DotNetNuke Nav menu not showing unless I'm loggged in? - dotnetnuke

Am working with a DotNetNuke(DNN) site and for some reason, the DNN:NAV control only displays the menu when I am logged in.
The menu is part of the template file itself, which in this case is 'index.ascx'
Any way for me to troubleshoot the visibility of the menu? Why wouldn't it be showing up? Everything else on the page is.
Thanks for any help!

One thing I might check is that your pages are visible by users who are not logged in - if there are no pages avaliable to all users this might happen.


Detect when a user leaves the single page app

I want to pop a modal with "Cancel" and "Yes" buttons when a user attempts to leave the single-page app.
To provide some context, I am working on a single page app that appears on a larger site that is not part of the single page app (so, the header and footer is part of the larger site, and single-page-app is the content). When a user attempts to leave to another part of the site (by clicking somewhere in the nav for instance) that is not part of the single page app, I want a warning modal to display with a warning. A user can close or refresh the page as much as they want, and it shouldn't pop a modal. Same thing if a user hard-codes a url (say, in the browser), the modal should not pop.
So far the other similar threads I found on stackoverflow either uses Prompt component, or window.onbeforeunload. Both of these have the issue of them popping a default text box with a warning, and not a custom modal, which is an important problem, but that isn't all of the issue.
Prompt, to my understanding triggers whenever a user redirects within the single page app, which is not the behavior that I want.
window.onbeforeunload, to my undertstanding triggers even when refresh or close, which is not the behavior I want.
Maybe this isn't such a common problem, since I can't seem to find an easy solution for this, but any and all ideas are greatly appreciated.

How to Close Mean menu bookmark links

I have a mobile menu and I have a bookmark within the same same page. I need to be able to have the menu close when clicking on the bookmark:
<li>Why FrightKits</li>
Since the page does not refresh the menu does not close.
I tried a few options but nothing has worked. Can someone please give me direction or a solution to how I can resolve this? Here's the url of the site I am working on.
The bookmark link is WhyFrightKits.
This will solve your problem;
<li>Why FrightKits</li>
<li>Why FrightKits</li>

Is there any clean way to animate control between pages?

The request is this:
I have a main frame in my main view, that contains several pages.
The first page is logon page, that contains a logon user control.
My goal is moving to the second page in the same frame, and animate the logon control that will eventually become a welcome panel in the next page.
I want the first page to fade out, and the main page to fade in. that i know to do, but in the same time to animate the relevant control to from one page to another without fading and become a child of the second page?
it sounds very significant to applications like Great UI ATM machines or so.
btw, if you have any suggestions to do it other way besides frame and pages, let me know, please.
Thank you in advance!
You can, please see telerik control for silverlight, there is a control for this work,
and Very helpfulو RadTransitionControl

How to add a partial as an overlay on the whole angular app?

I have a design where login screen looks completely different from the dashboard UI.
Once the user logs in he is shown a dashboard where he can control things.
Now,the login screen just occupies the whole view with a form box in centre.
once user logs in, then he is taken to the dashboard.
In our current approach we have kept login as a separate angular app and dashboard as separate as I am planning to use a view that changes except the sidebar and header as the ng-view for teh dashboard.
Currently the whole login screen is a separate app, which i feel is little weird when it comes to dealing with things, so is it possible to have an overlay which occupies the whole screen and goes away when the user logs in ?
Of course it is. There are a couple options here. Some folks simply force you to the /login route until a successful login has been completed, token stored, etc. The other option is that you use a full-sized, absolutely-positioned container, with highest z-index, and place it on your main index.html. Until something changes, that's all you'll see. Then, use ng-If to remove that container once login is complete and a property of the view-model has been updated, such as navModel.loginComplete=true;

Joomla create html page with no menu

I have a normal article page with a huge image shown as a small one. What i want to do is, when the user click on the image, a new page is rendered and the image is shown at full size of the page (no menus, header, footer, etc.. just page). If the user click again, he will be redirected to the previous page.
How can i do this with joomla? I mean, i could create an html page, but i don't know how can i access it.
Any help would be appreciated,
All you need to do is add this to any link you want to display without all of the module positions -
This tells Joomla to load just the component part of the page without anything else around it.
Not sure that anything specifically in Joomla is going to allow you to do that. The only way you can achieve that directly in Joomla would be using a light box type of plugin. When the user clicks the image, it will open up a full size window of the image. When the user click on the image again, it will exit the light box.
Otherwise, you can just edit the source code of the page, and change it to <img src=""> . That way when a user clicks the image, they go directly to the picture.
