Is Solaris or Linux the better C GUI development environment? - c

What might be a better choice?
I have my code (mostly C - as output from the GNU Eiffel compiler and some C++ for the GUI bindings) working with Sun Studio compiler and gcc.
But i now have to setup a new developer computer and wonder if i should use Solaris with DTrace, locklint or Linux with Valgrind etc for development.
It's just about introspecting and debugging and the development is done in GNU (SmallEiffel) and therefore there is no help in any way. But the output is plain C, so C tools help a lot.
I bought some books about the Solaris and printed the developer documentation. I have to say that it seems to be a much better development environment then all the undocumented Linux tools. But Sun Studio works also on Linux...

This is an opinion so I'm marking it Community Wiki.
Solaris' days are past. That's it, really, that's all I wanted to say, thanks for listening.
Oh, and by the way, so is AIX and HP-UX. Linux is the present and the future (at least for a while) - that's where you should be putting your effort. That's where you'll get the best bang per buck for your support dollars. That's where you'll get hordes of opinionated clowns like myself willing to give you help at the drop of a hat.

This depends totally on what you are aiming for. If you are developing primarily for Linux, create a Linux box. If your primary target is Solaris, use that. But if you plan to target both OS's, make sure that you have a box for each one. That way you will be able to test on both, and notice small bugs / issues that crop up on one platform but not the other.
Apart from that, it's up to you. If your tools are available on both platforms, and you have no other reason to pick one over the other, then just go by your personal preference. Without more information, there isn't much more advice to give.

To choose a machine as your main dev platform... It's simple: What suits you best?
"Linux with Valgrind etc"
"Solaris with DTrace, locklint"
The environment and toolset is markedly different, even if you can use Sun Studio in both. In fact, why are you doing this question, what is bothering you about Solaris? That should give you some ideas. If you've never used Linux as a main dev platform, you should to be able to compare and switch back if necessary. Because, as I said, the toolset is markedly different, even when GNUing Solaris.
Lastly, don't forget if you aim for cross platform code you should test it in all platforms where it is supposed to run on.

I recently said good-bye to my Sun workstation and have moved to x64 Linux. I miss the stability of Solaris on Sun hardware...nVIDIA driver issues are making me crazy.
Though I like developing on Solaris WITH Sun hardware, the following two things bothered me the most about the platform:
If you want to use the latest version of libraries, you'll have to build them yourself every time. Blastwave helps out in the Solaris world, but often the packages are several versions behind. Installing Boost was quite challenging on my Sparc hardware and required a lot of study and learning just to get Boost installed.
Availability of tools is quite limited, and often free or developer versions of commercial software are not available for the Solaris OS.
If DTrace is the "killer application" for you, take a look at STrace for Linux and see if it offers the same features you're looking for. The docs are somewhat lacking in Linux, but you can usually find what you're looking for in man pages, mailing lists and what not.

Neither, Mac is best.
Mostly because you can have the Xcode IDE.


How do I setup a C environment on Windows (and maybe Linux compatible, too)

Short version of question: How do I get started with C programming? Note that I am not asking for a tutorial on learning C language (I can learn that easy enough). I need to setup the environment (I hope I'm asking this question clearly). Here's what I mean:
For my math thesis, I need to write a program in C on Gentoo Linux, using a library called CVODE/SUNDIALS. There is nobody (it seems) in my department who can help me set this up - my professor has left the computer work 100% to me because I have some programming background and he's a math geek. But my experience is with scripting languages (think VBA) and not full, powerful programming languages where you have to link the compiler and libraries, etc. like C.
There is no development environment on the Linux cluster - or at least not that's friendly, and has a debugger - that I've found. So, what I need to figure out how to setup a C programming environment with CVODE library on my PC (Win 7 x64, at little to no cost.
I have found plenty of tutorials on programming in C. I looked up Eclipse, which I have a little bit of experience with, as a development environment, but it's instructions say you need to install a compiler, too.
What I would like is someone to tell me, in simple language that I can understand (which might be the most difficult part of this question) the big picture of what I need and what to do (and maybe even links to where I can find what I need) to set up a C environment with CVODE. If the information is Windows/Gentoo Linux cross platform, even better.
Thank you.
P.S. I did search the site and saw lots of "How do I setup" quesitons, but no C one. Because I know someone will yell at me for that. Also, I don't want to have a convo about whether to use C#, C++, Java, etc. That just complicates the issue - and I need to get this done.
Edit: I have learned a little more since this question and now realize that I left out a key part of the question. The CVODE library and Linux cluster at school use MPI - parallel programming - which is not available on your average, run-of-the-mill PC. So all development must be done directly on the cluster.
Linux: Simple way is to install gcc or g++.
You can write your code in your plain text editor (nano, vim, gedit, kwrite, etc)
Save your file in .c or .cpp extention and type in terminal
gcc filename.c
g++ filename.cpp
You said that you want to write c code on Gentoo Linux, as i understand you're not familiar with Linux? The best choice in this case is to:
Install virtualbox in your windows machine (, it's a free software that let you emulate in your desktop another systems like Linux...
Install Gentoo linux on virtualbox, there are a lot of tutorials on the net, for example this video:
When you install Gentoo Linux on virtualbox you have all you need to develop C (gcc compiler, gdb debugger...)
Now you can download your library, and decompress it
In general all (Good) Linux libraries come with a 'README' file that contain all instructions for installing the library.
I think you need to do this:
make install
You can now play with C and you new library, like this:
suppose you create a new file test_lib_ CVODE.c you can compile it like this:
gcc -Wall test_lib_ CVODE.c -o test_lib_ CVODE -lcvode
I assume that the installed library is named
If you have any questions, you can always get help here.
I think you should use Code::Block in Linux, it is very similar to Window's Code::Block and it is very easy to debug and other things.
These were all useful answers. I tried pursuing each of them at least a little bit. However, the only reasonable solution seems to be to use emacs on a terminal window. This is because I'm using MPI - yes, I know I didn't mention that in the OP - which can only be done on a cluster.
I am new to this environment and was not aware of the MPI or the affect it would have on my attempt to develop.
I believe I can do better than this if I can figure out X/Windows using Cygwin. But I am a long way from that.
Thanks all for your effort and sorry I can't really award a best answer (I guess).

