * from table )
///Your insert statement
Here we can also make an invisible value which will be the same after first entry in the database.Example:
Student Table:
Here in the entry box,we have to specify the same value for id column which will restrict as after first entry other than writing lock bla bla due to primary key constraint thus having only one row forever.
Hope this helps!
