Utilizing the LDT (Local Descriptor Table) - c

I am trying to do some experiments using different segments besides the default code and data user and kernel segments. I hope to achieve this through use of the local descriptor table and the modify_ldt system call. Through the system call I have created a new entry in LDT which is a segment descriptor with a base address of a global variable I want to "isolate" and a limit of 4 bytes.
I try to load the data segment register with the segment selector of my custom LDT entry through inline assembly in a C program, but when I try to access the variable I receive a segmentation fault.
My suspicion is that there is an issue with the offset of my global variable, and when the address is calculated, it exceeds the limit of my custom segment therefore causing a seg fault.
Does anyone know of a work around to this situation?
Oh, by the way, this is on an x86 architecture in Linux. This is my first time asking a question like this on a forum, so if there is any other information that could prove to be useful, please let me know.
Thank you in advance.
Edit: I realized that I probably should include the source code :)
struct user_desc* table_entry_ptr = NULL;
/* Allocates memory for a user_desc struct */
table_entry_ptr = (struct user_desc*)malloc(sizeof(struct user_desc));
/* Fills the user_desc struct which represents the segment for mx */
table_entry_ptr->entry_number = 0;
table_entry_ptr->base_addr = ((unsigned long)&mx);
table_entry_ptr->limit = 0x4;
table_entry_ptr->seg_32bit = 0x1;
table_entry_ptr->contents = 0x0;
table_entry_ptr->read_exec_only = 0x0;
table_entry_ptr->limit_in_pages = 0x0;
table_entry_ptr->seg_not_present = 0x0;
table_entry_ptr->useable = 0x1;
/* Writes a user_desc struct to the ldt */
num_bytes = syscall( __NR_modify_ldt,
sizeof(struct user_desc)
asm("pushl %eax");
asm("movl $0x7, %eax"); /* 0111: 0-Index 1-Using the LDT table 11-RPL of 3 */
asm("movl %eax, %ds");
asm("popl %eax");
mx = 0x407CAFE;
The seg fault occurs at that last instruction.

I can only guess, since I don't have the assembly available to me.
I'm guessing that the line at which you get a segfault is compiled to something like:
mov ds:[offset mx], 0x407cafe
Where offset mx is the offset to mx in the program's data segment (if it's a static variable) or in the stack (if it's an automatic variable). Either way, this offset is calculated at compile time, and that's what will be used regardless of what DS points to.
Now what you've done here is create a new segment whose base is at the address of mx and whose limit is either 0x4 or 0x4fff (depending on the G-bit which you didn't specify).
If the G-bit is 0, then the limit is 0x4, and since it's highly unlikely that mx is located between addresses 0x0 and 0x4 of the original DS, when you access the offset to mx inside the new segment you're crossing the limit.
If the G-bit is 1, then the limit is 0x4fff. Now you'll get a segfault only if the original mx was located above 0x4fff.
Considering that the new segment's base is at mx, you can access mx by doing:
mov ds:[0], 0x407cafe
I don't know how I'd go about writing that in C, though.


moving the vector table on an STM32F405

I want to move my code in the flash memory on an STM32F405.
I changed the linker script to change the start of flash like so:
FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08008000, LENGTH = 1024K-32K
If I am correct the vector table will also be located at 0x08008000. I would like to create a bootloader for a start I would like to run my application in the new memory location. Do my bootloader and application have sepperate vector tables? How can I initialize the stack pointer to 0x8008000?
Yes, your bootloader will have a separate vector table to your main code. The last thing your bootloader, or the first thing your main code should do is remap the vector table, using the SCB->VTOR register. The vector table is 4 bytes in from the start of the image, so using your numbers, SCB->VTOR should be 0x08008004. The first 4 bytes of the image are the value the stack pointer should be initialised with.
You don't want to initalise your stack pointer to 0x8008000, that address is in flash and will cause a hard fault as soon as you try to push something, if that is where your application starts then the memory at 0x08008000 contains the address you should use as the stack pointer.
To set it I have always used an asm function which just loads SP with the value passed to the function in R0, something like the following.
To call from a C context:
extern void SetSP(uint32_t address);
uint32_t sp = *((uint32_t *)0x08008000);
That dereferences a pointer to 0x08008000, to get the initial stack pointer, then sets it.