Status of Oberon readiness for application programming

I am getting interested in the Oberon language and I would like to know: is the language actually used by common programmers or is it still only used by researchers? Is it production-ready? What I have in mind are non-scientific applications requiring GUI support and possibly Internet connectivity (at least client-side POP3 and SMTP functionality).
Also, which of the Oberon flavors would you recommend for my needs (Oberon2, Active Oberon, etc)? The simpler, the better, as long as it is well maintained and has some community.
If possible, I would like to run my applications in a conventional host environment (Windows or Linux), without the need for a special runtime environment or a special operating system.
BlackBox has some of what you want, runs on flavors of Windows.
There are also some environments that compile to Java bytecode and target the JVM.
Look at POW, and Gardens Point Component Pascal.
I happen to be using some command-line only tools that are Oberon Compilers.
OO2C is an Oberon to C compiler (but the output is not for human consumption).
Ofront is an Oberon to Human-Readable C, but I haven't yet set up a linux box to run it on. (otherwise, it is supposed to run inside of BlackBox on Windows).
There is also Oxford Oberon Compiler by Professor Spivey. A VERY enjoyable Compiler that compiles to a Virtual Machine, but the whole object code is a self-contained application (albeit command -line).
It is a VERY small download, meant for an educational environment, keeps everything CLEAN, and works well for prototyping some of the grunt work or procedures/modules of your code. It also is supposed to allow bitmap drawing in XWindows in Black and White only, probably for drawing graphs, etc, but I have not had an opportunity to use that feature yet.
It has a GUI-based debugger, profiling, and some other interesting tools, and still is very small by comparison to most modern compilers like gcc. It is also totally stand alone.
Works on Mac, Win, Linux, and has source.
By comparison, OO2C took me about a day of futzing and compiling to get it going (but it is working).
I don't have a Windows box right now, so I can't run my copy of BlackBox, but it had a full GUI, and lots of Source code available at the Component Pascal Collection website.
If you are looking for source code you should also check out that site in hopes you don't have to reinvent the wheel.
Really a joy to step into Oberon after having to fight C/C++ all day long to get simple stuff done.
OBNC is a new compiler for the latest version (2016) of the original Oberon language by Niklaus Wirth. It compiles via C and makes it easy to interface to existing C libraries.
Given that Oberon [language] was developed as a complete [operating-]system, and that ETH's CS department ran ALL its computers (even the secretary's) on it I should think it is application-ready. This according to the following PDF:
is the language actually used by common programmers or is it still only used by researchers?
There was/is little use of the original Oberon language outside academia; there was some industrial adaptation of Oberon dialects like e.g. Component Pascal.
Is it production-ready?
Depends on your requirements. Given todays expectations of software developers the (original) language and available toolchains seem very minimalistic.
non-scientific applications requiring GUI support and possibly Internet connectivity ... in a conventional host environment... which of the Oberon flavors would you recommend for my needs?
GUI support and network programming in a conventional host environment is e.g. supported by as already mentioned, which uses a language related to Oberon.
You could also have a look at which includes a platform independend IDE with semantic navigation and a source-level debugger, plus a platform independent foreign function interface as a language extension which allows you to directly use any C shared library, and thus reuse the plethora of existing proven GUI or network libraries out there without having to program in C. It also offers a modern, lean syntax variant without all the semicolons and capitalized keywords, which should appeal especially to younger developers; but of course also the traditional syntax is supported, even mixed modern/traditional syntax projects.

