Login Problem Windows Authentication - sql-server

Duplicate of: Windows authentication trusted connection not working
I logged in the Windows Server(Machine 1) as "abc\user1 ". Windows Server machine is in abc domain.
MSSQL Server is in the "abc" domain on Machine 1 and have mixed mode.authentication. It has account "abc\user1 " and "abc\user2 ". Both has role of sysadmin and serveradmin.
I logged in another machine(Machine 2) using "abc\user2 ". Same Domain. Run the ant which connect to MSSQL Server. URL is formed as follows.
1) From Machine 2, If I use "abc\user2" credential for connection, then it works fine. since integratedSecurity=true.
2) From Machine 2, If I use "abc\user1" credential for connection, then it doesn't fine, since integratedSecurity=true and take System Credentials i.e "abc\user2".
Even if I make integratedSecurity=false , then also it doesn't connect using "abc\user1"
What changes to URL I have make to work for "abc\user1" from Machine2 for connection. what properties to be added in url?
Driver doesn't support to use another domain\User Credentials?
What need to set on MSSQL Server ??

When you use integratedSecurity=true you don't have to specify any credentials, the user currently logged in the system will be used to authenticate against SQLserver.
If integratedSecurity=false. then you have to specify Sql server credentials(user and password) in the connString

I think what Deepak wants to basically do is this:
Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=SSPI;User ID=myDomain\myUsername;Password=myPassword;
However, that only works on CE devices.
On normal machines, it hits the Integrated part and uses the current credentials.
I think he wants to specify the domain user to use, instead of the currently logged in one.


Attempting to use an NT account name with SQL Server authentication

The authentication mode is "Mixed" for my SQL Server 2016.
I'm using SSMS to run cross-server queries.
I've checked the user account & have ensured that the account has proper authority. I can use a different account and run cross-server queries as expected. The account has proper authority to the databases in question and it has authority to them. I've tried everything I've seen on the internet searches I've done and no luck. The account can login using SSMS.
My linked server properties are:
The account's login properties are:
Has anyone else seen this & have a resolution?
** EDIT: rebooting the target server fixed the issue
When creating a linked server you choose the authentication mechanism by which the remote connection will be made. If you select the fourth option (pictured), the remote login must be a Sql Server authenticated login. It cannot be a windows login.
The only way to connect through a linked server using windows authentication is to forward the credentials of the login on the local server. There is no option to specify a windows username and password.
Indeed, there is no way, ever, to specify a password when connecting to a Sql Server with windows credentials, since the whole point of windows credentials is that you're already authenticated. That happened when you logged in to windows in the morning*
You can only (and must always) specify a password if you are using Sql Server authentication.
What seems to be going on in your case is that the linked server may have been created with the wrong security options. This is just easier to explain with an image:
* More precisely, a connection will be made using the account that the client is running under. If you start SSMS using a "runas /user ..." command, then the windows credentials used to connect to servers will be the credentials specified in runas

Microsoft Access: connecting to SQL Server via Active Directory username and password Trusted_Connection=no

I have a Microsoft Access Application which generates a connection string like:
This works without any problem.
What I want to do is to connect to a SQL Server instance where the user must insert his Active Directory name and password.
Like this:
This only works for users which are created on the SQL Server directly.
I tried Uid=DOMAIN\username, but it isn't working.
Is this possible? Or is there another way how I can get through this?
The environment:
The User is using a local PC with a local account and then he's doing a "NetworkConnect" with his AD-User and password.
After that, "RunAs" as his AD-User is working BUT there is another Application that is started from the Access Application and this App must be started with the local User-Account.
SQL-Server and the AD-User are member of the same domain.
Your choices are
Login to SQL Server using your the Windows Domain account that you are currently logged into. You do this automatically by specifying Trusted_Connection=yes;, or
Login to SQL Server using a SQL Login.
Those are the only two choices possible using a SQL provider connection string. Specifically, you cannot use the SQL access provider to do impersonation, that is, to login to SQL Server using a different Windows domain account than the one that you are currently logged into.
Microsoft designed the AD integration with SQL Server to use the account of the client application, not to be able to handle logging in as a part of the connection string. If the user isn't going to be logged into the machine using the account needed for the database access, the next best option may be something like ShellRunAs in order to let the user run your client app as the correct AD account.

Connect to JDBC using integrated security and specifying username and password

I need to connect to SQL Server using a Windows Authentication user by specifying username and password in the connection string.
Somehow I need to make a connection like this to work:
Since the requirement seems odd I try to exlpain my scenario:
in my application the users are mapped to SQL Server users (either using sql authentication or windows authentication)
there is a Windows client to access the database from inside the LAN
i am writing a web application (Tomcat8 servlet) to access the database from internet: in this case i want the user to type domain\username and password in the login screen to log him in
The reason why i do this is because I need to test if the supplied domain\username and password are valid. After this check is done i will connect to the db with the sa user but assign to the logged in user the proper privileges (depending on he username).
Because of an architectural constraint I should test this by trying to conncet to the database using JDBC, so the idea is:
create the connection string for a windows authentication user
try to connect
if connection is esatabilished i assume user and password are correct.
So i need to create a JDBC connection string in which i use integrated security and i explictly define a username (DOMAIN\USER) and password. I did not find any example on how to perform this.
This will NEVER work.
So if there is a user abc\user1 in windows whom you want to allow
access to the database, then create a SQL Server login with exactly
same user name and password.
This will never work too.
You just cannot create SQL Server login (opposed to Windows login in this context) with "\", it will be recognized as Windows login and you'll get an error about invalid characters.
Trusted connection or Integrated security means that it's not a server that authenticates you, but it's Windows that does it.
So in no way can you pass Windows name and a password: your account should be verified by Windows and SQL Server will only trust these credentials.

Can't connect to local database with user and pass credentials

I'm trying to connect to a local SQL Server database but it gives me this error:
Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\Username'.
When I open SQL server and look in the Security\Logins folder then I do see the user DOMAIN\Username. This is also the user that I use to login into Windows with.
My connection string looks like this:
<add name="ServerConfiguration"
connectionString="server=localhost; database=BN_Configuration;
Integrated Security=false; User ID=DOMAIN\Username; Password=123456;"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Anyone any idea why I can't login with these credentials?
Note I wish to authenticate with a user that exists in the SQL Server database. So I do NOT want to do Windows authentication with Integrated Security set to false.
It looks like you are using a Windows credential as SQL Server credential. Try integrated security = true, and not to specify user ID and password.
In your connection string Integrated Security=false is saying user ID and password are specified in the connection for an account that exists in SQL Server but is NOT a domain user. When Integrated Security=true, the current Windows account credentials are used for authentication. If it's an application it will use the user who is currently logged in, and for a web application it all depends on how your application pool is set up.
You are mixing up the definitions by saying ``Integrated Security=false` but passing domain credentials which is not possible.
Using a domain account
Set Integrated Security=true
Remove the user id and password sections.
Map the domain account in SQL Server making sure to set Windows authentication
If it's a web application, make sure your application pool is set to run under that domain account.
Using a SQL Server Account
Set Integrated Security=false
Create a SQL login, making sure it uses SQL Server authentication
Set the User ID and Password properties of your connection string to be the same details you created above.
Note: Final point, make sure the user also has access to the database you are connecting to (in your case BN_Configuration).

Using cached credentials to connect to SQL 2005 across a domain boundary

Ever since moving to Vista some time ago on my development machine, connecting to SQL Servers in our DMZ active directory domain from client tools like SSMS has not worked like it used to. In XP, as long as I had authenticated in some way on the server (for example directing Explorer to \server.dmzdomain\c$ and entering valid creds into the login prompt), SSMS would use those cached credentials to connect.
However since switching to Vista, when trying to connect SSMS to a server in the DMZ domain I get the message Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. If I change the connection options to use Named Pipes instead of the default TCP/IP, my cached credentials are sent and everything works fine. This is the case whether Windows Firewall is off or on, and connections to servers in our internal domain (the same domain my dev PC is in) work fine over TCP/IP or named pipes.
I don't mind too much using named pipes for these connections as a workaround, but it seems like TCP/IP is the recommended connection method and I don't like not understanding why it's not working as I'd expect. Any ideas?
"Login Failed for user ' ', the user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection".
In this scenario, client may make tcp connetion, plus, running under local admin or non-admin machine account, no matter SPN is registered or not, the client credential is obviously not recognized by SQL Server.
The workaround here is:
Create the same account as the one on the client machine with same password on the target SQL Server machine, and grant appropriate permission to the account.
Let's explain in more detail:
When you create the same NT account (let's call it usr1) on both
workstations, you essentially connect and impersonate the local account of
the connecting station. I.e when you connect from station1 to station2,
you're being authenticated via the station2's account. So, if you set the
startup account for SQL Server (let's assume it's running on station2) to be
station2's usr1, when you connect to SQL from station1 with station1's usr1
login, SQL will authenticate you as station2's usr1.
Now, within SQL, you can definitely access station1's resources. Though, how
much access will depend on station1's usr1 permission.
So far, SQL only deal with an user who is part of the sysadmin role within
SQL Server. To allow other users (non-sysamdin) access to network resources,
you will have to set the proxy account. Take a look at the article for
additional info.
taken from http://blogs.msdn.com/sql_protocols/archive/2006/12/02/understanding-kerberos-and-ntlm-authentication-in-sql-server-connections.aspx
Have you tried running SSMS in elevated mode, and do you have the latest SP installed on the client?
I would assume that this is because Vista runs most applications in isolation from either other.
I would recommend that you either set the DMZ username and password to match the internal domain username and password, or use named pipes to connect.
