How can I access Live Mesh from a Silverlight 3 app? - silverlight

I have an existing Silverlight 3 app that I want to add Live Mesh support to. This may sound like a simple question but I can't figure out how to get started! I've read a bit on but haven't found a good example. Here's what I want to accomplish:
User visits my SL3 site.
User enters their Live ID and password to login to live (not sure how to do this either).
User sees a list of their files from Live Mesh.
User chooses a file, maybe a text file, and views it in my SL3 app.
Is this possible? I've read about Silverlight enabled Mesh Apps, but it looks like those only run inside the "Live Desktop" part of Mesh. This would be nice as a small addon to my current app but I don't want to push the entire app into the mesh to accomplish this.

This is not possible atm:


Need help creating a skeleton for a client portal on DNN

Total DNN noob. I can code some WebForms and MVC, but having no luck finding anything concrete out there about doing what I want in DNN
How would I go about setting up a client portal in DNN? I want to have separate areas for the client, including a main dashboard that aggregates content for the client from the other areas. The other areas would include a matter area (with matter information - some auto generated for client, other information to be input by client), a documents area, an events area, a tasks area, a communications area (for chat, or forum style questions) and a profile area for the client (contact info, invoicing, etc.).
What I'd like is for a client to login and see only their items. An admin would log in and get the same "screens" or "areas", but with aggregated content for ALL users.
I know that's a lot, but I would imagine setting me up with a way to do the overall app and then how to create the areas to navigate to would get me going. I know there are modules for each of those things out there, but a) I wouldn't know how to integrate this into one client app and b) some are cost prohibitive.
Most of what I find focuses on setting up one module. Do I go that route and set up user controls within for the different areas? Or do I create separate little modules and tie them together? This is primarily where I am stuck. I can create something like this with standalone web forms or MVC. Hooking into DNN is where I get stuck.
I appreciate any guidance / samples.
There are a LOT of questions here and many ways that you can go about doing this. You could use third-party modules to handle this but you will need to figure out exactly which ones give you the functionality that you want.
If you are looking to do things custom, this is where it gets a lot easier. DNN for users can manage user identity and roles. Based on what you are saying it seems like you would have some custom modules that store all information based on UserId. By default you only display the information for the current user. However, if the user is in a specific role, say for example "Administrators" you would display all content.
This is pretty easy as with any DNN control that inherits from PortalModuleBase you have the UserId available to you as a property. Then you can use UserInfo.IsInRole("Administrators") to check for admins.

Prompt user to install/view app on mobile site

Does there exist some kind of plugin or lightweight method of determining whether
A. A user is using a mobile device
B. The user has a particular app
C. The user does not have a particular app.
And depending on what criteria the user satisfies, display a prompt (modal, overlay, pop-up) that allows the user to view the app (if installed) or to install it (if they do not have it installed).
I realize "A" can be achieved by using media queries but I am not sure how to configure the others.
I've seen this done on many many sites so I know that it is not uncommon (view screenshot). Ideally I just want to implement some quick solution. I'm looking for something similar to "Hello Bar" for mobile only, I suppose.
Any help will be appreciated.
Example: (the prompt at the top of the browser)
I ended up finding this:
Which is exactly what I was looking for and will work in tandem with the other solutions.
I would try this approach if you really need to know if a user has your app installed.
When your app is installed and first run have it create a cookie. The only thing you have to remember to use is the CookieSyncManager because the set Cookies are stored in RAM and not storage, CookieSyncManager will sync these two.
Once you've set the cookie you can then read the Cookie with the website, if its there show popup etc. Oh and only show this popup only if its a mobile device:
Android Developer On CookieSyncManager:
Bolg Post Explaining the Usage of the CookieSyncManager:
I know how to do this with android not iOS or Windows...
There's no standard way to do this.
See the end of this post: for one mechanism available to JavaScript in IE10.
IE10's Metro environment offers this: but I don't think that exists for the mobile browser.

Sending info and other questions for windows phone 7

I'm rather noob for WP7 developing, and I've got some questions for my new app:
Is it possible to send some information from time to time to my server while the app is hidden (running at background) ? If it is possible, won't it be rejected by Microsoft (my app will say to user about this, of course) ? I want to watch user's location and send it to server, to be honest:)
Is it possible to draw overlays for MapViews? I know, that for iOS apps it is possible
Is it a bad practice for Silverlight apps to put my own images under all buttons and controls on page, and to redefine controls' style? I don't want to support native themes
1.Yes. Background Agent can run every 30 minutes and send location to a server
2.Yes. Microsoft.Maps.MapControl has all you need. For example draw lines with MapPolyline class:
MapPolyline polyline = new MapPolyline();
polyline.Locations = new LocationCollection();
3.You can do anything. Buttons can be Metro style with images also. But try to keep applications look in consistency with a system

What if we don't host our silverlight Application when we first Create it?

As we all know very well..
whenever we create application inside silverlight it is asking us for hosting it
by dialogue box at given below.
My question is what if i unchecked the check box[Host the silverlight application in a new web site].
Means what kind of problem we have to face later if I don't host our Silverlight Application in any of the option given by dialogue box.
Basically it is not a problem at all. You can add a website at any time later.
In the project settings of a website there is a Silverlight tab. Under that you will find the option to add Silverlight projects to the website. This will setup the links to generate the XAP in ClientBin as well as giving you the option to create test pages for each Silverlight app added. The test pages will give you the sample JS you need to host your Xap later.
You will have to eventually host your application somewhere otherwise it will stay on your local harddrive and hardly reach any clients. So if you have an existing web site you could simply copy-paste the necessary javascript to this site later in order to embed your Silverlight application. In this case you can uncheck this checkbox.

DRM photo viewing in Silverlight?

I would like to write an enterpise app that displays some slides on the PC (think powerpoint deck)
important is the requirement that the user cannot take a screenshot of the picture, to see the image they must enter a password, I do not want them to be able to keep the picture
is this possible in Silverlight? what about Flash?
You mean, how do you disable someone from using [Ctrl - Print Screen] on a PC or [Command-Shift-3] on a Mac?
Ummm... I think the best you could do is create and out of browser app that is fullscreen AND only when it becomes the active window, it will show the images you want to protect. That way you can disable the keys for screen capture and prevent any other programs from capturing a window shot of your what is in your app.
Still, there is nothing preventing a fiddler user from capturing an image downloaded to your app from a webservice or something. All the images would have to be encrypted then decrypted by your app.
Looks like watermarking your images is your best bet.