using Linux instead of UNIX to compile c code for CS course

A CS course I'm taking online suggests students compile their source code and run tools like valgrind on the OS UNIX. I'm completely new to UNIX, Linux, their tools, and coding in c. I've made some attempts at installing FreeBSD 8.1 on VMWare Player 3.1.3, and even managed to get VMWare Tools running. But the FreeBSD documentation has led me down many dead-ends in accomplishing common tasks i.e. mounting an NFS or USB device. It turns out that the packages I need to make this happen aren't installed or configured, and I don't see any straight answer on how to install them.
So, if I'm using UNIX only as a tool to run gcc, g++, valgrind for this CS course, and these can be run on Linux instead, it seems like I can get the job done faster using Ubuntu Linux.
Can Linux be used to compile and run c code identically on UNIX, if compiled on Linux? Or if not, what are the differences to look for?
For the novice-level C programmer such as OP, the difference of environment is negligible. Go ahead with Linux.
I think for purposes of the course you could run your programs and tools on Linux,
but I guess the reason your teacher wants you to use FreeBSD is so that you learn other things besides just coding up your problems
The two should be effectively the same. The only major difference you might see would be due to different versions being used. I would check to see what versions of gcc, g++ and valgrind the teacher is having you use, and make sure that you have the same version running on your install of Linux.
You can also use MinGW or Cygwin. You mentioned VMWare, so I'm guessing you're trying to just get an environment up and running in a windows environment. They both allow you to use the compiler and some of the tools without a full install of a Linux based system. In a CS course they would be more than enough.
The main differences too look for:
Compiling C / C++ is not machine independent. You need to have a small environment to compile on UNIX anyway if you need to submit compiled programs to your professor.
C / C++ is rather portable if you don't use anything that's non-portable. It's very hard to verify that you didn't use something that's different between the two machines, so you may wish to compile on UNIX to verify you didn't let an unavailable library (or an specific to the OS procedure, argument, behavior, bugs, etc.) slip into your code.
The vendor of make between the two machines may differ. This means that while the core of make will operate similarly, certain features might not be available in both. In reality, you probably won't use most of makes extended features, but in a worst case scenario you might opt to maintain multiple Makefiles or limit yourself to a common subset of features.
At the end of the day, it all boils down to what your professor will want. Odds are 95+% that you can do 100% of the work in Linux, but the prof's requirements or grading environment might be such that you will have to copy your code into a UNIX account to build the final "submission" executable. Considering that university UNIX accounts aren't nearly as portable as Linux on a laptop, the cost of the "final verification / porting" to the University computer is likely to be small compared to the convenience of working on your homework more hours than you can manage in a fixed lab.

C compiler from where?

