Best place to start for learning SSIS - sql-server

what is the best place to start learning about SQL Server 2005 Integration services?
I'm looking for links for setup and tutorials on how to get started. I've read I need a toolkit called SSIS designer however I haven't been able to find it on the SQL Server Enterprise ed dvd nor online anywhere. I did come across some links in various forums but they are now broken.

What version of SQL Server are you using? If you're using SQL Server 2000, then you're out of luck: SSIS didn't exist back then, and you don't want to know what did.
SSIS is sufficiently rich and complicated that I would not recommend a "tutorial". I'm afraid I have to recommend you read a book (and follow the exercises!). The one that taught me was Microsoft® SQL Server(TM) 2005 Integration Services Step by Step.
You want to install Business Intelligence Studio from the SQL Server DVD. That installs Visual Studio if you didn't already have it, and also installs the templates and tools necessary to develop in SSIS.

I've found lots of good info at SSIS Junkie (
And MS has some interesting web casts.

I liked the well written tutorial at
give it a try.

Once you get past the basics, this tutorial/example shows how to use looping, variables and expressions to do some cool stuff:
The example is aimed at administration and monitoring, but can be applied to many things.
Looks like it's subscriber only now, but you can get the source.
In a nutshell, you store servernames is a table, put them in an 'object' variable and then loop through them performing whatever actions you'd like.
Your connection to 'source server' changes based on expressions you define in the properties window.

I'd suggest you look at, it's a great site written by some SSIS experts. There are a number of blogs, and we have some articles at, though not sure we have a good "get started" series.
PragmaticWorks does a lot of SSIS and I've started to see some details on their blog about the various tasks.

IF you are working on a Business Intelligence project I suggest the white-papers from for reference. If you understand the basic termonology of standard BI practicies, this will present a good set of best practices. It may be a little complex though if you are just starting out.
I have also found the video training provided by vconferenceonline/SSWUG ( to be very useful. Not free - but relatively cheap.


QuickBooks connection using asp

May not be the best place to ask sorry if that's true.
I have worked on SQL and while I never worked on QuickBooks I am hoping it is possible to connect to it and just use it similar to a SQL Database. I am wondering I am wondering if it is possible to connect to QuickBooks using ASP. My purpose is to create simple forms and insert the data into QuickBooks similar to what is done on SQL.Occasionally I would just generate reports as well using web pages. All I am wondering is does ASP have the capability to connect to Quick Books and if so can I also run query's similar to SQL and is there any sources or reference available for research ? And what my options are for setting this up. If I have to use as a last resort that is fine too, though I would prefer to have to be without it.
Thank you
Update #1
While i am working on getting the Version of Quick-Books here is what information I have.
I plan on using ASP-Classic, and I want to develop web forms so this would be a website that can be accessed. This will not be a desktop application I plan on making but various webpage's where you can view Quick-books data, and insert records into Quick-books using forms, similar to what I do for SQL. And the Version of our Quick-Books is 2013 Enterprise Windows Desktop USA edition.
All I am wondering is does ASP have the capability to connect to Quick Books
can I also run query's similar to SQL
QuickBooks itself does not provide an SQL-based interface. Communication with QuickBooks is via XML. However, QuickBooks Enterprise comes with something called QODBC which provides an ODBC interface to the XML interface QuickBooks provides, which might get you what you need.
One problem you want to watch out for -- there are times when you won't be able to connect to QuickBooks. e.g. it is not an "always-on" solution like a typical SQL database is. If you're in single-user mode in QuickBooks, or someone closes QuickBooks, or someone is doing a QuickBooks backup, or someone is updating QuickBooks, then you won't be able to connect. You'll have to plan for this in your application.
A better solution might be to use the QuickBooks SDK (specifically the QuickBooks Web Connector). If you download and install the SDK there is example code included. The SDK install also includes about 600 pages of PDF documentation on topics which you are asking about.
Striking out the below stuff since you've provided more details now: But unfortunately you didn't provide anywhere near enough information for anyone to actually give you a decent answer.
How about providing some actual details so that people can actually help you? Like, maybe:
Is this QuickBooks ONLINE, or QuickBooks for WINDOWS, or QuickBooks for MAC? (they are three entirely separate products, with entirely separate sets of capabilities)
What version/year/edition/country of QuickBooks?
ASP classic or ASP.NET?
Is this a website you're connecting from, or is this a desktop application, or...?

Intellisense for MDX?

I'm beginning to learn MDX and OLAP databases and was wondering if there's an extension for SSMS that anyone knows about to help writing MDX. Because of some nerve damage to my right hand it wears my right-most two fingers out to hit all the brackets constantly. I'm learning for something that could recognize the measure groups and dimension names and automatically wrap them in the brakcets.
Unfortunately, there is no Intellisense support for MDX in SQL Server 2008 although many people would like to have it and Google finds very few third-party tools. MDX Studio is often mentioned very positively and is still available although it's no longer maintained.
According to MSDN, there is Intellisense for MDX in SQL Server 2012.
But I know very little about MDX so hopefully someone with more hands-on experience may have some ideas.
You can try a third-party tool MDXHelper ( which is an IDE to Write, Analyze, Tuning, Debug MDX efficiently, and it has the following 5 keys features:
1.Code auto-completion
2.Code snippet library
3.Measure definition & reassignment formula collection
4.SQL for depended basic measure(s)
5.MDX Profile collection parallel

Committing Stored Procedures to SVN Repository

My current development environment for C# projects is Visual Studio, with a SQL Server database and using VisualSVN to connect to my SVN repository. To manage revisions of my Stored Proceduress, Views, etc I save the ALTER script to a folder watched by my SVN client so these get included in the repository.
I have checked out some (now older) posts like this one (How to keep Stored Procedures and other scripts in SVN/Other repository? and Is there a SVN plugin for SQL Server Management Studio 2005 or 2008?) and have seen a recommendation for these tools: and .
As I infrequently work with projects doing much DB-side programming, this has never been a major bother (a dozen scripts in a folder with some naming scheme is not much to manage manually), but I have just inherited a project with a few hundred views and 1000+ Stored Procedures which have never been included in version control.
My question is:
What process do others follow for managing the versioning of their SQL Server code - is there a an accepted, clever or otherwise obvious approach I am missing here? I am leaning currently towards the purchase of one of the aforementioned tools - but am looking for advice from the community before I do this.
I realize this may result in a tool recommendation rather than a code solution but posted to SO as I think this is the appropriate crowd to ask this of.
I would recommend you go with something like the redgate tool, and treat any SQL database in the same way you'd treat your C# source code; manually keeping track of the ALTER statements will trip you up sonner or later as the number of modifications grow..can't speak for the zeus edit tool but having used the redgate one, it "just works" - and another benefit of using a tool like this is that it can manage your migration scripts so you can make a bunch of changes on your development version, then generate a single update script to update your testing database, etc,including data changes which is imho the biggest PITA to manually manage.
The other thing to consider, even if the number of changes are infrequent and you get away with manually tracking the ALTER statements, what if someone else ends up working on the same project; now you have another potential for mismanaged change scripts....
Anyway, do let us know how you get on and best of luck with it!
I’ve been maintaining a database with around 800+ db objects in it. We've always just scripted the database objects to a svn-watched folder as you describe. We have had some issues with this method, mostly with people forgetting to script new or modified objects. At the end of the day it hasn't been a huge problem for our project, but yours may be different.
We’ve looked into a couple tools, but they always assume you are starting from scratch, and we have almost 10 years of history we’d like to preserve. In the end we just end up settling back into our text-based manual solution. It's cheap and easy.
Another option you might want to look into is setting up a Visual Studio Database Project. It will script all your objects and provide some deployment options as well. My opinion was that it tired to be a little too tightly integrated for our tastes - we have a few named references to linked databases that it just wouldn't give up on. vs fluentmigrator vs migsharp

I am currently investigating possible options of a migration framework/tool. I like the idea of ruby migrations on which the above frameworks are based.
So I am asking for your experience, opinions and maybe a comparison between them. Are you using them in production?
thanks for responses. The goal of this question was to get a feeling about which tools is used most in the developer community but it seems that migrations are not a hot topic here.
Anyway, I have decided to go with MigSharp as the codebase seem to be pretty clean and it is quite easy to handle and had build in support for MS SQL CE. Second runner up would have been FluentMigrator where I was not able to produce a working example for compact edition.
I use FluentMigrator in production, and am a longtime contributor to FM. I think your question is to general; be more specific. Also, FM has a google group which is fairly active if you want FM information.
FM is derived from, as I recall. It uses a fluent-syntax, and supports multiple databases. We have taken some inspiration from rails migrations, but it's definitely not a port. Worth checking out.
One thing I've learned is not to put your migrations in the same assembly as you app code. Separate them into a migration assembly, and use that for migrating your databases.
Also, you should always work on multiple environments to avoid problems with migrations run straight against production. I always have at least a development and production environment, and most of the time there is a testing environment as well.
I use mig#.
It works well, but you will need to have some guidelines for usage - as migrations can get complicated.
We use sequence number on the end of our migrations rather than a date-time stamp. This is because we don't know when the date time stamp was set (when they begun the source code change-set; just before committing; some time inbetween) different developers could use different approaches.
Names such as Migration_0000034.cs give you plenty of space.
At this point, I would stick with I like the promise of FluentMigrator, but it seems to not have any better active development than (see the issues and pull requests that have languished on their github site).
There is also no easy way to do an ExecuteScalar(). I'd add it, but I don't want to create my own fork, and I see no reason that a pull request would actually land in the master. (Execute.WithConnection is an Action so it will fire on demand rather than when I need it to fire)
So for me, I'm heading back to

Generate Data Change Scripts from VSTS Database Edition

I'm using the GDR release of VSTS Database edition source control the DB and generate deployment scripts. It works pretty well but the problem is that it only seems to handle scripting and deploying the schema. It stops short of handling scripting and deployment of the actual data itself (i.e. the lookup and standing data which also deployed with the DB).
I know it's easy enough to write the deployment scripts by hand, but is this what every one does? Is there a recommended way of deploying data with the VSTS deployment engine? Is there some tooling that help with this - I don't mean a full product like SQLCompare, just something that fills the gap with VSTS DB.
Thanks in advance.
The VSTS: DB best practices blog advocates using post-deployment scripts to insert reference data into temporary tables, then update the target tables based on the delta (ie update x inner join temp where x.something <> temp.something)
There's some suggestions floating around that this might make a powertool, and at least one MVP has written a tool to generate those scripts.
(NB: I haven't tried this - I only just found out about it myself)
Personally I would still stick with RedGate if I had any choice in the matter.
GDR comes with a data comparison engine, but as far as I've been able to tell so far a data comparison can't even be stored in a project (let alone be properly supported by it) - so it's pretty ad-hoc. Unlike a Schema Compare, there is no File \ Save As.
The comparison engine can be automated via DDE but that's automation within the Visual Studio IDE, and not really suitable for some kind of scripted installation process. As much as anything there's no way I could see to specify which tables to include in the comparison (since all you get to do via DDE is open the wizard for the user to select)
Alternatively all the functionality appears to reside in Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamSystem.DataPackage.dll , but since the API documentation hasn't been written yet (the help doco that comes with GDR is full of errors as it is) it's going to be a bit of a hit-and-miss adventure to work out where to start.
As someone who's used RedGate's SqlCompare, SqlDataCompare and their respective APIs to do this before, much of the GDR functionality seems a bit half-baked to me.
What I will probably do this time round is sync the data with a SSIS package (export to CSV at build time / import from CSV at install time), but I'd far rather be using the SqlDataCompare API (or SqlPackager) right now.