C,inline assembly - mov instruction segfaults

We're trying to implement some kind of "fibers" and want for each a "stack" allocated on the heap, let's say of fixed size somewhere near 2MB, for now.
//2MB ~ 2^21 B = 2097152 B
#define FIB_STACK_SIZE 2097152
#define reg_t uint32_t
typedef struct fiber fiber;
struct fiber{
//fiber's stack
reg_t esp;
During creation of a fiber, we allocate that "stack" and enqueue the created struct for later use in a ready queue.
void fib_create(...){
//fiber struct itself
f = malloc(sizeof(*f)); //f later enqueued
//fiber stack
f->stack = malloc(FIB_STACK_SIZE);
f->esp = (reg_t)f->stack;
fib is the struct taken from the ready queue for which we need to restore the context.
Obviously, we first need to restore the stack pointer s.th. we can restore everything else:
void fib_resume(){
//assumes `fib' holds fiber to resume execution
//restore stack pointers
"movl %0, %%esp;"
However, that move instruction will result in a segfault. Why? And how can we circumvent that?
On i386 (which is pretty apparent from the inline assembler) the stack grows down. That means towards lower addresses, so function calls will decrement the stack address.
This means that when we're allocating a stack for a thread/process/etc. the normal way of doing it is to point the stack pointer register at the end of the allocated memory.
In your case this should be:
f->esp = (reg_t)f->stack + FIB_STACK_SIZE;
I'm still not sure if it's a good idea to do this with inline assembler in a C function rather than writing the function completely in assembler, but this should resolve the immediate problem.

Initialize array starting from specific address in memory - C programming

Do you have idea how to initialize array of structs starting from specific address in memory (not virtual, physical DDR memory). I am working on implementation of TxRx on SoC (ARM-FPGA). Basically ARM (PS) and FPGA (PL) communicate to each other by using shared RAM memory. Currently I am working on transmitter side, so I need to constantly load packets that I get from MAC layer to memory, then my Tx reads data and sends it in air. To achieve this I want to implement circular FIFO buffer on (ARM) side, in way that I can store up to 6 packets into buffer and send them one by one, in same time loading other packets on places of already sent packages. Because I need to use specific memory addresses I am interested is it possible to initialize array of structure that will be stored on specific addresses in memory. For example I want that my array starts at adress 0x400000 and ends at address 0x400000 + MaximumNumberOfPackets x SizeOfPackets I know how to do it for one instantiate of structure for example like this:
buffer_t *tmp = (struct buffer_t *)234881024;
But how to do it for array of structures?
A pointer to a single struct (or int, float, or anything else) is inherently a pointer to an array of them. The pointer type provides the sizeof() value for an array entry, and thus allows pointer arithmetic to work.
Thus, given a struct buffer you can simply do
static struct buffer * const myFIFO = (struct buffer *) 0x40000
and then simply access myFIFO as an array
for (size_t i = 0; i < maxPackets; ++i)
buffer[i].someField = initialValue1;
buffer[i].someOtherField = 42;
This works just the way you expect.
What you can't do (using pure standard C) is declare an array at a particular address like this:
struct buffer myFIFO[23] # 0x400000;
However, your compiler may have extensions to allow it. Many embedded compilers do (after all, that's often how they declare memory-mapped device registers), but it will be different for every compiler vendor, and possibly for every chip because it is a vendor extension.
GCC does allow it for AVR processors via an attribute, for example
volatile int porta __attribute__((address (0x600)));
But it doesn't seem to support it for an ARM.
Generally #kdopen is right but for arm you should create an entry in MEMORY section linker script that shows to linker where is your memory:
ExternalDDR (w) : ORIGIN = 0x400000, LENGTH = 4M
And than, when you are declaring variable just use the
I found the way how to do it. So could I do it like this. I set this into linker script:
ps7_ddr_0_S_AXI_BASEADDR : ORIGIN = 0x00100000, LENGTH = 0x1FF00000
ps7_ram_0_S_AXI_BASEADDR : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 0x00030000
ps7_ram_1_S_AXI_BASEADDR : ORIGIN = 0xFFFF0000, LENGTH = 0x0000FE00
DAC_DMA (w) : ORIGIN = 0xE000000, LENGTH = 64K
.dacdma : {
__dacdma_start = .;
__dacdma_end = .;
And then I set this into code
static buffer_t __attribute__((section("DAC_DMA"))) buf_pool[6];

Kernel Dev: Setting ES:DI in real mode

I'm working on a toy kernel for fun and education (not a class project). I'm starting work on my memory manager, so I'm trying to get the memory map from BIOS using an INT 0x15, EAX=E820 call while still in Real Mode. I'm adapting my function from the osdev wiki (here, in the section "Getting an E820 Memory Map"). However, I want this to be a function I can call from my C code, so I'm trying to change it a bit. I want it to take two arguments: a pointer to where to store the map entries, and a pointer to an integer which will be incremented by the number of entries in the table.
According to the wiki, ES:DI needs to be pointing at where the data should be stored, so I split my first argument into two (the segment selector, pointer_to_map / 16, and the offset, pointer_to_map % 16). Here's part of C code:
typedef struct SMAP_entry {
unsigned int baseL; // Base address, a QWORD
unsigned int baseH;
unsigned int lengthL; // Length, a QWORD
unsigned int lengthH;
unsigned int type; // entry type
unsigned int ACPI; // extra data from ACPI 3.0
} SMAP_entry_t;
SMAP_entry_t data[100];
kprint("Pointer: ");
kprint_int((int) data, 16);
int res = 0;
read_mem_map(((int) data) / 16, ((int) data) % 16, &res);
kprint("res: ");
kprint_int(res, 16);
Here's part of my ASM code:
; performs a INT 0x15, eax=0xE820 call to find the memory map
; inputs: the pointer to the data table / 16, the pointer % 16, a pointer to an dword (int) which will be
; incremented by the number of entries after this function returns.
; preserves: no registers except esi
mov es, [esp + 4] ; set es to the value of the first argument
mov di, [esp + 8] ; set di to the value of the second argument
That's all I'm pasting in because the program triple-faults and shuts down the VM there. By moving ret commands around, I found that the function crashes on the very first line. If I comment out the call in C, then everything works as you'd expect.
I've read through Google that there's almost never a reason to set ES:DI directly, and in the code that I've found which does, they set it to a literal. How should I set ES:DI and if I shouldn't set it directly, how should I make the C and ASM interact in the correct way?
Each of the segment registers (on 80x86) have a visible part, and several hidden fields (the segment base, the segment limit and the segment's attributes - read/write, privilege level, etc).
In protected mode; when you load a segment register the CPU uses the visible part as an index into either the GDT or LDT, and loads the segment's hidden fields from that descriptor (in the GDT or LDT).
In real mode; the CPU does something completely different - it only sets the segment base to "visible part * 16" and doesn't use any (GDT, LDT) table.
Given the fact that you're using a 32-bit pointer to the data table and a 32-bit stack pointer (e.g. mov es, [esp + 4]); I assume your C code is in 32-bit protected mode. This is completely incompatible with real mode, partly because segment loads work completely differently and partly because the default operand/address size is 32-bit and not 16-bit.
All BIOS functions are designed for real mode. They can't be used in protected mode.
Basically; I'd recommend:
pass the pointer to the data table to your assembly as a 32-bit integer/pointer (and not 2 separate 16-bit integers)
call a "go to real mode" function (which will be slightly tricky, as you'd also be switching from a 32-bit stack to a 16-bit stack and will need a "32-bit return instruction" in 16-bit code).
split the pointer to the data table into its segment and offset in assembly, and load the segment (which should work correctly as you're in real mode now)
call the BIOS function (which should work correctly as you're in real mode now)
call a "go to protected mode" function (which will be slightly tricky again, including a "16-bit return instruction" in 32-bit code).
return to the (32-bit protected mode) caller
Instructions for switching from real mode to protected mode, and switching from protected mode to real mode, are included in Intel's system programmer's guide. :)

Compiler Error C2432 : illegal reference to 16-bit data in 'identifier'

So I was trying to dump the contents of the Interrupt Vector Table on 32 bit Widows 7 using the following code excerpt. It does not compile with Visual Studio as Visual Studio has probably withdrawn support for 16 Bit compilation. I built it in Pelles C, however the executable would crash when I try to run it. The problem, as I figured from some research over the internet, has to do with the 16 bit register reference (to ES). I do not however clearly understand the issue. I would really appreciate if someone could help me out with getting this to work on win32
#include <stdio.h>
#define WORD unsigned short
#define IDT_001_ADDR 0 // start address of the first IVT vector
#define IDT_255_ADDR 1020 // start address of the last IVT vector
#define IDT_VECTOR_SZ 4 // size of the each IVT vector
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
WORD csAddr; // code segment of given interrupt
WORD ipAddr; // starting IP for given interrupt
short address; // address in memory (0-1020)
WORD vector ; // IVT entry ID (0..255)
vector = 0x0;
printf("n-- -Dumping IVT from bottom up ---n");
for(address=IDT_001_ADDR; address<=IDT_255_ADDR; address=address+IDT_VECTOR_SZ,vector++) {
printf("%03d\t%08d\t", vector , address);
// IVT starts at bottom of memory, so CS is always 0x0
__asm {
mov AX, 0
mov ES,AX
mov BX, address
mov AX, ES:[BX]
mov ipAddr ,AX
inc BX
inc BX
mov AX, ES:[BX]
mov csAddr, AX
pop ES
printf("[CS:IP] = [%04X,%04X]n" ,csAddr, ipAddr);
Thanks in advance
The issue with es (or any segment register) is that in real mode (which your dos is "faking" with vm86), the value in the segment register is multiplied by 16 and added to the offset to get a linear address - which is the physical address. In protected mode (your win32) the segment registers are "selectors", an index into an array of structures (descriptors) containing (among other things) a "base" which is added to an offset to get a linear address. The value zero is explicitly the invalid selector, so it crashes. The good news is that the "base" of most segment registers (fs an exception) is zero, so you can address the memory you want without touching es.
The bad news is virtual memory. Paging is enabled, so the linear address calculated by base + offset may not be a physical address. If you're lucky, your OS may have kindly "identity mapped" low memory, so that linear memory equals physical memory. If you're really lucky, your OS may let you at it from user code.
Try removing all references to es and see what happens. The results, if any, would be more recogizable in hex (%x), not decimal. Your best bet might be to do the whole thing in 16-bit and forget win32.