I want to learn C language (is this something good ?) and i didn't know from where i can download the language to my PC ?
and are this FREE or must pay for ?
Is C a good language? Definitely. Is it the best first language? Depends.
If you are using Windows, you can download Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition SP1 from Microsoft for free.
On Ubuntu, just run
sudo apt-get install build-essential
On Mac OS X, install Xcode from Snow Leopard/Leopard DVD (or download the latest version from Apple developer Web site)
There are quite a few free C compilers for the PC.
As seen above, MS Visual Studio comes in a free version.
However, most introductory C programming materials will work best in a unix-like environment. Two options for such an environment are:
Cygwin, which provides a unix-like environment that can be installed over a windows system.
MinGW32/MSYS, which natively ports GCC and some unix-like development tooling onto Windows, allowing you to use GCC to build native Win32 apps.
For learning you might be better off running a native unix/linux environment. If you already have Windows and don't want to uninstall or dual-boot you can run this under a VM. Several free hypervisors are available that will let you do this.
If you want to use a different development environment you could try Eclipse.
Just go to this link and look for Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers (79 MB).
There is a free compiler called gcc that will compile C code. On Mac OS X and Linux you probably already have it, try typing gcc at a command prompt.
On Windows, you can still use gcc, but you need to use either Cygwin or Mingw.
Or if you want to use an IDE and Microsoft's C compiler you can get a free version of Visual Studio here.
You can use Dev C++ . Very decent tool for beginners and intermediates.
OK (all free):
For Windows
- there is Visual C++ Express
- MinGW (and is command-line based)
You will need the MS Platform SDK as well.
- GCC (there are a number of ways to get this distro depending)
- Apple's Developer Tools (Xcode and others)
It is definitely free to learn and program C, but the answer to your first question "is this something good ?" depends on what your goals are. C is a very good language for some things, but not everything.
System programming is almost always done in C, along with network programs and some applications. C is also the basis for most modern programming languages you will work with, so learning the C syntax can be applied as you go about learning other things. However, if you are looking to make a interactive webpage, you might want to learn PHP. If you are looking to make a desktop application with a GUI, you might want to learn Java.
If you want to just get a start learning about programming, C can help you with that. If that's what you want to do, and dont care much about application right now, I suggest you go to the bookstore and just find a book on learning C for beginners. It should have a CD in the back with a compiler (probably visual studio), and should get you on your way.
This is a an excellent reference of free compilers for many systems.
Intel provides free non-commercial compilers for Linux. The download includes the excellent Intel debugger & profiler. The free license can be summed up in two points:
My use of software products is for personal non-commercial purposes.
I understand that technical support will be provided by community self-help and user forums (via the Software Support link above), but cannot get committed support with a non-commercial license.
For the projects I work on, I personally prefer Intel Compilers over GNU... Intel seems to do a better job of optimization.
On Windows, I'll suggest Dev CPP. This is free an a very good product. It is also easier for the newbies to learn. I used it a lot. You can download the latest from
If in Linux, there should be gcc. Use any editor of your choice( In my case vim). Just type vim filename.c in the terminal. This should bring the editor. press 'i' and write in the code. then press 'Esc' followed by ':' and x (This will save the file and exit the editor.
Now type gcc filename.c at the terminal. this should compile it. Now enter ./a.out to execute it.
If you wanted a "portable" compiler, Tiny C Compiler is a decent compiler that you can take with you on a USB stick - it's only a single .exe file or a single folder IIRC. It is cross platform as well, but the biggest downsides are that the warnings are lacking and that it's optimization isn't as good as the bigger compilers out there.
Nonetheless, it's a decent compiler to "play around with" if you don't want to install Visual Studio or Cygwin on Windows.
I think you need to be clear about the distinction between C and C++ before you decide what to do.
On Windows, try either Digital Mars C and C++ compilers or Open Watcom C and C++ products maintains a large list of c compilers for windows at

make and alternatives, pros and cons on windows platform

I'm looking for a make platform. I've read a little about gnu make, and that its got some issues on windows platforms (from slash/backslash, to shell determination ... ) so I would like to hear what are my alternatives to it ?
If it matters, i'm doing fortran development combined with (very)little c on small sized projects (50k lines max), but I don't think that matters since most of those are of the language agnostic type.
What are gnu make drawbacks, and what alternatives do I have, with what advantages?
There are a couple of good tools for continuous integration and building on windows. The two I have in mind are NAnt which describes itself as .Net build tool, but could be used to build anything - its open source and very extensible, although the UI is lacking. I've recently started to use Hudson which is brilliant, the output is way better than NAnt, making it much easier to use. I have zero experience with these tools and Fortran, so good luck there.
My thought on make and its derivatives is to avoid based on it's age, a good tool in its time but it must 20 years old now, and tech (even in the build area) has moved on a fair bit since then.
You can have a look at cmake. It's a kind of "meta-make" system: You write a make-file for it, which says how your project is structured, what libs and sources it needs, and so on. And it can build make-files for you for GNU make, nmake (i believe), project files for Kdevelop and Visual Studio.
KDE has adopted it for KDE4 onwards and it was since greatly enhanced: CMake
Another such system is Bakefile which was built to generate make-files and project-files for the wxWidgets GUI toolkit. It can be used for non-wx applications too, and is relatively young and modern (uses XML as its makefile description).
There is also nmake, which is Microsoft's version of nmake. I would recommend to stick with gnu make though. My advise is to always use Unix like slashes; they also work for Windows. Gnu make is widely used, you can easily find tutorials and get advices about it's use. It is also a better investment, since you can also use it in other areas in the future. Finally, it is much richer in functionality.
I use GNU make under Windows and have no problems with it. However, I also use bash as my shell. Both make and bash are available as part of the Cygwin package from and I strongly recommend you install bash & all the common command line tools (grep, sed etc.) if you are going to use make from the command line.
Make has stood the test of time even on windows, and I use it everyday, but there's also msbuild
Details, details...
Given your small project, I wuld just start with MS nmake. Then if that doesn't suffice, move on to GNUmake. Other advice above is also good. Ant and CMake are fine, but you don't need them and there are so many make users who can help you if you have problems.
For that matter, since you are on windows, doesn't the MS IDE have buil tools built in. Just click and go.
keep it simple. Plan to throw the first on away, you will anyway.
Wikipedia also has this to say:
