SQL Server: Copy Stored Procedures [duplicate] - sql-server

This question already has answers here:
SQL Server - copy stored procedures from one db to another
(11 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Is there an easy way to copy all stored procedures from one database to another? I have SQL Management Studio installed.

In SQL 2005 and 2008 management: Right click on the database, choose tasks -> generate scripts. You should be able to follow the directions in the wizard from there.
In Sql 2000 you can actually just select the procedures you want to copy, ctrl+c to copy them, then paste them into a new query window for the other DB and run it.

You can script objects out with SQL Management Studio by right clicking the database name and clicking script objects(or something like that I'm not on my Windows machine right now to check). You can select to do just the stored procs and select to have all the output go to one file instead of 1 file per an object. Once you have them in one file you can run that file against your database.
Also look into Red Gate Software's tool called SQL Compare
It's not free but does have a free trial.


Copying database from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2016 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is there any way to generate database scripts from a SQL query in SQL Server?
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am presently using SQL Server 2008. I want to move the entire applications and database to SQL Server 2016 without data. i.e. I don't want to copy the entire data but I need all the tables and everything from the previous server. Can please anyone help me with this?
You'll want to script out each database. To do so:
right click on the database
generate scripts
using the wizard, choose all the data objects you want (tables, views, etc.) or all of them
save to a location
open the file from that location
boom, there is your code set up all your tables, etc. for your database!
Just repeat for each database you want to 'copy'. Just remember (as requested) each table will have no data in it. Alternatively you can backup and restore each database and then truncate each table, that is probably a lot more work though.

Create a copy of production databases, without any data?

I need to create a copy of all of our production databases (SQLServer), without any data.
I need to do this on a regular basis, preferably scheduled and not manually.
Do I have to write code that extracts from systables and builds whe SQL-statements itself or is there a good way to do this?
As there is a method to do that in SQL Management Studio:
Select a database
right click
generate script
etc ...
You can then save the script generated as an sql file.
Once the script set, and if it is T-SQL, you can just add it to the jobs of your server. .And if you have only a SQL EXPRESS server (with no job schedule), I remember it was possible, a few years ago, to find some free products on the net that would do the job.

getting SQL from one database to create a similar database using only SQL

I want to dump one SQL Server database - get all SQL code necessary to create a similar database. I have full online rights to DatabaseA, I can feed it with SQL and get the results back in rows in a table.
I do not have the possibility to use Enterprise Manager, any applications, utilities or the like. I can only feed it with pure SQL.
What I am after is SQL code, like CREATE TABLE and so on. So that I just can paste this into a query and voila - tables, procedures, functions are created in DatabaseB.
I will not copy the data.
This partly does what I want, it gives me procedures and functions:
Select object_Name(object_ID),definition from sys.SQL_Modules
But not for tables.
You can use the command line or you can create a stored procedure to create a back up, then use that backup to create a new database. I have used the command line often. Here is a previous Stack question that has a command line example and a link to a stored procedure example.
You can generate scripts in SQL Server Management Studio for an entire database or specific database objects.
To do this, right click the database then select Tasks then select Generate Scripts.
It will then open a wizard which will give you the option to choose to script the full database or just specific database objects.

how to take sql database backup without data [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Backup SQL Schema Only?
Anybody tell how to take sql database backup without data. i wanted to take all the tables and structures from sql server 2008. and import to another sql server 2008. i dont need the data.
Use "tasks" -> "Generate scripts" and choose what you want to script. Run, save to a file, open the file against the new database and run the script after changing the database name to match (if it changed)
First time you can use the script database option, as Otavio suggested.
Subsequent times you can use a tool like RedGate SQL Compare or the Compare Schema functionality of Visual Studio Database Edition. These tools allow you to synch schema (ie. 'table structure') from one database to another.
You can do this by making scripts.
The way to go is:
Right click the table you want to script to the other database.
Script table as: -> Create to New query window.

Database replication from SQLserver 2000 to SQLserver 2008

I'm trying to replicate a rather large database from SQLServer 2000 to SQLServer 2008, located on two different servers. I found an article about attempting this and have been trying to follow its direction. Here is the article.
Mixed Mode Bi-Directional Transactional Replication between SQL 2000 and SQL 2008
Here is the part I'm stuck on:
"So, to create a publication, you will
need to NOT use the publication wizard
that you get in SQL 2008. Instead, use
a generated publication script and for
each sp_addarticle line that you have
in it, make sure that the #ins_cmd,
#upd_cmd & #del_cmd parameters point
to the appropriate stored procedures
and run it on the SQL Server 2000
server. Once this is done, go ahead
and create a subscription to SQL
Server 2008’s database normally."
I was able to get the stored procedures in place for all of the tables but need some direction on creating a generated publication script. Does anyone have some direction or a good example of a generated publication script?
On the final step of the publication wizard you will have the two options:
1. Create the publication
2. Generate a script file with steps to create the publication
The article referenced here is suggesting that you do not let the wizard create the publication but instead only choose to generate the script file. At that point you can edit the script file as instructed in the article.
You can run through the SQL Publication Wizard in 2008 and have it output to a script and then use that as a base model to modify with the appropriate arguments for the sp parameters listed in the question.
I'm just doing an upgrade of SQL 2000 to SQL 2008 R2 and I'm finding the publication wizard works just fine without any need to modify the scripts generated.
The article suggests creating some stored procs because it does not work bi-directionally out of the box. However, when it works brilliantly both directions, and very quickly too, just using the wizard. This is using SQL 2008 R2 which may be the reason, it may have improved since the original SQL 2008.
